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18364508 No.18364508 [Reply] [Original]

i cant focus while reading anymore

I lived my entire life in a house on a quiet part of a small town, it was really nice and i could read calmly, if my family annoyed me i could just go to my room upstairs and that was the end of it.

now i got a job in a bigger city and i live in an apartment downtown, and its always noisy. All day long there is cars, sirens, people and the dog of my retarded neighbor, and i just can't read like i used to do.

it's a matter of time until i get used to it? or it will never be the same? im getting some noise cancelling headphones in the meantime

>> No.18364518

Read in a park outside of town or something.

>> No.18364525

It doesn't bother me in regular circumstances like at all. I can sleep with cars honking all night I regular circumstances.
I use earplugs and noise canceling headphones over them and I generally can't hear a thing if I play white noise.
You should just get used to it though. It's kinda enthralling or life justifying.

>> No.18364531

>i got a job in a bigger city
Bugman. Soon you'll get a Netflix subscription and date a liberal coalburner.

>> No.18364538

Focusing on the sound from my fan works for me.

>> No.18364619

i'll try this, thanks

i'll get used to it i like it or not i guess, it will be like training concentration

eventually i want to live in a cabin in the woods or something like that, i just don't want to be poor when i do it, i don't like all those big city things

>> No.18364627

Don’t worry homie you’ll adjust. It’ll suck at first, but if you roll with the punches you’ll stop noticing the noise (it’ll just be ambient noise)

>> No.18364646

At least read/listen to Schopenhauer's 'On Noise' so you don't feel so alone.

>> No.18366914

Get some classical music. It helps me focus, but maybe you'll run into weird issues. Some atmospheric music can work as a plan B.

>> No.18366922

Get noise canceling headphones.

>> No.18367181

>i live in an apartment downtown, and its always noisy
get a fan or an A/C unit
find an apartment in a suburb or at least in a lower density community
higher density housing is correlated with all sorts of negative outcomes including higher rates of crime and insomnia as well as cognitive deficiencies
you're pretty much living in an immigrant-tier domicile

>> No.18367318

I live down the block from a Catholic church. I go there to read whenever things get noisy. It's incredibly silent.

>> No.18367695

Sounds kino

>> No.18367728

>tfw no private space all to myself to read
really takes me out of the mood
plus it's too hot outside from now until like october