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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.21 MB, 2136x2936, Ji-Hyo-Park-Feet-4164263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18346634 No.18346634 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18346653

bruv bruh bro bram brok brew bae booboo bwak boing bonk bip boop braum boot butt boy boohoo bat bit bet brick bream beam beat bebe bumbum big bij breek brap back buck bitch betch batch bwoop bang bong biddle bish bosh bun bigger biggest bill biz bazz

>> No.18346664

i would like to write more but i can't help but cringe at whatever i come up with. people here seem to effortlessly write stuff that is infinitely better than mine.

>> No.18346669

We accept the reality of the world with which we are presented.

>> No.18346673

pure and cute

>> No.18346679
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She's not yours, she has just decided it's your turm.

>> No.18346683
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>> No.18346682

Red Scare Podcast is a mediocre show and they're only getting that much money because they're attractive girls.

>> No.18346714
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My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the tiiiiimmme

>> No.18346725

Practice and relentlessly self-critique until it's not cringe.

>> No.18346739

My biggest romantic fantasy is to be in a deep friendship with an autogynephilic person who suffers from narcissistic personality disorder but sees himself in me. This person is hyper creative and has a lot of intuitive insights, strange mental metals in his experiences. We create great, relevant art together and create our own little reality. We are both cynical, edgy and cringe. But we would be the world's greatest post-incels.

>> No.18346753

thats highly specific

>> No.18346910

I don't want to work
I don't want to go to college
I don't want friends
I don't want a lover
I just want to read
I want to write a masterpiece someday
And off myself afterwards

>> No.18347003

I hate being in love.

>> No.18347006

>never been in love
what does it feel like?

>> No.18347017

so tired of not being wealthy
was I born to be a dog?

>> No.18347042

It feels like meaning.
It feels like every ounce of blood that pumps through your veins is magnetized to that person.
It feels like the high from hyperventilating every time you think about them.
It feels like your rock hard dick bursting inside their tight pussy as they lock their legs around you.
It feels like being content with the world when they nuzzle their nose into your armpit and fall asleep.
It feels like scooping dirt into the endless void and it finally starting to fill up.
But then they leave.
And the world falls out from under you.
Ans then you feel like a bird skeleton. Hollow and brittle and dead.

>> No.18347059

the trick is to write when you are inspired. for by far the most of us, this will not produce a body of work that you can live off
t. writes about one song per year

>> No.18347070
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my greatest fantasy would be a furious rabid affair with a mangled war vet, amputee with scars and ptsd, bi-curious and uneasy about it, overloading him with cripple worship as if i'm the sole adherent of his half-deity cult, further disrupting his mental state sending him into a deranged hypomania that ultimately ends in a suicide on the verge of godhood

that or a village girl gf

>> No.18347074
File: 49 KB, 565x541, backfromthedead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have the feeling that many people on this platform see this "nofap" as a sign of strength and unconsciously push their ego with it, because they then think that they are something better. Or that it would make them stronger. But in the end it's nothing more than denial. But to be honest, it's no wonder. You go through many levels of denial when looking for yourself or having personal problems. In any case, all the knowledge that accumulates in phases from time to time has to be reflected more precisely through porn and beer and by that I mean in a positive way and not drinking in frustration. Only then you really notice how you feel about all the things that you have in your head. A piece of wisdom from - me.

(Some people always talk about "as long as you don't masturbate for hours, it doesn't matter." Who the hell masturbates 4-5 hours straight without using drugs. Please don't be kidding me, bitch ass motherfucker.)
So if anyone is doing nofap and is feeling bad/ depressed etc., maybe it's because of nofap. So stop that BITCH move, nofap won't change anything, go fap until you're sane. It was the most normal thing until your internet-"saints" ruined it. Holy shit.

And better go listen to some Chief Keef, bitch


>> No.18347076

I read a post on reddit where a woman felt bummed that her husband wanted her to lose weight. She did not, she said, forbid her husband from watching porn, but rather she respected his autonomy as a person and his freedom to choose, even though she thought it affect her sex-life.

Now I've never been married but I have this religious ideal that two truly become one. I remember reading somewhere that a man does what he wants with his wifes body because it is his body, and a wife does what she wants with her husbands body because it is her body. In the metaphysics of marriage you *literally* become one person. I think. Maybe I've misunderstood, but I feel like there is something to this that that reddit woman had been completely cheated of

>> No.18347082


>> No.18347084

there must be a healthy balance of mutual and self respect, autonomy and attentiveness.
it does seem like the mentioned marriage is flawed.

>> No.18347129

>got yalom's when nietzsche wept book as a gift
is it any good?

>> No.18347143

>strange mental metals in his experiences
what do you mean by this

>> No.18347179

>apparently we're gonna have six hour work-days and 3 day weekends
that's great and all, but I fel like there comes a point where one can't help but be ashamed of shit like this while there are sweatshops

>> No.18347183

I guess you could argue that more time does not necessarily mean more productivity in non-menial tasks

>> No.18347211

This century will be defined by decntralization. The writing is on the wall. The internet in the 90s was the canary in the cole mine and its survival into the new century proved it to be true.

>> No.18347228


I can’t stop romanticizing my suicide, my fucking brain is filled with maggots and parasites that make me think kms is gonna be epic, etc. when in reality it would probably be the worst thing to ever happen to my family and friends that love me, causing several traumas and an eternal grief to my mom until she dies.

>> No.18347242

None of it’s real. Snap back to reality

>> No.18347253

holy projection

>> No.18347255
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i'll never have such a strong and sincere mutual connection as with this horse
the day he dies i'll probably kms

>> No.18347260

I've said it before but cold green tea is damn good

>> No.18347266

horseanon you are our hope. nigge you can't be on the kms train too

>> No.18347267

I finally started my YouTube channel and I'm having fun with it. The books that I talk about cost about the same as a pint or two down the pub and because my channel's small, I don't have to take things too seriously lol.

>> No.18347269

No matter how objective I attempt to be, no matter how often I offer the benefit of the doubt, no matter who it is, I am always constantly reminded on a regular basis that women are in fact, scum.

>> No.18347290
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My girl wants to party all the time, party all the time, party all the tiiiiiiiiimmme

>> No.18347300
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to be fair it was just a momentary thought
i'll keep grinding for him

a few nights ago i was on shrooms sitting in the corner of his stall.. after 15-20 minutes of nodding off on his feet, he nuzzled the ground, retreated to the opposing wall, turned to face me and laid down. i near damn cried in there, horses will only get down if they're alone and safe or with other horses they trust. couldnt take a pic because it was too dark
im convinced he posesses eternal wisdom and his conclusion from it is to just live on

>> No.18347307

why do they want to party all the time?
t. my girl did want to party all the time. I just thought she was trying to be like her older sister

>> No.18347321

When/why did this board take a full fledged nose dive into Christianity/Christian morals?

I mean, the intensity of it has definitely gone through the roof over the last year or two.

What gives? Are you faggots just LARPing?

And for that matter, why does anyone give a single fucking shit about Thomas Aquinas or what he has to say?

It's not like he was one of Christ's fucking disciples.

>> No.18347349

It’s all been real for years. She’s married now. No amount of fresh pussy or pretend with others can change the amorphous blurring contempt I have for my emotional core. I wish I had had never loved her. I wish I had never seen her face. I wish my home had caught fire at a young age and I died of smoke inhalation instead of having to spend 29 contemptible years on this god forsaken planet.

>> No.18347353

So gay

>> No.18347381

You and your dad would know.

>> No.18347392

the only reason someone would not praise God is that they don't know. If they knew, they would. And they would know that no matter how much they praised Him, it could not possibly be adequate to how He deserves to be praised. This clicked for me today during a walk. It is an absolute truth. I think Muhammad said something to this effect, although I could remember that wrong.

>> No.18347398

>praise god on tiny rock
>oh oops accidentally stepped on some ants there! Heh.

>> No.18347417

same desu let's you and I take a break from the internet together

>> No.18347421

Wow you really are pathetic.

>> No.18347446

Yep. Thanks for noticing. I wish more people did.

