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/lit/ - Literature

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18348117 No.18348117 [Reply] [Original]

Was it fun? Bummed I couldn’t be there

>> No.18348120

Are you saying that you were getting bummed and that's why you couldn't come?

>> No.18348122

Did anyone took pics?

>> No.18348167

There was a meetup today? i had to cancel my outside plans because the weather was absolute shit and I'd have gone. fuck

>> No.18348173

Yeah, was a real blast. We did a read-aloud of those Gardner novels. Should've come.

>> No.18348206

I went to the pre-meetup. It was great.

>> No.18348289

I make $60k a year. Even less after tax. I own my own house and no mortgage. If I lived in the city and had to pay rent, I would kill myself.

>> No.18348318

How do u find out where the meetups are?
I wanna start one in attawapiskat, ontario. Who down?

>> No.18348323

Please tell us more about how it was.

>> No.18348353

It was okay there was only one weird guy

>> No.18348355

That was me. Sorry.

>> No.18348358

Very descriptive,... elaborate please

>> No.18348368

Ooh drama already. Spill the deets.

>> No.18348370

it was cool till a foid came and then everything was awkward and we were hardly speaking

>> No.18348379

Yeah, all of you

>> No.18348385

Kek the guy who was abusing the n word? Cringe af

>> No.18348389

Who HTown here

>> No.18348393

Anybody record that? Sounds awesome

>> No.18348396

Yeah guess I’m not ever going to one of these lmfao

>> No.18348397

So some autist was dropping n-bombs and you guys were egging him on, then a girl came and it got awkward? Is that what happened?

Wasn’t there any discussion of books and authors?

>> No.18348410

I actually walked frater asemlen to his packard patrician to get his second oxygen tank, it was great.

>> No.18348413

Just make a thread.

>> No.18348428
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If it was NYC they probably just took off and blew each other behind a dumpster.

>> No.18348438

Did anyone ITT actually go to the event or are you all larping? If you went, well, where was it?

>> No.18348439

we didn't talk much about books but we did talk about /lit/ and 4chan in general

>> No.18348443

I will go to the meetup, I am going to say the nword

>> No.18348446

Sounds like /lit/.

>> No.18348449

You're just gonna see a black guy and chicken out, fag

>> No.18348452

Question for the girl who went. Were any of the guys handsome?

>> No.18348461
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>> No.18348475

plot twist: he is a black guy

>> No.18348477
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I checked it out.

Just a bunch of weird guys mumbling and avoiding eye contact. The was also one fat chick who kind of smelled; everyone kept awkwardly glancing at her. After a few minutes of silence, I asked if anyone had read anything recently. Silence, until someone peeped up about Crime and Punishment. I asked him about what philosophical insights he got from the book, and all he could muster was something about how killing is bad no matter what (I could barely hear him).

I promptly left. Never again.

>> No.18348481

>asking for a friend

>> No.18348488

You fucked up, they have your scent now

>> No.18348490
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Well the girl who went was also an attractive guy

>> No.18348492

Isn't that a pasta?

>> No.18348499
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>> No.18348552

No, he had a good time, we weren’t mean to him or anything. It was a lot like “high-school lunch table” dynamic that casual conversations can have. Like a non-oppressive hierarchy

>> No.18348579

The fact that nobody responded to this is your answer. Young people in NYC have rich parents to fall back on so even if they have a career the thought of spending most of their salary on rent and expenses doesn't trouble them. If they had no one, they would be overwhelmed with despair.

>> No.18348624

Nah I used to make about $60k in NYC and did fine, rent was $930 a month and my student loans were like $900 a month, which is well above normal.
In two years I typically ended up banking like $900 a month extra and I had a pretty good amount in savings when I left
$60k a year is a lot for a single guy to live on desu

>> No.18348640

Good point. The poor shouldn't reproduce if they can't provide their offspring with a good life. I propose we sterilize them all.

>> No.18348667

fake and gay

>> No.18348670

holy mother of cope.

>> No.18348692

Be honest, how much do your parents make?

>> No.18348694

Forestanon showed up with his mice but everyone who shook his hand had to leave to go shower.

>> No.18348706
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Yeah it was fun. Your mom was there and I showed her my Dickens if you know what I mean ;)

>> No.18348727
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Did he show up???

>> No.18348729

So butters showed up and everything got awkward? Believable.

>> No.18348747

It would be less now, but at the time I was applying to college it was like $110k
They had a mortgage and 3 other kids though, I think all-in I borrowed $70k for undergrad.
I never got any cash from them though I certainly could have lived in their house rent free at that time if I wanted.
This is simple math though, a $60k salary was a lot of money for me when I was 24 even with the debt I was servicing.
I also had a realistic expectation of making more money in the future, it’s not like I was trying to stretch that amount into the downpayment for a house.

