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18356254 No.18356254 [Reply] [Original]

Post what you read in May.

>> No.18356260
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And post what you've got planned for June.

I'm going to have to buy a copy of Faust, or at least of Part 2, since that book only includes the first part.

>> No.18356267

Took a break from reading because I read like 14 books in April. I've been trudging through Ulysses in May. The only book I finished in May was White Noise. As for June, I hope to finish Ulysses sometime next month but I am in no rush. If I do manage to finish it, I will start Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.18356275

>inny swiat
>ludzie bezdomni
are you still in highschool or what

>> No.18356287

Finished On the Study Methods of Our Time by Giambattista Vico. Interesting exposition on the Ancient vs Modern debate and I found the arguments for and against the compartmentalization of knowledge to be particularly insightful. Yet I would've preferred more information concerning the use of Geometry in building reason. Such an attractive proposition can be mistaken for something else if it isn't elaborated upon properly. Of course there is the Autobiography, Orations and the New Science so I might find some development there.

>> No.18356306

Nah but I've been reading in Polish for not even a year, so I'm still reading a lot of the basics and that. And they were both given to me as well so it's an absolute duty that I read them, even if I maybe wouldn't have chosen them myself

>> No.18356322


Greene: Collected Essays,
The Japanese Period Film,
Selected Letters of P. Larkin,
The Quiet American,
A Farewell to Arms,
Melanholija Otpora,
Pax Romana,
The End of the Affair,
Greek Plays: Euripides
JR by Gaddis

>> No.18356332

alright then. inny swiat is a worthwhile read, definitely my favorite piece of ww2 and labor camp related literature (although that's hardly my favorite topic). zeromski requires some knowledge of the historical context and its not really interesting outside of that context.

>> No.18356411

where do you buy your books to get these classical editions?

>> No.18356982

Just here and there lad. Like the Walden I got from the Co-op up the road from me that does a charity sale where you get books for 50p or £1 depending on hardcover or softcover. Normally just cookbooks and rows of Jeremy Clarkson's autobiography, but every couple months you find something decent like a volume of Shakespeare's Histories, or a Dicken's, or that copy of Walden which was actually printed in the 1880s which is pretty mad that someone just gave that away. And then the Pushkin was just from Ebay, the fella who sold it isn't on there anymore which is a shame because he had some really bangin covers for cheap prices as well, and I only had time to get that and a copy of Svejk afore he fooked off. And ones like the Żeromski or the Prus you can see in the background was just given to me by my uncle so idk some fuckin Polish website that sells books.

>> No.18357237

I'm starting to read Ziemia Obiecana (The Promised Land) by Władysław Reymont now, I've heard it's better written and more accessible than Chłopi. Other than that I'm not reading anything, I've already read like 9 books so far this year, some written by Polish authors like Stanisław Lem or Henryk Sienkiewicz.

>> No.18357242

Nigga I aint read nun in may

>> No.18357324

Bronze Age Mindset
A little bit of New Testament
Fragments of Marcus Aurelius Meditations
Lord of the Rings the fellowship of the ring

Planning to read
Finish New testament
Maybe finish Warhammer 40k Descent of Angels

>> No.18357381

>Jünger diaries 45-48
Comfy read. Interesting account of what was happening just after the end of war in Germany. Lots of good observations on literature, language, nature, society, etc. Jünger uses well his eyes and ears and gives an engaging outlook.

>Leiris - Manhood
Brilliant. An autobiography that focuses on Leiris' sexual development from his childhood to what he considers to be his manhood. Rather that a patchwork of raunchy anecdotes, the book is built around Leiris' formative inner experiences, which spins around two main archetypal centres when it comes to women: Judith and Lucretia. The cruel whore and the pure virgin. It begins with a very nice little essay comparing literature to tauromachy in which Leiris tells his project. Impeccably written. Plunged me deep into introspection, every man should come to the same level of understanding that Leiris had of himself.

>Leopardi - Canti
Unfortunately not read in Italian so I cannot say much about it but they were mostly enjoyable. Leopardi clearly takes his distances with romanticism while not really finding a new way. The Broom is probably a master piece of Italian lit. The book had some essays/short stories by Leopardi at the end. Some of them were very good and develop a sense of irony portentous of the Cruel Tales and other desperate books of the end of the century.

>Bataille - Eroticism
Very good read. A necessary complementary book to Bataille's novels. While I believe Bataille is often mislead in his anthropological approach, he always reaches conclusion that seem to hold a lot of truth, especially I think because he had the excellent intuition of understanding the relation that exists between angst and eroticism. Bataille also never takes the easy way and is obviously rigorous in his research and reasoning: the small essays at the end are a testimony of that IMO, especially the ones of mysticism.

>Jünger - The Glass bees
Meh. A clumsy novel about the tropes that are dear to Jünger: aristocracy, technology, nature, etc. Mostly forgettable if it was not for one quasi-surrealist image towards the end of the novel which almost saves it because of its strength and beauty. Short read anyway.

>Peguy - The portal of the mystery of hope
200 pages long poem about hope and its place in the Christian faith. Peguy's use of repetition is really brilliant imo, other than that the poem, although very well written, doesn't have a lot of poetical strength most of the time. Worth reading for its originality.

>Daumal - A night of serious drinking
Excellent 'pataphysician book which tells the story of a narrator getting drunker and drunker in an unknown setting with a lot of weird characters who then explore a parody of our own world. Very good satire which proposes turn upside down our relationship to the world.

