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File: 72 KB, 401x550, Portrait_of_Stéphane_Mallarmé-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18341692 No.18341692 [Reply] [Original]

The final boss of poetry.

>> No.18341696

Lmao u bitch about your threads not taking off and this is the effort you put into it? Nigga stop

>> No.18341699

looks exactly like Conrad lmao

>> No.18341707

Mallarmé was far more handsome. Conrad had a flat head.

>> No.18341708

You should get another poet explain how they're at odds and argue how they're very indicative of reality.

>> No.18341711

Flat head is superior.

>> No.18341713
File: 429 KB, 1609x2048, 26Ngugi-superJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsure. Conrad's physiognomy was grotesque. I refuse to read a man with this skull shape.

>> No.18341715

Mallarmė? More like My Arny [pegs me real good].
Shit poetry. Go have sex.

>> No.18341723
File: 44 KB, 554x350, ezrapound_1963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18341727

>Mallarmė? More like My Arny [pegs me real good].
You are terribly unfunny.

>> No.18341742

Love Pound, but he is mostly decipherable with time and study. Mallarmé is enigmatic no matter how much effort you give him.

>> No.18341752

Have you seen what happens to effort threads?

>> No.18341756

No he means be a better memer

>> No.18341784

>and this is the effort you put into it?

>> No.18341841 [DELETED] 

he looks more like a monkey than most niggers lmao

>> No.18341847

His physiognomy is like Jewish and African perfectly combined. It's really funny. No wonder Hitler wanted to get rid of his people (ostensibly).

>> No.18341899

I'd rather have someone rip my eyes out, shit down their sockets, then reattach them so i could see again (with the shit all up in my sockets still) than read more mallarme. What a fucking pseud

>> No.18341904

>ywn have a piece of music created from one of your throw away poems

>> No.18341906
File: 58 KB, 397x493, 0000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That isn't William McGonagall

>> No.18342004


>> No.18343018

that's because his poetry says nothing, the symbolists are hacks

>> No.18343042

Mallarme is my favorite for sure. He has that calm and melancholic attitude I admire.

>> No.18343056

The king.
il miglior fabbro

>> No.18343062

The final boss of poetry is Nabokov. Because he can perplex you with the fact how can a writer this such impeccable style in prose write such shitty poems.

>> No.18343067
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 0d5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's because his poetry says nothing, the symbolists are hacks

>> No.18343118

Can you elucidate the meaning behind this then? Genuinely curious. I am impartial to him, as I’ve never read him, but just found this image because I was curious as to what his poetry looked like.

>> No.18343123
File: 119 KB, 768x1024, 8FA76A9B-101A-4836-9AAB-6BA2FCEFE27F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot image lol.

>> No.18343396

these were his notes for Le Livre

>> No.18345237

Incorrect. They just require a certain receptivity.

>> No.18345248

Receptivity to bullshit and terrible poetry/prosody

>> No.18345255

You don't even know French, retard.

>> No.18345257


>> No.18345270

It says nothing, but it suggests everything.

>> No.18345272

>The final boss of poetry is Nabokov.
His poetry is dogshit

>> No.18345289

Parlay voo franzee?
Srsly tho he fucking blows.
Did u read the niggas comment?

>> No.18345292

>filtered this bad

>> No.18345295

Do you actually speak French? Honest question.

>> No.18345298

>impeccable style in prose
he's purple and overwritten as fuck. not impeccable.

>> No.18345317

La question c'est voulez-vous

>> No.18345461

Writing poetry in a foreign language is way harder than writing prose. I speak from experience.
Fernando Pessoa's English and French poems are mediocre too, but his Portuguese ones are sublime.

>> No.18345481

Nonsense. I agree that he tends to use more adverbs and adjectives than necessary, but if you ignore that you will see the amazing images, metaphors, wordplays, ironies, and structures. He was one of the foremost stylists of the English language.
Shakespeare and Milton are way, way more overwritten.

>> No.18345508

>He was one of the foremost stylists of the English language.
Then English-language literature is lesser dogshit, if he's one of the foremost stylists. His work is very watered down. He's like a glorified pink novel writer at best. Unsure why homosexuals like his work so much. It's alright for a beach read, but not much else.

>> No.18345553

Any English author between Chaucer and Pound will be overwritten. Overwriting is a Renaissance vice of well-cultivated people who employed long words to make themselves feel good. Concision was the norm in the Middle Ages (Dante, Villon, Chaucer are all very visual, concrete, and concise), and made a hopefully definitive return as an aesthetic ideal with Pound and other early modernists (dichten = condensare). Anything in-between, with very few exceptions, will be overwritten. We need to make concessions and just accept that that's the way it was.
As for Nabokov, like Borges, he came from outside the cultural centers, so he still had quite a 19th century education and taste, though he was also a very original modernist - almost a post-modernist, in some ways. However, even when overwriting he's still better than most writers, and if he uses too many adjectives and adverbs, at least he uses good-sounding and often funny ones.

Well, George Steiner, Harold Bloom, Lionel Trilling, Edmund Wilson, John Updike, Thomas Pynchon, John Banville, W.G. Sebald all disagree with you.
I know that authority doesn't prove anything, but you haven't proved anything either. At least the people I mentioned were well-regarded in their field and gave serious thoughts to these matters. Calling Nabokov a ''glorified pink novel writer at best'' suggests that you are not a very good reader.

>> No.18347516

Retard, you can stick your gay as fuck opinion in your ass. Fuck off retard.

>> No.18347520

>Mallarmé is enigmatic no matter how much effort you give him
Cope midwife tell themselves

>> No.18347521

>he's purple and overwritten
Learn some English, fucking retard.

>> No.18347535

go chuck on a trains dick faggot

>> No.18347539

At least Apollinaire had substance.

>> No.18347552

>dick faggot
But it's you, Faggot imbecil

>> No.18347805

nah, it's you, the faggot who worships niggerlovers lik Nabokov