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18350408 No.18350408[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Serious Question:
Sex is such a driving force in most humans, that it's intrinsic in art. Be it romance, or despair, or depravity, most literature at least touches on wanting to play grab-ass with someone.

Can I understand literature if I'm asexual? I have never felt any desire or impulse to bump uglies with anyone, and I've seen the same sentiment echoed by most people that consider themselves asexual or even aromantic: that they thought that "cis" people are being hyperbolic when they talk about sexual/romantic attraction and desire. That it was a little in-joke they just didn't quite get.

So- can asexuals and aromantics fully experience literature, or are they just fucked?

>> No.18350417

Yes as long as it's good literature.
If the lit needs to rely on you getting horny the it's reddit tier shit

>> No.18350419

Take some Super Male Vitality.

>> No.18350438

It's not just getting horny though. I mean, take Helena of Troy for example. The whole war started because a couple of men both were after the same woman. I just don't understand it. Even if I try to see it rationally, I just can't comprehend the idea that anyone would be that obsessed with someone, but it sure seems to resonate with a lot of people.

For me, it's the same as starting a war over, say, an item that I was outbid on last minute. I mean, it's something that I could be furious about, and I could be pissed about it for the rest of my life, sporadically bemoaning fate, but that's it.

>> No.18350763

is it everything sexual or the romantic ones? cause while sexual deviations can be interesting the romantic ones turn cheesy

>> No.18350804

I don't understand what you mean

>> No.18350838

romantic ones tend to get boring and unappealing for someone like me whos not asexual. when the author makes it creative (like deviations) it gets interesting

>> No.18350852

Fully experience literature? No, especially not romantic literature or literature with sexual things. This applies to a lot of people though even with things beyond sex. People who have never been to war will never properly understand books and autobiographies about war. People who grew up in cities and sheltered environments will never be able to properly understand, say, the Iliad. Parts of these works will resonate with them, but they'll never get the "full experience", just like you won't with romance. This doesn't mean you can't experience literature at all. Literature is thankfully multifaceted and not solely centered around sex.

>> No.18350873

>I'm asexual
Really? You don't ever masturbate or consume online pornography?

I don't believe it for a second.

>> No.18350876

i don't think not having a full experience is a problem. its having one that's enough. I guess that's whats beautiful about literature getting to sip from the drink you'll never make

>> No.18350881

asexuality doesn't mean you don't have nerves in your crotch, dumbass. People can still derive pleasure from it.

Asexuality is usually divided into sex-adverse, sex-indifferent, and sex-positive.

>> No.18350895

not consuming online pornography is weird?

>> No.18350902

yeah kinda

>> No.18350910

>has never been in love
>thinks this makes him asexual
You just haven't had the experience I guess, most have it around Puberty when their hormones drive them towards sexuality.

In my experience 99% of people who are asexual just have some sort of mental anxiety associated with sex. The drive to declare "I'm asexual" can almost be seen as a cry for help, i.e. "Help! I can't feel intimacy with another human."
All sorts of things can cause this, everything ranging from abuse to neglectful parents to bullying to social anxiety.
Reading in and of itself won't make you understand what romance and love feels like, you have to actually find someone who, by chance, provokes that feeling in you in a real way.
I find it hard to believe you've never had even a small crush, fictional or otherwise however.

>> No.18350916

it just seems unreal and pointless. guess i should try harder

>> No.18350925

You might be asexual right now. Given the right person, it will change. Thinking you are asexual is very teenage angsty and I know this because I used to think I was that myself. You grow out of it at some point. You are not that special, you just dont want to participate in the modern hedonistic random sex, and that is okay. Have you ever been in love with someone?

>consuming porn is sex and sexuality
I know you are just baiting, but that is good bait.

>> No.18350946

>Even if I try to see it rationally
Well, that kind of obsession with a person is not a rational decision. There isn't really a rational reason for it.

If you don't mind me asking, are you aromantic as well as asexual?

>> No.18350951

>>has never been in love
>>thinks this makes him asexual

I consider love and sex completely separate entities that happen to overlap often, which only leads credence to the idea that I'm asexual.

As it stands, I came to the conclusion that I was asexual after I finally found the definition for it when I was twenty-three, after spending a full decade trying to figure out what was wrong with me.

I am not repulsed by sex, it's simply a non-entity to me. I also have had a crush, on multiple people, but not once have I ever wanted to have sex with them, which makes a lot of sense, since I'm (grey) asexual, and that means I have no interest in sex, and not that I can't experience romantic or platonic love.

>> No.18350967

>are you aromantic as well as asexual?
I don't know. I've considered it. I have never experienced "butterflies in the stomach" and I have no idea what that means, and no once can explain it to me. There's no way for me to verify it one way or the other, so I try not to think too much about it.

>> No.18350969

Not the anon you quoted, but it seems like you have a need to put alot of labels on yourself. Who cares if you are this or that? It doesnt make you special. 23 is still young. I had no desire to sleep with any women I knew until I met one when I was 28.

How can something be completely seperate, but at the same time overlap?