>> No.18347496

That's pretty gay mate

>> No.18347524

Based. I think the same about animals. But then my dog does shit like trying to catch bees in her mouth; or going outside to bark at nonexistent birds after sunset, then coming back in and repeating the process 5 minutes later when I go up to bed. She just went out and did it, does she not have a memory? Maybe her eternal wisdom has made her realise its best to live a childish life of uncaring excitement.

>> No.18347544
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Does /lit/ like this poem?

>> No.18347554

You can only really become one in God.

>> No.18347562
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nice try anon

>> No.18347572


>> No.18347581

>I know you are but what am I?

>> No.18347598

>Maybe her eternal wisdom has made her realise its best to live a childish life of uncaring excitement.
may as well be. animals forever retain the wonder and excitement of living.

>> No.18347600

Either you are some kind of cosmic entity or a being of determinism which would mean that what you are would be based on constructive causality. bitch ass unknown being!

>> No.18347605

it is abundantly clear that japan is better than the west but you get called a "weeb" for pointing that fact out

>> No.18347621

I believe in free will

>> No.18347629

I found a prostitute on tinder.

>> No.18347637

I like that, pretty based

>> No.18347639

why are they so lonely and kill themselves then, they don't seem happier to me

>> No.18347648

how do I stop posting here

>> No.18347738

damn son, I just searched for "dark side culture documentary" on youtube and I used similar search terms. Unfortunately without success, I couldn't find the video that finally opened my eyes completely, so that I couldn't fool myself any longer. The culture in Japan and the behavior of the people stink to the sky. This Anon is completely right with his statement. >>18347639
Just sick that I couldn't find the documentary anymore, I actually thought it was one of the most famous videos by now. In all honesty, I sincerely feel sorry for every Anime Japan fan for getting so insane from this shit. I know anime fans are very emotional and shit, but believe me, you'd better stick with the western world, even if it's completely shitty. A good friend from back then has lost his mind over this Japan shit. Be careful bitch.

>> No.18347761

I’m not the slightest bit gay but I also at wish I was since all of my favorite writers were gay.

>> No.18347765

We kill outselves a lot too. In fact, the suicide rate among just white Americans is higher than all Japanese.

>> No.18347767

only a gay person would wish they were gay unless it's intended as a compliment.

>> No.18347772
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Black girls keep matching with me on Bumble and Tinder. Like, this occurs to an overwhelming extent. Is it because I mention I'm a Christian in my profiles?

>> No.18347773

Idk. I’ve seen you guys tell people it’s not over if they’re a little older but it really seems to me that if you’re like 25 or older and didn’t really steep yourself in literature and writing by that point, it’s pretty much over. Idk how we’re supposed to come around to the idea that you could like read casually until 25 and then get really into writing and magically be a good writer. It doesn’t seem likely.

>> No.18347780

I don’t think I’m gay. I find girls attractive at the very least. And I’m old enough to where I don’t think I’d just discover that I’m bisexual or something.

>> No.18347787

i wish Eric Clapton was my stepdad.

>> No.18347794

sounds legit

>> No.18347817

I can relate

>> No.18347829

Mark my words, dat niggah gonna die real soon.

Saw him in Portland back in 2010. Was a damn good show.

>> No.18347839

>why are Japanese suicide rates so high?
shame an honour, an integral part of their society

>dark side of japan
what, """""hidden""""" crime and long work hours?
m8 the west is run by pedos that want to exterminate the native population

>> No.18347849
File: 129 KB, 1280x720, countries by suicide rate per capita 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18347911

I've been writing in some form or fashion since I was 13, and I've been reading since I was in single digits. It is better to start early, that's true.

>> No.18347928

>create our own little reality
part is my biggest fantasy, but you contradict that in your own post by talking about "relevant art" and "the world's greatest", which imply that you're looking towards the outside world, towards real reality, for validation.

>> No.18347938

>what, """""hidden""""" crime and long work hours?

The documentary showed the emotional state of the culture and its interpersonal manners quite well, which was taken to a new level in relation to the unnatural, artificial behavior / manners that prevail in public. It was a good insight into what you get conveyed in the media and what is really going on. It's a real shame I can't find it anymore. Because what you're talking about is the first video you find when you search for it. I am talking about other things, however. But I think everyone heard the Japanese act weird. Believe me, I'm from Germany, it's pretty crazy here too.

I hate this ambiguous morality and this hypocrisy, this sacrifice of oneself for something higher, which was only invented to enslave and fool people. I hate it from the bottom up. It is thought in Japan that this artificial behavior makes people more refined and happier, but in truth it's an insult to human dignity, a limitation of thought and bold that it cannot be put into words.

Nobody wants to live in such a boring and heartless world. Ok, I admit Japan looks pretty cool and I love the outdoors/ nature that this country has to offer. And animes are pretty cool too. But that's not the reality.

Here is another skateboard video from HUF, with a depressive soundtrack, which I think is quite appropriate.

Pls, don't be fooled.


>> No.18347954

Wish I could say the same.

>> No.18347974

Craving candy. I might go to the convenient store for a candy bar though I shouldn’t.

>> No.18347977

I've always had highs and lows but lately my lows are getting lower and are lasting longer. I'm not sure how long I can hold out

>> No.18347992

>convenient store
laughed desu

>> No.18348008
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>> No.18348090

all those problems and yet it's still a better place than the west
the utter fucking state of us

>> No.18348112

I don't understand how people can expose themselves to lots of high art and still feel it's necessary to accomplish things.

>> No.18348136

why so?

>> No.18348163

So much shit. SOOO much SHIT.

>> No.18348165

Is there a good book out there about the history of zoophilia/bestiality?

Pls no ban.. I'm just curious..

>> No.18348168


>m8 the west is run by pedos that want to exterminate the native population

>> No.18348186

Well it is convenient since it’s just a short walk away but that was jus autocorrect

>> No.18348227

What are the best fable story outlines to rip off? I like the Farmer and the Viper. Any other cool ones?

>> No.18348351

love your neighbour like yourself but what if I hate myself?

>> No.18348569

I am in a serious reading and writing slump

>> No.18348583

Toes like black olives, I want to suck them from the dregs of my Martini.

>> No.18348586

I love visiting my parents, but I always gain weight when I stay with them. It’s no wonder I was fat as a kid. They themselves aren’t fat, but the amount of food they eat in a day and how they react when I say I’m not hungry you’d think I just told them I shot someone. They just can’t believe it.

It’s never a serious amount of weight, I usually lose it back in a few days when I return to normalcy, but it still just makes me sad and frustrated that it happens everytime without fail. I can never control myself.

>> No.18348632
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Reading Mine Were of Trouble
God, a euro civil war needs to start so i can sign on

>> No.18348669

Looks good, want to read that.

>> No.18348696

is it weird if you've fucked a girl thrice but she hasn't blown you yet?

>> No.18348721
File: 1.65 MB, 1280x911, fischl__genshin_impact__by_kameg00n_ddy5ae6-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a one-man army that does nothing but consume and create. I don't even want to sleep anymore, I just want to write and read. I have another three months of NEETdom before I'm back in the world but I want to somehow use that time to get myself as far away from the world as possible through my autistic creations. All I've done today is sit at my computer writing a few thousand words for a work I'll be publishing under my own name soon while conjuring up plans for three more works being pushed out using two pseudonyms. I practically live in my head or the heads of other people. Reality is starting to fall away day by day into nothing more than a mediocre farce designed for me to laugh at.
My goal is to create so much media with the thousands of ideas I have that someone can pick up something I've written/photographed/sung/spoken about and think "wow this is dogshit, but this other thing is really good," not realizing it's the same person who created both works. The same goes for consumerism; I want to experience the most genius works and shit-licking trash humanity has created so I can cultivate my own works, taste, and lifestyle accordingly. The only problem is there's not enough time to do any of this and taking on so much at once is draining me, even though I know the only way to turn this into a fulfillment in the next year--monetarily and spiritually--is to damn near work myself to death. And it has to be in the next year, otherwise current circumstances mean I'll be a poorfag liable to off himself as soon as things go awry again.
I have no idea if I'm even going to be able to pull it off, or if it's even worth trying. But God dammit waiting around for something to happen has gotten me nowhere. I need to take my life into my own hands and fucking do something about it.

