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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 247 KB, 1024x649, Deuxieme projet pour la Bibliothèque du Roi (1785) - Étienne-Louis Boullée.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18348799 No.18348799 [Reply] [Original]

Of any size with unlimited funding for his favourite books.

How do you build it?

>> No.18348804

Of skulls

>> No.18348811


>> No.18348859

Unironically like pic related. The only thing I'd add is markers for separation of time period using pieces of art from said time period such as statues and the like.

>> No.18348864

just like a big hole in the ground full of books and you have to swim through the books to find what you want

>> No.18348869

Designing homeless shelters is beneath me.

>> No.18348881

Just a comfortable, dimly lit room for accessing the akashic records.

>> No.18348904


One of the best things about the pandemic is that it has made libraries usable again as the homeless have no place to sit and hang out/sleep. They ought to to keep the chairs roped off, but of course they won't.

>> No.18348913

Membership fees.

>> No.18348920

I would make it so the first room would have a door thats easy to open and that room would have children's books in it
The next door would be heavier and harder to open, that leads to a room with more interesting books
This would continue until the reader if both intellectually fit and physically fit from having to train to open the next door for new knowledge

>> No.18348935

But what forces them to read the books in each room?

>> No.18348966
File: 36 KB, 717x428, CDF60993-AB2D-4AB1-8EDB-66E95B21C8E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strictly Guenon and sacred scriptures.

>> No.18348977

Based physical anthropologist

>> No.18348983

If they dont read one of the stronger guys from the next room comes and beats the shit out of them

>> No.18348989

This seems a lot more like a forced "social experiment" than a library, who would subject themselves to it other than as a test?

>> No.18349143

dude loves 1-point perspective

>> No.18349173

My favorite library was the college library where I did my undergraduate work.

Both my mom and stepdad were professors there. Original building was this great stone victorian building, I don't know if 'baroque' is appropriate but maybe you catch my drift. First floor had this expansive high ceiling reading room (I didn't use but appreciated), front desk, and when I was in high school (and occasionally using) and first year or two of undergrad, they had this massive old school card catalog. Computers were available, and better, but just the presence of this thing was impressive. I think even then they called it "The Dinosaur." Had these really neat tables and stools for putting the card drawers on when you looked stuff up. They had sort of an art nouveau from the sixties sort of feel to them.

The main portion of the building was an addition from the 60s. (I think that's common on US universities, owing to the Baby Boom). Five or six stories. Brutalist architecture, and I'm talking a primo example of Brutalist. It had elevators but they were slow, so always took the stairs. You could see all the imprints of the plywood panels they used to frame it, right down to the patches. Thick heavy wooden stair rails, guessing four x ten. Really comfy and reliable. Huge fucking restrooms, urinals by the dozen, far more than necessary. Stacks and stacks of the actual books and journals. Garish yellow/orange carpet. Amazing bulky ass furniture that probably weight a ton, but comfy as fuck. Huge windows on the west face that, since the college was on the top of the hill, looked out over the whole city and bay beyond.

Haven't been back since I graduate. Maybe I should go back, grab something off the shelf, and just chill and read for a few hours.

>> No.18349183

I would build an empire completely subsumed by libraries

>> No.18349184

i'd ask Borges, Bloom, Bolano and Pynchon to suggest titles

the end

t.dead person

>> No.18349218

Most def have a Call of the Crocodile exhibit for sure

>> No.18349740

I would build this giant cramped underground maze, with billions of books in them, but all mixed up, also there are gangs of rapist lurking about so you spend your days looking for great lit while trying to outrun the rape gangs.

>> No.18351397

America sounds like a dystopian hellhole

>> No.18351412

I could download calibre and access libgen

>> No.18351422

A warehouse that has single pile of books that almost reaches the ceiling. To get a book you are put in a human slingshot and flung at the pile. The book you grab is the book you check out. Also, patrons will have to pay a large fee for any books they damage in their selection process.

>> No.18351425

I think if you were to combine the personal libraries of every /lit/izen it'd be a pretty damn good library.

>> No.18351438
File: 459 KB, 750x727, 1597522834722_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can I get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.18351445

A library that has thousands of copies of Infinite Jest, and an extensive Manga collection does sound pretty cool

>> No.18351608

Octagons connected to other octagons with other octagons going both up and down as needed.
Since I'm feeling nice unlike Borges I'll add a map on each floor with what kind of books you can find and simple pointers to what is in the next closes octagons.

>> No.18352816
File: 411 KB, 1280x720, 1535350122502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antiquity styled

>> No.18354173

america is such a shithole hahaha

>> No.18354386
File: 95 KB, 600x600, 600px-Labyrinthus.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is a large unicursal labyrinth, with bookshelves built into the walls on each side, organized by the date written so that you start with modern best-sellers and work your way back to the greeks. There is a bathroom every hundred yards. The floor is set at a very slight, almost imperceptible angle, so as you walk further into the labyrinth you sink into the earth while the roof appears to get further and further away from you. At the start of the labyrinth the roof is 6 feet high, but by the time you reach the end of the labyrinth is is 30 feet high
At the center is a large gallery lit by chandlers and high-set windows At the center of the gallery is a circular reference desk. The reference desk serves coffee, cheese, and apple slices. The gallery is surrounded by six wings, each wing containing several reading chairs and tables with marble chess sets. The walls of each wing are decorated with elaborately illustrated wallpapers each portraying a different theme of arabesque designs. At the back of each wing is a large fireplace, each burning a different kind of wood in order to create a slightly different scent and temperature within the wing. From the roof of each wing hangs a chandelier set in a different colour of glass.

>> No.18354409
File: 1.46 MB, 1280x720, 5AEA545C-FDC2-4AB3-B507-DB1C0983087E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With a big sign out front that says no girls allowed.

>> No.18354417

How about a library but instead of it being filled with gay ass books its got pussy and beer and fucking cool ass cars in there.

>> No.18354484

y-yeah ahaha

>> No.18354489

Sounds like me shed on a friday night bruv.

>> No.18354596

It's a catacomb of single person cells, built in the style of a catholic confessional. People sit there and read or anonymously have conversations with each other. In theory people can check out any book they want or discuss anything they want with the other people in the adjacent cells, but in practice they read nothing and mostly just call each other faggots.

>> No.18354603

hygge subterranean bomb shelter with a nice cafe

>> No.18354690

It’s an underground steel complex with three large floors with nothing in them but steel bookshelves and hallways. These floors are designed to last as long as possible with the humidity kept constant. Then there is a fourth floor beneath all of them, which is a small room the walls of which are wooden bookshelves filled with books I personally deem to be the most important and some chairs for sitting in.

>> No.18354842

Big indoor garden with books buried under dirt and birds of paradise in the air

>> No.18354850

Sounds like gay gloryhole hookups waiting to happen

>> No.18355790

an infinite series of hexagons with stairs to other levels, containing books with every permutation of the available latin characters

>> No.18355862

I'd just scatter books on the ground and in big wobbly piles so there's a risk of books falling onto people and killing them

>> No.18355872

Needs to have a phallic shape cause you all fags