>> No.18350980

>what is wrong with me
For this to be true you have to actually have something wrong with you.
>Had a crush, multiple times
This would imply, at some level, sexual desire. A crush only occurs because of a chemical reaction in the brain. Dopamine, along with other hormones and chemicals, are released every time you see the subject of your crush because of sexual desire. Mind over matter however and often times one can fool themselves into thinking the crush is purely romantic.

Tell me, where one of your crushes to engage with you romantically, kissing and such, would you be sexually aroused? I went to university at a deeply fundamental Catholic college and almost everyone there had constructed such strong mental barriers between sexual desire and romantic desire that they themselves were oftentimes fooled into thinking they were asexual. I cannot tell you how many I watched entire the clergy only because they couldn't overcome the anxiety born of the idea that they would want to commit what was to them a sin with the person they cared for most.

The reality is that, as is so often the case, the asexuality existed only in their minds. Not to say that this is the case with you, but I find it sad that some repress what is a natural and beautiful desire to create new life with one they cherish and love because of modern societies degradation and monetization of the act. I won't lie, the image of pure carnal indulgence that porn often conveys can be disgusting and off-putting to say the least.

>> No.18350986

>How can something be completely seperate, but at the same time overlap?
Mmm, think of it like a set of twins that spend most of their time together. They're separate, but they usually come together.

>> No.18350998

A set of twins are not completely seperated.They share so much. DNA, birthday, and if they are monozygote they share their looks.

>> No.18351001

that's right. but they're completely separate entities.

>> No.18351033

Yes, sure. But how is that relevant to love and sex? Love and sex are not physical things.

>> No.18351071


Pure fabrication that people introject to have an excuse to knowingly do stupid things.

>> No.18351080

Dealing with sex in literature doesn't always mean dealing with sex in a heavily romanticized way. It could be, and sometimes is, dealt with in a more detached, clinical way that might resonate with you.

>> No.18351084

Do mushrooms. You'll have a reckoning with these labels you like to put on yourself. The link between time and your mind will disappear for hours and you will be in conflict with yourself for eternity. Self imposed labels can't last for eternity. No one can lie to themselves for that long either, not even retarded people such as yourself.

>found out when I was 23 and haven't let go
You might want to think about killing yourself. Might be your minds only chance to grow. Explore ideas honestly or kys.

>> No.18351117

How can another's label possibly identify you?
Every human being is entirely unique to themselves.
A radical idea but true, every human's brain operates in separate patterns and no two are identical.
Every human life is entirely its own experience, a simple statement but profound because who then can possibly hope to truly understand another experience save that person themself?
My point? To take until 23 to discover that one is asexual means that the idea of asexuality was absent from you until another's ego posited it. Therefore the idea is not native to you, it is not yours. You have merely adopted someone else's idea and then retrofitted your world view to fit into that mold. I don't blame you for this, to do so is the most natural thing in the world, but that doesn't mean that it is right.

Look inside yourself, what is it that you want? You say you think there is something wrong with you, but that can only be true if you accept that society's view on sexuality is 'correct' and yours is 'wrong'. If yours is wrong, why hold it in the first place? If societies opinion is so important to you why not aquiese and adopt that framework, even if it does not please you? It seems as though asexuality does not please you either, so I would implore you to, at the end of the day, look to what makes you happy, ignore labels, and ignore what other's egos try to tell you is "right" or "wrong" about the way you exist in this chaotic world.

>> No.18351127

So, asexual is just polite word for an incel.

>> No.18351142

Yes I'm sexually frustrated too

>> No.18351149


Utterly ridiculous, sex is the most socially sanctioned act there is.

>> No.18351160

for vocel

>> No.18351181

>Can I understand literature if I'm asexual?
No such thing literally for the reasons yoy described. You're not a different "sexuality" you just have a low libido/are autistic

>> No.18351226
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I've never met an attractive person who identified as "asexual". There was this one fat ugly chick in my college English class that was "asexual" and I'm pretty sure she just had sour grapes because chads wouldn't fuck her.

>> No.18351238

Mandatory have sex reply

>> No.18351346

This thread has the superficial appearance of being about literature, but a few seconds' thought reveals that actually, the OP wanted to make a thread about himself and about getting attention for his own OC donut steel condition, totally wacky gawrsh ain't I just weird and different, a hyuck?

All fields.

>> No.18351352

I've met a few asexuals and they were all stunners. A real shame.

>> No.18351358

Now you're getting it.

>> No.18351383
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Possibly but it is hard for people with mental disorders to perceive reality correctly

>> No.18351417

Well even sexuality & romantic desire are multilayered things. Even if you don't feel the urge to lay pipe, there's still a lot of humor & pathos to be found in most literary depictions of it. Apollo's desperate groping of Daphne after she's turned into a tree is still funny regardless of whether or not you've wanted to caress someone that badly before.

>> No.18351499

For me beating my dick is about the same as taking a good shit, it also releases a nice cocktail of chemicals into my bloodstream. Other than that there isn't much going on. Had sex a few times and decided it wasn't for me. When a female gets horny about me, trying to keep them away feels like keeping a horny dog at bay, just awkward.

