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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 109 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18377976 No.18377976[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

booktube is shit and this video is a good example of this

>> No.18378029

>Orwell was a socialist, like duh

>> No.18378035

i only watch booktube because some of the girls are cute

but yeah you dont get anything of value out of booktube

>> No.18378053

I want to fuck her so bad

>> No.18378065

This video is extremely benign. What is your problem? God forbid someone doesn't like a book.

>> No.18378111
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 1621045975852.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it took me a bit of time to read 1984 because it was just sooooo dense

>> No.18378153

A legend is gone rip

>> No.18378273
File: 32 KB, 500x500, 1607692452162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“I stopped reading when he yelled at the sexworker”

>> No.18378278

I've seen this girl before; she made a video about reading East of Eden and proudly proclaimed that it was one of the longest books she had ever read and that it was 'considered one of the most complex works of literature ever written'

>> No.18378284

shut the fuck up roastie whore you will never understand the plight of men

>> No.18378322

Damn are all of these semi-cute female booktubers that don't just read YA but also some normie classics getting pumped in the YT algorithm right now or is it just me

>> No.18378364

>dude, dostoyevsky slaps. please read crime and punishment. it is so fun. basically, this dude kills his landlady and then spirals into paranoia and insanity. it's a great time. these skinny white boys like to recommend it coz it makes them seem smart but in reality this book could be a Netflix show. it is a hoot. :D
lit bros.... how do we ever recover.....

>> No.18378383

Probably talking out my ass, but there seems to be a push back against YA by female readers. YA for a while now has been seen as a girls genre and not to be taken seriously. Ive seen two reactions to this online, double down on YA and accuse anyone who looks down on it as sexist or read more traditional literature.

Though lately I’ve seen writers complain the YA label itself is sexist because it’s applied so often to female writers. They typically claim the book isn’t YA and that it only got the designation because the writer is a woman.

>> No.18378421
File: 27 KB, 400x288, tired.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"he definitely is well read in a way that im not"
>shitty edits
>leaving in mispronunciations for "humoristic effects"
>unfortunate hairstyle that highlights her boyish face
>"i have no interest in reading 800 p novels"
>idiotic mannerisms
>references to tailor swift (pop bullshit)
>something unrelated in the video about family
>massive jaw and head
>pandering to faggy femboys like chalamet
>ZERO substance

... its all so tiresome
like how am i supposed to reproduce if this is the "intellectual" female?

>> No.18378438

well that not intellectual female

>> No.18378443

you could stop being an incel

>> No.18378448

I don't use capital letters I'm so cute and random XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.18378451

You could start by not basing your opinion on the world based on some YouTuber retards videos. Also have sex. Faggot.

>> No.18378454

OK, simpcel.

>> No.18378456


>> No.18378457
File: 793 KB, 280x158, 1609767837414.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm unsure as to why I just spend 16 or so gruelling minutes watching this tripe, and yet I did in some kind of daze.

The irony of her calling 1984 "like, DENSE" isn't lost on me.

>> No.18378472


"I dont have any interest in these books"
"Im doing this for content"

This is the stupidest thing ever. You've only got time to read X amount of books in your life, why not read what you want rather than what some Hollywood idiot recommends or someone says you should read? Talk about spinning your fucking wheels for nothing.

>> No.18378473
File: 63 KB, 889x616, forestanon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a fucking slut

>> No.18378482

>The Histories - Penguin Classics - is a valuable book to teach about the time period, and Tacitus, but it is not the same book as the hardbound version of Tacitus by, Kenneth Wellesley. The Penguin version has "modifications" of that version for the present audience, by Rhiannon Ash (Editor, Introduction), who takes the liberty of changing it, to make it "more accessible." In doing so, the immediacy of the Kenneth Wellesley edition is made less energetic and forceful.

Even translations are being dumbed down lmao and keep in mind that Tacitus is praised for being down to earth in his writing style compared to Cicero.

>> No.18378497

not a bad video tho. she says she doesnt like the dost because he's for men. poltards are dumb enough to seethe at this but simultaneously believe women aren't equal and so should have different tastes.
nobody should have a problem with women preferring "women" writers

>> No.18378498

post their channels

>> No.18378499
File: 67 KB, 396x385, 1622649796045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teehee i read all these books bcoz a chad likes them
all femoids are coomers

>> No.18378521

>she says she doesnt like the dost because he's for men.
You calling Dosto's #1 fangirl Virginia Woolf a man?

>> No.18378528

keep coping incel

>> No.18378543

insufferable moron

>> No.18378548
File: 159 KB, 720x834, IMG_20210603_221305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what her opinion will be on louis ferdinand celine's journey to the end of the night

>> No.18378559

Based forestanon.

>> No.18378569

I'm sure she'll love it, anon

>> No.18378600

> dude, dostoyevsky slaps. please read crime and punishment. it is so fun. basically, this dude kills his landlady and then spirals into paranoia and insanity. it's a great time. these skinny white boys like to recommend it coz it makes them seem smart but in reality this book could be a Netflix show. it is a hoot. :D

>katya once said “lenin in the streets, dostoyevsky in the sheets baby are you ready for this cold war” so basically i’ve heard of him yeah lol

>as someone who’s favorite author is george orwell, truly nothing brings me more joy than fighting with conservatives who think “orwellian” = anything they do not like

>Notes from Underground is meant to be awful and horrible. The main character is indeed awful and horrible. What makes it one of my favourite books is how horribly relatable it is. Although in general, I think Dostoevsky tends to attract a certain type of temperament.

