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18372034 No.18372034 [Reply] [Original]

for me its Olivia Hussey as Juliet

>> No.18373010

you just enjoyed her underaged titties

>> No.18373017

You might enjoy this then, it's one of my favorite music videos of all time:

>> No.18373025

Me as Raskolnikov

>> No.18373185
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this film sucks on almost every level, but irons (even with his 90210 extra hair) is the perfect HH

>> No.18373437
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Sean bean as Boromir was a fun portrayal even if I think Peter Jackson is a hack

>> No.18373439

This; also, Ian McKellan as Gandalf was incredible too

>> No.18373480

the casting was the best part of those movies for me desu

>> No.18373491

pics pls

>> No.18373541
File: 60 KB, 785x442, deppandtom2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a fan of dep or thomson, but depp really did it well

>> No.18373607

Brad Pitt Achilles

>> No.18373612
File: 42 KB, 420x600, charles swann.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irons is also the perfect Charles Swann.

>> No.18373618

Probs leopold bloom. Joyce explores so many sides of him.

>> No.18373652

We watched this movie in my 8th-grade class and it has had a permanent impact on my sexual experience...

>> No.18373748
File: 34 KB, 250x342, Journey_to_the_West_(1986_TV_series).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cast for the classic tv adaptations for the four great chinese novels was pretty amazing

thanks anon, and good taste, I adore that dance scene

>> No.18373934

I've seen the Journey to the West tv series, are the other adaptations good?

>> No.18374043
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I haven't seen the Water Margin, but Dream of the Red Chamber and Romance of the Three Kingdoms are absolutely worth a look, the characters looks like they walked out of the book or an ancient painting, great musical numbers and poetic soundtrack too

>> No.18374054

That is the not so subtle reason why OP made this thread.
And yes, they're perfect.

>> No.18374072
File: 2.95 MB, 810x340, macbeth wood.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sean Harris as Macduff was amazing. He acted circles around everyone else. Marion Cotillard was awful as Lady Macbeth, though.

>> No.18374090

I think he looks more like the baron de Charlus. He does not look jewish enough to play Swann imo.

>> No.18374103
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the old lord of the flies stuck with me. Since they were all amateur kid actors they casted boys with the similar personalities as their book counterparts and let them go ham.
I especially liked this imperious evil little shit and the kid playing Roger, the kid who stoned Piggy, who apparently was a psycho irl who liked throwing lizards into fires and electric fans

>> No.18374110

Should he have worn a prosthetic nose?

>> No.18374165

He just has an aristocratic figure more fitting to someone like Mémé. He would've pulled very well the whole half woman half male thing Proust describes gays as having.

>> No.18374168
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its the authentic creep factor, during his scenes with the 15 year old actress sitting on his lap there was supposed to be a pillow between them, but he insisted not to use it.
also Juliette Binoche was so creeped out by him when filming a sex scene that she walked out of the set

>> No.18374200

Where does that gif come from?

>> No.18374217
File: 66 KB, 800x604, viy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viy 1967, based on the Gogol short story. Its great and on youtube so give it a look

>> No.18374255

Thanks, anon

>> No.18374357
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How accurate was Bjorn to book!Tadzio?

glad to help!

>> No.18374979

why? How?

>> No.18375089
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>> No.18375097

I masturbated in the bathroom after watching this in English class.

>> No.18375101


>> No.18375122
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We few, we happy few.

>> No.18375196

As I recall, there's a nude scene too, at least a topless one. I vividly remember seeing her plump nipples.

>> No.18375205

Achilles in the netflix adaption of The Iliad is such a refreshing take.

>> No.18375212 [DELETED] 

the underground man

>> No.18375213

God I would coom to her titties. Almost coomed in my pants. HNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG

>> No.18375246

Laurence Olivier's is much better.
Compare the two Crispin's Day Speech. Kenneth Branagh's performance needs music because his voice alone lacks emotion and power. Laurence Olivier sounds regal because he is simply better.

>> No.18375258

Did anybody on here watch BBC's The Hollow Crown? Apparently it was a chronological adaptation of Shakespeare's Second and First Tetralogies, starting with Richard II and ending with Richard III. It had quite a star-studded cast, too. I've seen a few clips on YouTube and I'm tempted to watch the whole thing.

>> No.18375384

It's meh. Orson Welles' Chimes at Midnight is better.

>> No.18375391

>What's he that wishes so?
>wHaT's hE tHaT wIsHeS sO????

>> No.18375393

Doesn't Chimes At Midnight only adapt Henry IV Part 1 and Henry IV Part 2?

>> No.18375398

Knew a girl who sort of looked like her and used to be an altar girl at the church I used to go

Tried to find her when I found out she went to the same college but turned out she has a chad boyfriend


>> No.18375426
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for me, its addy H as addy H

>> No.18375588

the cartoon Uproar In Heaven is great

>> No.18375894


>> No.18376198

>literary characters
How literary are we talking? The best films often/usually come from minor/pulpy books. Anyway:

>Vivian Leigh, Scarlet O'Hara, Gone With The Wind
The only thing that might be wrong is she doesn't have a broad enough Southern accent. That doesn't bother me too much because I'm not American. Does it bother Americans?