>> No.18348784
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him and butterfly rode off into the sunset on a deer together

>> No.18348794

F Gardner's from Chicago.

>> No.18348827

Honestly it was weird. There was this one della who brought some blow. And after he snorted he asked if he can blow anyone. I wouldnt recommend going.

>> No.18348831
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>mfw I never wash my hand again

>> No.18348841

Was it butterfly?

>> No.18348862

If forest anon actually did go to a meetup we would probably just scare him back to the mountains with our autism.

>> No.18348866


>> No.18348872

A janny showed up so we kicked the shit out of him until he admitted he read on an e-reader. I chopped his head off on the spot, then forestanon destroyed any trace of the body by having his mice eat it. All that was left was a lot of mouse shit. After that it was a pretty good time.

>> No.18348923

The deer ran out of gas in Colorado you still have a chance :3poster

>> No.18348928


>> No.18349708

I went. Someone tried to sell me a used copy of Infinite Jest, but he had ripped out the endnotes and had them in a separate binder. So I pay him and then he tries to tell me the binder of endnotes isn't included. He says the endnotes are technically his friend's. What the hell? How important is it that I read those anyway?

>> No.18349716

Lenin (pbuh) proposed euthanizing the bourgeoisie instead.

>> No.18349772

Judging by the amount of shitposting ITT I think it's fair to claim that it didn't happen.

>> No.18349802

I went, but I was a bit late when I arrived. When I entered the scene all I saw were naked, twinkish bodies strewn about, all with copious, viscous, white fluid leaking from their various orifices...
Hunched over the bodies was a roughly 5'1, lard-like man with thick hair all over. His eyes shot up and immediately met mine, above them on his forehead I could barely make out "Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ" engraved into the flesh.
Suffice to say I ran as soon as it dawned on me that it was a engorged, lustful (and rageful), butterfly pillaging the sweet virginities of all those /lit/izens...
She almost caught me too, but slipped on a miscellaneous slime coating the NYC alleyways.

>> No.18349812


>> No.18349910

I took a small detour on the way home from work to peak into the cafe they were meeting in, about half an hour after they planned. I couldn't figure out which set of scrawny twinks they were while peering through the window so I went in. I got a bran-muffin and coffee for health and inconspicuity while scoping out the seats, they were placed in the middle of the floor: four men (one of whom was wearing a tweed blazer over a hawaiian shirt with blue jeans, the rest were dressed unremarkably) and two women (one was perhaps a 7 - flat chest and a tight leather jacket, the poor man's tomboy. The other was geuinely hideous, through some miracle of grease and static her shoulder-length hair was radiating at every angle from her scalp, just fucking vile). Their conversation went as such:
>You read Flann O'Brien?
>No, what's it about?
>Oh, he's this, Irish author, wrote some exisential comedy
>That's cool
>I hope the weather gets nicer soon
>[Nodding across the table, a couple murmurs of agreement]
I left after another minute of silence, glad I didn't have the time to attend desu

>> No.18350032

this is the polyamorous pansexual phenotype, I've encountered it elsewhere

>> No.18350211

I actually went. It was honestly quite disappointing and awkward, not many books were discussed. Kinda just talked about some people we constantly see on /lit/ and how its a pretty small community. I was the first to leave and I smoked a joint on my walk home.

>> No.18350225


>> No.18350597

>one was perhaps a 7 - flat chest and a tight leather jacket, the poor man's tomboy
id kill myself just for the chance of reincarnating as someone in that cafe. then id kill myself out of dissapointment. did anyone kill themselves? it might have been me

>> No.18350644

How many individual regular /lit contributors are there? Someone an estimation? 1000?

>> No.18351248

this, unfortunately

>> No.18351295

>one of whom was wearing a tweed blazer over a hawaiian shirt with blue jeans
this guy sounds cool though

>> No.18352438

Sasuga, /lit/.

>> No.18352498

Is this some elaborate creative writing exercise? I question that these meetups ever existed.

>> No.18352567
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>The was also one fat chick who kind of smelled;

>> No.18352590

12 or 13

>> No.18352718

<=400 is my estimate, a lower range of 250

>> No.18352867

No it isn't. I don't have to pay rent and my expenses don't exceed more than $200 a month for gas, electric. It isn't enough money. My car was $2000. I save $2000+ a month and it isn't enough. It would take over 10 years to have enough passive income at SSI levels. It's not enough to travel, to explore interests to do anything. What you said you have almost no disposable income and just go about living. I don't see how you can do it. I'm overwhelmed with dread in calculating everything. If I had to rent it would push me over the edge and I'd probably kill myself. I just can't reconcile wage slaving only to donate it to a landlord. I used to dream about living in a city for a short time, a few years. It would take at least 160-200k annually to be comfortable in NYC from my calculations. I don't see how you people can be happy. I can't imagine paying student loans on top of all this. My exit plan is SSDI in the future and I'm hoping to get from 60k to the max earnings of 145k so I don't need to work any more.

