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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 914 KB, 1259x825, CalvinHobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18364308 No.18364308 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder:

>calvin and hobbes is high /lit/ tier

>> No.18364321

Why do Americans like this sappy shit so much? When I was a kid I wanted to strangle that smart-ass kid

>> No.18364336

Such is the new wave of misery with nu wave parenting. Get a soul, bugman. :(

>> No.18364338

because its good

>> No.18364344

Always the same NPC response. Sorry for disrespecting muttmerican icons

>> No.18364353

Really? As an adult I get the frustration but as a kid I related to him a lot

>> No.18364354 [DELETED] 

I'm not american, but I hate how jews have used their position with hollywood media to make satirising and denigrating all forms of joy some kind of symbol of being cool, edgy, or smart. It's been accelerated in the last 20 years. Nowadays having fun is all about 'making fun', and it's kind of sad.

Sorry you're soulless.

>> No.18364359

It is clear you have been infected with ressentiment

>> No.18364377

It’s not entirely sappy. It’s funny and Calvin is a bit of a brat. I identified more with Hobbes, but loved the art and imagination.
It is /co/ related though

>> No.18364378

What are you rambling about? Take this schizo shit to /x/
>if you don't like my fav comic you've been brainwashed by evil Hollywood Jews who teach you to hate "joy"

>> No.18364396
File: 941 KB, 819x1460, tracerbu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best one

>> No.18365004
File: 599 KB, 696x1730, tracer_quizz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this one better

>> No.18365102 [DELETED] 

>when I was a kid I hated fun.
desu sounds more like you’re problem you worthless faggot

>> No.18365111

Imagine being filtered by a funny pages cartoon strip.

>> No.18365129
File: 171 KB, 1397x696, calvinandhobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these guys?

>> No.18365154

Take a chill pill dude wtf

>> No.18365165


>> No.18365168 [DELETED] 

Take a rubber fist up your gaping asshole and kill yourself bitch boy :)

>> No.18365175

>coping this much for being a soulless bugman
wew lad

>> No.18365182


>> No.18365225

>Janny only deletes minority anti Semitic comment but leaves up other shitposts
Calvin and Hobbes would have to take a treasure map to find the dilation station just to call you a faggot janny.

I love books like this and Winnie the Pooh, they are pure of heart and soul.

>> No.18365244

Jezz what's wrong with you psychos. Go rub one out before you shoot up a school

>> No.18365251


>> No.18365266 [DELETED] 

>rub one out
get my cock out of your thoughts you fucking lifeless coomer; I’m hearing a lot of seething and coping when I should be hearing a hollow point pass through your empty and misshapen skull. No one gives a fuck about you.

>> No.18365297
File: 112 KB, 600x423, facts and logic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't that the point of the comics? Calvin always acts mature and ahead of his age in each story only to get his ego hammered down by Hobbes or someone else by the end.

>> No.18365312


>> No.18365318
File: 188 KB, 1016x746, owly2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Owly is better than Calvin and Hobbes bullshit. I also like Hilda and many other children's graphic novels.

>> No.18365325

Damn, that tiger is an asshole

>> No.18365337

criminally underrated

>> No.18365377

It's alright except for all those times when Watterson uses it as a vehicle to express his opinions in the most tiresome and formulaic manner possible.

>> No.18365383

hobbes is playing diogenes to calvin's plato

>> No.18365568

Its an ok kids comic but I dont get why americans get so sentimental about this and that caturpillar book

>> No.18365616 [DELETED] 

>muh Americans

>> No.18365660

Yes the book was primarily popular in America

>> No.18365665

They are so obvious and boomerish I find they have some charm to them in a way

>> No.18365692 [DELETED] 

Then why are you confused as to why Americans in particular have an attachment to it?

>> No.18365724

Liking something as a kid doesn't mean you have to pretend to still like it.

>> No.18365743

Calvinism is pretty cringe but Hobbes is great

>> No.18365746 [DELETED] 

What the hell are you saying?
If you liked something as a kid, you can continue to like it. Why would people be pretending? You sound so butthurt and I can’t for the life of me even fathom why? Is it literally just because people like things?

>> No.18365749

Hobbes' ideas led to globohomo

>> No.18365908

because he desperately wants to be seen as a mature, respectable adult and hasn't realized that there's no such thing

>> No.18365922

Calvin and Hobbes got me into newspapers when I was little because I always wanted to read the comic. Good times.

>> No.18366063

So to what degree do the characters reflect John Calvin and Thomas Hobbes?

