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/lit/ - Literature

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18339933 No.18339933 [Reply] [Original]

What's some essential robot lit, /lit/?

>> No.18339963
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>> No.18339981

Jane Austen. First femcel. Fantastic literature. Autistic characterizations. You'll meet characters you know from irl in there but a much more developed version of them.

>> No.18340004

I am a normalfag, and one of the most easily identifiable people on 4chan's /lit/ board :3

But trust me, annoyingly they knew that.

>> No.18340020

Wtf i got 23 but i'm pretty normal

>> No.18340124

Moving on with your life and stop browsing /r9k/. Take it from someone who browsed there for years, along with /pol/. There's absolutely nothing to gain from wallowing in self pity and being surrounded by people who vindicate your stagnation and encourage it. I am nearly 28, and only finally started getting my life together at at 25. Read some Hegel, but you're almost certainly gonna get filtered

>> No.18340138

this test made me feel better about myself
But guys you know that people who can get laid easily and have friends can still be fucked?

>> No.18340167

I'm at 99, nice

>> No.18340241

I got 130 and I am a virgin who still lives with their parents and is jobless.

>> No.18340253


>> No.18340286

+59 basado y rojopillado

>> No.18340336

95 for normalfag but I feel like I identify more with the slightly strange category, hmmm...
btw here's a link to an online version of this test for those of you who don't want to bother doing the addition yourself https://arfer.net/games/robot-test

>> No.18340360
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117 muthafuckas

>> No.18340434

yeah, they're called women

>> No.18341932

do you think mr robot has read uncle ted

>> No.18342153
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>> No.18342161

r9k already destroyed /fit/, /lit/ is already shit enough, please leave

>> No.18342200

holy shit 55
I got none in mental and almost none in social
Should I rope?

>> No.18342284
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which YA novels I should read to escape this madness??

>> No.18342482

notes from the underground
also I scored 77, social tab killed me

>> No.18342831

Pretty accurate
Would probably be normalfag/chad without the "social" section, that thing killed me

>> No.18342954
File: 102 KB, 1200x900, Hikikomori,_Hiasuki,_2004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

51, been terminally online on 4chan/others since I was 10 so this result makes sense.

The Elementary Particles (Whatever aswell)
Jakob von Gunten (Robot part comes from the side characters)
The Man Who Sleeps
The Forgotten Soldier
Welcome to the N.H.K
Warhammer 40k books
À Rebours
(Obligatory No Longer Human even though I don't think it fits the robot label)

>> No.18342965

I've been texted by a prostitute recently, does that count as a "real person"?

>> No.18342969


>> No.18342977

I'm somehow just in the Chad bracket then with 117

>> No.18343013
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always room for improvement

>> No.18343135

I got 141
Fear me brainlets

>> No.18343153


>> No.18343156

should i just kill myself lads

>> No.18343196

I'm a "normalfag" but I've never had a gf

>> No.18343201

>The Man Who Sleeps
Is this A Man Asleep?

>> No.18343224


>> No.18343340


Be honest, are you guenon / evola posters?

>> No.18343392

No, I'm pretty sure it's just a single guy, like that call of the crocodile shit (difference is the crocodile shit is shilled by the author himself)

>> No.18343414


>> No.18343544

Yes, sorry, I wrote down the name of the movie adaptation by accident. Both are good.

>> No.18343561

You're on 4chan, most people are like that, including you.

>> No.18343597

I got an 86 but I am literally a hermit. I work nights completely alone, have a long ass scraggly beard, hair down to my waist, and cannot stand being around people. I live in a town of 100k and I get unironically annoyed by how little solitude I have – even as someone who works nights and is rarely awake during the day. I have structured literally my entire life around interacting with as few people as I possibly can. I have no friends and no girlfriend. Granted, I don't give a shit about either of those things and am much happier by myself, but the fact remains. This test itself has a ludicrously n*rmie bent to its metrics. It's like it judges itself against the same standards """robots/incels""" are supposed to hate. I feel dumber for having entered this thread and feel a strong distaste for anyone stupid enough to hold any of the beliefs which underpin this system.