>> No.18348765

PETITION: Bring back Howard DeVille on the Rugrats television series and make Betty DeVille straight.


>> No.18348820

It was dim. THe rat's waited for the last breathe before they swarmed the almost corpse. They would go for the soft parts first. The lips, the eyes- a few would venture into the mouth and dine on the swollen, purplish tongue. Their teeth chattered and gnawed at the air in elation of the coming feast. To the almost corpse is sounded like rain gently tapping against glass. The last thought, just before the last breath was, "I'll need my hat if there is rain, where has it gotten off to."

>> No.18348832

sexual proclivity is not an aspect of being
"I am gay" is a nonsensical statement

>> No.18348867

''you're a faggot'' makes perfect sense however

>> No.18348875
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I have no impulse control. This weekend has been drug fuelled. Not really a weekend because I'm not rested now at all. I'm a schizo mess. Lying in bed, I hear the kids from my apartment building playing tag in the courtyard.

>> No.18348889

PETITION: Bring back Howard DeVille on the Rugrats television series and make Betty DeVille straight.


>> No.18348893
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One thing I hope, and one thing I wish, is that perhaps I have no hidden depths.

Once upon a time, when I was very young, I was on the verge of doing something purely for the impression it would cause, purely to generate an effect. I was going to do something purely fake, just to create an impression. I forget what it was I was about to do; this is an extremely old memory. But I do know that I was immensely offended by this, and from that day I swore that I would never act in a way that was not genuine. I essentially swore, before I was ten years old, that I would never do anything ironic, and that I would never present myself as anything but what I actually am.

All these decades later, I am a weirdo, a pervert, and a degenerate. I have numerous disgusting sexual fetishes and deviancies. I have cruel, vindictive, and violent fantasies, wishing harm even on people I have never personally met. I simmer with wrath, with anger, with jealousy, with bitterness. I have all manner of things about me of which I am not proud.

Yet all of these are known to me. I don't get surprised by myself. I don't suddenly discover hidden facets of myself. I don't seem to have any part of me that is hidden from my conscious awareness. What motivates me are things of which I am fully aware. On the rare occasion when I DO discover something new about myself, I don't find it difficult to process it and integrate it into my overall sense of self. I often feel as though my soul is clear water, like in the Caribbean, and I can look down from the surface and see all the way to the bottom.

So I suppose little kid me made a good choice, all those years ago. At least, that's where I assume this aspect of me began.

>> No.18348898

NoFap is a Right wing chastity fetish, the desire to be denied, to be forced to be better.

>> No.18348912

I want girl. I want booby. I want sex. I want babies. I want fuk fuk fux pussy fuck lil poopie FUCK

>> No.18348917
File: 32 KB, 300x300, Morrissey-Viva_Hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like listening to The Smiths and Morrissey when I read.

>> No.18348932
File: 457 KB, 750x558, C00BA7A0-B7FE-44FE-94D4-F7D0D5463E79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its 6am
i cant sleep

>> No.18348963

Is it really so surprising that women fetishize rape? I want to be penetrated because it's a biological imperative that I must reproduce, but I don't want to want it. There is no sexual arousal without horror. A female who dies in childbirth but produces a living baby has still won, as a reproductive strategy; all feminine desire contains the germ of this awareness of being infatuated with your own death, with the thing that will kill you. It's exhausting to have to calculate which potential sexual partner is worth dying for. Mate selection is stringent for a reason - but the appeal of the rape fantasy is that I am absolved from the duty to maintain the strength and purity of the human race as a collective by only allowing myself to be satisfied by a partner with DNA to die for. Absolved from the burden of having to want to want. Nothing disturbs my hatred of the fact that I am built to enjoy being fucked because in the rape fantasy my hatred is justified, being conquered by an adversary.

Fuck I need to lay off the weed

>> No.18348974

I'm so hungover and I need a big fucking greasy meal to get me through this

>> No.18348987


this one?

>> No.18348990
File: 2.76 MB, 1231x1039, 0E2FCD5C-1805-4BFA-8506-69752BA3C0B5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do something that warrants sleep? Running shoes?

>> No.18349033

I wish I could just disappear. I've lost the ability to enjoy or find pleasure or passion in things and I've become emotionally numb most of the time. I have no friends. I pushed away anyone who tried to get close to me and the few friends I have had have long since cut ties with me. My only romantic experience was when a girl was peer-pressured into kissing me during a game of truth or dare at a summer camp when I was a teenager. She made it clear that she found the experience disgusting. It's fine. The women I've talked to since have told mr I'm one of the ugliest guys they've ever seen, that I lool like a serial killer or school shooter, or that they can't imagine me ever finding a girlfriend. The only social situations I don't sperg out in are those strictly related to work. I have a few hobbies, but lately when I pick up my instrument to play all the motivation to play it instantly drains out of me and my fingers start to feel weak and numb. I'm no good anyway and can barely play any songs despite practicing for over five years. Everything I eat is tasteless. Sometimes I feel weak all over. I'm going to work my stupid government McJob equivalent and live in my tiny stupid room until I drop dead or kill myself. My memory keeps getting worse and I forget things immediately after learning them. There's fog in my brain. I can't find the motivation to do anything not required of me by my job. I feel very guilty over something I did ehen I was younger and as a result I feel that I don't deserve happiness, success, or intimacy and sabotage myself when I get close to those things. Maybe that whole predestination of souls thing was right after all. I've had so many opportunities to change myself and wastes them all. I'm probably going to Hell.

>> No.18349036

How, exactly, would you prefer people to treat each other?

>> No.18349098
File: 167 KB, 500x255, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f654f474a58476d7258634d626a413d3d2d3337333736313739352e3134613532623637653035636664373532383630343637.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want booby
i want girl
i want sex
sexy girl
i want kitty
i want lick
i want titty
i want hip
i want a lil sumtin sumtin on the side
like medium well with no fries
i want a girl to sex me down
i want to take a bitch downtown
i want a tall glass of ebony
them long long wooly locks
i want those curves
i want those lips
i want that black berry on my d*ck
i want that pale far north babe
i want that goth girl's fucking name
i want that mulan looking chiggie
i want that ohana hawaii piggy
i want that sheraldine midwest boo
i want a chinese hooker too
i want vagina on my penis
i want to penetrate that hole
and better yet if she smol
i want an instrumental for these scratches
i want a vagina on my mattress

>> No.18349155

The first syndesian sonnet

Great Thunder roars, stones shatter; rent,
thorns scorched, dappled dim marks seared dark,
knuckles sable, erupting groans,
sparks soar, rage extinguishes slow.
will-o'-wisps settle eerily,
yon nestles sheens shined Dew whitened
diamond-dusted, drunken neither
Rum much, chance ephemeral;Light.
trembling grounds soften: nether
rupture, essence epiphany,
yet the eminence evades still;
like ethereal laterns shining;
gustful lustral longing given
not through opal-lit transcience.

>> No.18349286
File: 1.01 MB, 498x278, 2fd0082bea4fa412f0f2a6b3b95ede5c.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thunder leo roars
atomized matter
thorns and thistles dappled
lightning missles
searing voltage marks
dappled dark
gripping so hard
induced sability
groans did erupt
from frightful futility
sparks did fly, and the rage went low
the willy wisps were spooky,
reflective dew doth shone
a white diamonide bluster
neither one nor the other
a dreamer ray, lucky strike
random and princely
ephemeral light
the ground drops out beneath
essential epiphany
elusively eminent emissary
ethereally lighting like lanterns
gustful and lustral, longing given
this transient exchange is an opal emission

>> No.18349326

irredeemable, i reject the brazen vessel,
internal eye, embrace my mental space,
i rebuke the earthly praised,
the prose prisons dwelled in by the millions,
rejecting seraphic verse brilliance
to be fucked and fugue’d in morose visions of gross cells of appearance,
my rite and spells conjure with deranged tongues of strange traditions,
the Paracelsian rose hidden in perdition;
which grows among the frozen monsters of libido;
divine delirium of a magician’s ego

though Stygian ghosts unwritten and without superstition
(like dela, pico) arose from my mouth,
like the vermilion dream children hidden invisible in the south,
which come forth, when Stella’ man’s sun reaches the north,
these psychospiritual secrets get no support,
idiots don’t like a stylish continental speech,
you can’t teach them the elemental nor ornamental,
they want what preaches excrement, sex and zanies, opiate purulent like sanies,
but I'm seduced by my own fancy,
i revel in Dunsany’s devilish zenithal majesty,
a dandy’s childlike fantasies, my own selfish vanities
a-rebours and an arbatel mixed with Ecclesiastes.

