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/lit/ - Literature

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18347654 No.18347654 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't this board ever do book clubs or reading groups?

>> No.18347669

Because 4chan is full of haters.

>> No.18347683

Congratulations on your first day on /lit/, OP!

>> No.18347693

We literally had one earlier today in NYC, why don't you organize your own group instead of complaining like a woman for someone to do it for you

>> No.18347802

>We literally had one earlier today in NYC
You guys didn't invite me? The fuck

>> No.18347846

That would require people here to actually read a book

>> No.18347855

I've seen a few attempts but they dont make it past a month or two

>> No.18347863

There is one on Goodreads

>> No.18347873
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There have been plenty but they always gas out after a few weeks. It's just difficult to get people together consistently for a long time, especially anonymously where you can't rely on social pressure as an extra motivator. So they either fall apart or get sequestered to places like discord where it is easier to organise.
I do wonder if it could work for journal articles however, given how short they are. One a week in a recurring general. The major worry is that articles aren't appealing to anyone who isn't already interested in the subject, or even to most people who are interested in the subject. So the initial pool to draw from would probably be too small to sustain anything.

>> No.18347904

There's a /lit/ Goodreads group that does group readings

>> No.18347914

Because reading groups are gay.

>> No.18347922

because who the fuck reads in groups? It fucks your attention span.

>> No.18347955

Could we have some feedback on the experience, please?

>> No.18348241

post pics

>> No.18348260

It does. They just don't invite the anons that are like us.

>> No.18348494

Let me in! Let me in!

>> No.18348504

haha! Like the meme says! That's so kek anon!

>> No.18348532

I'm curious to hear how it went as well.

>> No.18348584

would gladly join a /lit/ book club if we read something decent and didnt have to join a discord to participate

>> No.18348644
File: 308 KB, 1034x1003, goodreadsgroup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the "/lit/ Goodreads Group"

>> No.18349082

Post the journal article you want to discuss and find out

>> No.18349094

Why would I join a "club" or partake in any "group activities"?

>> No.18349102

There is/was a /lit/ discord reading group that was doing a pretty good job, no idea if they are still active. We used to have semi regular reading groups but that stopped awhile ago. there was a read along for The Pale King a few years ago that was a complete shit show and since then they have all been failures from what I have seen.

>> No.18349105

I don't really like adhering to a set schedule when I read.

>> No.18349114

So you don't have to write those words "in quotes".

>> No.18349174

I read what I want when I want. I don't really interact witth others or follow a schedule. I read all of Plato already so I can discuss that with you if that is what you want.

>> No.18349381

posting on /lit/ is a group activity

>> No.18349390

Where the fuck were you? Nycfags made several threads.

>> No.18349396

someone post a photo from the nyc lit meetup

>> No.18349552

did anyone cum in the brownies

>> No.18349581

No. The real reason why is there is a lot of homosexuals and trannies on this website and always try to inject themselves into social spectacles. They of course always try to recruit others into club worm. They are filled with so much filth that the very presence of one poisons the entire event. It's like a dog that eats it's own shit. You'll never be able to trust it and know it's very presence disturbs hygiene. The LGBT community is even more pathogenic and seeks actively to spread their disease. I would only go to such a club or event if it was explicitly no homos allowed.

>> No.18349594

Wouldn't be a /lit/ meet up if they didn't.

>> No.18349606

Case in point, homosexuals do this and worse. This is why they ruin every single event they go to. They want to spread their diseases, their sexual proclivities, their disgusting miserable life to everyone.

>> No.18349682

Want to get something off your chest mate?

>> No.18349692

I dislike faggots.

>> No.18349702

The christcucks make up the bulk of the interjection on this board with /pol/ being a close second. Fags and trannies are fairly minor here and keep to themselves for the most part.

The fella that jerked off in the brownies was a total bro, pretty much every frat member I have ever known.

>> No.18349707

I don't believe in god yet I hate homos.

>> No.18349721

What does that have anything to do with my post?

>> No.18349722

Cool. Gardner's the man.

>> No.18349730

Nothing now that I've read it over.

>> No.18349789

>he's not in the super secret /lit/ discord with weekly group reads

>> No.18350428

And if i don't live in a highly populated city?

>> No.18350509

>reading groups?
We don’t read.

>> No.18351061


>> No.18351068

You schizos are way worse, I see 100x more posts complaining about trannies than actual trannies

>> No.18352519

I took the vaccine. I'm no schizo.

>> No.18352531

COVID police and soii in the water turning the redditors gay

>> No.18353370

Redditors are gay a priori

>> No.18353583

We did. We met in NYC and read some F. Gardner books.

>> No.18355808 [DELETED] 

>Just a couple of no-good rowdy country boys
Dangerously cheesy™ but I'm not saying to remove it, just to remain aware of this straw-eating tone you've setting. It's fine that the speaker calls himself intellectual though.

>me and my brothers were with me
This took me a second. Punctuation is due here. I'm also not sure about what-not having only a space between the terms, but I wasn't thrown off there as I was above.

Doesn't sound like a word the speaker would use, given the tone you'd set earlier. I'm also tempted to suggest changing "roamed and kicked in" to just "roamed through."

>a more literary or daresay nostalgic tone
Calling your own work literary, from within the word itself no less, is not a good idea. Not to mention the "dare I call it... nostalgic?!" thing you do at the end.

You also don't seem to have much confidence in your descriptions in general; earlier you conjoined "roamed and kicked" in a way that looked indecisive, then you have "night, or afternoon, perhaps afternoon," and then you shift between literary/nostalgic and even after that you have "mid-to-late" as though just one or the other wouldn't give me a broad enough window to look through. The contradiction of this insecurity with the "dare I call it... nostalgic?!" self-satisfaction from earlier compounds the inauthenticity of each.

>"Why do you have a drooping testicle on your back?"
Why attempt to make this so visceral? Is the point to just make the description look good, or is it to describe the backpack well? Read what I wrote to the next anon. I actually read his thing first, but by this point in yours I considered the possibility that you were the same person.

From there onward, you go pretty far from your original tone, from chewing straw to a unwarranted god's eye view. It feels less like you're conveying experience and more like you're just trying to "tell it like it is," arms crossed.

The enjambment sounded arbitrary, and "hermaphroditic" sounded like your ripped it from a thesaurus. Overall it sounds less like you're trying to write poetry, and more like you're just trying to just sound poetic. I would suggest writing about things other than poems-themselves, and avoiding big galaxy-brain type imagery.

>choosing this insult in an art critique thread of all places

>> No.18355838

Had a pretty good Moby-Dick reading group here a while ago. M-D is easier than a lot of books, probably because of how short the chapters are.

>> No.18355850

There is only one worthwhile reason to gather socially and that is to go to church.

>> No.18356268

rent free

>> No.18356426
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>> No.18356560

I suggested starting a Clubhouse club and c/lit/s hated it.

These people are no-lifers.