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18367304 No.18367304[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any books on Christian Fascism?

>> No.18367324

Stately G Payne has some books on Franco, one of which discusses the relationship between the Catholic Church and the regime. Very interesting stuff. Id post more but I dont remember the book, having read it forever ago, let alone the chapter. If youre interested i could dig up the source I used for a paper and maybe find it.

>> No.18367423
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Read Pope Pius XII's encyclicals.
While he wasn't a fan of National Socialism, he eventually had quite a amiable relationship with Mussolini.
Falangism is worth reading into.
Pope Pius XI too is well worth reading.
Pope Leo XIII's encyclical Rerum Novarum is basically fascist economics.
I'd also read Dante & Aquinas' political writings and Eusebius because they basically present quasi-fascistic models (albiet monarchic models that were far superior to Fascism).
I'd also really recommend Maistre and Schmitt.
The latter was the chief jurist of Nazi Germany and a devout Catholic, the former was the most vicious reactionary Catholic post-Revolutionary France.
The role of the Christian Emperor especially in Eusebius' writings is something that you can see many fascist leaders trying to embody, regardless if they were actually Christian or not - the role they fill is the same.
Integralism, to varying degrees, is also of this strain. The Social Kingship of Christ is what makes Christian variants of Fascism unique.
Here's a general list of things to read:
>Plato - Laws
>Aristotle - Politics
>Eusebius - History of the Church
>St. Thomas Aquinas - Political Writings
>Dante Aligheri - De Monarchia
>Joseph De Maistre - The Generative Principle of Political Constitutions
>Joseph De Maistre - The Pope
>Joseph De Maistre - St. Petersburg Dialouges
>Pope Leo XIII - Rerum Novarum
>Pope Pius XI - Quadragesimo anno
>Pope Pius XI - Ubi arcano Dei consilio
>Pope Pius XI - Dilectissima Nobis
>Pope Pius XI - Divini Redemptoris
>Carl Schmitt - Political Theology
>Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political
>Carl Schmitt - Roman Catholicism and Political Form
>Cornelius Codreanu - The Prison Notes
>Cornelius Codreanu - For my Legionnaires
>José Antonio Primo de Rivera - Anthology
>Thomas Crean, Alan Fimister - Integralism

>> No.18367430

The church and the monarchy was the only thing holding fascism back dumbfuck kid

>> No.18367815

But none of them are facists, they're just based Catholics

>> No.18367841

The Bible, unironically

>> No.18367848

Fascists (or at the very least nationalist socialists) are anti Christian

>> No.18367863

The Moral Mountain