>Paul Scofield, Thomas More, A Man For All Seasons
I suspect the real Thomas More was a bit nastier than this, as he's depicted in the play, Scofield does it perfectly.

>Alec Guinness, George Smiley, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (TV series)
Le Carré was so taken with this performance that he wrote some of AG's mannerisms into later Smiley books (e.g. cleaning his glasses on the end of his tie).

>Brian Cox, Hannibal Lecter, Manhunter (Red Dragon)
Hopkins was more attention-grabbing but a bit too camp. Cox said he based his performance on a Scottish serial killer IIRC.

I thought the 1990s Lolita wasn't at all bad. Much better than Kubrick's. And yes, Jeremy Irons was good as HH. (JI is good in creepy roles because he's creepy, let's face it.)

>Scott Haze, Lester Ballard, Child of God
Not sure why this film isn't better known. It's pretty good, and a really great performance. (All the performances in No Country were good too.)

>Daniel Day-Lewis, Captain Ahab, Moby Dick
Ripe for a remake. (The John Huston version is a terrible. Gregory Peck is a nice guy and all but he's no Ahab.) Imagine DDL in full Plainview mode as Ahab. They could have done the special effects properly too (think Master & Commander).

>> No.18376347
File: 42 KB, 512x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anything goes

>Vivien Leigh, Scarlet O'Hara, Gone with the Wind

great pick

>> No.18376974

Yeah, but the First Tetralogy isn't that good.

>> No.18376984

Pretty cool. Makes you wonder why the Chinese Animation industry isn't as big as the Japanese.

>> No.18377045

Peking opera as well:

>> No.18377050

>I thought the 1990s Lolita wasn't at all bad. Much better than Kubrick's.
we’re reaching levels of shit taste that shouldn’t even be possible

>> No.18377073
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>> No.18377130

Don't forget Pigsy Eats Watermelon

>> No.18377165

Same bro

>> No.18377844

Love that film. The kids are great.

>> No.18377876

>Imagine DDL in full Plainview mode as Ahab
muh dick

>> No.18377993
File: 24 KB, 236x406, d1a88503c48afa3db1bdf10db5550871--peter-brook-mask-ideas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same, I love the creepy nature docu vibe

>> No.18378023
File: 373 KB, 700x422, best girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't prefer the definitive claire danes portrayal

>> No.18378249

>MTV references in Shakespeare film

>> No.18378263

i want to see jizz on her face

>> No.18378294
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>> No.18378301

I guarantee you someone heard or knew

>> No.18378477

Irons is something special

>> No.18378487
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Here's an obvious one

>> No.18378617

Saw it freshman year of highschool, and I remember her ass alot more than her tits.

>> No.18379053
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>> No.18379766
File: 187 KB, 968x526, excalibur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these comments thirsting over a 15 year olds breasts

I thought this was the smart board not the coomer board

>> No.18380339

who dis?

>> No.18380365

Some douchebag wearing a hat.

>> No.18380432

You should read more pynchon. Breasts are breasts and men are men. Doesn't matter if the girls married or jail bait, there will always be a primordeal part of our minds lusting after her

>> No.18380506
File: 53 KB, 620x825, BH81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the perfect Charles Ryder.

>> No.18380526
File: 26 KB, 250x276, al-pacino-shylock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Al Pacino as Shylock

>> No.18380641

Jeremy Brett as Sherlock Holmes

>> No.18380668
File: 267 KB, 590x332, oedipus-rex-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Franco Citti as Oedipus

>> No.18380855

How I imagine the devil in Master and Margarita looked

>> No.18380885

thank you!

you're right, good taste

>> No.18380915

Uppercut her bussy

>> No.18381255

Found the African

>> No.18381298

This. Those actors couldn’t be replaced with anyone else

>> No.18381311

Just wanted to give another shoutout to Gogol and Viy

>> No.18381329

It's good, but confirming that Chimes at Midnight shits on it. Easily my favoutite movie. Absolutely sublime.

>> No.18381505

They aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.18382230

Wow they both suck.

>> No.18382292
File: 46 KB, 540x720, C1DB5460-997C-429F-905F-A6A8F049DF3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aaah okay

>> No.18382351

>Brian Cox, Hannibal Lecter, Manhunter (Red Dragon)

>> No.18382485

Post a vocaroo of you performing St. Crispin's Day speech, faggot.

>> No.18382499

I really thought Clark Gable as Rhett Butler was 11/10

>> No.18382586
File: 186 KB, 600x400, christopherlee-1973threemuskateers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cast of the Three Musketeers in the 70s was great and the films themselves was aesthetic kino

>> No.18382602

I would blend them both together and be perfect. With the acting of Branagh without the autism, and the formal "look I'm acting" of Olivier.

>> No.18382629
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>> No.18382820

check it out butters is here. one of the boys!

>> No.18383290
File: 117 KB, 836x1000, Cushing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, but also incorrect.

