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18350466 No.18350466[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I find it laughable how many of you "enlightened" people think of Buddhism as this nihilistic circle jerk, but in reality it's the best way to live. Devoting your life to mindful meditation and study, no stress about money or the new movies coming out, or politics. Simply enjoying the now, and it also has shown that this way of life increase IQ. I've found a monastery near by(10 minutes away) and I want to be prepared for when I ask to enter. What should I read other than the Pali Canon?

>> No.18350674

I want to join one because I don't want to get a job. I've no intention of ever reading Muh Pali Canon, will they really quiz you on that crap?

>> No.18350687


You know other religions have monastic orders right

>> No.18350700

They'll teach you if you don't know

>> No.18350706

But I don't believe in Christ

>> No.18350739


If you're not willing to believe in something transcendental I have some bad news for you anon

>> No.18350746

wow i didn't know rapture converted

>> No.18350747

>if you're not willing to believe in this one thing then that means you're not willing to believe in other things

>> No.18350786

Believing in christ is the ultimate bugman. You're probably one of those people who is like >"I'm a christian"
> "So you believe Christ was resurrected"
>"Ughhhh, yeahhhh surrreee".
Low IQ believing in some prehistoric jewish demi god.

>> No.18350825
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Ironic you're calling other people low iq bugmen

>> No.18350854
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Devoting your life to meditation and study isn't a neet. It's a full time enrollment to an education. But you're right, I should go to church and listen to some pedophile preach to me through a million metaphors on ancient stories written by handicapped cavemen. Your belief results in war, corruption, greed, and goes against everything it pretends to preach. At least buddhist practice what they believe in unlike you losers

>> No.18350860

Pride cometh before the fall.

>> No.18350867

Buddhism has a long history of religious violence and sexual abuse just like the Catholic church does. Also it's a life-denying cope philosophy. Why do you want to join them?

>> No.18350884

Go be a monk and deprive yourself of protein and mistake the lethargy you get from the deprivation as some sort of mindful progress.

>> No.18350903

The Foundations of Buddhism
Have you started reading the pali canon?
It's pretty boring

>> No.18350908
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>he believes in the resurrection
>he believes in the conception
>he believes in the original sin
>he believes in the trinity
>he believes in the firmament (lmao)
>all of this he believes in spite of evidence to the contrary.

>> No.18350918

In the Buddha's words by bhikku bodhi is good compilation of a lot of theravada everything, and Nagarjuna's Mulmadhyamakakarika "The Fundamental Wisdom of the Middle Way" is an excellent short work on Buddhist logic and learning that will help you understand the Sutras

>> No.18350928

Ah I see you want to be well read in Buddhism before going to the temple, you want to make an impression on them, you want them to say "wow this newcomer has already read the pali canon and this and this..."

It's fantastic that you already know Buddhist life to be the best even though you don't live it yourself yet. Apparently you don't need to worry about things like money but you still worry about IQ.

I'm just jesting with you OP.

Just go to the temple already, look for simple meditation practice in their schedule. No one will inquire you with anything and you'll sit along side a bunch of noobs, manbun-spiritual-but-not-religious guys, and old ladies. They will tell you how to sit and how to position your hands, things you probably already know. You'll be one in the crowd, just like the others, suck up on the pride. See how it feels, go once again and again, engage in other events like prayers and longer meditation sessions, talk to others during coffee breaks, the rest will come naturally and they'll recommend you better books if that's what you are after.

>> No.18350957

Read this book. Rupert Gethin gives a broad overview of basic Buddhist history and concepts before discussing some of the finer philosophical schools and doctrines in Mahayana.

I disagree with this anon about the Nagarjuna book though. I recommend Jan Westerhoff's book called Nagarjuna's Madhyamaka prior to reading the Mulamadhyamakakarika. I see a lot of people struggle with Nagarjuna because they aren't familiar with the schools he argues against, so some secondary material is extremely helpful.

However, In The Buddha's Words is a good collection of Pali Canon texts and Bhikku Bodhi is a reputable scholar.

This anon is right.

>> No.18350964
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>buddhist practice what they believe

>> No.18350997

You're not convincing me here, bro, try harder.

>> No.18351041

I should have added that the Jay Garfield translation and commentary of the Mulamadhyamakakarika is excellent since he explains every line step by step

>> No.18351075
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>> No.18351088

low hanging fruit, fake news.

>> No.18351111

Is Buddhism even a real religion or is it just a collection of philosophical ideas? You never hear of people in Buddhist countries going to a Buddhist church once a week or caring about saving sex for marriage. In fact Buddhist countries seem to be total degenerate secular shitholes riddled with tattoos, sluts, drugs, piercings.

>> No.18351120

Holy fuck why do western "buddhists" especially on the internet have such a huge chip on their shoulder
Calm down, be a buddhist if you want, nobody cares

>> No.18351124

It's a death cult

>> No.18351129

It's against Buddhism to inflict harm on oneself. It's the opposite of a dealth cult.

>> No.18351136

>sophistry and word games
typical of buddhists
not interested in having an argument with you

>> No.18351144

I totally agree. That is my preferred translation as well, even though Garfield himself says that Tsongkhapa's Ocean of Reasoning is the best translation and commentary.

If there any analytic brained anons reading this, then you might enjoy the Mark Siderits translation. Analytic philosophers seem to really enjoy Nagarjuna as a logician.

>> No.18351147

Low quality bait

>> No.18351154

it's not bait but keep seething
man how much do you have to fucking hate life to seriously consider subscribing to buddhism? Boggles my mind, how far gone you must be to actually think you're a soulless transient mass of agregates
I hope you snap out of it someday

>> No.18351167


>> No.18351270

Is there a good intro to Tibetan Buddhism?

>> No.18351315

>You never hear of people in Buddhist countries going to a Buddhist church once a week or caring about saving sex for marriage
this is objective false, you're either completely ignorant or just lying

>> No.18351318

if you are Russian i have a link to a big library of texts on Tibetian Buddhism

>> No.18351319
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>> No.18351325
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either bait or you have such a profounded smooth brain conception of buddhism
either way you seem to be seething that buddhism actually exists, quite funny

>> No.18351328

the Mulamadhyamakakarika.

best book i've ever read.