>> No.18352878

That would give me $3050 a month untaxed and then I would have my small savings on top of that which would be enough to live without worrying about all the bullshit.

>> No.18352884

copes from the trailer park

>> No.18352935

The fact you agree with me in thinking 60k isn't enough for NYC validates my post. It's barely enough if you own your house.

>> No.18353888

In conclusion, it didn't happen. But what if it had? What then?

>> No.18353909

It did you just weren't there.

>> No.18353922

Were you? What happened?

>> No.18353976

At this point, the thread isn't even about the meetup. It's about the affordability of NYC and how living there is a nonstarter for mosts.

>> No.18353988

Reading F. Gardner books was the most memorable thing that happened.

>> No.18354028

Idk, i’m not speaking hypothetically I’m just describing what I did. You definitely don’t need $160k a year as a minimum to live anywhere comfortably.
It’s sounds like land ownership is a prerequisite for you to live anywhere. It’s a bit dramatic to claim it’s impractical to live in NYC without owning a home desu, I had no interest in owning a house as an unmarried man at 24 so there was never really any big crisis of purpose over that.
I make a lot more now than I did back then which was always part of the plan. I was also always taking the full 401k match at my job and saving extra on top of that (though not really by design).
The only thing I didn’t do that a lot of college grads my age might think is weird or sad is that I didn’t travel. But the idea that you might have to cut back on living expenses to travel the world isn’t really news.
I’m glad I didn’t waste hours every day commuting for over two years just to save at what amounts to like a months pay for me at 28.
Idk why you act like your income is gonna max out in your mid twenties

>> No.18354046

Why is there no Australian meets? Preferably not Melbourne, because fuck Melbourne.

>> No.18354089

>tfw there's another Houston /lit/ poster
I've heard unironic takes about Andy Weir being the next Asimov in this city. We need a Houston meetup so I can meet people who don't have shit taste here. This place kinda blows but I get paid too much to leave.

>> No.18354414

Take home pay after benefits and 401k at 60k is $2500 if you're lucky. Minus $1000 for rent, you're at $1500. Eating minus $500. Other expenses $200 (perhaps less). That's $800 a month. You mentioned student loans too which took this to basically nothing left over. It isn't enough to save for anything. It's just enough to survive. I don't see how this doesn't overwhelm you with misery. Even a fry cook living with his parents can save that much. Home ownership isn't a prerequisite, I just find it clown world to slave for 40 hours a week only to get a few extra scraps meanwhile the landlord doesn't need to do anything. I don't see how you can just accept this. We're all going to be dead in 60 years or less so it doesn't make sense to me. All that time wasting the best years of your life, all that money to landlords and expenses. All for what? Just to subsist from day to day. I don't see how you're nonplussed about this.

>> No.18354415

Let's do one senpai. How does Gold Coast sound?

>> No.18354427

if you started at 60k unless you're in tech or CS, you're going to max out at 100k if you're lucky by the time you're 40

>> No.18354438

you guys are really up your ass about nyc. you should just move there and share an apt.

>> No.18354445 [DELETED] 

I met someone from /lit/ at a bar near Duke circa 2014. We legit had a great conversation and it is a shame I lost his number. We talked about PKD and William Blake for like an hour before shifting into other writers.

>> No.18354451

They can't afford it.

>> No.18354476
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Houston is a shithole, but it's a /comfy/ shithole if that makes sense. You have to know where to go to get the most out of this place.

>> No.18354483

>Eating minus $500
$500/month on food is enough for a large family. A young man living by himself can live comfortably on $100/month on food, $200/month if he'd like to be extravagant.
Not him, by the way.

>> No.18354487

I’m another Houston anon, a little further south basically half way between downtown and Galveston. I like it quite a bit, I really can find anything I’m looking for in any direction.

>> No.18354490 [DELETED] 

I really really want to creampie a random Latina from Houston and never talk to her again

>> No.18354500

On beans and eggs. Not good quality meat and foods.

>> No.18354503

>A young man living by himself can live comfortably on $100/month on food, $200/month if he'd like to be extravagant.
Survive on you mean. A young man needs 3000+ calories a day, much of that fat and protein. Deprive someone of that he turns out either weak or if it is comprised of garbage be turns out a soiboy.

>> No.18354504

No. When I cooked every day, I spent at most $100/month on food. All you have to do to save money is cook. The other trick is to eat oatmeal or cereal for breakfast every morning.