>> No.18349402

Listening to Kitty Pryde to relive the early 10's

>> No.18349405
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settle the allegation
i am none so irredeemable
i like to prod the rhythmic
the verbal
the liminal
yeah its real nice,
not bad frater
a pandit's tongue to match one, but
i'll smell ya later

>> No.18349407

The arrogant character of modern girls is pretty disgusting. I can't relate to any of them that haven't been traumatised in some way and that's probably not good

>> No.18349419
File: 39 KB, 500x663, C52E1DED-6474-460B-9F33-7175D4FF9650.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


this ain’t it chief

>> No.18349430

Better question, why are you such a fucking crybaby loser?

>> No.18349437

Don't know about poetry but this book was a heavy blackpill. It says that even art and beauty is vanity.

>> No.18349449

>When/why did this board take a full fledged nose dive into Christianity/Christian morals?
When people realized philosophy is a waste of time and that they wanted a sincere, human relationship with God himself to give themselves the push they need. Go ahead and say I'm baiting or LARPing but it's the honest truth.

Agree on Aquinas though.

>> No.18349458

How are "traumatised" girls less arrogant?

>> No.18349475

Why do i keep drinking?

>> No.18349478

that was a different time

>> No.18349479

Maybe I mean something like "callous". Often people who haven't experienced suffering are not as capable of real empathy but become emotionally mature later on

>> No.18349481

Not him
But why specifically on 4chan which is one of the most degenerate website
Board is full of all types of toxic shit and yet there are so many Christians. If they want sincere environment then why they are wasting the majority of their time on website which is drenched in irony, contrarianism, degeneracy and nihilism

If this isn't larping then I don't know what is.

>> No.18349485

>Who the hell masturbates 4-5 hours straight without using drugs
I can do it if I want to, I've done it in the past, that being said my balls ended up hurting after 4 hours of masturbating without cumming.

>> No.18349515

Addiction and unwillingness to give up vices.

>> No.18349536

I will never be Mishima

>> No.18349539

Don't know man, I thought that they were sincere but then I read Christian threads and they were toxic even towards their brothers of faith and believed in violent political positions.
This made me sad.

>> No.18349544

You will never be a writer.

>> No.18349560

So, I just discovered Splatterpunk

>> No.18349570

Not that guy but I understand what you mean. People who haven't suffered enough are intolerable to live with in their innocence but I find they improve after a few disasters or serious misfortunes.

Someone who stopped speaking to me when I was homeless recently had a psychotic episode that cost them a lot of friends and they got in touch with me again.

>> No.18349583

>I want thousands of people to suffer and die so I can fulfill my vaguely homoerotic power fantasies of being someone who isn't some dumbass shitposting on 4chan.

>> No.18349588

Only thousands?

>> No.18349591

My stream of consciousness is constant, loud, intrusive, disturbing, and in a word, compulsive. I think all day about whatever I'm told but I never figure it out. I recall phrases and songs and jokes and observations a thousand times over until they don't sound right.

>> No.18349614

After her pussy lips lap up my coffee comes the queef. Stale sanka in my mohair mug. The usual questions present themselves at this point, even though she knows the answers. We’ve been over this. Still it’s comforting to know the satisfaction she gets from what is at this point routine

>> No.18349615

You already are

>> No.18349624

It's just a trend, nothing more.

>> No.18349628

It's repetitive and derivative. But keep trying.

>> No.18349631

People on 4chan say stupid shit all the time, it's the norm here.

>> No.18349635

If you only write when you're inspired you'll never get anything done.

Only writing when your inspired is what girls do.

>> No.18349652
File: 282 KB, 1200x962, John-Paul-II-1989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Catholic and I want the United States to die. I want the United States to die specifically because I am Catholic.

What has this nation, this vile, Satanic nation, ever offered my Church, my faith, in a positive way? It has attacked us from the beginning. It banned us from public office, in the start. All the Founding Fathers were all a mix of congregationalist Protestants, atheists, and Freemasons. It attacked us in the tumult of the French Revolution when the Church was in disarray due to the Jacobins and Napoleon. It spawned the No Nothing Party, and then the Ku Klux Klan which liked to burn crosses in front of our churches. It dropped an atomic bomb on Nagasaki, the most Catholic city in Japan. It murdered Saint Oscar Romero, and countless other religious in South America. It actively spreads Protestantism in Catholic countries.

So you will forgive me if I, a Catholic, am not very fond of the United States. No, even more than that. I hate the United States. I spit on the American flag. I want America to die. I want it to be killed. I want to take a knife and stab the very heart of the United States, and to kill it so viciously and cruelly that it does not arise again. I want the very heart of America to die, and wither, and fail, and for the "American Way" to turn bitter, and gray, and ruined. I want death to befall America, and the American Way.

Death to America, in the name of Jesus Christ.

>> No.18349655

america is the greatest country on earth. Stop the larp.

>> No.18349658

Repent and submit to the Pope, American trash.

>> No.18349662

Nope. I'll never abandon America.

>> No.18349666

The Vatican will never be a nuclear power. Your religion will modernize and go extinct in due time like all others. Even your Pope has. Repent of your LARP.

>> No.18349673
File: 758 KB, 828x951, D476BD7F-4FF1-4FB7-BBA6-CDBE9D895D9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raised Christian
>constantly mistaken as still Christian despite being an atheist since grade school just cuz I have utilitarian sympathies

Jesus fuckn Christ

>> No.18349675

Christians aren't utilitarians, though.

>> No.18349676

I would rather see the Constitution and the Declaration burned, and the American flag burned, and America broken beyond all repair. I want America killed. I want American murdered.

>> No.18349677

Utilitarian is the opposite of Christian, smoothbrain.

>> No.18349684

Kill yourself.

>> No.18349691

I'd rather kill America instead.

>> No.18349693

Isn’t The Idiot kinda about this? Never been religious so not sure on denominational differences

>> No.18349699

And how to you expect to do that, LARPER? Are you going to become a priest and hope to one day become bishop, cardinal and Pope and then agonize the "faithful" against meanie Murica? Fat chance. America will prevail. You will fail.

>> No.18349701

Was Myshkin a utilitarian??

>> No.18349711
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Well, you'll just have to wait and see, won't you?

>> No.18349724

Stay away from the priesthood, LARPer.

>> No.18349726

maybe more an altruist

>> No.18349733

Imagine correcting someone on something they didn't even say. Now imagine it's such a reflexive action that not even a minute passes between the original post and your reply. For a lot of people who post here, that's reality.

>> No.18349738


>> No.18349749

Sounds like you got preemptively BTFO and came here to bitch because you couldn't offer any counterargument to it.

>> No.18349777

Greatest good for greatest amount of ppl? Haven’t read Dosto in a min

>> No.18349838

dam i wish i could see shit in my head

>> No.18349867

>no energy to read books and its been like that for days
I've failed you /lit/

>> No.18350088

Well I'm back to cutting myself. I'm on a downward spiral.

>> No.18350093

That's what masturbation does.

>> No.18350107

Is the pain to you like a confirmation that you're still alive? Also, see someone about it.

>> No.18350138

I dont know why I like it. I think I just like inflicting the injury on myelf becaue I feel like I deserve it

I wont see anyone about it. I wont be labeled crazy. I own about tend guns and I wont have them confiscated. I just like to cut every now and then as some people like to smoke every so often. Whas the difference?

>> No.18350254

Is this board entirely full of zoomers now? Either zoomers or bots, surely. Well guys the board is boring and disappointing, so, I will be reducing the amount of time I spend here, which is unfortunate. Instead, I will be spending my time elsewhere, unless this place gets a clean!

