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18348292 No.18348292 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone explains to me why this book is supposed to be scary?

The bits inside the hallway were spooky at first, but by the second exploration I was kinda over it.
The bits about losing your fucking mind is scary, but... eh

>> No.18348322

Explaining why something is scary is like explaining a joke. It doesn’t really work. It’s three layers deep of meta narrative wrapped up in physical (layout) chaos. The whole thing is supposed to fill you with dread as to whether it’s real or not, and if it is real, what kind of existential dread comes from knowing a house can be alive. I enjoyed it. I got chills a few times, but no it’s not super scary Lovecraft ending level of shock every page of the book.

>> No.18348332

Not scary, to me, in the least but interesting.

>> No.18348340

>what kind of existential dread comes from knowing a house can be alive
So thoughts I've already had on my own then. I guess that explains why I didn't quite get so spooped.

I am a little sad there was nothing to imply the film was real and out there tho. The bit in the appendix about the house still being there and Karen having put a fence around it to keep people out is cool tho.

Yeah. I enjoyed it and it'll tumble in my head for a while, but I wouldn't say it was scary.

>> No.18348344

It’s not scary. I enjoyed reading it twice because I get a big rush whenever I stumble upon something that has a lot of layers. Might give it a third go, it’s a fun read

>> No.18349757

Johnny's writings read more like schizo dirty-realism than horror, while The Navidson Project is intriguing but never truly scary. The characters' obsession (or possession) is probably the creepiest factor as a whole