>> No.18354505

No but I cummed in the snacks I brought and everyone ate them

>> No.18354513

>beans and eggs
and pasta and bread and spam and veg and oats and sardines

>> No.18354518

>A young man needs 3000+ calories a day
No you don't. Only athletes need to eat that much. And even if you were right, you would still be able to eat that much and spend only $100/month on food by cooking it yourself.

>> No.18354521

Sure if you want to be 120 pounds and frail. Give an example of the $100 a month diet meal.

>> No.18354539

Two packets of oatmeal for breakfast.
A sandwich with deli meat, tomatoes, cheese, and lettuce for lunch.
A substantial rice dish with pork/chicken, tomatoes, onions, cheese, and potatoes for dinner.
Water from dawn to dusk.

>> No.18354561

>Two packets of oatmeal for breakfast.
All carbs and no nutrition.
>A sandwich with deli meat, tomatoes, cheese, and lettuce for lunch.
A sliver of protein isn't enough.
>A substantial rice dish with pork/chicken, tomatoes, onions, cheese, and potatoes for dinner.
All filler. You'll turn into a frail, unhealthy person eating this shit for months. The caveman and mongols ate better even.

>> No.18354568

>All carbs and no nutrition.
Are you sure you know anything about oatmeal, or about nutrition in general?
>A sliver of protein isn't enough.
If you're a bodybuilder or an athlete, yes. If you're a normal person, then no.
>All filler.
Pork, tomatoes, onions, potatoes, and rice are filler? Are you sure you know anything about nutrition? You sound like some kind of autist who gets his nutritional advice from Twitterites like RAW EGG NATIONALIST.

>> No.18354585

For one thing your numbers are wrong because my take home pay was not just 50% of my salary, even after benefits. That’s just ridiculous.
I also really don’t understand what your problem is. Do you not believe me or are you still saying it’s impossible to subsist on $60k a year in New York?
I get that you’re philosophically opposed to paying rent but idk what to tell you except that after my first year out of school living with family, I wanted to “be on my own” which is a euphemism for “wanted somewhere I could spend the night with girls without having to talk to my Mother about it”.
It seems like you’re focusing on some broader angst about wageslaving too that has nothing to do with the cost of living in New York especially since if I worked outside of Manhattan in a rural area my salary absolutely would have been lower.

I’m really not sorry I did it, even though I chose to leave. If I had stayed living with my parents until I could have afforded a house I think I would have been pretty unhappy.
It’s like how I know I could have saved money commuting to a community college, but
I don’t let that fact trick me into thinking I wouldn’t have been unhappy at 19 sitting at home while all my friends had gone off to school. I’m not so conceited as to believe i’m above being made unhappy by some things that are a bit illogical.

Housing is probably too expensive almost everywhere in the US but New York is the most populated city in the country and it’s white collar employees are probably the last people with any right to complain. If I feel bad for anybody it’s probably the poorfags left in the lurch as Chinese developers draw up plans for “Luxury Apartments” in sections of Brooklyn that were for literal crackheads twenty-five years ago.

>> No.18354601

Here is an example of a good meal
Sardines or sausage + 3 egg yolks avocado + butter coffee
200g+ Ribeye steak and brussel sprouts
Big salad with salmon.

Even a mcdonalds quarter pounder is more nutritious than the crap you suggested.

>> No.18354616

Yeah, you sound like you get your nutritional advice from RAW EGG NATIONALIST. I don't know what to tell you, man.

>> No.18354631

I don't know who that is.

>> No.18354637

I just looked it up on Amazon it looks pretty awesome

>> No.18354770

lmao, enjoy your heart disease at age 58. butter coffee is fucking nasty btw and the bulletproof shit is pseudo science.

>> No.18354797

You mean just you showed up?

>> No.18354853

This is the original poster of the nyc meetup thread last Sunday. I have no idea what you people are talking about none of this happened. I have the REAL story for anyone who wants to hear it or attend the REAL next group-please email me at allie925kate@gmail.com

>> No.18354907

??? The only lie is the dude that posted literal pasta

>> No.18354945

>Young people in NYC have rich parents to fall back on so even if they have a career the thought of spending most of their salary on rent and expenses doesn't trouble them
No they don't.
Source: me
New York is a worthwhile investment, my outlook on life already has improved drastically ever since coming here. It is not like you are going to stay there forever.

>> No.18354956

No I am the original poster. We about 100 people were there including Waldan and Gardener. Waldan drank an entire bottle of rum and said "the word." Then we all went back to Gardener's NYC penthouse mansion and banged a bunch of tranny hookers. It was fucking awesome. The last thing I remember is being in a coke fueled daze with Gardener reading Call of the Crocodile outloud when we were greeted by a surprise guest. Moot himself. Moot went on to proceed to tell us how he's buying back all of 4chan and is going to use Gardener's various political connections to run for mayor of NYC.