>> No.18350258

>someone made a Israel-Palestine thread this morning AGAIN

>> No.18350282

>are young peoole on the internet????

>> No.18350284

Yeats is probably the most overrated poet of all time and I will never understand his popularity.
His early mythological stuff is fucking terrible, his middle Irish political era is basically Greek if you aren't from Ireland, and his late modernist stuff is a cringe attempt to stay hip and relevant.

>> No.18350305
File: 907 KB, 1242x1381, A64FD7AF-D840-462B-B905-C5A974840423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have severe speech impediments
>often get blocks and can’t utter a single word
>started hanging out with friends in June 2020
>for the first time in my life, at 25, everything was good
>somehow I wasn’t blocking anymore
>got really close to two people in particular
>speech improved with each day
>would have long conversations about all kinds of stuff
>because of the pandemic couldn’t meet them for a few months
>met them a few days ago
>all my progress is lost
>blocking like crazy again
>could see how awkward it was for my friend
>every time they’d try to make conversation I’d block and fall silent
>not going to meet them anymore

>> No.18350322


>> No.18350345

>Yeats is probably the most overrated poet of all time and I will never understand his popularity.
This but with Byron.

>> No.18350360

Byron is also shit, I agree. Nearly everyone else in that era is better.

>> No.18350364

Taoism is cringe.

>> No.18350368
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>> No.18350371

I don't really understand the praise for the romantics in general.

>> No.18350382

Tao is the most miserably servile way to live and your pic just confirms it.

>> No.18350390

What are you being servile to, exactly?

>> No.18350396

pauline christianity, which afaik all churches confess to, is far more patriarchal than Islam. the idea that a wife should be complete subservient and dominated by her husband is not an islamic idea, but it is for sure a pauline christian idea. I feel like westerners do not grasp this.

On the other hand I did hear an ortho priest say yesterday that in orthodoxy there are no dos and don'ts, and the only thing you really need to be doing is trying to humble yourself, so it may be that they don't view pauls teachings as hard law. but still.

>> No.18350398

Seems by your descriptor there it'd be the flow of the world. If you make no effort to direct the flow, what use are you to it?

>> No.18350400

bet you like dicks in your ass as well

>> No.18350401

>does not consist in trying to emulate any ideal
i mean emulating the ideal that is derived from the dao is pretty central. being "like water" for instance, or "like the female"

>> No.18350402

Think Stoicism, but pointlessly abstract and obscurantist yet even more primitive in its application.

>> No.18350405

a recurring idea in the east is that the claim to "you-hood" is the only act at your disposal, and it is to go against the flow of things, the consequence of which is destruction. i think, in fact, this is more or less the core religious claim and question

>> No.18350410

time to move on old man, you really shouldn't still be here if you're past even your mid-20s

>> No.18350429

because they are the lowest on the racial hierarchy and hence the proles of the sexual marketplace

>> No.18350444

Nearly every brand of Eastern theosophy seems to be bent on elimination of ego, and many of the Western variants of Christianity do the same in their surrender to God, but the counters beg the question as to the purpose of ego. If you are to merely merge with the river, there's no purpose to the boat, thus why so many seek higher purpose, rather than disillusion of self.

This, of course, leads to many conflicts between boats of various sizes in the river, but I'd contest that a world where the river simply runs straight from the mountain to the cliff and the ocean, isn't progressing towards anything other than inevitable extinction. Even the followers of "The Way", however, stop to build temples, thus it seems there must be a happy medium between surrendering to the flow and creating a better world reaching for a future beyond itself.

>> No.18350451

“A summer afternoon on the cusp of a much needed slumber,” observed Mr Cambran at the windowsill.
For her daughter, the words signaled the end of unbridled freedom that the summer break brought wherein she’d be sent away from the joys of lounging under the oak tree standing tall next to their yellow home, swinging from dawn to dusk watching the little bird take care of its young whilst peering anxiously down at her from its perch, wondering if she posed a threat or was simply just a nuisance who screamed loudly when a bee approached or stamped heavily in the ground playing games where the sun and the shade became one, and have to resume her studies only to be told reprimanded for the lack of education she had received over the summer and that she had hardly an excuse when she didn’t travel to any foreign countries or exotic places like any of the other girls.
She picked up another daisy at the edge of the shade and stared at the sky. The sun baked all it could see and laughed at the world, sweating under parasols, cursed in response at having to slap away curious insects that crept or flew to the unfortunate person engulfed in a lingering perfume or indulging in a sweet beverage; of course, they would then scream, like her, when a bumblebee or wasp appeared (often mistaking the former with the latter) and dart out of their brief solace to be in momentary safety until the searing heat forced them back seconds later.
Above the world, beyond the trees and the birds and the bees, clouds draped over the sun and a silent cheer swelled within all below as they were released from captivity and began to, quickly, finish any engagements they needed to fulfill ahead of the hibernation that would soon begin behind a blanket of moody weather the world was more accustomed.
The little girl darted from the shade.

how is my writing? what could i improve?

>> No.18350455

All of the best prose ever written reads like poetry, so why not just cut out the middle man and read poetry?

>> No.18350460

"There is hope, but not for us." This quote by Kafka stayed looming in his head as he sat there motionless, stooped over the pile of unfinished papers and cursing every second of his life. With each passing moment his dread increased which further prolonged his procrastination. He felt hopeless before the future. Sensing that he won't make any further progress for the night, he got up and went to bed. This provided no relaxation for his mind as it drifted further and further into despair. Naturally he couldn't sleep. His mind was a damp hollow cave in which every thought echoed.

>> No.18350480


>> No.18350487

le angry r*ddit atheist rant

>> No.18350498

>takes more than a minute
Newfag spotted

>> No.18350511

I never not have energy for reading and masturbating

>> No.18350520

That's what I call filtered

>> No.18350527

>>not going to meet them anymore
Just keep meeting them retard it'll get better

>> No.18350534

>On the other hand I did hear an ortho priest say yesterday that in orthodoxy there are no dos and don'ts
>what are the 10 commandments

>> No.18350540

Explain what I'm missing then.

>> No.18350543

Because some mediums have other stuff to offer aside from "the best prose"

>> No.18350557

He's really good at playing with the traditional metric expectations. Modernists and Americans almost reinvent metre to suit the modern world, but Yeats adapts the traditional metre to the 20th century. You have to be a master of metre to do that, and no other poet managed it. He's just a technically gifted poet, but if you don't have an appreciation for that then you get filtered because he wasn't particularly sophisticated, intellectual, or even that intelligent or interesting wrt his thoughts and interests.

>> No.18350560

There is no objective right or wrong. There is only the truth written by the victor. How many paragons of virtue and champions of justice have failed their quests? Their motivations, ideals and memories tainted by the victor - writing history for their own motivations, damning would be heroes to hell.

>> No.18350564

>There is no objective right or wrong. There is only the truth written by the victor.
You should know this is a marxist view and therefore you're a tranny

>> No.18350571

What would you do that in that situation, /lit/?

>> No.18350596

I dont want to post in that thread but if you are reading this anon thank you for the cute picture of amelia

>> No.18350614

...and oddly everything he was fighting against.

>> No.18350622

Is there anything similar like this doc?

>> No.18350646

Yeah, exactly. I'm writing a fantasy series and one of the plot devices is the band of heroes getting disillusioned with the kingdoms they help. Some get drunk on the fame and fortune, others go mad and want to crash the world with no survivors, and others decide to be more than chess pieces in somebody elses game - and learn about the existence of a reclusive and ancient island state who have kept an independent account of it all - untainted by the proclamations of victors.

>> No.18350708

this is the question.
is there anything to do or is it idolagry, and if so, who is the doer?

>> No.18350837

in the ashtavakra gita it is said that samsara consists only of the idea that there is something to do

>> No.18350952

>sleep plenty
>decent amount of physical activity
>taking supplements
>still feel tired all the time
i dont get it

>> No.18350992

I used to have real trouble flirting with and complimenting women. Even women I was dating. Then I downloaded tinder with the idea of going on a couple of dates and just being my mental image of the fun, flirtatious alpha guy and it worked. Women love that shit. But now I can't turn it off, the positive feedback is addictive. And now I've gone and got myself in a whole heap of trouble.