/lit/chuds BTFO

>> No.18378613
File: 695 KB, 752x686, NTtrmLD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what fucking accent is that? anglos help. this is unbearable to listen to

>> No.18378614

This video is completely fine lol. She’s doesn’t like Dostoevsky, so what? She even says it’s a book for dudes, which it is! She’s a libtard but the only women who aren’t libtards are insane.

>> No.18378618
File: 52 KB, 500x373, 1619814166014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all her videos are books recommended by celebrities

>> No.18378652

i dont usually laugh out loud but when she said 1989 by George orwell and had that album cover on the screen i was dyinggg omg

>> No.18378654

Should wh*te m*n be allowed to write poetry, /lit/?

>> No.18378659

>She’s a libtard but the only women who aren’t libtards are insane
You just posted cringe bro.

>> No.18378662

Canadian, most likely Toronto, as a lot of girls sound like that here

>> No.18378663

Timothy reads Dostoyevsky!!!!! I— I’m not even a fan but i might be now!!!!! I fucking love Dostoyevsky!!!!! Oh my god

>> No.18378664

canadian (toronto)

I like her channel, i dont expect a super smart analysis and i dont want one, i just wanna relax watching somebody funny and cute

>> No.18378672

probably not white liberals, no

>> No.18378678

I was like, “Yeah a celebrity with my taste in books!” I guess this must mean I am low key annoying lololol

>> No.18378689

How do you guys find the enery to watch videos of teenage girls just babbling?

>> No.18378693
File: 59 KB, 505x512, 1622730302682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my honest opinion, I find neither in her. I'm not some incel curmudgeon either, I appreciate the vain musings of some semi-innocent, soft 19 year old girl who thinks I maybe care about what she has to say. Kat from whatever her dumb channel is called fulfils such a role in my roster. This tart in question leaves me quite dry sir, quite dry.

>> No.18378695

You are the problem. Kill yourself

>> No.18378702

yikes. who hurt you

>> No.18378703

ok, my plans on moving to Canada someday are out of the window now

>> No.18378748

But anon I'm in Canada and I'm very well read, I've got two 800pg Russian novels under my belt!

>> No.18378773

TWO (2)!!!?????
somebody fetch the straight-jacket, this kid is off the rails here

>> No.18378776

it's not that. It's the accent.

>> No.18378809


>> No.18378816

East of Eden is a pile of self-aggrandising shit

>> No.18378834

>who hurt you
go back to 9gag, faggot.

>> No.18378944

> like how am i supposed to reproduce if this is the "intellectual" female?

You’re not going to have a good time if you’re looking for a woman that’s trying to act like a man.

>> No.18378958

This, pathetic incels.

>> No.18378968

THIS and only this
stop looking for an erudite, intellectual "tradwife". it doesn't exist you retard. you want a sweet, caring apolitical girl who values family and fawns over you, and that's IT. your dream girl doesn't exist. Though girls as I describe are few and far between at least it's a more realistic position, there are plenty of women who don't really truly care about politics outside of their virtue signaling

>> No.18378973

she's right though, doestoesvky is a black comic writer.

>> No.18378984

Whenever I see a white girl I subconsciously think about how many times she was BLACKED by BBC

>> No.18378986

Das rite

>> No.18379010

Jesus Christ she's unbearably autistic

>> No.18379021

let this be a warning to ye, lonely wankers
this is your fate

i have struggled with bouts of watching amateur interracial shit, really cannot recommend

>> No.18379054


>> No.18379068

The thing about this is that the people who are complaining about booktube being bad also aren't posting anything or making anything because just like everything else on the internet most of y'all just consume vapid internet content and then whine for more like literal babies.

Not trying to defend booktube, it fucking sucks, but y'all could be doing something instead of just whining. It isn't even a discourse thing it's just getting mad

>> No.18379080

>dude, dostoyevsky slaps. please read crime and punishment. it is so fun. basically, this dude kills his landlady and then spirals into paranoia and insanity. it's a great time. these skinny white boys like to recommend it coz it makes them seem smart but in reality this book could be a Netflix show. it is a hoot. :D

every single woman who writes like this is non-white and desperately wanting to be colonized

>> No.18379091

This, ladies and gents, is your brain on USA

>> No.18379103

100% that the person who wrote that is a suburban white girl who learned ebonics from Twitter and is thirsty for BBC

>> No.18379102

>y'all just consume vapid internet content and then whine for more like literal babies.
Hell yeah. Imagine taking the internet seriously lmao.

>> No.18379164

>degree in media studies
Guarantee you, anyone regardless of gender working in media are the most brainless morons on the face of this earth

>> No.18379165

>cringe defender of teen girl mentality
I bet you consume Disney channel, ya nonce