>> No.18357514
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all the light we cannot see and hamnet were underwhelming. not terrible but just very.... ordinary. krasz was everything i hoped it would be. hilarious, dark, cynical, apocalyptic, wonderful. she devil was my surprise - an absolute riot. taut and mean and funny

>> No.18357854


>> No.18358767

Nice one lad, I'll make a note of some of these for later

>> No.18358797
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I also read a pdf of Confessions of an English Opium-Eater.

>> No.18358901
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What edition of the 45-48 diaries did you read? And have you read his 41-45 journals?

May reads:
>The Cloud of Unknowing and the Book of Privy Counseling
Great book on contemplative prayer. Highly recommend.

>Milk and Honey
>The Sun and Her Flower - Rupi Kaur
I read the meme poetry. Some of it was okay.

>The Savage Detectives - Roberto Bolano
The second work of Bolano I've read, after 2666. Really good character study. Kind of a self-deprecating memoir of Bolano and the people he knew. Another great read. Looking forward to continuing to read more Bolano.

Trying to read basic works of other religions outside of my regular Christian books. The edition I read was translated by Juan Mascaro, and it tied the passages to Christian works. Much of the language used in the translation frames it in a Western perspective. I'd be interested in reading another translation later.

>Wise Blood - Flannery O'Connor
O'Connor doesn't disappoint. Interesting, weird tale of Hazel Motes trying his hardest to get Jesus out of his life. Don't want to spoil anything here. Read it if you haven't.

>Swamplandia! - Karen Russell
Plan to finish today. It's okay. Have about 100 pages yet and unless it ramps up I don't think I'd recommend it to anyone.

>> No.18359275

>What edition of the 45-48 diaries did you read?
Not sure why?
>And have you read his 41-45 journals?
Nope, found this book in a used book store. I plan to one of these days though.

noice, which ones?

>> No.18359325

And vote for what you liked the most:

>> No.18359377

I wrote instead of reading this month.

>> No.18359957

Well both Bataille and Leopardi are two who I've been meaning to read for ages, so you've reminded me again that I really need to get to something of theirs sooner rather than later, also the Leiris and Daumal are two books I wasn't aware of before and I'm now very interested in reading those at some point.

Fook aff ya noncy toad

What'd you write about then lad?

>> No.18360298


>> No.18360638

Why is this board so filled of poles posting pictures of their books?
Or is it just one single pole freneticaly posting pictures of his books every opportunity he gets?
Anyway, how is Envy?

>> No.18360647
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>> No.18361158

Klara and the Sun (absolute junk)
Antkind (genuinely funny, but probably 300 pages too long)
Notable American Women (one of the funniest books I've ever read. brilliant)
The Secret History (worthless slop)
Waiting for the Barbarians (insufferably boring)
Disgrace (insufferably boring)
Sixty Stories by Donald Barthelme (among the greatest literature I've ever read)

Not a great month for me.

>> No.18361749

civilization and its discontents
invisible cities

that's it lol

>> No.18361986

It's pretty fuckin bangin lad

>> No.18362225

I should have

>> No.18362266

I hate you so much

>> No.18362617

What did you think of Invisible Cities?

>> No.18363650

Mythology - Hamilton
The remains of the day - Ishiguro
Of mice and men - Steinbeck
Switch Bitch - Roald Dahl

>> No.18363673

The Tempest - Shakespeare
Troilus and Cressida - Shakespeare
Journey to the End of the Night - Celine

Journey took up most of my May. Didn't realise how long that book was when I began lol - 450 pages of tiny print, bible thin paper. Felt like a lot of it dragged too. I enjoyed the bits in the war, in Africa, and then the entire final section with Robinson, but the bits in between were a bit of a slog, particularly his entire stint as a doctor.

>> No.18364979

you really should have

>> No.18365587
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These are the books I finished in May:


>> No.18365626

Which Shakespeare play did you prefer?

>> No.18366306
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>> No.18366315

The Third Policeman cracked me up.

>> No.18366330

Absolute banger, got At Swim-Two-Birds lined up next

>> No.18366432


>> No.18366503


>> No.18366905
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1. Book about genocide in Vendee during French Revolution (quite boring desu).
2. Book by Robert Spaemann titled in german "Grenzen" about ethics. Heavy philosophy.
3. Democracy in America by Tocqueville.
4. Greek Discovery of Politics by german professor Christian Meier.

Together around 2200 pages.

>> No.18366931

That confused me on my first read and I dropped it. Just not the right mood. Reread it a couple years ago and understood it fine and I enjoyed it. ASTB is definitely more ambitious and probably a technically better book, but I like The Third Policeman more

>> No.18366968

Aemilia Lanyer - Salve Deus Rex Judaeorum
John Donne - Complete Poems
William Shakespeare - Othello
- Pericles
- Macbeth
DH Lawrence - Sons and Lovers
- The Rainbow

The Gospels.
Nietzche - The Birth of Tragedy

>> No.18366971


>> No.18367177

I loved Wise Blood and thought Swamplandia was overhyped crap too.

>> No.18367340

I'm a real contrarian in the sense that I do not like The Tempest at all. I mean, it's Shakespeare so it's still great, but a lot of people list it as their favourite and I just don't see it. This was actually my third time reading it (don't ask why) and while I enjoyed it more this time, it still didn't leave an enormous impression on me. Troilus and Cressida is also flawed, but the tragedy in that resonated much more with me. Troilus' speech when he realises Cressida was unfaithful hits hard. Honestly, seems like the type of play 4channers would love

>> No.18367346

do you guys work

>> No.18368223

Yes, only like 35 hours a week though so I still have a ton of time for reading.

>> No.18368244


>> No.18368277

I read Dune

>> No.18368284
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>> No.18368292

hi mike, love the show

>> No.18368315