>> No.18366071


>> No.18368017
File: 422 KB, 1596x1211, H.Calvin and Hobbes.03-06-1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18368045

Well sorry for insulting your special kids comic clearly its dear to your heart

>> No.18368052
File: 83 KB, 1954x2471, Calvin-and-Hobbes-on-writing-writing-25906604-2000-2500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18368121
File: 2.36 MB, 3209x2260, D65A285B-8F30-4C77-9336-511E9640A341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My mom would take me to borders when I was little and make me pick out a book. The little stinker I was, I picked Calvin and Hobbes books I own about 7. Ty mommy

>> No.18368172
File: 26 KB, 406x425, Mafalda-frases-y-buenos-dias-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calvin n hobbes ain't got shit on mafalda

>> No.18368180

No, faggot, that’s not what’s at issue. I’ve already said I like it. I’m wondering why you think Americans are pretending to like it

>> No.18368196

mufugga mafalda

>> No.18368214

Speaking of comics, I've heard people speak well of the Corto Maltese comics. Are they /lit/ approved?

>> No.18368283
File: 82 KB, 291x366, Screenshot_155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18369304

Calvin and Hobbes predicted the columbine shootings

>> No.18369313

they straight up inspired them desu

>> No.18369317

it is the most based

>> No.18369325
File: 37 KB, 436x428, 39757c282eeedc7698a1ec056e0e4e6d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18369328


>> No.18369335

Prescient to an alarming degree.

>> No.18369792

holy moly

>> No.18370132

literaly whoo??

>> No.18371968


>> No.18371985

Wow he's literally me

>> No.18372288

Tumor head

>> No.18372567

This is insanely good

>> No.18373079

Literally anyone on the internet

>> No.18373255

I dont get it at all?

>> No.18373268

this is /lit/ for sure
still not sold on Calvin and Hobbes though. never found it that funny as a kid, and reading what's posted itt it still gets few laughs from me

>> No.18373273

I hate that I do this irl too

>> No.18373315

I saw a comment on the shittiest website known to man (rhymes with rabbit) and this faggot said that there were many pictures of bill watterson in existence...someone DARED asked for evidence or more photos and it was down-bloated into non-existence...

i've seen like 3 pictures of this dude, so do better

>> No.18374031

>rhymes with rabbit
Sabbit? Cabbit? Fabbit? Not sure what you're referring to

>> No.18374436 [DELETED] 

Calvin is funny. I related to him as a kid

>> No.18374445
File: 58 KB, 600x192, B8C7BBBE-E867-46E2-9C44-FE4288C0EA36.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one’s my favorite

>> No.18374458
File: 470 KB, 1602x1110, Calvin and Hobbes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it's Calvin.

>> No.18374674

it's shit

>> No.18375198


>> No.18376759

no kid talks like this.

>> No.18376838

I don't think he acts mature. He acts like a children. His thoughts sometimes resemble of an adult but his actions are mere of a child. It's more like the deviations of the author and how it's, like you said, shattered by Hobbes in the end.
I like this about C&H is that he still keeps his childish manners. In most of the online comics that try to copy it, the kid just ends up being an insufferable know-it-all fag.

>> No.18376927

R crumb is the /lit/ cartoonist

>> No.18376935

It is a comic strip

>> No.18376942

>R crumb is the /r9k/ cartoonist

>> No.18376962

You should call your mother and tell her how much you love her.

>> No.18376989
File: 188 KB, 2036x2231, picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So is Tintin

>> No.18377006

Not true, he is in a happy open marriage, has 2 kids, and had lots of sex. Besides, watching the documentary you can tell he spent a lot of time in therapy once he got money, something those losers over there would never do

>> No.18378419

>degenerate marries a promiscuous Jew vermin
Color me surprised.

>> No.18378447

Where is the real butterfly <:3

>> No.18378515

Butterfly withdrawal :3

>> No.18379541

I would fucking smash Susie

>> No.18379721

>calvin and hobbes
What book is that?

>> No.18379929

It is a comic strip when you undress, old hag.

>> No.18380015

better kids book than Harry Potter at least

>> No.18380882
File: 70 KB, 778x431, D6AA255C-F02D-4428-807F-1331290B0165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18382131

Correct. I've yet to see anyone put up a good argument as to why Calvin & Hobbes isn't on the same tier as the great works of Western literature.

>> No.18382635

This was literally the stuff of dreams when I was a kid. I would wake up clutching at the air because I dreamt I was being gifted it

>> No.18382642

bloom wept

>> No.18382646

I'm not american and I unironically thought OP was talking about them

>> No.18382814


>> No.18382923

lmfao this nigga was filtered by calvin and hobbes

>> No.18383418

You mean he wept in between writing shitty sci-fantasy fan fiction of Voyage to Arcturus and getting made fun of by actual writers?

>> No.18383443
File: 78 KB, 377x253, Character_Building.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based dad

>> No.18383531
File: 45 KB, 867x592, 1483841699030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Calvin is a little consumerist bourgeois pig. And his boomer parents and Hobbes are there to say, "Whoa brother, remember the dream of the sixties, okay, little man?"

Aging hippies went from Doonesbury (post-university disillusionment) to Bloom County (agrarian escapism) to outright infantalism as their ideals failed.

>> No.18383613

it's a fucking banner here, have you not seen it before?