>> No.18351572

>be massively socially autistic
>get wrapped up completely in my own neuroses, to where every explainable anomaly feels "natural"
>invent new sexuality around it
So... This is the power of confirmation bias and rampant delusions

>> No.18351625

I've been in love and had quite a few sexual experiences but I must admit I don't enjoy sex at all. I find it very difficult to understand why anyone devotes so much time to it. I have tried with women and men of all (legal) ages but nothing changes.

I don't know if I consider myself asexual or not. I have an aesthetic attraction to the human body but only from a distance, like in a painting or photograph. The human body up close is a vulgar, disgusting thing that doesn't attract me at all. It's mostly the smell, and no, I don't mean my partners have smelled particularly bad, I just don't like the regular smells that emanate from every human being whether from their flesh, mouth or genitals.

People will likely blame this on a porn addiction or some other nonsense but I've been the same way my whole life. Sexual curiosity has always resulted in disgust and disappointment, unfortunately.

I come from a loving home, was never bulied and I don't have social anxiety to any extreme degree; I get nervous, sure, but it's nothing crippling.

>> No.18351755

So... This is the power of projection and limiting human interaction to image boards.

>> No.18351867

Yes, some things might not just impact you the same way they do others, same way coomers are less impacted by texts that aren't about sex and attraction.

>> No.18351901

Either you're an actual and objectively lesser anomaly, blind to some of the purest beauty of the human condition, or you're just a neurotic faggot making up labels to feel special.
Either way, cope, seethe, sneed

>> No.18351951

I'm not special in any way, nor do I have the need to use labels for identifying and banding with anyone on the internet. You don't have to get upset because of this. My life experience doesn't affect your life experience in any way, like yours doesn't affect mine.

And try to be a man when discussing something you obviously know even less about than someone who actively doesn't give a shit about, and stop using that meme shit. You're probably an American and I get it how hard it is for you to socially survive these days, but if you want to get ahead in life don't mix memes in when you're trying to be serious about something.

>> No.18351959

You're not asexual, SSRIs have just shredded your dopamine system so you can't cum

>> No.18351961

Your problem is that you're trying to see everything in a single lens, the romantic and sexual one. All of that didn't happen just because of two guys being interested in one dumb bitch.

>> No.18351964

That OC donut steel condition reminds me of a terrible SAO fanfiction i read once with an asexual misanthropic character.

>> No.18351978

>but it seems like you have a need to put alot of labels on yourself
it's just a way of description that every normal person does too

>> No.18351987

Probably not, but on the other hand you have an easier time avoiding 99% of the pitfalls that literature talks about.

>> No.18351988

Hey OP, no joke you should post this to r/asexual.
You're not going to get anything worthwhile here from a bunch of retard who think asexuality is just a myth that people use to make themselves feel special

>> No.18352005

You're just a different libidinal machine, i refuse to believe you don't have any libidinal drives, they just don't make you want to shag but still wants to be released.

Don't you want to forget yourself and just be yourself? Totally intimate with existence? Often this intimacy is only achieved through a partner , here Hegel's master slave dialectic and aesthetics are useful, in jungian terms the anima (Helena) is the door to the self (the soul) some people experience intimacy with being, self-knowledge, through asceticism, others trough relationships. When Paris stole Helena he also stole the door to the soul: Menelaus, suffering from the same "toxic masculinity" as modern incels do could only relate to himself through his partner.

>> No.18352011

sex feels good but thats about it really. the worst part is having to deal with the person before and after.

>> No.18352044

>>18350417 fpbp, anon is right

I really want to ask, do you ever masturbate and if yes, what turns you on to do it? Just the fact it feels good physically?
Also, are you on any medication, or do you struggle with emotional issues?

>> No.18352054

>The whole war started because a couple of men both were after the same woman.
It wasn't about individual preference for a woman, it was about honour. If the prince of a great empire can come to your halls and leave with your wife, that is an enormous affront to your honour. If you just let him take her, that shows to everyone that you are weak and invites them to come and take from you whatever they want as well.
You're not being "rational" you're just engaging in bad interpretation.

>> No.18352060

there's no functional difference.

>> No.18352062

Naw anon, in fact more people are becoming asexual than ever before in human history. Feminism made women completely unattractive. More and more people every year are having less and less sex. Nobody is having children. The whole thing is hilarious. Women are completely miserable and spearheading for total societal collapse. Divorce rates get higher every year.

>> No.18352082

>I just don't understand it
Because that's not what happened, you retard. Also, the reason you can't comprehend it if it did (which it didn't) is because you're a narrowminded loser with poor life experience. Or autistic. I've never felt such a thing either but it is easy to understand. Your inability isn't anything to do with romance and sexuality, which are bullshit anyway, but lack of imagination and ability to assume the terms and context of another.

>> No.18352093

>I mean, take Helena of Troy for example. The whole war started because a couple of men both were after the same woman.
that's not what happened.