>> No.18351003

>>decent amount of physical activity

How much is decent? Our bodies really do need quite a bit of exercise, especially if you're a young man. You may be exercising but it may still not be enough.

>> No.18351097

I just walk for the most part, usually around 6-7km everyday.

>> No.18351183

>6-7km everyday

That's a solid distance, but walking still isn't high intensity exercise, even if you walk for a long time. Maybe you could consider incorporating some high intensity exercise into your days? I know its hard when you're already tired, but it made a big difference for me.

>> No.18351205

you should be constructing and deconstructing a fort every single day

>> No.18351219

Tell us what you did anon

>> No.18351236

What >>18351097 said. You don't even have to change your routine much though. You could start by doing your regular walk but making the effort to jog up any hills. That would be more than enough, assuming you don't live on the steppe, to begin with for a month or two. Then you could start looking in to more demanding ways of challenging yourself.

>> No.18351239
File: 110 KB, 750x750, 8246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incels are retarded in the sense that they are right in all the wrong ways. 80% of females are attracted to the top 20% of men. Okay, that's true, but 20% of the men don't get to monopolize 80% of women. No woman would want to be with chad while he dicks another girl on the side. Now you might argue that girls get around this by just rotating through chad dicks at a high turnover rate, but that would only work if every chad out there broke up with every girl he hooked up with in like three days, which is not the case. So, most of the time, you have 20% of men hanging around with 20% of the women. Doesn't change that those other 80% are still lusting after chad's dick, but that's besides the point.

And leaving all of this aside, incels are chasing after the wrong type of women. Edward Dutton has spoken previously about this. Incels are fixated on a certain type of girls, promiscuous, impulsive women with youth and good looks, i.e. R-oriented females. They shouldn't be. Incels are nerds with slightly above average IQs, they should be chasing after K-oriented females, educated women high on conscientiousness and low on promiscuity. Now when reading this the average incel will reply that it's all nonsense, all women are whores, and all women, intelligent and stupid alike, want chad's cock, but that's objectively false, and no amount of self deprecating rationalization can change that.

>> No.18351267

>educated women high on conscientiousness and low on promiscuity.
they also want Chad but smart.

>> No.18351271

>On April 15th of 2021, Altiyan released a five hour YouTube video in which he talks about the belief that there is a secret society running the world. In the video, he claims that Freemasons and in particular an inner circle within Freemasonry, have total control of the world. This inner circle is open only to the rich, powerful and members of prestigious families – including many politicians, businessmen, musicians, actors, and other entertainers. Altiyan claims to himself have been part of this cult, but that his life is now in risk for posting this video in which he plainly reveals their inner secrets. Many fans have voiced their concern for the artist's mental health, though nothing else has been heard from Altiyan since the video was posted.
>though nothing else has been heard from Altiyan since the video was posted.
He was killed wasn't he?


>> No.18351272

>No woman would want to be with chad while he dicks another girl on the side.
Your whole argument breaks down here. Like, not even trying to defend Incels, if we put the Incel/Chad dichotomy aside even this is still a grossly inaccurate understanding of the contemporary dating landscape.

Everyone now days operates on the assumption that you are seeing other people. There is, for many, this whole phase of casual sex with multipule partners where you might be hooking up with 4 or 5 other people, and those people hooking up with another 4 or more, up until you both decide on exclusivity and enter a monogamous arrangement.

>> No.18351278


Though everything you will is free, everything you experience is predetermined.

>> No.18351279

The advice you get from others about personal confidence issues is never helpful, I know this from personal experience. However , I will try :^)

You should meet them again anon. It will only be a matter of time before you regain you comfort in their presence. You could also explain your situation to them, and then they will understand. You dont have to talk to them even, you could just be in their presence. After a while of meeting them like this I am sure you would open up.

>> No.18351286

>No woman would want to be with chad while he dicks another girl on the side
chads talk about juggling multiple women all the time

>> No.18351290

>Though everything you will is free, everything you experience is predetermined.
How so?

>> No.18351312

And women find them attractive for it. If you don't have women around you they will think there is something wrong with you.

>> No.18351336
File: 481 KB, 1270x926, 1568851617639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting post -- however I must disagree on some points.
>20% of the men don't get to monopolize 80% of women. No woman would want to be with chad while he dicks another girl on the side
This is exactly what hook up culture is, though. A young, attractive person who uses dating apps and has a large social circle could at any time have half a dozen sexual partners that they rotate between, as well as occasional one night stands. These people will sometimes enter a "relationship" but it's usually either casual or a cuck relationship where they and their partner are allowed to fuck other people. I don't think women care if Chad fucks other girls, as long as Chad gives them attention and sex often enough why would they mind? They're getting dicked by other Chads every weekend anyways. Monogamy is dead in the West.
>Incels are nerds with slightly above average IQs, they should be chasing after K-oriented females
I don't think it's proper to classify incels as nerds with above average IQ. Incels are way more diverse than that and can't be painted with a broad brush, because as far as I'm concerned any man who wants to be having sex but isn't is an incel, he is literally involuntarily celibate. So this would include guys who are married but their wives don't put out, college aged guys who can't get dates, older guys who waited too long and now have a very limited pool of women to court. They're all incels by definition. And no matter what type of girl they pursue it's in vain, because our society is fundamentally gynocentric. Women have absolutely all the power and choice when it comes to sex. All one needs to do to understand this is read about how marriage functioned 100 years ago and compare it to how it functions now. The real solution to inceldom is whores. Incels should stop endlessly trying to self improve so they can impress vapid sluts who will never give them a minutes worth of attention, and just take the whore pill. Find a good whore, bang her, throw some money at her, and move on with life.

>> No.18351396

What is she thinking there, bros?

>> No.18351405

Thinking about Chad.

>> No.18351426

>raised in a weird religious sect
>some family members and so still talk to me as if I'm part of that shit
Things can always be worse b

>> No.18351439

Explain why she seems so sad.

>> No.18351440


If effects really follow causes then you must take on the burden of explaining why only a minority of all knowable potential causes allegedly cause any one effect. If sleep and exercise can cause you to feel more or less tired then why not speech and clothing? The only choice is backwardly reasoning the former causes as true and then likewise backwardly reason the latter as false. Whereas intellectual honesty would reveal that causes do not converge into, but ripple away from, effects, potentiality fleeing from, not complementing, immanence. Causes no more determining effects than excrement determines the body. Immanence following immanence, your lifelong experience predetermined by God and/or you, and potentiality following potentiality, your relation with the world being as tenuous as the world itself.

>> No.18351447

Can't decide which Chad she wants to date.

>> No.18351480

Crime and Punishment is partly about shitting on that notion.

>> No.18351487

Your story gives me hope. Pretty impressed that your speech impediments went away, even if only for a bit.

>> No.18351566

>I was meant to feel tired for some unknown reason which i'll never know
but how to know your destiny?

>> No.18351567
File: 234 KB, 431x411, not an ounce of liberty lost, not a shred of freedom given.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at cross roads in my life that I have to decide on by tomorrow, this will change my life and I have been unable to choose, but when I saw this thread the thought "I am at the choice between the safe pathetic life or the hard free life", and it clicked, ty op.

>> No.18351585

The correct choice is the safe, pathetic life.

>> No.18351622

What would nietzsche say about psychology?

>> No.18351681

You don't seem to like me that much, which makes me doubt if you ever truly liked me. You give me short answers and never show any interest in the topics I bring up, then you tell me I'm empty and that I don't show interest in you. That doesn't make sense.

>> No.18351803

Of course, all things under the sun are just passing exterior forms, empty in themselves and without man: worth as much as dust, and when a man dies they also return to dust.

The eternal is the Holy.

>> No.18351818

Unironically, yes.

>> No.18351877

There's definitely a significant contingent that is in it only insofar as Christianity is aligned with their political beliefs, and another that mainly uses it as a tool to look down on people. Plato remarked that philosophy's name was tarnished in his time because there were many who became involved with it so they could put on airs, funnily enough.

