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/lit/ - Literature

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18343327 No.18343327 [Reply] [Original]

>Want to read a book
>It's out of print and the only editions available were published 20 years ago and cost over $200

>> No.18343332

Just stop wanting

>> No.18343339

Find out where the seller lives, break into his house and steal the book or take him or his family hostage in exchange for the book. I've done this many times and it worked out every time.

>> No.18343352


>> No.18343437

Buy a used e reader for under $50 and pirate every book

>> No.18343443

Pirating intellectual property is unethical. I strive to be a man of virtue.

>> No.18343445
File: 18 KB, 738x415, 48ADF89B-5FF0-4D22-BD06-9934811519E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I’d rather buy it and support the author

>> No.18343461

No but fr wtf

>> No.18343468

Some of those aren't uploaded to be pirated

>> No.18343476

Chad thing to do is pirate the book and send cash in an envelope to the author's home

>> No.18343485

>support a dead author's publishing house and , to a much lesser extent, his offspring
Wow Super Based ¡

>> No.18343507

It's out of print so you're not harming anyone.

>> No.18343516

I'm having this problem also

>> No.18343530

That's the justification every person uses when they personally want to transgress the law for gain. "It isn't hurting anyone". Yet all these small transgressions add up and make society overall worse because people have no respect for the law or societal norms. Everyone thinks they're special. Everyone thinks they're an exception.

Now in principle I agree that intellectual property laws suck and I might not be hurting anyone specifically. However I cannot justify breaking the law for something so trivial as reading a book. Though I personally might think it's justified, every single person thinks they're ultimately justified when they break the laws of the society they live in. What makes me any different to the person who shoplifts thinking that the store can easily bear the loss?

In matters like these I prefer to walk the straight path, simply because if everyone did that then our society would be a lot more pleasant overall and not filled with people who constantly make minor acts of stealing, cheating or fraud simply because they think they're justified in doing so because they're minor acts that harm either faceless entities or "nobody".

>> No.18343549

what a dumb fuck you are lmao

>> No.18343566

Laws are spooks, and so are the "rights" of authors.

>> No.18343583

Find it in pdf/epub in the sticky and read it digitally

>> No.18343585


>> No.18343616


you remember less of what you read when using an ereader

>> No.18343619

(((copyrights))) are not natural law. Copying is not stealing. When you steal something, the original owner is left dispossessed. When you copy something, both you and the original owner will enjoy possession. If you want to support the author, send him money directly; no need to observe any conditional clauses.

>> No.18343637

Just because you can rationalize something as harmless doesn't mean you can ignore the prohibition against it without consequence. Communities should adhere to their laws even if those laws make no sense or would result in no harm even if ignored for the overall harmony of the community. Sin is lawlessness.

>> No.18343647

Is there empirical evidence of this?

>> No.18343648

Then spend $200 on some paper bound together Idk what else you guys want out of this shit thread

>> No.18343654

Even if true I literally hold thousands of books at my fingertips and nothing is stopping me from either rereading them or reading things of a similar subject to drive the info into my dumb brain

>> No.18343695

One has the moral obligation to break the Law if it goes against the common Good. The Spirit is more important than the Law. Harmony shouldn't be held as an end in itself. An unwavering commitment to the Truth implies disruption. Absolute Harmony is either impossible or already settled (from a God's-eye-view). Your idea of harm is a very naïve one.

>> No.18343719

If all you want is read it. Just get it from the library or download a digital copy.

>> No.18343748

>Want to read a book
>Order it through my university library and receive it within two weeks
You guys really have no idea how awesome it is to be a student.

>> No.18343752

Gigabased. We need more people like you on this Earth.

>> No.18343755

You're implying that any of us are free from Original Sin or Ignorance, and that we possess the wisdom to arbitrate on true justice. That is only God's jurisdiction and his representatives on Earth. Submission to authority, and consequently the law, is your only duty in God's eyes.

>> No.18343887

The laws of men are not the laws of God.
You're conflating Truth with Justice. If you know something to be true (e.g. copyrights are bullshit), then you should act by it and leave the Justice part to God.
>That is only God's jurisdiction and his representatives on Earth.
Surely by God's representatives you don't mean lawmakers? That is a laughable notion that makes me think you're just trolling.
>Submission to authority, and consequently the law,
Authority to me is that which demands nothing yet by righteousness should be observed. That is the exact opposite of your petty copyright laws.

>> No.18343904

doubling this. as a russian i cannot get why on earth would anyone buy ebooks, especially if the author is dead - and if not, usually less than 1/5th of the cost goes to him directly.
dont sponsor faggot publishers and intellectual right usurping megacorps.

>> No.18344174

>If you know something to be true (e.g. copyrights are bullshit)
You don't know this, you only believe it.
>>Surely by God's representatives you don't mean lawmakers?
Yes I do.
Protestantism is a heresy. Make up whatever bullshit you want, though, it won't save you from Hell.