>> No.18354959


>> No.18354974

No, nobody who can’t tell you what an Omaha Cordial is was really there


>> No.18354987

A what?

>> No.18354994

It’s looking like it’s going to be a leftist book club and we’re starting by reading Mein kampf in tandem with the work of art in the age of mechanical reproduction

>> No.18354998

You Will Never Be A Sitcom Character

>> No.18355008
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>> No.18355561

weed lmao

>> No.18355566

Just needs someone to organise one.

>> No.18355700

Forestanon is probably just as autistic as everyone here besides the having had girlfriends part. Don't forget he was one of us at one point.

>> No.18355714

That's more people than I can name.

>> No.18355873

Funny, I'm from NYC. I couldn't wait to get away.

>> No.18356037

>my outlook on life already has improved drastically ever since coming here
I’m one of the other people that lives here that responded but this sounds really gay

>> No.18356062

Lmao whose going to do all the work? The rich are going to end up fucking themselves. Wish I was around to watch it.

>> No.18356156

It's not enough money to not need to build a foundation on in life. You can survive but you can't plan anything requiring 10 to 100k cash in several years or decades. It's just a never ending hamster wheel. Even if you didn't have big plans, such small amounts can't be saved that great and would take year to realize into significant passive income (enough to pay housing/rent and all expenses). You just don't seem to care about this and accept the fact you'll be working 80% of your life or more.

>> No.18356168

60k in NYC with taxes is $3500 a month. Health insurance and benefits average $500 monthly. Now at 3K. 401k contributions, at 10% =350. You're left with $2650. My estimation is accurate and I even verified it with a tax calculator for NYC. That's enough to subsist on. No room for any grand plans for money. You waste the most precious resource you have, time, to have the privilege of existing.

>> No.18356264

I currently pay $248 a month for all my health benefits combined (health, dental, vision, elective insurance) and my coverage isn’t really different than what I had in New York.
I don’t know where you got $500 from, but you presumably took some kind of national average that nets in people with families rather than a number that reflects a healthy single person.
401k is not a percentage of your takehome- that would make the entire thing pointless.
But this has nothing to do with New York but rather your opposition to working and paying rent.
Idk why you think I want to convince you that work and housing costs are among life’s positives, but I don’t. However there is a price that usually needs to be paid for “the privilege of existing”.
As a side note tho - i’ve been working since I was 22 (my first job was $13.70 an hour) and I’ve never once stopped what I was doing, looked up at the ceiling and asked myself why I was going to all this trouble to earn money just so I could spend it.
My cost of living is also lower than it was four years ago, while my salary is much higher, so i’m failing to see where I hamstrung any grand plans I was supposed to have for money.

>> No.18356590

> i’m failing to see where I hamstrung any grand plans I was supposed to have for money.
having a wife
living in a nice suburb or gated community
4 bedroom house
private school
private lessons for extracurricular activities
college funds

>> No.18356837

No point organising one when no one responds.

>> No.18357152

Take the veggiepill and stop wasting your money. Lentils, rice, mixed veg and some sauce is incredibly cheap, healthy, quick to prepare and fulfils all your macros

>> No.18357188
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>> No.18357194

I'm from NZ, close enough, but I ain't flying over there.

>> No.18357416 [DELETED] 

Based Retard doing shitty math

>> No.18357690

How do I get the details for the next /lit/ meet up in NYC? I can’t find them anywhere

>> No.18357734

Email me at allie925kate@gmail.com

>> No.18357745

Next one at Barfly in Gramercy?

>> No.18357771

Just email me! I will arrange the next meetup likely this weekend when I have more people email me and confirm.

>> No.18357778

Lets meet at bryant park!

>> No.18357787

That was butterfly

>> No.18357843

What's gay about it? My career has skyrocketed ever since coming here. I am not worried about money or my future any more.

>> No.18357992 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming this Bono’s email

>> No.18358021

Get out of the thread if you don’t like it

>> No.18358064

What field, Anon?

>> No.18358083

I feel like all my problems would be solved if I moved to NYC (I live in a wasteland suburb and can't even drive).

>> No.18358084

Then you have a shitty HMO plan if your benefits are that low, retard. Wow, so instead of $2650 your take home pay would have been $2900 and some change. Wow life changing! As for 401k being a percentage of take home, it was a quick approximation and retard nickle and diming might produce a little extra (also post tax contrib exists) My fundamental point remains the same. You pay the majority of what you had to have the privilege of existing. I bring up the reality of it and it can't go through your head. You don't see the joke of all this.

