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/lit/ - Literature

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18371566 No.18371566 [Reply] [Original]

I am graduating with my English degree today. Where are my English/Lit degree anons at?

>> No.18371573

What’re you gonna do next anon?

>> No.18371581

Find a job stocking redbulls for manchildren. I have no friends, job experience, or connections.

>> No.18371591

Bro, I dunno how it is in the states, but if you have a degree, any degree from a University, you can generally get a job at the very least as a manager or at some sort of office, a lot of places require degrees. Dont buy into this bullshit about not being able to find a job with an arts degree, its just people mad they werent able to because they are shit.

>> No.18371592

Perhaps unlike many anons here, I valued my education in English. I am doing something I love and I am relatively successful. I do not regret anything.

>> No.18371605

I think you need friends, job experience, and connections to get any decent job regardless of a degree anon. In the US I think a degree is just a mere checkbox.

>> No.18371609

What are you doing?

>> No.18371641

I can't reveal that without my identity becoming incredibly easy to find out.

>> No.18371649

Really? Is what you are doing /lit/ related at least?

>> No.18371661

That’s my fear. 0 connection to anyone. And never learned basic social skills during my formative years. l’m a complete recluse and im afraid I’ll end up working shit jobs the rest of my life.

>> No.18371731

Yes to both.

>> No.18371768

Suffered for ages working as a Mail room temp/other various temp assignments but mainly mail room, made a good impression everywhere as quiet and helpful, finally got converted to a full time employee as a product copywriter at the company closest to my house, worked for three years as that and finally promoted to data analyst seeing as I’m one of the only people in the office not in IT who have a basic understanding of programming.

I’ve also written two books, one fiction and one non fiction, but no they didn’t sell. Still worth it.

So I guess I went the corporate wagie route? It’s not terrible especially if you can keep your mind open and explore new skills. Can be quite comfy. Your other option is teacher.

>> No.18371769

don't worry you won't out yourself considering thousands of English graduates go to Starbucks as baristas

>> No.18371868
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My advice to people with no connections is to start making them through temp jobs and to keep an open mind and go where you’re needed. What I mean by that is say your town has a shortage of teachers, just be a substitute (low commitment + meet lots of people.) Other options are hospital filing/billing, data entry, something in any industry called “coordinator” which just means being organized. Don’t freak out about this. This is just a stepping stone for you, not a career. I had so many “jobs” that I never put on my resume just to pay bills. Just always be polite and professional, get there early, etc. Don’t complain about not having enough to do at first, just always leave things better than you found it. People don’t like it when you change their obviously inefficient system, just try to fit in as your first test.

For example. At one company I made an entire recycling program for old printer cartridges so people could easily drop them off. Surprise, people hated it because normies just care about virtue signaling, not the environment, and they couldn’t be bothered. Tread carefully; innovations and a go-getter attitude can show initiative but also make normies feel threatened so just don’t be surprised when there’s a lot of pressure to remember “your place on the totem pole”. Just roll with it; it’s not you, it’s the entire system. Spend your first two weeks anywhere Observing and Learning ONLY.

If you do things right you’ll have a job offer somewhere in 1-3 years. (At least this was my experience.) Sometimes it was really hard, I did feel entitled to something better, but eventually I got exactly where I wanted to be.

>> No.18371936

with an english degree, you can go anywhere in the world

>> No.18371963



>> No.18372234


>> No.18372579


>> No.18372651

why not go teach abroad? i always wish i did that

>> No.18372659

I am an incel shut-in anon.

>> No.18372669

most of the people on this board are illiterate or cant comprehend basic concepts

>> No.18372697

nobody here despises majors in literature or art. while philosophers and sociologists are a laughing stock.

>> No.18372715

I’m sorry to hear

>> No.18372730

everyone on lit huffs their own farts and reads the same 5 philosophy books.