>> No.18383332
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Best Mary as well.

>> No.18383350
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yup, that was the first time I saw her and I almost fell of the sofa because of how beautiful she was. She looks like an angel, no wonder God choose her to be the mother of his child

>> No.18383354
File: 28 KB, 720x432, life04-040518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best portrayal of Mary was Passion of the Christ tho imo. The depiction of suffering and strength was amazing

>> No.18383385
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>> No.18383408

There is

>> No.18383773
File: 664 KB, 1024x768, MV5BMDIxOWYwYmQtZDFiZi00Njc5LTk3ZTUtMGJlZWUxZDNhYmI5XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjUyNDk2ODc@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ornella Muti as Odette de Crecy

>> No.18383801
File: 93 KB, 970x1213, 324b1b8bfdc84c7f30adfe768075b85a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frank Herbert's description of Paul Atreides
>His oval face was like his mother Jessica's, but he had stronger bones and a browline reminiscent of his maternal grandfather. He had a thin, disdainful nose, long lashes concealing lime-toned, directly staring green eyes, and a hardness in the expression like the old Duke, his paternal grandfather.

>> No.18383844

I'm pretty happy with that Paul

>> No.18383876
File: 104 KB, 1100x618, z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Writer Kan Shimozawa created Zatoichi, but Katsu immortalized him.

>> No.18383934

Yeah he was good. So was Olivia De Havilland. Leslie Howard was the weakest of the central four I think.

>> No.18384062

Same, exactly how I imagined him in the books, spookily so

>> No.18384130

The old film rocks

>> No.18384145

Yeah, that’s amazing. It’s almost exactly how I imagined him to look and I never watched the movie before reading the book

>> No.18384155
File: 28 KB, 600x340, 63EF120E-C8B7-4DBC-987B-B81E4FBC5E02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, they are children’s books and I wouldn’t be caught dead reading Harry Potter as an adult, but these three really knocked it out of the park

>> No.18384223
File: 11 KB, 218x232, 809239049023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of my earliest faps. God I was so in love with her.

>> No.18384596
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>> No.18384675

Then do it fucktard

>> No.18384684

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18384688

kek, why does everyone hate butterfly btw

>> No.18384859

patrician taste

>> No.18384899

The Fry and Laurie Jeeves and Wooster is about as close to perfect as anything I've ever seen.

>> No.18385134

Yes for the old Charles Ryder, no for the young Charles Ryder.

>> No.18386322
File: 37 KB, 640x417, giton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18386421

election tourists

>> No.18387549


>> No.18389048

Yes, and?

>> No.18389078

i just had the most painful tumblr flashback, thanks anon

>> No.18389518

People always hated her.

>> No.18389808

Everyone was perfect in The Passion of Christ. Jim especially did justice to our Lord Jesus Christ.

>> No.18389847
File: 55 KB, 325x500, 22C2D92A-25B8-4BFB-9635-BAE67D7CB6EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anonymous thinks he’s people

>> No.18389938

Butterfly, you'll always be as pretty as her. Even at your worst, she's less than your right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more beautiful.

>> No.18389942

>the British Broadcasting Corporation
so, there were no white people in it, then?

>> No.18389951

They never showed this film in school and showed us the modernized version with Leo instead. I knew why.

>> No.18389972
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>> No.18389983
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>> No.18390032

>the modernized version
trash in comparison
treat yourself to the Zeffirelli version

>> No.18390486
File: 267 KB, 916x768, AE7FF101-556F-4D82-AF86-93238F6BFA2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mädchen in Uniform 1931

>> No.18390491
File: 1.93 MB, 268x350, C3A72084-512E-456B-808B-D399BB60C34E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mädchen in Uniform 1958?

>> No.18390498 [DELETED] 

>Mädchen in Uniform
What a shocker a Jew was the one who directed this trash.

>> No.18390543

>Russell Crowe & Paul Bettany, Jack Aubrey & Stephen Maturin, Master and Commander
And of course the sequel was, if anything, even better. Well done, Hollywood!

>Michael Caine & Sean Connery, Peachy Carnehan & Daniel Dravot, The Man Who Would Be King
They got the tone dead right — serious+comic and the characters themselves know it.

>Michael MacLiammoir, Iago, Othello
Exactly how I imagine him. MM was mostly a stage actor. He only did a couple of films.

>Louise Fletcher, Nurse Ratchett, One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest
A great performance, almost perfect. The only flaw: she really should have big tits.

>> No.18390796
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For me it's Vanessa Hadaway as "Juliet."

>> No.18390801

>Peter Jackson is a hack
Wartch the rest of his ouerve you plebe.

>> No.18390816

Check out the Coriolanus (2011) with Ralph Fiennes.

>> No.18391184

I was surprised by the charisma of Jack's actor despite being like 13

>> No.18391724

also Sean Bean as Ned Stark. Best casting in the series

>> No.18391742

Extremely based

>> No.18392032

No one likes butterfly, and the three people you see not calling him a tranny are leftypol orbiters

>> No.18392831

bump i need films to watch