>> No.18352098
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>More and more people every year are having less and less sex
can someone explain this phenomenon to me? i've seen many different studies that indicate that this is true but I don't understand how a society thats so open about having nonstop sex with tons of people could produce people that don't have sex at all.

>> No.18352105

Social isolation.

>> No.18352110

fucking awful picture

>> No.18352121
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Sounds to me like you're just another narcissist. Everyone is so up their own ego and neurotic fantasies that they can't let down enough of the wall to invite another person.
Of course you don't enjoy sex its because whoever you've been fucking you've been looking at and expecting to see yourself. You people I swear.

>> No.18352127

Feminism. I'm serious. Women are trying to become crude imitations of masculine virtues. Men aren't attracted to these except in other men as tokens of respect, etc. But when women do it, it just comes off as a farce (because it is).

Plus women are becoming less healthy. Fatter bodies, less self-care, less feminine style (most women dress like men these days) and more unnecessary hyper-aggressive behavior (again, crude mimic of masculine stereotypes).

If you find a girl who takes care of her body who is actually feminine hold onto her, because the vast majority of women will never be like this again.

>> No.18352129

Finding sex distasteful or frightening due to your own mental hangups, or having low libido, is not a sexuality.

>> No.18352134

>Don't you want to forget yourself and just be yourself? Just do the most socially sanctioned, mechanical, and predetermined act there is LOL!!11

>> No.18352135

OP please post body and what you're currently reading

>> No.18352150
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>> No.18352180

Except OP has said explicitly that he doesn't find it frightening or distasteful.
Please shut the fuck up

>> No.18352216

I would unironically commit genocide for my crush lol

>> No.18352222

i want her to read me a book about a sex

>> No.18352240

I haven't had sex with my girlfriend of 4 years in about 5 months because during the Covid lockdown she gained a tremendous amount of weight and is now fat. I don't know what it is, but excess body fat is the most abhorrent, physically repulsive trait in a human being. It makes me nauseous and my lip instinctively curls.

>> No.18352248
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Get your testosterone levels checked. A real man with a healthy sex drive loves to breed big girls.

>> No.18352254

jesus christ that is disgusting

>> No.18352260

It means your emotions take physical hold on your body, in this case in the form of making your stomach really fluttery and uneasy. It happens to me whenever a crush says something that seems to reflect on my chances with them. The first time I asked out a girl I swear I was halfway to passing out, everything got quiet and my ears were ringing for a while afterwards.

>> No.18352265

I physically shake from the anxiety.

>> No.18352266

165 was best weight, fagit.

>> No.18352274

It's fallacious to say that only someone who is sexually conventional will "properly" understand libidinous drives. I think that sexual practice is neither a sufficient nor necessary condition to understanding its influence on characters.

Even among the long time sexually active, there are probably very few who understand sexuality properly.
I've had a number of encounters and played a variety of roles along a broader horizon than average, and sexuality in stories sometimes will still confound me.

Also Language.
It's nigh impossible if not entirely impossible to communicate between two persons the exact sentiment of one of their understandings. Even if a veteran of war reads a war narrative for example, there is always something lost or added or changed otherwise between its utterance or symbolization, and its reception/interpretation; despite the opportunity for a greater resonance of understanding or empathy between reader and author via their overlapping background experiences.

>Sex is such a driving force in most humans, >that it's intrinsic in art.

It's intrinsic in human beings, and more generally intrinsic in every action, even the eunuch in Voltaire's Candide expresses dismay at the "calamity to be without testicles" when he happens upon an unconscious beauty. Even the radical religious ascetic or monk, when probed about desire, will often betray a previously undetected energy around the denial. If you inhabit a human being your human being generates and disperses sexual energy.

Just don't forget that the unconscious will choose objects of sexual desire without any respect for what beliefs are imposed on the ego by family, peers, authority, etc...

I would argue that your asexuality as you describe it is highly libidinous. Why does a girl wanting you feel so uncomfortable, as if she is a hungry dog? It is a scary prospect. It is violent for someone to communicate intent to extract something from you (cum). The fact that you pick up on the signals indicates your understanding, and that your reaction is emotional (afraid) instead of logical (puzzled) says there is more going on than you are currently aware.

When I started scanning the influence of my sexual energy, in even tedious daily shit, there was a lot to ponder.

>> No.18352282

Yeah, this is fucking cringe

No, I disagree. He kept adding on stuff. Asexual, grey asexual and more. Normal people doesnt do that, and if you are not a fucking mouth breather, you dont have to do that. Just dont care and you be you. this anon gets my point >>18352121

This might be fucked up, but I almost like the part before sex better than the sex.

dont let >>18352248 fool you.

>> No.18352293

Probably just undiagnosed female autism.

>> No.18352319

253 is the best.

>> No.18352326

Are you retarded? Obviously an asexual would spend more time trying to figure out what they are since it is so different from the norm.
Cope, seethe, dilate

>> No.18352332


The greatest thrill is writhing like beasts in sense body with another. When your blood is a whirlwind circling your cerebrum in a rush that muffles the intellect into a fuzzy bliss.