>> No.18344295

>You don't know this, you only believe it.
Man can only know by believing. If I'm wrong, I'll be refuted by reality before I eat up whatever lawmakers tell me to do. The only authority I respect is Jesus Christ and all my beliefs are informed by Him, and if something goes against His teachings — which copyright laws do —, then I won't comply in observing it. Simple as. If you're going to be a good dog that can't stand his own ground against contrivances of below, then you might as well be an atheist. Anyway you're an NPC.

>> No.18344360
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I mean no offence by the following question, but I must ask. Are. You. Jewish?

>> No.18344887

Where do you live? You might be able to get access to a local university collection if they have any alumni library cards. If you aren't an alumni sometimes you can still get something as well. If not, contact your public library and see if they have an interlibrary loan program. It might take ages but you could get something.

>> No.18344942

Yes goy obey the law it is rightful and in consonance with your natural instict goyim

>> No.18345043

>pirate book
>print and bind it yourself

>> No.18345063



>> No.18345172

Intellectual property isn't property.

>> No.18345196

What a statist NPC.

>> No.18345287

>Conflating shoplifting with digital piracy
You're retarded: one is stealing and the other isn't. If I can help it, I will not follow a unreasonable law. You're running with the assumption the de jure is always right, which is incredibly naïve.

>> No.18345383

based retard. laws in the West aren’t emergent from the Just, they’re just the expression of power of the political class. good on you for the thought though

>> No.18345509

in this entire vomit of a post
>every single person thinks they're ultimately justified when they break the laws of the society they live in
it's this part that you're most wrong about

>> No.18345527

Fuck off Kant. Your ethics is retarded.

>> No.18345538

You’re a fucking liar. What book are you even talking about

>> No.18345595

libgen and z-lib, my friend

>> No.18345691

Foolish but commendable

>> No.18346533
File: 21 KB, 317x474, 148B53B9-3262-403A-B19F-A445824D5F8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which book? I’ve been looking for pic rel because it sounds ridiculous

>> No.18346558

Yeah, I'm sure buying a used copy of an out of print book is going to flood the author's bank account

>> No.18347191

Knowledge shouldn't be locked behind a paywall, it should be freely available for everybody to study and consume.

>> No.18347212

>empirical evidence
spiritually dead reddit soiboy tranny nigger dick chugger detected

>> No.18347275

I haggle whenever I see a bookseller price gouging out of print books.
Sometimes we manage to negotiate a reasonable price.
Sometimes they're just cunts.

>> No.18348220

>If I can help it, I will not follow a unreasonable law
The issue is what makes you the arbiter of what constitutes an "unreasonable law". Burgers will pull this shit and say you have the absolute right to determine which laws you'll follow then wonder why your society is so much shitty compared to Japan whose population slavishly follows the rules in all circumstances even when the laws are stupid. It's because Americans can't see the bigger picture and realize a society full of entitled fags who think they get to decide which laws are just or unjust makes society shitty as a whole, but hey you get free e-books so what does it matter when you have people shitting their pants in the Walmart because it's their god given right?

>> No.18348226

Knowledge isnt material, why should it have a price attached to it?

>> No.18348297

you literally post this false statement in every e-reader thread

>> No.18348320

shoplifting is based you faggot

>> No.18348330

Funny how we can have Platonism threads where people talk big game about moral virtue but when it comes down to actually practicing virtue /lit/ reveals itself to be full of niggers who act on impulse alone every time.

>> No.18348335

based straight man

>> No.18348345

>who act on impulse alone every time
No.. I have sound reasoning why eggs should be stolen from the supermarket.

>> No.18348348

No, there isn’t

>> No.18348360

>Pirating intellectual property is unethical. I strive to be a man of virtue.
Then keep striving and stop bitching

>> No.18348366

>Nah I’d rather buy it and support the author
Support deez nuts

>> No.18348409

>me getting free chocolate vs Walmart getting 4 dollars more profit
real though moral decision

>> No.18348536

You seem to think when a law—any law—is broken, it leads to the decay of society. Bullshit. Morality isn't helped by legislaters but the culture of a society. Japs are hardworking, upright people, and I'll admit the Japs have their positives. They also have a growing population, an economy that's remain stagnant for 3 decades, a suffocating corporate culture, and one of the highest suicide rates out there. It'd be quite the thing to say East Berliners/North Koreans made/make things worst escaping their nation.

>> No.18349999

Its called a library card you dumb nigger.

>> No.18351617

I actually think Kant would promote piracy in this instance.
If you apply the categorical imperative you increase knowledge in a society where everything is open source.

>> No.18351731

There is no such thing as ethical consumption under late stage capitalism. The least you can do is spite those even more unethical than you.