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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18338059 [Reply] [Original]

It's called Hypersphere, does anyone own a copy of this POS?

>> No.18338091

/lit/ has written a couple books

what ever happened to that annotated Moby-Dick?

>> No.18338396
File: 612 KB, 2048x1634, 49650598-FF9E-4A4D-9FB0-4A8E591034B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never heard of it but I’ll look into it. I think the idea of books by this board is neat. Only books I own that were written by /lit/ are these ones

>> No.18338425

Ah man, I remember those days.
>wipes away tear, realizing that he's wasted his life on this shithole

>> No.18338450

So you own a pamphlet written for 12 year olds.

>> No.18338464

Call of the crocodile is /lit/ magnums opus.

>> No.18338513

No it's not. You are either Gardner or you got memed into blowing money on a children's book. Both possibilities are pathetic.

>> No.18338526


Don't forget the janny tranny book 'The synthesis of the subjective and objective'.

>> No.18338528

>This. I think I've read most /lit/ related books by now. Crocodile is by far the most entertaining.

>> No.18338549


>Children’s book

Call of the Crocodile is grimdark as fuck. Of all the negative things you could potentially say about it, that’s just flat out false. If anything it’s one of the most gruesome books out there.


Wtf does this even mean? That it’s short? Not really. If I had to guess it’s probably around 60 thousand words or something.

>> No.18338563

Someone jealous that that Crocodile book is getting talked about more than their hypersphere book.

>> No.18338607
File: 895 KB, 3120x4160, RljVGUn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More excerpts from Hypersphere

>> No.18338634

There's also been The Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra and Coronameron, and a few magazines

>> No.18338639

Yeah. Call of the Crocodile is the other big one

>> No.18338656

Don’t forget the Burgerpunk book

>> No.18339667

A copy of Hypersphere was collected by the Library of the Printed Web, which was subsequently acquired by the MoMA, kek

Bumping for this

>> No.18339751


>> No.18339766

No ones who read this would ever say this. The OP image is more engaging than the entire call series combined. Isn’t there another shill thread you should be starting about now, Gardner?

>> No.18339768

Imma need a qrd on all lit novels

>> No.18339780

>xD we’re so le random. I CAN HAZ CHEZBURGER????

>> No.18339924

Here are bunch of books that /lit/ has written. There are a lot of resources on &amp.

>> No.18340251

I don't see my books on there, but I didn't download anything. Guess I'm too sneaky.

>> No.18341852

Doesn’t compare to call of the crocodile.

>> No.18341944

This desu. I still can’t believe the twist

>> No.18342198

F. Gardner is like m night shyamalan. The only reason he has fans is because of twists in every fucking thing he does.

>> No.18342206

name one twist. I've read that pile of shit, I want to know which poorly rendered cliche you thought was a twist.

>> No.18342211

Where did I say it was good? Also which one are we talking about? Crocodile or arcade?

>> No.18342214

pick one and name the twist

>> No.18342215

Wtf there’s 5 of these?? I thought it was just the Crocodile and Arcade ones

>> No.18342223

The twist about 9/11 in Arcade. That came out of left field.

>> No.18342225

No it was a like 300 page collaborative Google doc shitpost

>> No.18342254

That's just how the humour was back then

>> No.18342271

But that’s what makes the twists in those books so good. Never in a million years would I have guessed the big reveal in Call of the Crocodile. You’re just being negative.

>> No.18343090


>> No.18343225

Just read a few pages of hypersphere and it is hilarious. Reads like Burroughs on ayahuasca x999999999999

>> No.18343699

coronameron was comfy too

>> No.18345811

Fuck off. His twists are great!