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1834083 No.1834083 [Reply] [Original]

Offical English Accent Power rankings

1: Conservative RP
2: upper class Mid-atlantic English
3: Torontonian Canadian English

9001: Cockney
9002: California English
9003: Modern RP

>> No.1834707

10583: the Birmingham area

>> No.1834709

1. Deep South dandy accent
all the rest you can have

>> No.1834713

>2: upper class Mid-atlantic English

mid-atlantic tier reporting in

>> No.1834731

>implying California English isn't just the lack of an accent

>> No.1834738



>> No.1834739

God tier: Tenesee Williams
Shit tier: everything else

>> No.1834754
File: 14 KB, 200x199, n26970861429_153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do declare, we have a winner.

>> No.1834767

1. Wiltshirian
2. Bristolian
3. Somersetian
4. Posh
5. Yorkshirean
9001 Mackem
9002 Geordie
9003 Brummie
9004 Yam yam

>> No.1834789

Posh but not too posh, anon. The super super upper class accent sounds like the person has an actual stick in their actual arse.

Also, Estuary English is somewhere near the bottom.

>> No.1834792


>> No.1834815
File: 21 KB, 250x307, rodney_dangerfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1835216

toronto? no. go suck rob ford's 2 inch, fat-pad covered dick

>> No.1835218


>implying lack of an accent isn't still an accent

>> No.1835220
File: 33 KB, 400x300, fuckyourshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed. Torontonians have nasal, 51-st American-state flat accent.

>> No.1835225

Guid, middle-class, non-Glaswegian Scots confirmed for the purest form of English now spoken:


>> No.1835259

Non guido Jersey Coast native accent. Fuck yeah.
