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18369337 No.18369337 [Reply] [Original]

>Read fiction.
>I'm able to understand the characters' motives, psychology and their philosophy even though I disagree with them. Even when I misinterpret them, I can self reflect on my thoughts and understand myself better.
>Read non-fiction(specifically philosophy)
>Can't understand anything, feel incredibly stupid, extremely confused like a deer caught in headlights.
Should I give up on reading non-fiction and only stick to fiction? Is this what they mean by being a midwit?

>> No.18369393

If you don't understand a book, it is either too clever, too alien or too stupid for you.
Maybe it is simply too complicated for your puny mind to comprehend. Maybe you aren't great at abstract thinking, so you need to decipher the concepts with the help of concrete actions. Or, maybe the amount of mental wankery over shockingly primitive and myopic ideas confuses your mind.

You won't get out of philosophy any less confused than before reading it. Whether the philosophers themselves realise it or not, this is an intentional effect.

>> No.18369397

Thats because most philosophy is purposefully written in abhorrent ways in order to have a constant fallback point to avoid taking responsibility. Philosophers are, generally, complete trash and a total waste of time.

>> No.18369489

Genuinely you have to take copious notes. If you're not taking notes ever paragraph (depending on the philosopher obviously) then you're not doing it right. Most people who say they get philosophy are just speeding through anti Christ or whatever to feel smart and then googling what other people think about it. Take your time, take notes, really let all the ideas sink in. If you really don't get something consult the Standford philosophy Wikipedia. Some philosophers are just incomprehensible *cough Hegel *cough but for the most part you're just not engaging with the material properly. Most philosophers have spent decades coming up with their theories and for you to just blow through it in a week is doing a disservice to their work.

>> No.18369506

The difficulty is what makes philosophy interesting. The more you read, the more you'll understand. If you're taking philosophy seriously then you will be reading certain works multiple times.

As the other anon said, taking notes is important. You don't need to be autistic about it, even chapter summaries can be helpful.

>> No.18369507

Why don’t you start with philosophical fiction? Candide, The Plague, etc

>> No.18370174

Start with Greeks

>> No.18370464

Philosophy is garbage

>> No.18370468

I've found that I cant read philosohy the way I read anything else, even like a textbook. With philosophy, 10 pages can take 2 hours as I slowly and methodically struggle through each setenece and make notes of what I figure out and research secondary sources on what I dont. Start with the Greeks Plato is easy to follow.

>> No.18371256

>With philosophy, 10 pages can take 2 hours as I slowly and methodically struggle through each setenece and make notes of what I figure out and research secondary sources on what I dont
Was it worth it?

>> No.18371266

this but ironically

if you simplified all philosophy books down into plain, clear, cohesive language, they would be 1/10th the length and most people would realize they're absolute garbage

>> No.18371340

Not at all. Nobody gives a fuck about my issue with Plato's handling of explanatory priority in the Euthyphro. I earn nothing from it. Just hours of frustration, a moment of feeling at ease, and then chagrin at realizing what id done. I could've watched anime or jerked off, better use of my time...

>> No.18371972

Sounds really frustrating, hope it gets better for you.

>> No.18371991

Non fiction is a waste of time. You just end up becoming a dilettante. I'm gonna go back to reading Neuromancer now, bye