>> No.18358102

If you get a good job and can reasonably save. Yes. If youre a paycheck to paycheck fag, you can brag about throwing out money but hey you livei n NYC BABAYYYY I guess.

t. Poorfag in Queens

>> No.18358108

What's your job

>> No.18358115

It would have to be over $110k to reasonably save in NYC.

>> No.18358123

Office Admin at 48k :(

Go to school anons

>> No.18358129

I hope you at least live with your parents, otherwise a KYS tier existence if you're shelling out $1000 for rent every month.

>> No.18358132 [DELETED] 

Whatever you say, Allie Eisenberg

>> No.18358133

Wanna come to the book club? We’ll cheer you up

>> No.18358136

Queens and South Brooklyn are the only places of worth in NYC.

>> No.18358138

you forgot staton island

>> No.18358145

With GF and rent is about 875. We got a decent sized place (for NY) During peak corona

>> No.18358153 [DELETED] 

Stop lying, loser. No one gives a fuck that you got some dilapidated shithole in crown heights or prospect lefferts.

>> No.18358160

Worthless existence. You can't possibly save more than a few hundred a month if you're lucky.

>> No.18358161

Redpill me on the Bronx

>> No.18358166

Astoria actually

>> No.18358169

Youre telling me

>> No.18358170 [DELETED] 

Crime, joggers, and homeless on every corner. Rich in diversity and annoying Puerto Ricans who pretend to be gangster

>> No.18358173 [DELETED] 

Yeah, a one bedroom in Astoria in a shared space with another roommate

>> No.18358234

How do you not kill yourself. I live in TN own my house (no mortgage), make more than you and still am overwhelmed with sickness over money. What are you going to do if your GF gets pregnant? It would be better to put the kid down than raise him with nothing.

>> No.18358278

Why exactly are you so interested in trying to make someone else feel bad about their lot? He seems to be doing quite well, and is intelligent enough to save his money where others would have wasted it all. What is the issue? And why do you think that children need all sorts of monetary investments, when they're really just happy to be alive and have parents who care for them?

>> No.18358298

I'm not. Im perplexed by it. If you don't give a plant the right amount of sunlight, water, soil and nutrients it will wither and die. If you feed a lion dog food and keep it in a cage it's whole life, it will grow to be decrypted. Humans are the same. If you don't have enough money for their needs, they'll grow up to be unhappy. It is cruel and better to not live in that situation. I grew up poor and would have preferred nonexistence.

>> No.18358301

Because this is 4chan and insecure anons will use any chance they can get to try to belittle others and make themselves feel better about themselves. Surely you know this by now fren.

>> No.18358313

What are you talking about? Children need food, clothing, shelter, and love. Other than that, you might need to budget some money for books, but that's about it. They don't need to eat enormous amounts of meat, they don't need to have piano lessons every week, they don't need to do sports, and they are often a lot happier not doing any of these things.
>I grew up poor and would have preferred nonexistence.
There is something wrong with you.

>> No.18358318

Theres people I think worse off than I am even in the same area so I can cope with that, plus this isnt some job I plan on having forever and its ok enough pay to do literally nothing most the time and get away with reading at work while I try to learn things that could be more lucrative. Im pretty careful about not getting her pregnant since im not that careless. You seem like a negative person anon, but I appreciate the backhanded concern

>> No.18358350

>they don't need enemorus amounts of meat
I could eat a pound of steak by the time I was 8. Boys need about 4000 calories of good food. Feed them oatmill and a slice of bolonie and bread for lunch like the retard in this thread suggested for adults, they'll grow up feeble. They also need mental stimulation and things to do. You can't provide that, they're going to have a garbage life.

>> No.18358359

>Boys need about 4000 calories of good food
Where do you get these ideas from? How do you think our ancestors lived?

>> No.18358371

It was going great till ࿇ C Œ M G E N V S ࿇ !KNDY3cHnRY showed up
Everyone left after that

>> No.18358380

prior to that gardner and his discord boys showed up, that was fun

>> No.18358387

They ate substantially larger meals. Humans were apex hunters and would be able to down reindeer and mammoth. The small bands of hunter gathers would eat for days and feast on it. There was also ground foraging and fruit and vegetable stores became known over time. To maintain nomadic or semi nomadic lifestyles, traversing hundreds of miles in the course of a year they needed energy. No bit of the animal went to waste.

>> No.18358397

stop reading mom blogs

>> No.18358408

Vegetables do not have DHA, EPA, cholesterol, meaningful phospholipids shy of enrichment, and any protein is subpar and subsisting on them entirely is going to undermine your health no matter how full they make your stomach or wallet.

>> No.18358421

I don't.

>> No.18358424

You do

>> No.18358429

mom blogs ruined an entire generation of men

>> No.18358445

You can't refute any of my points.

