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18369965 No.18369965 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most dangerous book in the world?

>> No.18369991

The bible

>> No.18369995

The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins.Turns everyone who reads it into an idiot.

>> No.18370042

My diary desu

>> No.18370044

The Necronomicon

>> No.18370051

The Green Face by Gustav Meyrink

>> No.18370057

Once I saw a photo of this giant Koran. I'm sure it would be pretty deadly if it happened to fall on someone.

>> No.18370067
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>> No.18370074
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>> No.18370136

Ayn Rand's books.

>> No.18370638

The communist manifesto directly and indirectly led to the death of 65 million people. Not sure if you'd count that as a "book" though.

>> No.18370663


>> No.18370689

The Bible, turns you into a sickly life denier

>> No.18370692

Mein kampf

>> No.18370707
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It all starts here.

>> No.18370753

The myth of Sisyphus. It can turn a good person into a depressive human and turn him into suicide. Also it can turn him into acceptance and a happy life in the absolute truth which is the absurd. Still, you are never the same after a deep two or three readings of Camus' Sisyphus. If you hand the book to a normie reader the retard would probably kill himself.

>> No.18370794

Thanks, ordered.

>> No.18370803

>normie reader the retard would probably kill himself.
He wouldn't understand it and throw the thing away.

>> No.18370844
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>> No.18370860

mora than 50 pages = book

>> No.18370880

You should read The Fall and The Plague first my friend just to have a gasp of applied absurdism then the definition on our world with The Myth.
I mean philosophy normie le-nietzsche-xd core

>> No.18370891
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>The Bible, turns you into a sickly life denier
1500 years of unparalleled cultural achievement

>> No.18371003

I was radicalized by a book about national reality (Peru). It’s from an author called Manuel Scorza, “Redoble por Rancas”.

>> No.18371224



>> No.18371320

it’s really full of facile arguments and if it turns you into an idiot you were already 99% of the way there

>> No.18371335

Whatever you seek it’s down there.

>> No.18371391
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dont even start

>> No.18371570

I bought them too but at this rate I’ll be reading them in 2023

>> No.18371657

Industrial Society and Its Future can make you hate society and want to live in a cabin in the woods. It also is probably proposes the most radical solution for the problems of the modern world.

>> No.18372337

Art of the Deal, it literally turns anyone who reads it into a mega-genius

>> No.18372341

Lmao who knew Jon Stewart was so based

>> No.18372356


>> No.18372394

This but Atlas Shrugged.

I cannot emphasize enough how much evil Atlas Shrugged has infected humanity with.

>> No.18372400

a true prophet...

>> No.18374058


>> No.18374725

Only when Christians read it

The answer is the Bible. Abrahamic religion has led to quite a lot of ignorance and bloodshed with all its lies

>> No.18375522

It would be Siege or the Bhagavad Gita.

>> No.18375565
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Was going to post this kek

>> No.18375596

this book killed my father, and raped my mother

>> No.18375672


>> No.18375744

Finally, the correct answer.

>> No.18375752

kind of a silly answer. i dont really see very many people being deeply influenced by it and i dont see what else could make it dangerous

>> No.18375771

All the current politicians know it by heart - or at least it's their advisors, because these monkeys don't even read.

>> No.18375781

sure, bro, sure

>> No.18375789

Hard to beat this.

>> No.18375802

Yeah, sure - it has replaced "the Prince" as the practical demagogic ruler manual.

>> No.18375854

>He doesn’t know

>> No.18375874
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>> No.18375882


>> No.18375890

The Bible doesn't support blood libel and financial manipulation. The Talmud is a specifically Pharisaic offshoot, which is only related to the Bible insofar as they are both related to the Old Testament.

>> No.18375935


>> No.18376065
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>> No.18376116

We took the point of view that "dangerous" means dangerous for humankind, not for some slimy parasites.

>> No.18376123

why so angry, wanna prove my point?

>> No.18376131

ah, ok, your opinion. go on

>> No.18376789
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>> No.18376826

is this irony? Is this what the personification of irony looks like? An ignorant man proclaiming ignorance on a book he probably never touched much less process the information at hand?

>> No.18376973

Stale bait

>> No.18377265

That is actually fine humor.
Jesus Christ is not responsible for the holy crusades and the massacre of Jerusalem, nor is he responsible for the holy inquisition.
Marx is not responsible for Bolshevism. Bolshevism would have been made anyway, in the name of Joseph Proudhon, or Bakunin.