>> No.18352381

Well, I have to stop watching tv shows sometimes because I get so excited watching my favorite characters that it causes me physical pain. I just vibrate like a rabbit until I lurch sideways out of my chair.
I don't think that counts as love though. Gosh, I hope not.

>> No.18352419



>> No.18352437


>> No.18352449


>> No.18352470

You're fucked. You're like a car without a battery.

>> No.18352471


>> No.18352490

>sao fanfiction
the most night of blades to ever exist

>> No.18352507

I've met one pretty girl and she was asexual. Blue color and everything.

>> No.18352543

blue color hair*

>> No.18352599

You already let the pen slip anon.
You know it was the blue tinge of her lips that made her pretty. And twas her cold fixed and unfocused retina that betrayed her asexuality.
The perfect girl.
Never said too much.
Why did they zip her up and take her away?

>> No.18352677

165 and 197 were the best weights

>> No.18352798

Calm down mate. The reason I said it the way it did is because I have been there myself. Putting labels on yourself feels good and helps explain, but it is just an illusion and pointless. You are who you are, it doesnt need a label.

I think you are the discord tranny here, who is so infatuated with labels.

>> No.18352933

>The whole war started because a couple of men both were after the same woman.

I thought it was because of the Olympian gods jealousy and pettiness that moved all events?

>> No.18353004

You're the one attaching so much importance to labels. Why do they scare you so much? Do you seethe this much when someone says they're gay or something?

>> No.18353013

anon i am extremely jealous of you, i literally want to kill myself because of my unconstrained and unfulfilled sexual desire. not only can you understand literature but you can understand it better than most people.

>> No.18353038

If you look at my posts and look at your posts in this thread, it seems pretty clear who is seething. Labels arent scary, I just dont see the point. Not many people walk up to me and say they are gay.

>> No.18353053

And I bet even less walk up to you and say they're asexual.
This whole thread is full of people asking OP about his sexuality so of course he'll offer labels that describe it. That made you seethe and made you extremely defensive about it

>> No.18353060
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I'm honestly not sure. I can't imagine ingesting content or perceiving reality at all without the lens of sexual desire. There's plenty of good literature out there that doesn't rest on sexuality at all. Mainly the political, like Machiavelli or Solzhenitsyn.

I'm not sure if asexuals/aromantics understand this, but when survival is not imminently threatened, sex is the primary driver of human action. Young men think about pussy almost continuously. I don't see how ingesting literature with heavy sexual elements can be anymore difficult than existing in this world, period.

>> No.18353079

I don't know about your experiences, but I've seen asexual people that weren't ugly. There was one chick I knew, she looked a little strange because she cut her hair short. But if she grew her hair out, she would be a completely normal 6/10 girl.

One person (but the only asexual I ever met). IDK

>> No.18353300

Ples resbond

>> No.18353364


>I really want to ask, do you ever masturbate and if yes, what turns you on to do it? Just the fact it feels good physically?
I do masturbate, but it comes and goes. Usually I masturbate maybe once every week or two, but I've gone months, if not a year, before. And yeah, it's just the physical feeling. I also never masturbate to people, just specific fetish scenarios. I'll see something or read something that reminds me of my fetish, and it just rings a bell. Most of the time I ignore it, but sometimes I indulge. Most of the time it's just too much of a hassle and I don't want to deal with it.

>Also, are you on any medication, or do you struggle with emotional issues?

>> No.18353432

There's no such as asexual unless you're truly chemically fucked.

You'd be so rare statistically it wouldn't even make sense and I'd sooner believe it be brain damage than genetic.

>> No.18353508

They don't call me dribblin' jimmy for nothing

>> No.18353525

What are you doing on /lit/ when you cant even read? The thread didnt appear out of nowhere. Look at the opening post. OP didnt label himself because someone asked, he did it from the start.

> And I bet even less walk up to you and say they're asexual.
Hey, I wish you the best man. You clearly need it.

>> No.18353532

Anon go to r/asexuality to get decent responses to any question you might have. Most of the retards here don't even think asexuality exists so you're not gonna get anything useful here

>> No.18353543

Can you read? He was he didn't assign a bunch of labels off the bat. The fact that the only label in the OP is "asexuality" and that it upset you that much is all the proof I need that you're retarded. It's not like he put up a massive sign saying IM ASEXUAL LOOK AT ME.
Seek professional help

>> No.18353577

it is disgusting how people just get some bullshit disability and pedo faggot term attributed to them for simple things

He is not 'asexual' or 'non binary' or whatever the fuck. He just has no sex drive.
Society is such a fucking joke

>> No.18353584

>He just has no sex drive
Hm. I wonder if there's a word for that.

>> No.18353594

Don't wanna sound like I think I know what I'm talking about, but sounds to me like you just have a non-conventional sexuality you don't want to embrace in combination with mental health issues / pills lowering your sex drive.
It's true asexuality exists, but it's so very rare, most people who claim to be asexual aren't, actually. ...and that's something I've heard from two seasoned sexologists, so that's not baseless bs.