>> No.18373284


>> No.18373339

English Bachelor's and Master's here. I'm about to start working as a tutor, part time increasing up to full time. Pay is comfy but the work is seasonal and soulless. I got lucky and landed a tutoring gig during my master's, so now it appears i'm stuck in this field until I join the peace corps or some shit

>> No.18373363

I personally guarantee there's a way to describe your job in a way that is synonymous to thousands of other people in the world doing that same job at this very moment. For example, astronaut? "I work in aerospace"

>> No.18373373

Did you not bother with any internships the whole time? That’s the big fuck up I’ve noticed with my friends, gotta be making those connections while you’re still a student.

>> No.18373375

What and who are you tutoring?

>> No.18373387

>redbulls for manchildren
As a hardworking line chef, I'm insulted.

>> No.18373403
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starting a degree in classics soon

how badly did i fuck up?

>> No.18373413

The specific degree doesn't matter. Making friends, connections, and getting experience is what matters.

>> No.18373422

I'll be starting a degree on Portuguese, French and ancient Greek soon, then I'll probably go to grad school afterwards while working as a high school teacher to support myself.

>> No.18373445

You didn't make a mistake, under the assumption that you are pursuing the degree for the sake of knowledge. Then again, in case you are a victim of the poisonous contemporary mindset, according to which only employment prospects matter (just take a look at >>18373413), whereas knowledge is irrelevant, you are most likely doomed.

>> No.18373450
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I majored in English. Got a cozy job as a tech writer a few months back. I've been living the dream since. For what it's worth I had literally no connections to help get my job, I just sent out a metric fuck ton of resumes all day everyday. Don't fret if you have trouble finding work, anon; the job market is fucked in many sectors right now.

>> No.18373464
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no degreee fren, just here to says well done

>> No.18373526

What do you put on your resume?
Thank you fren

>> No.18373571
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>What do you put on your resume?
My degree, gpa, where I went to school, 3 previous jobs I worked while in college, and some hobbies. I used a nice looking template I found online to give it a clean aesthetic.

>> No.18373584

Ah I've never had a job so I probably won't be getting a tech writing job.

>> No.18373608

SAT, english reading and writing, college essays, I'll be tutoring financially-endowed high school kids

>> No.18373616

just letting you know that some employers automatically filter resumes that include classics, philosophy, and other useless majors

>> No.18373838

Can confirm
t. HR

>> No.18373861

What kind of tech writing do you do?

>> No.18373901


It's really difficult to get an arts job with just an arts degree. Most of these jobs are given to people out of nepotism or to PhDs; a simple BA won't suffice.
But as anon said, having a degree - and the difference you've most likely noticed, hopefully, makes you a more educated person and - allows you to hold a position that someone with such a degree can old. Any lit degree, so your english degree, allows you to - literally - do anything to do with language: you can be a manager, you can be a teacher, you can work in sales. I'm not even kidding you here, with a degree and a decent personality the world lays open before you. There is nothing stopping you, besides for working some non language related job, which are very few.
In university you learned to write properly up to the standards of a modern educated person and think critically; then you also learn all the things unique to your degree which no one cares about.
It's just having [a degree] and working like an education person. That's all most modern jobs require. People are complaining because they can't get their dream job, or because they've slacked off / are undesirable people and don't get hired because of that.
If you want to work in a very specific industry, like in a museum or something like that, then you're going to require very specific skills.

With an English degree you're a specific service providing researcher for poetry or literature, or just generally english language matters, as well as being a general (service) researcher because of your base/secondary skills provided by being having a college degree, being an educated person. This is a bit idiosyncratic but I think it illustrates the point nicely why nowadays everyone who wants to work a decent, non-labor job has to have a degree. Some people might be able to learn these secondary skills specific to university, college education without having a degree, or without even going to university, but that is rare and most people are pretty stupid, so to be reliable given capital interests in employees, you're required for good measure - and they can do this because it's not ridiculous and so many people go to college nowadays - to have a degree.

>> No.18373995

The kids you tutor, im curious about what they are like. Are they bratty and ignorant or, at least, willing to learn? Have you had any cases where you questioned why you were being hired for the student, or maybe even students so hard to work with that you had to quit?

>> No.18374071

How do you get into tutoring?