>> No.18358448

>Boys need about 4000 calories of good food.
everything you say is so stupid and this particular statement is also false, stop blaming your depression on irrelevant things. just fucking kill yourself bitch if you are so unhappy.

>> No.18358469


peak midwit ad hominem (guilt by association fallacy) that you had to fabricate too lol. time to go back

>> No.18358478

t. 115 pound 5' 4" male.

>> No.18358499


>> No.18358510

No offense but you sound like a bitch

>> No.18358522

Those posts weren't made by the same person.

>> No.18358538
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Computer Science. (Duh)

>> No.18358539

>these millenials are so entitled they think they have the right to eat what the body actually demands, what a little bitch. Real men eat the bugs, a few slivers of lunch meat, and oatmill.

>> No.18358546


same fallacy.

>> No.18358549

whatxhu finna do ab it nigger?

>> No.18358576

Nice stretch

>> No.18358652

I don't get you. I make $50k, pay $975 in mortgage + cond maintenance + utilities, and have more money than I know what to do with.

>> No.18358672

They had a feast/starve pattern. They weren't eating 4k cals every day doofus.

>> No.18358718

Food was hyperabudant. They easily were They didn't need to save good boy points to get a morsel of salami. They went out and brained a deer.

>> No.18358729

Dude, where were you? The girls were all asking about you! When you didn't show up, everyone just up and left...

>> No.18358794

You might end up being one of those characters in a sad, slow story of isolation and despair if you keep it up. So, at least there's that to look forward to.

>> No.18359025

>Then you have a shitty HMO plan if your benefits are that low, retard.
No. Factually incorrect. Just like your earlier assertion that I only got to keep 50% of my pay after taxes and benefits -you’ve very obviously never had a job before. I don’t know what advantage it is to you to believe whatever blackpilled impressions poorfag anons have given you but you can definitely survive very easily on like 170% of the median national income for a single person. You are just very upset about having to go to work in two years from now or whenever and are absolutely seething I won’t commiserate with you.
Which is funny because I actually do think it sucks so many people have to work so much for so little - but I’m not going to twist reality to include myself in that group.
I’m 28, I live in a low-cost area and I make close to $100k. Do you really think I can’t afford a house?

>> No.18359132

What do you find appealing about living in NYC?

>> No.18359302

My point remains the same, you are grasping at straws and nitpicking over minor details. I also very doubt you had a PPO for under $200 per pay period for personal contribution. I've worked longer than you. 60k in NYC isn't enough to build substantial savings or life foundation on and you're paying for the privilege to exist.

>> No.18359334

Also literally my point. Survive. Exist. What the hell is the point? Even a basket case on SSI and public housing has a better life and more freedom than that.

>> No.18359389
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I showed up, was in two minds but decided to go after remembering I am going to die alone and thought I may as well make the effort for once.

Turned up and there were maybe 5 or 6 of us. The fattest guy wearing the Hobbes Leviathan T-shirt alerted me to the group after some speculation. Twink Asioid in the drip had his MAGA cap in his bag but was too much of a pussy to put it on in public. You know who you are.

Food was good. >>18348370 is right, the "girl" who showed up about 25 minutes in looked EXACTLY like a woman on /lit/ appears in the terrible eye of the mind. I exchanged her greeting an didn't speak to her again.

Also for THAT guy PLEASE stop saying "N" werds in public, for fuck sake man. He just did a Cumtown and skated around it for ages, then just started dropping it nonchalantly. Get fucked dude.

All things considered not bad, I would consider showing up again. 5/10.

>> No.18359398

What in the goddamn fuck is wrong with all of you if you can't even stay on topic for three consecutive posts? Why would anyone subject themselves to a formal meet up if no one here has the sincerity to speak about their life experiences honestly?

>> No.18359404

Nothing. The people here are punished daily for living in New York, justice exists.

>> No.18359408

Thank you. I would actually make an effort to get to know this type of anon.

>> No.18359433

patrons were staring at him. christ, you retards need to realize real life isn't 4chan, you cant just dot your sentences with racial slurs.

>> No.18359440

So this was real? An anon actually dropped n-bombs at the meetup? Can anyone who was there confirm?

>> No.18359446

There was a texas meetup a few years ago and two anons got in an actual fight

>> No.18359461

the suicide diet

>> No.18359473
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KEK do you know the story behind it? why did they scrap?

>> No.18359495

I'm in Austin. Dunno, I've attended a few /lit/ events around and it's full of old women and gay men. I see some dudes read books around town in certain cafes and I presume that's where the few /lit/ anons would be.

>> No.18359503

Cumtown listeners are insufferable. You should've mogged him with your superior wit and watch him scramble around with some stupid shit like "how about a black guy who loves paradox games haha".

