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/lit/ - Literature

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18361091 No.18361091 [Reply] [Original]

>Write the same depreseed basement dwelling autist character for 10282944728 books in a row
>This is literally all it takes to be seen as one of the greatest writers of all time
>Your legacy is imageboard browsing NEETs having their minds blown thinking "WOAH THAT'S TOTALLY ME!!!!!!!!!!!"
>And dudes namedropping you to get in the pants of college arthoes

>> No.18361094

Literally who?

>> No.18361096
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>getting filtered by Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>> No.18361112

>Thinking I got filtered
You're talking to his biggest fan. Why else would I be here wasting my time doing something that brings me no benefit?

>> No.18361162
File: 59 KB, 716x1024, d0a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

happened recently
>peer-reviewed writing assignment
>girl assigned to do mine says i remind her of Dostoevsky
>palpable uptick in rate of heartbeat
>can't believe she knows one of my favorite authors
>can't believe the complement she just gave me
>maybe she's the one
>maybe we'll get married
>"yeah, anon. you've got the same malding hairline as him LMAO!"
>heart sinks like a lead balloon
>mfw I'm only in my early twenties and she's not wrong
seeing stuff about dostoevsky just makes me immensely sad now

>> No.18361171

russian reddit man

>> No.18361191

learn to flirt retard

>> No.18361197

>Learning anything at all

>> No.18361352

Should have replied:
>He and I have another thing in common: we both know how to use our pens well.

>> No.18361474

Tangentially-related question: When did men begin to care about how much hair they have on their heads?

>> No.18361561

The basedjak meme and Tinder height requirements have probably killed more young men than at least 1 of the 2 world wars.

>> No.18361957


>> No.18362775

Raskolnikov lives in an attick

>> No.18362788
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Life isn't just cruel. Life takes the things we love that give us comfort and turns them into the most crushing pain.

I wish I could tell you how to cope. I don't know.

>> No.18362796

>guy pretty much embodies the polar opposite of reddit attitudes
>some lefty/pol/ retard who is desperate to destroy his reputation for being a respected author who is against the grain of their personal beliefs shows up and calls him reddit

>> No.18362848
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Thats it isnt it

>> No.18362857
File: 606 KB, 640x628, irwin ikona leto 1986-1000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude who would eventually try to have gay sex with me told me Ana Karenina was his favorite novel. I dropped it halfway through because literary realism sucks. Only ever appreciated Flaubert in that regard.

And why should I slog through Brothers Karamazov when all of the (intelligent) philosophical dilemmas have already been distilled into far more readable critical analyses? Every Dostoyevsky guy I've met comes across to me as a weirdly severe, horny pseud. And the only Russians they ever read are Dostoyevsky and Tolstoy.

>> No.18362874

yeah don't say it I already know

>> No.18362876


>> No.18362902

>desperate to destroy his reputation
holy fuck lmao dostofags are as deluded as their spazdaddy

>> No.18363018
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>post bearded man
>comment deliberatly avoids p r o p e r n o u n s
>oh, you don't recognise this particular author by portrait?
>ha, pathetic
>collect my psued points and level up again
You think you can filter me? I have memorised over 1200 authors and matched to multiple portrait or busts (all of them old or bearded). This isn't even a challenge for me, freshman.

>> No.18363047

>reads literature for philosophical dilemmas
gay retard

>> No.18363164

>The Prince
>depressed basement dwelling autist