>> No.18353598

>Can you read?
>He was he didn't assign a bunch of labels off the bat
the irony.

I dont get why you think it upsets me this much. It didnt. His whole fucking post is about him being asexual and if he will be able to enjoy books. That is as literal of a massive sign as you can get on a image board. What upsets me is that you are being a complete moron or a great troll. I really hope is the latter.

>> No.18353618

>Can I understand literature if I'm asexual? I have never felt any desire or impulse to bump uglies with anyone, and I've seen the same sentiment echoed by most people that consider themselves asexual or even aromantic: that they thought that "cis" people are being hyperbolic when they talk about sexual/romantic attraction and desire. That it was a little in-joke they just didn't quite get.
read it dumb fuck. He only assigns asexual to himself.
Write back when you finish kindergarten

>> No.18353629

It's a possibility. I mean, asexuality was also considered nothing but a symptom of sexual trauma for years. But on the other hand, if it walks like a duck and looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... at some point, there isn't a reason to make the distinction in my own day-to-day life, you know what I mean?

>> No.18353658

They are. Those also aren't real things.

>> No.18353675

Have I said he applied it to others? Now you are agreeing with me. Nice attempt at baiting, cause I keep replying.

>> No.18353713

This whole time you've been whining about him assigning himself so many labels and in the OP he only assigns himself 1.
I'm gonna recommend a psychiatric evaluation, a live in carer, and wearing a helmet for the rest of your life.

>> No.18353814

welcome to /lit/

>> No.18353962

>there isn't a reason to make the distinction in my own day-to-day life, you know what I mean?
Sure, it's no issue. I'm just saying that if you say you have specific (fetish) kinks, you might as well be honest with yourself.
Staying sexless and telling people around that you are asexual is all good, you just don't need to tell that yourself.. or people on a Belgian anonymous chocolatier forum.
Saying that, the OP question is still valid, although asexual might not be the perfectly correct word there.

>> No.18353973


>> No.18353990

>you just don't need to tell that yourself
*to yourself, I mean

>> No.18354003

The absurdity of all that bloodshed over one woman is the REASON that the story is memorable, you dolt.

>> No.18354016

You've experienced desire, that's all that you need. Most people engage with love the same way they engage with products.

>> No.18354055

>Sex is such a driving force in most humans, that it's intrinsic in art.
You mean: "inherent", not: "intrinsic".

All excellent literature, and art in general, is created metanaturally, through sublimation, with all of one's intrinsic parts/forces conversively contributing to chaste beauty in the final product, rather than being perversively distributed in lewd ugliness in the disjointed product.

Sex is inherent in literature as often as it is projected on it; mere mention of sex, or explication of sexual activity, does not necessarily ruin an artifact.

>> No.18354074

not OP, but I'm unfortunately asexual and in love. Some people just don't like sex and never want it. It's not something to celebrate, wear as a badge of pride, or have a community around, but it's real and not a mental thing.

Totally agree that there's no reason to wear t as a badge though. I'm mentally healthy, no anxiety or depression, and i just never liked sex. Got my hormones checked to make sure it wasn't a physical thing and then stopped caring.

>> No.18354096
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>So- can asexuals and aromantics fully experience literature, or are they just fucked?
Yes it's a brainlet take to think otherwise. Being asexual doesn't mean you can't appreciate the experiences of other people. Saying you can't appreciate works that deal with sex is like the woke SJWs who say they can't read anything by straight white men. Anyone can read, or for that matter write, about anyone.

>> No.18354139

Horrendous Reddit thread with 129 replies. /lit/ has fallen

>> No.18355945

What if I love reading love stories but hate people talking about romance in real life? It always feels so much more juvenile in real life than it does in a story.

>> No.18355956

You sound like an emotional wreck

>> No.18355963

:3 ty for wearing it tonight

>> No.18355969

Probably true, I have a hard time with emotional situations but no clue how to fix it

>> No.18355980

Maybe it’s like learning to swim.

>> No.18355988

I really feel bad for you now. He did call himself asexual and grey asexual in this thread. I only said it seems like he has a need to put alot of labels on himself, and considering the fact that he has done it at least twice in the thread, it isnt hard to imagine that he has labeled himself further. I dont understand why that made you seethe so much. I hope you will be okay and then you will be able to read your favorite book.

>> No.18356003

I can't remember learning how to swim or bike or any of those formative experiences because it happened so long ago. It feels like a great burden to have to learn something that comes naturally to so many.

>> No.18356509

>have a crush in middle school
>have a few interactions that were outwardly awkward but natural on both sides
>some guy dates her for a while, wasn't a big deal since we were amicable but not really friends
>they break up and theres some drama later when he calls her unfuckable, probably cause he didnt get any
>couple years later i see on facebook that shes labelling herself as nonbinary asexual

Shame, she was half white half asian and didn't wear any makeup yet still was pretty, then she went with the overt eyeshadow and wing look with short hair (not that i mind short hair) along with her decision on sexuality. I don't know what else happened after that teenage event but I doubt it was just chads not wanting to fuck her.