>> No.18359593

If there actually was another meeting, wtf
No cumtown fags allowed at mine though
anon come to my next meeting and email me, i guarantee it will be good

>> No.18359604

The healthiest populations eat mostly plants. Get your mom blogs and reactionary vitalist meme diets out of here.

>> No.18359647

It was pretty fun. We were all trans btw.

>> No.18359754


>> No.18359786
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>> No.18359805

Pissing off New Yorkers is one of the greatest accomplishments anyone can do. Congratulations, N-Word Anon for doing your duty.

>> No.18359818

tfw no /lit/-tards to mock for sperging out in public

I did some computing courses and every time a girl what passed, they would freeze up; I started jokingly calling it 'possoming' as though they were playing dead.

If it weren't apparent, I don't have friends anymore.

>> No.18360732


>> No.18360761

Was once a quiet community of jews, eastern europeans in the northern/middle part, with a few blacks and hispanics sprinkled about in the South Bronx, the black communities being by far the worst during the pre 2000s.
After the 2000s an influx of dominican, hatian and many other islanders of degenerate culture poured in and quickly adapted to the sad culture in the south all while slowly making their way further up into the borough. By 2020 the borough. is a sad ghetto dominated by degenerate hispanics

tl;dr dominicans and blacks ruined the Bronx.

>> No.18360777

ivory coast /lit/ meet up when?

>> No.18360787

im not emailing an escort service

>> No.18360812

Yeah, that would have been really funny.

(Not. You're a loser.)

>> No.18360815
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This thread reminds me of anime convention /cgl/ meet ups we used to have a decade ago. I guess every generation does it. It's kinda cute. Everyone always complains about the social pleasantries of everyone else while simultaneously complaining about it being boring. It's like people never learn. I'm getting so old.

>> No.18360821
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2013 was a fun year.

>> No.18360825

>Get fucked dude.

Anyone who uses this phrase for moral scolding is a complete faggot and should kill themselves.


>fat guy wearing hobbes shirt
>asian maga
>gross girl
>N word guy

>not bad, I would consider showing up again

>> No.18360846

>only one

>> No.18360903

>too much of a pussy to put it on in public

Says the guy who couldn't speak when a girl showed up. You sound like a massive faggot who ruined what would have been a great time.

>> No.18360906
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Is this some elaborate discord prank?

>> No.18360967

Lmao, you are all a bunch of faggots. You insult eachother on the internet after meeting irl. When I met 2 guys from /pol/ from my country, we laughed all day and get drunk, really nice meeting. You americans seem to be both rude and retarded.

>> No.18360982
File: 81 KB, 500x626, 1334180855134.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meeting people from /pol/

>> No.18361027


nobody but rich people and delusional people live there and this thread proves it. demographics of /lit/ is 60% rural. you make a thread about it people are going to ask fucking questions idiot. this isn't fucking reddit.

>> No.18361077

I think most people who access imageboards are weird guys.

>> No.18361376

Are you also a country bumpkin?

>> No.18361386

This is why I don't go to meetups. I used to go to some meetups on forums(wayyy back in the day) and undoubtedly, there will always be somebody talking shit about others after the fact.

>> No.18361394

Agreed. It's clear that alcohol was needed at this meetup anyway.

>> No.18361422

Christ why would you want to meetup with a bunch of insufferable cucks?

>> No.18361427

I'm going to fucking kill you
In a way your doing that right now

>> No.18361573


>> No.18361602

Why the fuck would you buy a used copy of a book that goes for like 10 bucks on Amazon, are you retarded ?

>> No.18361654

>demographics of /lit/ is 60% rural
Really? Proof? I thought almost everyone here was an undergrad or some other sort of disaffected urbanite.

>> No.18361764

Seethe more. You'll never be Nig Mullen.

>> No.18361770

They probably watched bbc and cuck porn together.

>> No.18362171

lol no, without exception ever person who claims they live in the country on any board is a suburbanite

>> No.18362182

>thinks manhattan is all projects
found the flyover

>> No.18362185

bro i make $35k a year and i have a shitload of savings. NYC is only as expensive as you want it to be

>> No.18362651

I make $120k a year. I spend a lot of it on rent, but living in a big city enabled me to get this high paying job and now I can move to the country and keep my salary.

>> No.18363590

Bed-Stuy guy?

>> No.18363607

Anyone wanna meetup in Paris?
I can book a table at Les Deux Magots for this evening

>> No.18363640

not falling for that one next time Philippe

>> No.18363662

if you're more of a Flore guy it's alright
we're not going Bonaparte though there's no goddamn shade it's a real BBQ

>> No.18363726

I want to fit in. Get me a table at Le Dors-y-a.

>> No.18365882