>> No.18343598

that's where you're wrong bucko.
According to this chart i'm very succesful.

>> No.18343603

You can't even spell successful properly. If you're not literally an incel, you're spiritually one.

>> No.18343612

>It's like it judges itself against the same standards """robots/incels""" are supposed to hate.
Congratulations, you've seen through the whole thing. Retards from unmentionable subcultures on unmentionable external communities don't actually have any problems with the system itself. The just have problems with the fact that they don't meet the standards of that system, but still for some reason cling to it as if it rests on any foundation firmer than rank consensus. They are idiots; genuine, actual idiots.

>> No.18343615

>Physical 18
>Mental 5
>Social 4
>Accomplishment 29
>Bonus 10
Cyborg feels about right.

>> No.18343673

>all these fucking normalfags
If you don't make sub-20 you REALLY don't belong here.

Also, this is the shitty abbreviated version of the chart; the good one has you first tally your score (as here), and then you can spend it on things you want—a cute thicc gf; high paying job; loli slave; that sort of thing.

>> No.18343684

The reason i'm not an incel is because I'm not the type of person to fixate over typos on the internet.

>> No.18343685


>> No.18343859

>If you don't make sub-20 you REALLY don't belong here.
this is /lit/ you retard, not fucking /r9k/

>> No.18344149

This is just an extraversion test. Obviously people who spend a lot of time on the internet are introverts.n

>> No.18344265

This is 4chan you stupid fucking newfag-election-tourist.

Kill yourself, unironically kill yourself.

>> No.18346556

Autistic bump

>> No.18347205
File: 821 KB, 865x1600, -Izh-12OXMU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a cyborg fucking sucks.
Celine books really encapsulate that feeling.

>> No.18347213

>Kill yourself, unironically kill yourself.
You're much more likely to kill yourself then I am. I'm not the one promoting a race to the bottom; I believe in self-improvement and striving for greatness

>> No.18347354


>> No.18347391

Second A Rebours. That trip to England tho

>> No.18347483

I’m twenty-eight years old and I took the test and came up with a 129
To make people feel better I retook the test with the answers I would have given eight years ago but I actually scored a 123 that round

>> No.18348639

>tfw 89
>tfw slightly strange is the perfect description for me
>tfw college grad and not ugly and decent habits but lack of sexual experience decimated my score
>tfw last time I answered this a couple years ago I actually had a higher score even tho I was in objectively a worse mental state

oh nononononono...

>> No.18349414

Scored 79 and have diagnosed autism. My psychologist told me I'll destroy myself if I keep forcing myself to pursue my weird idea of normalcy though. Who knows how much longer I'll last wearing my masks.

>> No.18349432

Notes from the underground

>> No.18349444
File: 65 KB, 1068x601, gigachad_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm physical maxxed and that's all that matters

>> No.18349630

read a couple of Guénon books, never read Ebola but of course I fuck with them.

>> No.18350237

>got literally no points in social
>still make it up to 49
feels good to be of sound body and mind

>> No.18350297

Got 90, mainly because of things from the past. I'm a loner now.

>> No.18350399

>Physical 15
>Mental 4
>Social 0
>Accomplishment 2
>Bonus 2
Fuck, if I were born an ugly, short bastard I could've made it to grand wizard.

>> No.18351441

I got 69 and it describes me well enough
I have a good friend circle but it's composed of fellow retards, and I have no romantic prospects and never will

>> No.18351637

This chart is moronic. I'm genuinely sorry for anyone who can't even get the numbers for normalfag; please know that you can fix your life.

>> No.18351727

65. Not awful.

>> No.18352071

i got 143 but i feel like nothing special

>> No.18352452

Damm I thought I had it together but guess I am still robot tier

>> No.18352549

86. I "can" function in the normalfag world but I don't like it.