>> No.18351977

Do you ever wonder what it was like to live as a normal person in the middle ages? Think of all those instances of joy, of grief, of amazement, and pain, and everything in between that was experienced but never recorded, and just forgotten about. Nowadays it's kind of like if it's not captured on camera and it doesn't reach public consciousness then it didn't happen. Just think of all those men who lived complete lives, went through extreme hardships even rougher than ours, and no trace of what happened remains today. Like imagine all the instances of some ancient gang of people as cruel as ISIS or cartels nowadays (which did happen), but these people died in obscurity as well as in pain. It's a weird thought

>> No.18351989

Just you know what it

>> No.18352052
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I dont get how people can be so cruel to cut up an elephant and then paint it like the joker.

>> No.18352277
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Because work, college, "friends", "girlfriends" are all disappointing. Unless you're inherently content with being an emotional and/or financial slave, you have to condition yourself to find these things bearable. Especially when they're multi-decade long proposals. Wanting to live in a nice, isolated little house in the woods where you can garden and cook and read all day is the proverbial land of milk and honey for non-normie, non-slaves.

>> No.18352315


>> No.18352428

watch quickly

>> No.18352443

I love the Jews.

>> No.18352444

I'm 22 now so no longer that young. I've been raised in an immigrant and Christian family and while I have my faults, I think I've managed ok so far. It took me a bit of time and perseverance but I'm going to be in medical school next year. I was never sure about what I wanted to do and perhaps that's why it took me so long to reach it. A part of my efforts in my youth was to stave off the nihilism and futility of life and one way I laboured to do this was by orientating my purpose from existence towards essence. Basically the opposite of what State pontificated. Beyond just a Confucian social duty, I tried to approach my relationships in the framework of Confucian relationships but vitalised by the Christian pursuit of love. It's all a bit idealistic but what it amounted to is to value the relationshios I have with my family, do not treat my studies and work frivolously and to approach my romantic relationships with a kind of moral decorum. I've had my share of romantic relationships but lately, especially as my long term goals have been achieved I can see how everything really is vanity. Are hedonist right? I feel heavy thinking that the life that most people live in their youth namely clubbing, drugs, casual sex and so on is the right thing to do. But on the other hand youth cannot justify all that is morally wrong; from the perspective of my religious upbringing anyway.

>> No.18352483

Im positive most people around you know youre pathetic.

>> No.18352494

The culmination of four years of university had led me to believe the entire institution was a nursery for adults with the mental and moral capacity of children. The one who complains loudest and most often was the one rewarded. This last year saw a significant leniency towards students. Exams conducted online with lengthy time limits, multiple extensions for single assignments... The students who thirsted for knowledge had to find other ways to quench it.

Began martial arts training, and started reading heavily. I had read more books this year than any other in the entirety of my life. Those who seek, will find.

Now I'm about to spend my entire savings to buy a vehicle. For the past two years, the goal was to become independent from my parents. It is close to becoming reality. A job's lined up, all I lack is a vehicle and I'll be making bank.

Changing from uni to this has been tough and physically straining, but the body gets used to it once the mind has settled. I pray for God to help me receive what I need.

>> No.18352591

:( dubs of truth

>> No.18352668

memento mori
starships will fly long after my body is gone, after my self is gone, after you are gone, too
the world goes on and on, but we exist and act only within an eyeblink of the relentless stream of causality

>> No.18352720

so why try?

>> No.18352734

i can't wait to die

>> No.18352858

Where the fuck are my (You)s...

>> No.18352868


>> No.18352872

Right here

>> No.18352893

Thanks frens

>> No.18352901
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I've been hanging out with my one-time oneitis through mutual friends recently and it's really killed any bit of romanticism left in me. Whenever she tells an anecdote from the period I was pining over her I think about how there's a high probability that at the same moment I was listening to joy division while sniveling and sadposting on 4chan, it makes the whole thing seem so delusional, which I suppose it really was. Feels bad man.

>> No.18352904

of course

>> No.18352927

babe wake up new summoning salt video just dropped

>> No.18352970

I'm not watching that.

>> No.18353019

I relate to you, I don't what to say though, I just want you to know that I've read your post

>> No.18353141
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the store
>Think of sneed
>Start grinning
>Look like a retard to everyone
i fucking hate this site

>> No.18353154

Any self help book on fixing your life with 0 positive feedback?

>> No.18353173

>0 positive feedback
no self-help book is going to work

>> No.18353194

i'm new into reading, and I really enjoy david foster wallace prose, is he really that good or it's just my opinion because I haven't read enough stuff?

>> No.18353221

I never liked college. At no point did I like any of it and I have not received a single redeeming thing from it. I have absolutely no positive memories or experience. Altogether I am a worse person because of it. I only stayed as long as I did because of family pressure. My dad thought I clueless for telling him I'd rather work a trade within the first month of college. He thought he knew better than me about what I should be doing and he threatened to disown me if I dropped out. Years later i'm fucking miserable. I finally started doing trade work and i'm pretty happy with it. I just wish I had started it years ago. But now my dad and his wife mock me for it and look down on me for not being a college graduate. I'm so pissed. They set me back so fucking far in life and now I have a jaded attitude that I will never recover from. All because of some stupid boomer notion that the mythical college experience is some magical thing a person needs to hold any legitimacy.

>> No.18353278


>> No.18353295

No equal men but none are better than the other

>> No.18353557

Why don’t more people read Dunsany?

Thus on the edge of those lawns whose miraculous glory was framed by flowers we have never known, with the magical wood behind them, and that palace shining near which may only be told of in song, they spoke of the simple wisdom of old men and old women, telling of harvests and the blossoming of roses and may, of when to plant in gardens, of what wild animals knew; how to heal, how to sow, how to thatch, and of which of the winds in what seasons blow over the fields we know.

>> No.18353564

My opinions are mostly very liberal, but I'm considering acting like an alt-right idiot just to look cool.

>> No.18353579

Is being alt right finally cool? Fuck thats annoying. I lost all social status back in 2017 over it. I'm always ahead of the curve but that apparently is a bad thing

>> No.18353595

>The eternal is the Holy.
I don't feel it bro.
There is just way too much suffering in this world.

>> No.18353641

And somewhere, on some distant planet, some backup of the Internet, will contain this post.

Possibly also your DNA, depending on how frisky you are, or fond of 23 and me. Actually, for about $20K, you can send your DNA out ahead of us all.

>> No.18353692

why must the pants always tear at the crotch. I feel like there is planned obsolescence

>> No.18353703

I got all of them trying to describe love and everyone just told me I was gay and I’ll never be a writer. (you)s are dangerous.

>> No.18353711

You're just fat

>> No.18353726


>> No.18353745

fuckin salty ass popcorn nigga

>> No.18353763


>> No.18353766
File: 52 KB, 598x279, 1622403405574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

return of the king

>> No.18353793

Jesus literally did all of it to give us hope. what a fucking chad.

>> No.18353840
File: 77 KB, 539x562, 2021-05-30-230603_539x562_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with this idiot

>> No.18353851

I would recommend ignoring advice from anyone that uses Twitter like this. They are not in a healthy state of mind.

>> No.18353866


>> No.18353886
File: 62 KB, 205x205, 1507809079889.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no passion for anything anymore, everything i try fails, and i havent felt happiness in over a decade.
>inb4 major depression
yeah i fucking know

>> No.18353903

Hes a globohomo shill.Billions of people working around the clock isnt detrimental to civilization or the planet, its beneficial because um you have to work or something.

>> No.18353924


>> No.18353992

People need to provide for them and theirs, simple as. When you have billions people competing in that market across so many nations and communities, that gets complicated.

It is detrimental to, well, a lot of things, as it stands now, but it doesn't have to be, and for the most part, we're slowly improving. Maybe not as fast as we're breeding, but that's a problem that takes care of itself, either the easy way or the hard way.

...and some of us will just go to the backwater and dedicate our lives to our own survival instead of each other's or any sort of improvement - but that's fine too, the game has people to spare, so anyone who feels the need to check out and instead learn the lesson that when one lives entirely independently, survival is all you have time for, can do so.

