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18345176 No.18345176 [Reply] [Original]

How can I write dialogue without sounding like a faggot?

>> No.18345180

Stop modeling the characters after yourself

>> No.18345184

Dostoyevsky and DeLillo write shitty dialogue, so just learn to accept it.

>> No.18345191

I wrote this. Dig the dialogue. Notice how I don’t use tags at all. https://lampbylit.com/magazine/bury-the-mare-in-the-morning/

>> No.18345193

Pay more attention to actual conversations and try to replicate them. As an experiment, try writing an actual conversation you overheard in the form of a literary dialogue. Like a painter, begin from a living model.

>> No.18345198

Just write about faggots, problem solved.

>> No.18345228

Depends on your particular vein of faggotry

>> No.18345368

Make all the characters autistic

>> No.18345597

Embrace autism.
Don’t be afraid to be “weird”
And I don’t mean “weird” as in a purple haired freak I mean genuine eccentricity which does not involve begging for attention with bizarre physical appearance

>> No.18345607

Be honest
No they weren't shitty you fucking faggot asstard imbecile

>> No.18345613
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Stop talking like a fag.

>> No.18345612

all dialogue should be in local dialect spelled phonetically

>> No.18345657

Dosto writes some of the best dialogue. It's arguably his best quality.

>> No.18345662
File: 181 KB, 556x558, 789DFA20-FD86-4409-8D60-C14491FE3E32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will not be silenced

>> No.18345677

DeLillo’s dialogue is stilted and all of Dostoyevsky’s characters speak the way that troubled intellectuals write. You’re wrong, and there’s no need to cry about it.

>> No.18345689

Stop writing dialogue. What are you, twelve?

>> No.18345711

Secretly record your conversations with random strangers or with friends.then copy the form.

>> No.18345821

You don't know what you're talking about. Do you even speak Russian? I wouldn't say dialogue is his best quality but it's far from being overly intellectual, most of it is more colloquial than other Russian literature of the time.

>> No.18345842

I do indeed know what I’m talking about. Seethe.

>> No.18345844

write it up without caring how you sound then rewrite it a bunch very critically including reading it out loud etc

>> No.18345851

Depends a little on what you're looking for. His dialogue is well characterized and communicates ideas well. However it's very unrealistic and monologue heavy, so it'd be out of place in many kinds of story

>> No.18346424

Plato couldn't and neither can you. Commit to the cringe and ascend foggot fren <3