>> No.18356520

A monkey with no desire for financial gain can see why someone is corrupted by money.

Either you lack empathy as well or you're willfully repressing your sex drive and saying silly shit like this.

Look at the people around you, observe their behaviour.

>> No.18356579

>People will likely blame this on a porn addiction or some other nonsense but I've been the same way my whole life.
Do you frequently watch porn?

>> No.18356637

"grey asexual" is only really 1 lable and seeing it lead you to write out a whole paragraph whining about it for no good reason. If someone said they were gay and then also said they were a bottom would you be that upset? I really don't think you would be

>> No.18356654

You're a fucking idiot, why did he stole Helen in the first place? Because of honour?

>> No.18356668

it's become socially unacceptable for men to approach women in public and the rise of online dating automatically cucks 70% of men out of dating

>> No.18356672

this is what u're looking for OP.



>> No.18356674
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Marxists think class warfare and dialectical materialism are the two fundamental driving forces of humanity. With this they tried to predict history and you could measure the success of their theory with reality. It allowed forward predictions rather than consequentualist accumulation of facts.
Now sex as a fundamental driving force? Hmmm. I couldn't accept that. Try formalizing that and seeing if you can answer your question yourself.

>> No.18356698

You're both out of your debt, the reasons are multifaceted. From sex over honor to the desire to subjugate and grab wealth and power. Helen is not much more than a pretext for the Greek war machine to march on troy. Menelaos almost calls it off but gets convinced by agamemnon to proceed. Read the book maybe.

>> No.18356757

How is a cogent, rational viewpoint a "mental hangup?" Sex probably should be MORE frightening and distasteful than most people seem to see it. Sex can result in STD's, it can create unwanted children, it makes relationships complicated, causes feelings of possession with its commensurate jealousy. You're implying that there's something wrong with not wanting to engage in sex, and there really isn't anything wrong with that. Who do you harm by not having sex? Absolutely nobody. In fact, it completely sidesteps any and all potential downsides that sex undeniably does have. The greatest irony is that by stating and reinforcing that very normie, surface level opinion that YOU SHOULD BE HAVING SEX, you are actually yourself causing other people to feel that societal impulse more strongly, which leads to shame, regret, and potentially even allowing others' opinions to influence you heavily enough that you do actually end up doing something you don't really want to do (having sex) and feeling even WORSE because of it.

I really don't understand why people like you get so invested in what people like me do or don't do. Why do you feel like it's your place to opine on things that categorically will never actually affect you in any observable way? Mind your own fucking business, normie. I get that you've conformed to expectation and want everyone to do the same, but it's not up to you and never will be. Imagine how many angry young men wouldn't have gone on shooting sprees if our culture in the west didn't put such a heavy onus on reproduction.

>> No.18356763

I think it was more that Menelaus’ honour was stained.

>> No.18358167



>> No.18358236

>using fight club to make a point
bruh, you are the most embarrassing person in this thread

>> No.18358300

>n-no you can't use this piece of media as a reference...because..because I said so!
Lol. Fight Club might not be the right response, but it's what these posters deserve for such low effort levels of argument. They're clearly mentally ill, and aren't trying to convince anyone but themselves. They take everything as a personal attack, (a very feminine characteristic) just as you have. This place is for discussing the topic of books, not your tranny sideshow blog where we talk about how special you are. You're probably suffering from some type of depression or mental illness as all rainbow faggots do, so do us all a favor and log off your computer and spare us your woes.

>> No.18358311

>OP why is this so sexual
>can't find an example of sexual artwork
>has to find an image made with photoshop
He needs antipsychotics while he's at it because he's delusional.

>> No.18358470

holy fuck you're dumb

>> No.18358530

please have sex

>> No.18358777

Paris stealing Hellen and then the princes of Mycenae going to war to defend their honour is very different from
> The whole war started because a couple of men both were after the same woman
Besides, she was already Menelaus' wife. He wasn't "after" her.
You're using misleading language to needlessly trivialise the whole thing because you want to demonstrate how "silly" and "irrational" you find normal, healthy human sexuality.
I honestly don't think you've read the book.
This guy's got a good point as well.
To take it even further, the whole thing was orchestrated by Jupiter so that Aeneas could found Rome.

>> No.18358812

>Man fails to understand analogy on literature board
Never change /lit/

>> No.18358868

Why is everyone obsessed with this schizo meme as of late? I haven't been on 4chan for a few months and now everyone is talking about schizos.

>> No.18359268

Literally just imagine wanting something really badly. Oh wow how hard.

It will make you feel good give you status and your subconscious literally forces you to want it like an addict.

How hard can it be to imagine that.

>> No.18359343

It might be that they over interpret their shit until it becomes meaningless, i can do it too but i won't.

>> No.18359722
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>> No.18360068

bounce that phat ass baby...

>> No.18360272

>sex-positive asexual

>> No.18360289

>Sex is such a driving force in most humans, that it's intrinsic in art. Be it romance, or despair, or depravity, most literature at least touches on wanting to play grab-ass with someone.
Can I just be an asexual who has sex and relationships? I don't understand the complete importance people place on these things but its not like I am against doing it, its just I don't understand dedicating your life to doing it.

