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/lit/ - Literature

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18347921 No.18347921 [Reply] [Original]

Unpopular opinions thread

I do not like Borges. All of his fiction is basically just "woah cool puzzles." He is boring and his writing is completely devoid of life. As someone who has read a bit of philosophy, the ideas in his fiction seem adolescent to me. I do not understand why he is so highly regarded and loved by many and even by writers I like.

>> No.18347933
File: 38 KB, 256x300, 54672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do not like that picture.

>> No.18348356

I ruined a pair of underwear I really liked doing this once :/

>> No.18348361

I'm sure the hooker would sell you a second pair.

>> No.18348363

I agree, but have a sense that i'm missing something from the aleph.

>> No.18348365

id take a drink from that

>> No.18348620

I am the hooker.

>> No.18348623

How do you feel about me getting Butterfly to wear a collar? :3

Does she understand she is mine?

>> No.18348634
File: 39 KB, 314x500, 51ATmRNnVtL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kappa is better than Crocodile and Arcade combined. Prove me wrong.

>> No.18348651

Butterfly finna put yo ass in a collar and stuff a 2 by 4 in and out ur throat til u get splinters and bleed, then she finna gag u with her man hands and make you kneel and beg to wrap yo bleeding, virgin lips round her penis u aint gon wanna suck cuz she finna piss all up in yo shit and have you lick the drops off the head before she cum in yo eye and make u run 3 miles home from tha storage locker nekkid, sweaty, shitty and crying to apologize to yo mama u done sneaked out that evenin

>> No.18348661

....Are you okay?

Are you the hooker? Am I now conversing with a ghetoo hooker on 4chan?

>> No.18348663 [DELETED] 

Im sleep deprived, nigga

>> No.18348686


>> No.18348700

Die in fire.

>> No.18348708

I certainly preferred it to Call of the Crocodile. I don't think it tops the Call of the Arcade imo

>> No.18348719
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>> No.18348723

I'm going to cum on a picture of you crying, butters

>> No.18348730

I hate this image so much and it detests me that it has never ceased to be posted.

>> No.18348748
File: 286 KB, 900x1142, pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unpopular opinion?
As a whole, the boards need to stop getting split up between subjects.
It fucking tanks the overall quality of 4chan as a whole, and splits the userbase up.
/b/ and /gif/ are perfect examples of this in action.

>> No.18348749
File: 114 KB, 244x248, 1545043774576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's it like to have such bad taste?

>> No.18348766
File: 37 KB, 597x316, kek2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What it like to not having a relationship with your father?

>> No.18348774

>He is boring and his writing is completely devoid of life.
Fucking how? He gives more insight into the human condition in 6 page short stories than some writers do in entire novels.

>> No.18348776
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I'll have you know he pounds my boi pucci every day esl fren.

>> No.18348778


>> No.18348795
File: 245 KB, 769x437, heresy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That... makes a lot sense. Faggotry seems to run in your family.
And apologies for the misspelling.
I was typing so fast I forgot the 's in What's.

>> No.18348798

bc you're stupid, it's not (just) a clusterfuck he actually provides great insight

>> No.18348925

Fuck off. Call of the Arcade is way better. The one your talking about is just about some weeb.

>> No.18348956

>insight into the human condition
reddit moment

>> No.18349228

I like his cool puzzles because i am highly autistic, but i can understand why someone wouldn't like it.

>> No.18349230

You sure know a lot about them, huh

>> No.18350456

The Greeks are shit and people should t start with them.

>> No.18350479

>As someone who has read a bit of philosophy, the ideas in his fiction seem adolescent to me
Grow up, anon

>> No.18350525

Dunno if unpopular opinion
But hes an unlikeable douche and contradicts himself so fucking often might as well be a shizophrenic. Also wasted a lot of my time. Fucking faggot.

>> No.18350533
File: 455 KB, 396x540, Aldous_Huxley_1947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chan dint attach my pic

>> No.18350582

>I was typing so fast I forgot the 's in What's.
That wasn't it.

>> No.18350612

Why'd you have to make a thread you fucking faggot?

>> No.18350623


>> No.18350633

Op wrote unpopular opinion thread
Not please post your mental delusions thread.
Tbh it would be good if some more would actually start with them especially when it comes to philosophy. If i have to read or hear anything more about kant im gonna flip the fuck out.

>> No.18350643

I felt like it
I am most humbly asking for forgiveness

>> No.18350756

Plot matters. A lot of "serious" modern novels have good prose and/or good insights and/or an interesting premise, but they don't tell a good story and that means the ending is unsatisfying. It's hard to have a satisfying ending without a good plot.

Pynchon is wildly over-rated.

Butterfly (if those pictures are really her) is cute. Also, even though I disagree 100% with almost everything she says, I find her quite likeable.

>> No.18350778

>I find her quite likeable.
me too. i’ll take one butters over a thousand angery gamers who just discovered evola. there’s something old school internet about her that i like

>> No.18351437

>Butterfly (if those pictures are really her) is cute. Also, even though I disagree 100% with almost everything she says, I find her quite likeable.
This isn't unpopular

>> No.18351604

I'm reading Ficciones and
>All of his fiction is basically just "woah cool puzzles."
that is what I'm getting from it too. Most of the time there is no plot, characters or anything other than the cool puzzles, the worst being The Library of Babel where it's not even a story, it's just a description of a world. Still, I kinda like it.

