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18356944 No.18356944[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>I concluded that women are flawed. There is something mentally wrong with the way their brains are wired, as if they haven’t evolved from animal-like thinking. They are incapable of reason or thinking rationally. They are like animals, completely controlled by their primal, depraved emotions and impulses. That is why they are attracted to barbaric, wild, beast-like men. They are beasts themselves. Beasts should not be able to have any rights in a civilized society. If their wickedness is not contained, the whole of humanity will be held back from advancement to a more civilized state. Women should not have the right to choose who to mate with. That choice should be made for them by civilized men of intelligence. If women had the freedom to choose which men to mate with, like they do today, they would breed with stupid, degenerate men, which would only produce stupid, degenerate offspring. This in turn would hinder the advancement of humanity. Not only hinder it, but devolve humanity completely. Women are like a plague that must be quarantined. When I came to this brilliant, pefect revelation, I felt like everything was now clear to me, in a bitter, twisted way. I am one of the few people on [sic] this world who has the intelligence to see this. I am like a god, and my purpose is to exact ultimate Retribution on all of the impurities I see in the world.

Tell me how this is wrong, you literally cannot

>> No.18357049

>>I concluded that women are flawed. There is something mentally wrong with the way their brains are wired
This coming from a school shooter and suicide.
Women are stupid. This is known and not contested. This kid is a complete failure, on all accounts. Even in his disturbed little revenge shooting he killed like what, 2 girls? The rest were dudes, like his roommates who tried to be nice to him lmao...Sad!

>> No.18357304

I dont even think he killed any girls. If he actually pulled capable bombing and shooting of all female school with at least brevik-tier casualties that would be pretty based and a proper send of to his work, but as it is he really had a cringe ending

>> No.18357312

it's called high estrogen and having low testosterone.Women by nature are more treacherous than men .


>> No.18357354

Women were Elliots object. He did not consider that men can be and are just as stupid. Most people just never put in the effort to learn.

>> No.18357361

>I concluded that women are flawed.
Says the autistic retard with homicidal tendencies.

>> No.18357424

The sad truth is that most woman want a funny, social caretaker with a career, not a brutish beast and the people who think woman want beastmen, are insane antisocial autistes and not smart or intellectual at all.

Yes, a small minority of woman like beastmen, or badboys, some like sensitive artsy types or cold businessmen types.

But you cant get woman by lifting, because anyone can lift, but you cant turn yourself social unless you spend a decade working on it, just too fail.

Woman select funny social guys with careers, because those are things difficult to fake and show good genes.

Do you want to get a woman and you are still in your early 20s? Then get social....

>> No.18357433

their actions and behaviour says otherwise bucko.All i can say is they want a man with superior genes which is clearly visible on the man's physical appearance.

>> No.18357440

Retarded psychopath.

>> No.18357442

To supplement, autistos dont understand what I am writing down, because to them all people are just appearances without an inner life, therefor flashy muscle bound criminaltypes with sportcars get noticed by these autistes, because of appearances and these freaks dont realise that normal people judge others by their casual and friendly relationships with them. Because those are all internal elements that you have no build into a person, instaid of seeing it on the outside.

>> No.18357447

Thats because being autistic you only notice outward appearances, most woman do not want muscle men, they want social and funny men. But thats not a suit you wear, but a relationship you develop, which is something you can not understand

>> No.18357455


>Women want funny, social caretaker with a career

>Meanwhile Tinder Uk full of single moms with kilometers of dick taken
>Bumble full of 40+ women who don't have a child yet but "want someday"

Please stop being a retard faggot.

>> No.18357457
File: 344 KB, 825x510, mishima2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine how kino it would be if a shooter Hari kiri'd themselves at the end instead of a bullet to the head?

>> No.18357463




>> No.18357501

This post is extremely low quality.

>> No.18357524

Quintessential cuck.

"I'm perfect so women should come to me as I am."

This sums up the degenerate rot instilled by spoiled Neo-Liberal education. See, Eliot is incapable of viewing the world from another person's perspective. He's an utter narcissist, probably because of an over-nurturing narcissistic mother, and as a result he cannot reconcile that, when he can just have anything else that his heart desires, he can't just have the women that he desires. The reality is that, in current year, you cannot just take a woman because you're mildly attractive or from a successful family, you have to exhibit at least some level of intelligence and will, coupled with a certain level of shameless to obtain woman. Its a test, like everything in life, its a test and old Eliot failed spectacularly, and like every spoiled little boy prince, he decided to smash all the toys and throw a fit when he failed. The difference between him and some other incel loser is that he was unable to differentiate fantasy from reality, could have been all the pharma drugs being pumped into his system by western society or he could have just been born a sociopath. Either way the guy was clearly a midwit.