>> No.18374550

I haven't started tutoring the rich kids yet, so idk. Previously, I tutored at a community college and those students were polite and motivated. Lots of nontraditional older folks, and ESL. But I've heard that rich high schoolers are similar to undergrads due to being in advanced classes. I got a few uppity people but the biggest struggle was the ESL students. You never know if you're actually helping them, or if they're just going along with you for appearances. Probably some of both. I've never worked with a student who made me consider quitting, and I'm lucky I aint teaching somewhere like Baltimore middle schools
Started by editing Chinese students' essays in undergrad lol. If you make friends with some international chinese, you'll find this kind of work. I also copyedited for the campus newspaper.
I was lucky because my grad program had a hookup with the local community college, so I worked in their writing center. All I did was send a letter of interest. Then I interviewed and performed an in-person edit of a sample essay, which I scored highly. I worked for them for 2 years at minimum wage--that was my bitch work. The new job is 3x the pay

>> No.18374566
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Writing user manuals for industrial equipment. The problem is that it's a very specific type of tech writing so if I ever get laid off idk what I'd do lol.

>> No.18374576

>I haven't started tutoring the rich kids yet, so idk. Previously, I tutored at a community college and those students were polite and motivated. Lots of nontraditional older folks, and ESL. But I've heard that rich high schoolers are similar to undergrads due to being in advanced classes. I got a few uppity people but the biggest struggle was the ESL students. You never know if you're actually helping them, or if they're just going along with you for appearances. Probably some of both. I've never worked with a student who made me consider quitting, and I'm lucky I aint teaching somewhere like Baltimore middle schools

You seem very kind. When you do begin teaching more, i hope you post about any particularly interesting escapades. I really like hearing about teacher's perspective on kids because, obviously, im so used to the reverse.

>> No.18374600

Minor in a romance language (French or Italian preferably, Spanish if you're American) or german. If you want to make your degree useful learn as many languages as you can and apply for bi-lingual jobs. You could also go the law route, but id suggest exhausting ALL your academic "fun" (masters, studying/teaching abroad, PHD, etc.) before doing so. Law is where failed academics go to get a job.

>> No.18374605

Got a /his/ degree, so similar. I'm an English teacher in Asia (not Japan) and it's pretty cozy. The hours are great (almost always less than 30 hours/week), the work itself is easy, and the pay decent enough. I'll never be a billionaire, but my life is enjoyable and I don't feel like I'm a slave to my job.

>> No.18374615

thanks breh i'll try to be a tourist now and then

>> No.18374876

isn't technical writing a skill that's transferable to different industries? Since the legalese is the basically the same all you have to do is learn the new jargon

>> No.18374915

Which is best if im in canada and already have a grasp on french? i was planning on german or something like that.

>> No.18374947

I can't tell if this is sarcasm or if you unironically believe this.

>> No.18374986

German, especially for academia in Classics. Also, if you really brush up on your french, I dont see how a government job of some kind wouldnt be available as well.

>> No.18375093
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I'm done with my Bachelor's and I'm almost done with my Master's in English.
I've barely done any sort of internship of sorts and I wish I did. Unfortunately I had to deal with a lot of life unexpectancy so I was too caught up to do anything. My family keeps egging me to take Phd and become a professor but I'm already too jaded with the academia.

>> No.18375111

I fell for the same meme, unfortunately. Spent two years working shitty odd jobs and doing freelance writing. I ended up getting a teaching certificate, and now I have a book being published in November, so it doesn't seem like the future will be too bad. Whatever you do, don't settle for awful customer service jobs. I had a hard time finding quality work without connections in 2019, but covid-19 has tipped the odds in our favor now that wagies are rebelling.

>> No.18375195

Majored in history at a good university near my state capital. Interned with different politicians and agencies my junior and senior years, graduated top of my class. Immediately was hired by the gov working in policy research. Two years out of university now making 70k a year+benefits, guaranteed raises, good work/life balance, and will never be fired

>> No.18375200

Looking to become a tech writer myself, if you don't mind me asking, roughly how many places did you apply to and how long did it take to hear back from any of them? I'm going to be finishing up my degree over the summer and applying for jobs is my next step.

>> No.18375275

>HR wagies deeming anything to be useless
The irony is thick

>> No.18375310

HR is essential for companies over 50 employees. Are you in middle school?