>> No.18351616

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18351693

Simps are gay

>> No.18351753

I love how The library of Babel talks about everything related to literature. Borges is a monster, from time to time I think about something he wrote or discover a new meaning.

>> No.18351766

Unpopular opinion for nu-/lit/, but I think most of the people who’ve shown up here in the last four years or so are fags who don’t read or write anything of value. Especially namefags, who ruin the board with their gay presence.

>> No.18351825

Apart from frater. I've actually had many a productive poetry convo with him on here. Very interesting and knowledgeable guy.
Sometimes butters has based takes too.

>> No.18351843 [DELETED] 

Not sure if unpopular but autodidactism is a meme. Post people need teachers and guidance. Without some guidance most people will not know what they are doing and will likely harm themselves and/or become pseuds.

>> No.18351850

Not sure if unpopular but autodidactism is a meme. Most people need teachers and guidance. Without some guidance most people will not know what they are doing and will likely harm themselves and/or become pseuds.

>> No.18351880

newfag detected

>> No.18351887

devoid of life


>> No.18351893

You are back. Nice.

>> No.18351897

Borges is a gimmick

>> No.18351932

I think it’s fine for us to be identifiable by our posts, like if we recognize each other’s writing styles or something. I’m just not privy to namefags who contribute to the death of Internet anonymity. Sure it’s small now, but it just turns 4Chan into another social media site where people compete for attention. I’d rather people who want to do that keep it to Discord or something like that.
Maybe I’m just getting old.

>> No.18351941

While I think you have a point that Borges' work is overly concerned with being philosophical, I would disagree that his ideas are shallow. If you look up any of his stories on something like Philpapers you'll find that many philosophers take him very seriously. Especially true regarding stuff like Tlon, Uqbar and Library of Babel. Borges' first collection, Universal History of Inequity, is more "human" and less abstract so if you want to give him another try you should read that.

My hot take is that Crime and Punishment and BK are the bottom two of Dostoy's 4 masterpieces. People overly praise them because they are significantly more accessible and have big set-piece sequences (The Murder in C&P, Grand Inquisitor and Ivan & Devil in BK) that appeal to people who otherwise wouldn't read long, dialog focused, 19th century novels. You can see this focus on big sequences take place on this board all the time. People love to bring up C&P and BK but they rarely talk about anything other than those parts. Between the two novels you have like 1500 pages and somehow discourse only ever involves like maybe 150 of them? Dostoy isn't God's gift, but he is a great writer and there is significantly more going on in his works (even those two, which are both excellent even if overrated) than three sequences from two novels. If you want Dostoy's religious perspective, The Idiot deals with it in droves and the three main characters have at least as much to say on the subject as Ivan, Alyosha, and Zosima. If you want the social critic, Demons' portrayal of reformers, revolutionaries, and the state is one of the best depictions of radical politics in that it shows the complicated psychological terrain of people who advocate for revolutionary change (extremely relevant in today's political climate, right or left).

Another take, while Nietzsche is great most readers fuck up in their reading of him by not paying attention to his radical epistemology. Remember that Nietzsche himself said that philosophy is autobiographical confession, that we decide what we "need" to be true before coming up with reasons for that belief, that every stated philosophy hides a deeper philosophy which motivates those beliefs/claims, and that truth and knowledge is always perspectival. You can see all of this in just BGE Part 1 and GM part 3. Nietzsche's claims about ubermensch and overcoming and will to power are of course no exception, and you need to think about why he wanted these things to be true prior to examining whether he is right about anything (and also examine why you want him to be right/wrong about them).

>> No.18352034

>Butters is based
>Thinks capitalism as a concept is evil and not the human greed element
Women/trannies (?) can't be based you fucking asstard.

>> No.18352160
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>> No.18352227

Capitalism is bad because of the human greed element. You can't have capitalism without appealing to the greed in the upper class.

>> No.18352255

>simping for capital

>> No.18352819

>You can't have capitalism without appealing to the greed in the upper class.
Absolutely not. The idea of usury being banned, rent being absorbed, etc etc. is why things like Islamic finance, geoism, and various philosophies are compatible through capitalism.

Simply saying that 'capitalism is corrupt durr' is a really cheap way to say nothing at all. We're given what we're given. What people are shirking around is that many of the revolutions held in the early 20th century were pointless, in many senses of the word, simply because the Communist Manifesto is A) not perfect and B) a very violent text which promotes riots.

>> No.18353176

It’s fine to drop a book if you don’t like it in the first 5-16 pages.

Problem is, I’m not a newfag, the vast majority of my posts have been anonymous since I’ve been on since like, 2005. I think a major problem is people read and write, or rather, they want to do both, because they think it makes them look or feel intelligent. They’re wannabes basically, which is fine if they actually go through and have fun, but a lot of people on here don’t even enjoy any part of it.

Basing your identity on how others view your consumption habits is silly.

>> No.18353211

>Plot matters. A lot of "serious" modern novels have good prose and/or good insights and/or an interesting premise, but they don't tell a good story and that means the ending is unsatisfying. It's hard to have a satisfying ending without a good plot.
I agree

>> No.18353416

Gypsy romance is leagues above Poet in New York, but Lorca's best works are still his theatre plays.

>> No.18353449

To be fair, the reason why Call of the Crocodile is almost everyone's favorite is that it was that it was the most easily available one and probably the first one everybody read. It was available for free during halloween 2020.

That being said, Kappa is truly better.