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18375410 No.18375410 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the consensus on bukowski here?

>> No.18375431

He's the great filter.

>> No.18375534

>Woman hating, child hating, rich hating, thinks shakespeare tolstoy are hacks
uhm... Based?

>> No.18375538

Based person, terrible writer.

>> No.18375541

Based as fuck.

>> No.18375573

Ok writer, terrible person

>> No.18375590

Well what the fuck do you know. I just finished Ham on Rye. I liked it well enough and am definitely looking forward to checking out more of his work. Gonna read Women next.

>> No.18375639

He used to be well liked here, but as this is a contrarian board, when normies started posting his quotes about 'don't try' and shit, apparently he's gone off.

Factotum really helped me during a certain phase of my life but I don't really feel the need to go back to his work.

>> No.18375788

Post Office was the worst novel I've ever read in my life at the time I read it (was around 18), but his poetry is entertaining if not structureless bullshit and meaningless wanking.

He's fun to read as a safari experience of observing some useless drunk have philosophical musings.

>> No.18376779

Read factotum next. It’s way better than women

>> No.18376807

Good poetry, I personally really liked The Bluebird, but reading Women, it was genuinely unpleasant hearing his thought processes.

>> No.18376811


Women is overrated, I haven't read factotum though

>> No.18376812

>thinks shakespeare tolstoy are hacks
wtf I love Bukowski now

>> No.18376822
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This. I'll also echo Factotum. Read that one when I was doing a bunch of shitty jobs, made the situation bearable.
Some of his poems are lousy but there are real gems in there.

>> No.18376828

>the atomic age is doing a dirty shit and getting drunk
Bravo Bukowski!

>> No.18376832

He was just obsessively forced here for a time, he was never particularly "well liked" here.

>> No.18376836

Is that a man or a really worn out hooker?

>> No.18376841

ok writer, based person

>> No.18376844

a very worn out girl. perhaps some posters here wouldn't be so bitter and weird if they just relaxed with a beer and slept with ugly women.

>> No.18377039

good poet, not outrageous by modern standards so his novels fall a bit flat. at least the one I read (the Postal Service)

>> No.18377727

I think at a certain point he decided to cultivate this persona or mythology of himself as some kind of nihilistic coomer but in reality he was a serious sad boy feels guy. Besides subtle hints in his writing you can see it most clearly in his influences, especially books like Ask the Dust.

I think all of his talk about “the atomic age”, etc, etc was mostly about him figuring out his own taste and sense style, and less about the actual quality of other writers. I mean, just look at what he said about Henry Miller.

>> No.18377757

That’s next level ugly though.

>> No.18378086

the penis has no eyes

>> No.18378126

Why do defeatist cringelords say this? I can't get hard with girls I don't like or that are ugly

>> No.18378149

pussy is pussy, idgaf what is attached to it

>> No.18378167

All cats are grey in the dark

>> No.18379698

Shit author.

>> No.18380014


I enjoyed Ham on Rye. Interesting and honest look into the lives of how trashy poor people live.

>> No.18380143
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>reads literature as self-help

>> No.18380161

I don't like his novels but some of his poems are pretty good and inspiring

>> No.18380234

Homo detected

>> No.18381280

I think Bukowski is like Palahniuk where it's really edgy and cool when you're a teenager and really embarrassing when you're an adult. I consider him a red flag author.

Bukowski is to Tucker Max as Pulp Fiction is to Scarface which to be 100% clear means that he's like the Rich Man's Trash Boat.

>> No.18381757

Talented, but a total degenerate

>> No.18381813

Writer of ass piss schlock whos every talent has been done to better effect by leagues of other writers.

He's the poet normies read after getting off their 9-5 office jobs to experience hollow misanthropy vicariously and exalt themselves for reading poetry in the first place.
Get the fuck out of here with these buk threads

>> No.18381827

Great entry level writer, learned about Camus and Celine from him, doesn't give enough pseud points unfortunately

>> No.18381880

I used to hate him, but I've come to love a lot of his stuff

>> No.18381888

2nd paragraph is unarguable.

Buk is trash, don't fucking read him.

>> No.18382620
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Bukowski is what it looks like to write sans any pretension. Its like defying gravity, yet he does so without even consciously trying.
His poems have a zen like directness, paring away anything unnecessary. His poetry is effortless, sublime, honest to the bone.

He is an amazing writer and the only reason academia ignores him is because he's white, working class and not pc

One of the greatest american poets, tho incels here will hate on him just cause he got more pussy as an old man than they ever will.

>> No.18382660

Tourist core

>> No.18382680

this thread is proving your point

>> No.18382770

Lmfaoooo. Just watched an old clip of tucker max getting shredded on Opie and Anthony. Fuck that homo

>> No.18382839

Chad larp. The OG field report.