>> No.18357587

Are you The Last Psychiatrist?

>> No.18357633

Have you ever just considered, this is why women are repulsed by you? It’s quite obvious men and women have different outlooks on life, and experience things differently but literally becoming a raging psychotic fag over it is just weird, dude.

>> No.18357708
File: 67 KB, 720x1110, FB_IMG_1622468196675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is. The ranting is pretty pathetic

>> No.18358149

ugly jewesses can't watch vid

>> No.18358642

Thats because these type of apps attract a certain type of women and don't repressent all females. I swear you retards never leave the house and it shows.

>> No.18358659

Anyone got the quote where he is talking about listening to his sister get BLEACHED?

>> No.18358664
File: 160 KB, 384x768, 1620496397722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They want to fuck "beastmen" while they're young, or on the side, while that funny social caretaker takes care of them and provides for their children.

>> No.18358734

My parents would skin my sister alive if she said somethibg like that

>> No.18358743


Of course it doesn't represent all women, just the majority.

>> No.18358751

So this is the power of the white family....

Anyway, this dude has genuine mental issues which hampered his romantic life. He had money, he had (at the very least average) looks, he had a car. He was an incel because he was an egotistical, unlikable person.

>> No.18358942

Women aren't "flawed", that's silly. Women are just fundamentally and intrinsically different from men.

>> No.18358956

Rape babies and war created the creature known as women. When an invading army killed all the men the only women who survived displayed these scummy traits he talks about. It's evolution and it's also why women don't deserve equal rights or respect.

>> No.18359024

why does this come off as the most pretentious shit I've ever read

>> No.18359034

women are flawed as men and perfect as women

>> No.18359050

I've literally met so many chads who look exactly like him. What a fucking loser at least most incels have the excuse of being ugly or autistic Elliott was nether.

>> No.18359058

My nigger, i'm not a shut in for no reason. Years of shit have made me incapable of socializing. My efforts are focussed on different pursuits now

>> No.18359059

Is this shopped or was his body actually that smol compared to his head?

>> No.18359071

I built an entire dissertation around linguistic patterns in mass murderer journals/letters/texts. I used genre analysis with psycholinguistic frameworks, I tested pronoun use and its placement... all sorts.

The big finding I had, was a change in syllable count per clause, when discussing their attacks and intended victims. They increased syllable count when they talked about those topics. I actually wonder if his real target was women, or if they were a scapegoat for an inadequacy formed by something else.

I haven't read his entire text, nor have I spent the time to test it, but it'd be interesting to see how that trend changes especially around women, school, and his parents.

>> No.18359102

>an entire dissertation around linguistic patterns in mass murderer journals/letters/texts
is that like watching JCS videos but for smart people?

>> No.18359127

>I built an entire dissertation around linguistic patterns in mass murderer journals/letters/texts.
Autism, but sounds intriguing.

>I actually wonder if his real target was women, or if they were a scapegoat for an inadequacy formed by something else.
Well I think that much is obvious, ultimately all these incel types lack security (the mother's role in traditional heteronormative sense) and self assuredness (the father's role in the traditional heteronormative sense)

I think gen x parents are so over protective that incels never face actually reality and never learn how to solve conflicts. Arrested development has always been a thing but I think it's rampant in this era. When you think of an incel or femcel imagine a toddler crying lost in the mall looking for a parent.

>I haven't read his entire text, nor have I spent the time to test it
Do it and get back to us sounds interesting.

>> No.18359135
File: 238 KB, 1538x1380, Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 19.18.52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funnily enough I've watched a few of those over the last week. I was kind of inspired by Teddy K to do the research, but I didn't analyse his texts, I focused on students in the USA that committed or tried to commit acts of mass murder through the use of guns.

It was basically untrodden ground, if there's research on it, it wasn't research I had access to. Interestingly enough, a few months later, a paper on psycholinguistic analysis using machine learning showed similar traits that I had found in many of the subjects in those with schizophrenia. So I saw similar issues in people like Seung Hui Cho to the findings found by their analysis, so I don't think I was too far off base.

