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18347158 No.18347158 [Reply] [Original]

How do I read a book if I have ADHD and an attention span of like 20 minutes? I really want to be able to read and I have a lot of books in my backlog but I can't do it unless I find what I'm reading very interesting or it's something really short. Usually I start a new book, read a couple of chapters and then get bored and abandon it forever (In case you're wondering what books I'm trying to read, basically just entry level /lit/core; catcher in the rye, blade runner, 1984, etc). Do I just have to force myself to keep going?

>> No.18347173

I medicate myself with Adderall, Kratom, and CBD isolate

>> No.18347188

Here's what I've tried
Sleeping better
Taking b vitamin pills daily
Taking vitamin c pills daily
Taking magnesium nightly
Taking zinc daily
Going on a no-sugar diet
Reading without subvocalizing
Doing 20 push-ups between every page I read
And so on
The only thing that worked for me is adderall. I'll become tolerant to it eventually. When that happens I'll never read another book again.

>> No.18347778

incorporate all senses. always read physical copies, if you get distracted, reground by flipping the pages. perhaps follow along with a audio recording. set daily goals.

>> No.18347861

I try to write down a few reasons why I'm interested in the book, which helps me get into the mindset where I can read for hours straight. Pretty autistic but it works. I also try to write a short set of notes before I switch to a new book. That way even though I'm constantly switching between what I'm reading I'll have a reason to return to previous books

>> No.18347996

What does Kratom do?
Also does cbd help?

>> No.18348069
File: 393 KB, 1516x1874, ADHD Redpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do I read a book if I have ADHD and an attention span of like 20 minutes?
Great advice.

>> No.18348083

There was another thread like this a while ago and I got the help that you should use an e-reader and maximize fonts so that you can concentrate little information. It was helpful for me.

>> No.18348104

I find having a little nap before reading helps to read longer. Also taking short breaks before you hit the point where it becomes uncomfortable. Do some pushups. Listen to classical music on low volume while reading keeps me more relaxed and focused for longer. Oh and hating yourself when you get distracted.

>> No.18348205

I always hate myself

>> No.18348219

Then love yourself when you do good things

>> No.18348250

i have a doctors appointment this week to talk about getting some kind of adhd drug for necessary tasks. you guys have thoughts on if i should request anything in particular? im leaning towards avoiding amphetamines

>> No.18348268

Kratom relaxes the body. It hits opioid receptors.
CBD does help. It is subtle but it really seems to do wonders when i am anxious and can’t focus

>> No.18348306
File: 65 KB, 677x678, pause1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twenty minutes?
Try less then 5.
It's been hell, especially since I want to read more. It is impossible for me to sit down and read effectively.

>> No.18348369
File: 53 KB, 750x737, mr pure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I deleted my OG post, because I wanted to add to it.
This post is half true.
ADHD does exist with people suffering real symptoms.
However, the push we saw in the last 30 years was as the screencap stated, bullshit pushed by feminism, with a rise in a more sedentary lifestyle, in tandem with the drug industry pushing new wonder drugs to cure those pesky brats.
This is why we saw a massive rise in the cases of "ADHD".

>> No.18348434

Bunch of retarded advices. Go to a psychiatrist OP and see if the attention deficit is actually caused by anxiety or depression. That happens really often. If not start taking adhd medication and get the most out of your life. I wish I did this when I was your age instead of rejecting any idea of meds.

>> No.18348783

Not him but I've taken both and neither help. They're relaxing but at the cost of feeling mentally retarded so I don't retain anything I read. Adderall is just okay

>> No.18348838

>no sources