>> No.18360303

it became the new "autist" basically, just a random insult from people who are probably projecting

>> No.18360304

Being oversexualized doesn't make everyone else asexual

>> No.18360352

theres such a thing as demisexual which i understand to mean it is sexual attraction only when longterm, or with strong emotional attraction of some sort of love, which i wonder might be what you think modern societal sexual norms are not (rightly so), but i can assure you in literature and life, the contemporary is not the be-all-end-all world for the deeper realer reality of which books and love are of. feels>reals, in the end is my advice (not that you really need any)

>> No.18360889

it means he's asexual but that he's positive he would like sex if anyone would let his ugly ass near them.

>> No.18360915

I understand it to mean "I'm a girl uwu"

>> No.18362566

>This might be fucked up, but I almost like the part before sex better than the sex.

Ode to a Grecian Urn

>> No.18362708

Eugenicists are right. Defective humans should just be thrown out.

>> No.18362732

I love this painting so much and I scroll down and see a fucking ass in a thong, what the fuck did you do?

>> No.18362747

What needed to be done.

>> No.18362760


It is not enough for one to be different. One must be different and subversive. That's why all trannies, asexuals, gays, etc. must die.

>> No.18362885

Some weeks yes, others no. I have tried long breaks and it made no difference to my enjoyment of sex.

When I was 14 I had been watching porn for less than a year and only when I could get away with it yet my feelings about sex with my first girlfriend were the same as they are today.

I'm not sure why porn arouses me, if I'm honest. When I see a woman on the street I never feel sexually attracted to her, though I could find her astonishingly beautiful. It's weird.

I must also say that porn is becoming less and less interesting to me and I mostly resort to it when I need to combat stress or focus on something.

>> No.18362912

calm down there chief. it was a dumb joke about a dumb edit

>> No.18362933

Fucking moron
Can you not read a book about going to war without having gone to war?
Can you read a book about going camping with your fellow moomins without being a moomin
Can you read a book about going on a walk down the block when you don't live on that block?
>Tee hee I can't get my pee pee hard that makes me so special

>> No.18362937

But what about understanding it better? Would i understand for example Anna Karenina better if i'd even been in love?

>> No.18362942

>That's why all trannies, asexuals, gays, etc. must die.
Since they make your tiny pol dick shrivel in fear, they have more of a right to exist than you ever will

>> No.18362957

I read because alien things fascinate me
No one nowadays will ever go to a grand Russian ball and fall so head over heels in love that they put a bullet in their head because they get rejected. It's silly. The ball, the head over heels, the bullet in the head
It's up to the writer to make you feel it and believe it, not up to your prior experience

>> No.18362976

I think that it's that everyone falls on a sexual spectrum- not necessarily in regard to gender, but just how people experience it. Some people want to fuck all the time, some don't. Some want to have sex with a lot of different people, some only want one person, some want vanilla sex, some want to get freaky... you know?

But as a society, there's this expectation as how it should be. Boys want a lot of sex and are horny. Women are either sluts or prudes, etc. And if a person falls outside that, then it gets labeled as a deviation from the norm. You see a pretty woman, and you don't want to immediately fuck her- and you assume that's weird.

Maybe asexuality doesn't really exist, but the fact that "I don't really want to have sex or care about sex at all" is so "weird" that it has its own label and is/was in the dsm-5 is really indicative about how rigid our societal expectations are.

I once saw a commercial that just straight up said if a person doesn't want to have sex, it's a "sexual dysfunction". People go their entire lives thinking there is something wrong with them.

>> No.18362987

OPs ability to make then entirety of /lit/ collectively seethe and bump this thread permenantly on to page 1 is probably the most based thing I've ever seen.

>> No.18362998

Why so mad frien?

>> No.18364138
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>> No.18364230

There’s no such thing as asexuality, you’re either a coping incel or a attention hungry woman.

>> No.18364281

>it also releases a nice cocktail of chemicals into my bloodstream.
Why not consider it an infringement of human decency and the worth of human value? Various cultures also had the theme of "sentient semen" present. It's easy for mankind to intertwine sexuality with carnal eroticism but not the platonic sentiment of child rearing.

>> No.18364314

>implying this is a world worth bringing children into
>implying there's any need for that in the first place
>implying a selfish, violent, physically repulsive act such as the conception of a child can be beautiful

>> No.18364854

>that kid in high school who watches Ben shaprio and thinks he's smart

>> No.18364867

No, you are an alien.

>> No.18366268


>> No.18366290

>Ode to a Grecian Urn
what did you mean by this anon?

>>Man fails to understand analogy on literature board
It is a shit analogy that doesnt work since the premises arent similar.

>implying you didnt spazz out way worse than you believe I did
It is okay man.

If they said the same in a thread on /lit/ I would. You seem very hungup on gays. You okay with yourself?

>> No.18366291

it's a little late for that

>> No.18366291,1 [INTERNAL] 

Incels are this stupid!