I need to study it more. I'm going into teaching. I put the issue on the back burner until I became better educated in linguistics, so that I can then revisit it. Really my goal was just to offer a 'this could be a leaping off point' paper (and even that ended up over 100 pages).

Pic related is an analysis of one of Kip Kinkel's letter. Notice how he has a sort of 'mental beat', where his cognition will fluctuate between a certain range of syllables per phrase? But then he talks about hurting people, and suddenly, it plummets.

>> No.18359137

You need a second for the decapitation. You could disembowel into 360 headshot yourself tho.

Anyone know where to get this shirt?

>> No.18359154

What a pathetic man. Not only he married a used up slut who rode the cock carousel but he also raised a daughter who will follow her mother's steps. Hopefully he had a son to make up for it.

>> No.18359157
File: 2.67 MB, 4818x2232, Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 19.24.18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have no idea. I had to process and reprocess that data in like 6 different ways to determine trends. Had to read and re-read them to figure out new avenues of analysis.

>> No.18359168

It would be very easy for someone with access to a university database to doxx you.

>> No.18359191

Jesus Christ. It's so impressive I feel like you're stealing someone else's work. Analyze Elliott Rodger's manifesto and come back I'd love to see what the results are.

>> No.18359197

Well no one do that guys

>> No.18359216

Literally all this guy needed was an editor.

>> No.18359225

he would have been a great leader several thousand years ago desu

>> No.18359230

and what did your conclusions reach so far?

>> No.18359232

All this guy needed was a Chad step dad who taught who him self confidence. He'd still be a sexist POS but at least he'd be able to fuck.

>> No.18359257

he was like 5'1

>> No.18359266

so much it's unreal

>> No.18359277

this dumb motherfucker married a post wall stacy and expected not to have a whore of a daughter
he sure will have a surprise when he is a grandfather to a mixed child and father to a single mother

>> No.18359278
File: 11 KB, 227x222, 43x937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be promiscous while you're young
>find a stable person to settle down with later in life
Don't the vast majority of guys who are able to have sex on the regular do exactly the same thing?

>> No.18359288
File: 226 KB, 1450x1236, Screenshot 2021-05-31 at 19.47.49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I don't think my work is in any public domain, so they'd have to be at the exact university I was at.

It's mine. It's difficult, the stylistics aren't that consistent. I took a really short one and used it to 'prototype' the expectations and model of one of these pieces, but they were very different. For instance, I fully expected to see the same patterns in it as you'd see in many suicide notes because the expectation is, when they do these acts, that their life might end. But I only found that in one.

Pic rel. This was in the same vein as the psycholinguistic analyses by prototyping rhetorical moves in a Swalesian style.

>> No.18359301

>the vast majority of guys
no it's only the top 20%, you dumb bitch.

>> No.18359322


>> No.18359370


>> No.18359373

>people getting baited by an article obviously written by some roastie masquerading as a "man" to mold the worldview around her interests

>> No.18359418

Yeah, I said those who are able to have sex on the regular.

>> No.18359435

you ever feed this to ML?

>> No.18359441
File: 50 KB, 217x618, 1618278129198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18359443

20% of men are whores, 80% of women are whores. (really its over 99% if we're being strict)

>> No.18359476

Nah. I didn't have access to such things. It wasn't very popular then. I was just one nerd sitting in their room counting syllables, categorising phrases by intent, and figuring out what was going on. The point of my research wasn't to find definitive proof that we could definitely figure out if someone was serious about hurting others - that would have been an amazing find - it was more about demonstration that there is a commonality at some level that we can identify, that could link to risk.

For example, Elliot's diary was seen by his psychologist... but you end up in the tricky question of, when a teenager says "I'm gonna kill blahblah"... do they mean it? Are they being emotional? Hormonal? How do you tell, without a doubt, they mean harm? And I figured there had to be something subconscious that could be picked up with forensic linguistic techniques.

If someone else continues this and proves correlations exist, and find more concrete examples beyond syllable count (which is the only commonality I could readily identify), then I'd love it. It's about identifying risk, and then getting the people that pose that risk intervention and help.

>> No.18359511

>this level of cope

>> No.18359519

>There is something mentally wrong with the way their brains are wired
>says the guy who was so mentally abnormal that he couldn’t help drive people away despite his relative good looks and wealth

>> No.18359521

Hating women used to be considered adorable:

>> No.18359560

>relative good looks
nigger he was built like a 12 year old boy