>> No.18354084
File: 83 KB, 403x394, jirenscholar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do NOT read ANY of your PETULANT and WHINY ramblings. Shut the FUCK up.

>> No.18354112

Nice non argument.
Peterson is a neoliberal kike shill who believes mindless wagecucking is the natural state of man.

>> No.18354133

We need an edit with the labels switched

>> No.18354153

why is it that I can spend 20 hours (this is not an exaggeration) straight playing video games that I do not really enjoy that much every day for weeks at a time, yet spending a single hour reading a book or playing piano seems like torture?
is my brain simply broken from basically just playing video games all day every day for ~8 years?

>> No.18354163

>is my brain simply broken from basically just playing video games all day every day for ~8 years?
t. can't be arsed with vidya anymore, but vidya was pretty much my only hobby for most of life

>> No.18354167

cause your dopamine receptors are fried
Practice mindfullness for a week. Not the corporate lite version, but just try to reach total silence in your mind. It'll be excruciating at first, but you'll see that it becomes easier as you progress, and this translates to other parts of your life as well. Also, what helps for reading is to set out a certain part of the day for reading and stick to it. This way you have a mental commitment to reading.
what game btw?

>> No.18354194
File: 112 KB, 500x522, 1612047671222.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I'm not against his message of self-improvement, but I'm against self-improvement for the sake of the System.

>> No.18354200

it's unironically the fastest way to achieve post scarcity, communism doesn't work because communists spend all their time fighting themselves instead of doing anything useful

>> No.18354224

Improve yourself, improve the system. As someone else here so often says, be the change you want to see.

Sure, you can have wet dreams of returning to the dark ages, but it's inevitably temporary, as we came to this point for reasons fundamental to survival. Isolationists do not thrive, inevitably enter the fold to survive, or are absorbed by expansionists and thus go extinct.

>> No.18354240

I've played many games obsessively, but I get tired of the same thing after a while
wow(800+hrs), csgo(3800hrs), league(2000+hrs) are the main ones
I've also spent 1000+ hours combined playing various rpgs, including some older stuff like Planescape, Gothic, etc . . .
altogether, I would estimate I've spent over 10,000 hours in my life playing video games and a similar amount of time browsing the internet

>> No.18354306

This song

>> No.18354318

He knows that reducing the worldview of humans on this planet to a simple matter of quantity is dehumanizing and inevitably leads to the mass slaughter of other humans and immense suffering. We are people, not numbers.

>> No.18354396

First break up?

>> No.18354455

I had a long-lasting weed-induced dissociative episode last week, which led me to believe that my body and thoughts were an illusory avatar for my consciousness to traverse existence. Funnily enough in the days that followed I became extremely disciplined and my lifestyle improved tenfold, but I was so plagued by solipsistic thoughts that I reverted to fapping, consuming mindless garbage, and staying up in an attempt to return myself to reality.

I regret this somewhat and am now trying to achieve this previous state state gradually, with the aid of meditation. Something I felt quite acutely while I was beyond my 'self' was that I no longer really cared for books or music, which have always been my passions. While high I came to the realization that art and communication were a sacred bridge between isolated consciousnesses, and that most people who pretended to be artists (myself included) really had nothing to say and were just indulging their egos (just my limited perspective, though).

Now I am unsure of where to go. I am considering 3 paths: 1) monk: a path where I fully cut my strands and attachments, having seen them as ephemeral strivings of the self; 2) artist: a path where I choose to indulge my ego and strive to find something communicable and important and develop the technical skill and experience to communicate it when the time comes; 3) thinker: to try to understand no matter how inscrutable the world may seem.

I am not asking for advice, I am just thinking aloud. In any case the thing that's probably most important is to rid myself of my narcissism. Regardless of what I choose I would like to be better to my friends and family, and keep my ego in check.

>> No.18354509

People in this country hate silence, especially during conversation. And they also hate being alone -- doubly worse when they’re combined and left without exterior stimulation. I don’t think any of those are negatives, though. When we look deep inside of ourselves, we find rotted fragments of our past, and when they are retrieved they are liable for sharing in a wonderful conversation, and what more do people love to talk about than themselves.

>> No.18354527

>and that most people who pretended to be artists (myself included) really had nothing to say and were just indulging their egos (just my limited perspective, though).

evetything that art could say has already been said, anyways

>> No.18354736

Well, certain numbers have real effects. Though I'd say, as most would, it's more about distribution than raw population. Well, that, and what that distribution finds expedient to get ahead in the game.

With the internet, however, a lot of the social end of that distribution problem becomes hyper-critical. We're all kinda living pressed up against each others faces now, so even if we do spread out physically, now we've little choice but to learn to live with each other. Even if you cut the chord, unless you also move into BFE, those social effects will eventually find you (and even then, maybe, as the effects are oft national).

>> No.18354769

Seeing this pattern so often. Normally don't see it so common in the 20-30 range as we are lately, but there's a number of factors that are kinda making this era like the 60's on crack.

It can be a positive thing, but as I've warned others going through the same thing (and maybe here, once or twice), don't abandon all that you are to be all that you can be, in order to "grow up". It's the same process through which a recovering addict tends to lose everything they have, and it makes the road forward much more difficult. ...And the usual advice regarding in-person contact with close friends and family while you find your new path - and avoiding dazzling rabbit holes. Good luck.

>> No.18354781

I really dont get why people want to dissociate from their physical form. Thats a dream given to us by Descartes and has been a nightmare for the West. Embrace your physical nature. Your mind and your body are unified intrinsically. One requires the other. Be grounded.

>> No.18354864

See the opposite problem more often - so many people pretending their body is a factor, even on an anonymous board, and responding as if they are under physical threat to every word. People are so terrified for their identity, seems to be the source of most of the social upheaval.

But there is something to be said for being grounded and keeping it real, particularly after a "weed-induced dissociative episode". You might want to rework the approach, but don't abandon decades of identity and talent building just because you've finally realized "we're spirits in a material world" isn't just a line from a song or some shit. You've not learned anything new or anything near anyone of a certain age doesn't intrinsically understand, and many pick it up without the drugs or identity break, sometimes at a very young age.

>> No.18355212

>evetything that art could say has already been said
I doubt it. Sounds to me like Aristotle when he said that technology was finished in his time. Also, I would say that any combination of two old things is still a new thing.

And it's more projection from my part than anything- relating to my hangups about not feeling a strong creative impulse that real artists feel. There's this quote from a composer I think about from time to time, how if you can go a few days without music (me) then perhaps you're more suited for the comfort of beers and girlfriend.

If I am being totally honest art has functioned mostly as a way of feeding my ego, as a way of separating myself from others. I can create things of slight quality because I have a decent mind, but I am seldom moved and often disgusted by my pretensions.

>> No.18355308

I'm the same anon you replied to last week. Made another post on a whim because I don't really have anyone to share this with. I appreciated your counsel then, and I do now- it's comforted me and kept me grounded. And for what it's worth I have spent a lot more time with my friends and family, and at this point have pretty much completely come to terms with just living in the world as myself.

I'm assuming that you have had a similar experience, and want to help others who have been in this situation, which I respect. If you don't mind me asking, and if you're comfortable with sharing, what led you to your experience? I'm finding it more important than ever to try to understand others and see how their psychological garment is woven differently and just as validly as mine.

>> No.18355349


>> No.18355605
File: 16 KB, 490x375, 1580962923912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a really cute girl that played volley ball with us today. I thought she was 19 for sure, turns out she might be 17 based on what I've seen on her ig. I was dissapointed by that. While legal where I live, fucking/dating a 17 old feels a bit creepy when I am 22, that would mean she just finished her las year of high school while im in my last year of uni.
In the end though, im just guessin. She could very well be 18, i'm hoping that's the case.

>> No.18355635

ew 17 year old pussy? yuck!

>> No.18356196

Most people don't work 8 hour days anyway in the sense they aren't working all that time. I personally have all my work done in like 2 hours most days and the other 6 just wasting time

>> No.18356212

everyone left retards >>18350201

>> No.18356218

if everyone jumped off a bridge would you do that too?

>> No.18356232

Yes because I can swim and save a maiden from drowning

>> No.18356274

If everyone was pounding boy pussy would you too?