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/lit/ - Literature

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18337859 No.18337859 [Reply] [Original]

>last 5 books

And other anons r8

>> No.18337866

>Les fleurs du mal
>Les paradis imaginaires
>Voyage au bout de la nuit
>Sappho's poetry
>Hesiod's complete works

>> No.18337879

In the Skin of a Lion
Memoirs of Hadrian
Invitation to a Beheading
Duino Elegies
The Fairy Tales of Herman Hesse

>> No.18337906

That nigga has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Boca Raton Air BnB. That shit had to be the tightest, blackest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Spotemgottem screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That nigga Spotemgottem and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Spotemgottem, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That nigga Spotemgottem stole my heart and drank my seed.

>> No.18337914

Autobiography of malcolm x
The Stranger

>> No.18337930

>Crisis of the Modern World
>East & West
>Reign of Quantity and the Sign of Times
>Spiritual Authority and Temporal Power
>Perspectives on Initiation

>> No.18337939
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>> No.18337942

everyone post, nobody rate.
Good thread

>> No.18337947

>insufferable weeb faggot/10

>> No.18337957

complete essays of montaigne
history of the church
fear and trembling
the quran

>> No.18337960

Yeah, these are the best. Anons wait for everyone to say that their reading list is based but aren't literate enough to be able to rate others.

>> No.18337965


>> No.18337971


>> No.18337976

Thanks for the 9 mate.

>> No.18337981

Notes from the underground
The tunnel
Madame bovary

>> No.18338072

no longer human
confessions of a mask
crime and punishment
lady chatterley's lover
discourses - Epictetus

>> No.18338127

>Air BnB

My God. This adaptation to the copypasta is pure beauty. I came reading. Qt3.14/10 will be reading again.

>> No.18338141

>Fear and Trembling
>The Sickness Unto Death
>Convention by David Lewis
>The Plague
>Anna Karenina

>> No.18338162

No Longer Human is alright, I read it over too long a period to enjoy it as much as I could have. I actually read it within my last 5, I just forgot about it. Anyone else read this short novel?

>> No.18338172

>Shadow and Bone
>The Passage
>House of Leaves
>On Writing
>Bird by Bird

>> No.18338176

The Exorcist - Blatty
Hopscotch - Cortazar
In Watermelon Sugar - Brautigan
Harrow the Ninth - Muir
Ficciones- Borges

>> No.18338334

How do anons make decisions on how to quantify their ratings?
Is French your first language? I'm curious why you're invested in using the original titles of on an English-prominent board.
Please be honest, do you like the Rilke? Could you comment a bit on your experience with it?
Absolutely esoteric to me.
Have you read any other Ishiguro prior to this one?
It's a tough proposition but the spirit is in the right place. The idea to keep is that rating value is subjective and a front for trying to encourage anons to work on expressing themselves. We have to start somewhere and people like talking about themselves and their authority as critics.
Confessions of a Mask and Lady Chatterly's Lover in short succession is an interesting set to compare. These are both sexually charged novels and go wildly different directions with it. You're young; do you feel like these books have informed your sexuality in any way? Did you find yourself relating and empathizing with one situation over the other?
I read The Plague in the last year as well. The circumstances of the novel's plague and lethality of the COVID pandemic is obviously not the same thing. Much of the reading became about comparing and contrasting the interior the characters and their reactions against my own.
I thought very little of it panned out and it kind of became a lecture in stoicism by the end. Did you find what you were looking for reading it?
It's okay, not much to it. I think alienation should be a starting point for the story, not the point of it. As time goes on one reads more stories that go almost exactly like No Longer Human and being merely relatable and pessimistic doesn't carry enough value.

A Scanner Darkly, Dick (again)
Kepler, Banville
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter, McCullers
Turtle Diary, Hoban
'Salem's Lot, King

>> No.18338338

teatro grottesco
nocturno de chile
the insufferable gaucho
plain tales from the hills
After the banquet

>> No.18338341

Davis Grubb - The Night of the Hunter
Fay Weldon - The Life & Loves of a She Devil
Elmore Leonard - Hombre
Maggie O'Farrell - Hamnet
Eliot Weinberger - Angels & Saints

i love turtle diary

>> No.18338342

>Is French your first language?
Yes and I'm too lazy to translate french titles.

>> No.18338350

I hate looking at this idiot goblin.

>> No.18338359

>The Darkness that Comes Before
>Castle of Otranto
>The Big Sky
>Confederacy of Dunces
>Gravity’s Rainbow

>> No.18338365

how did you find otranto?
i personally found it extremely silly but enjoyable, almost monty python like

>> No.18338373

>Consider The Lobster
>The Path of the Cinnabar
>Some ancient Jewish book on how to evoke a golem

>> No.18338414

>Getting Even - Woody Allen
>Without Feathers - Woody Allen
>Side Effects - Woody Allen
>Portrait of the artist as a young man

>> No.18338417

I thought the same thing. I also couldn’t help feeling that it read like the script for a hammy 70s porno without any of the sex, but not in a bad way

>> No.18338496

>Infinite Jest
>The Savage Detectives
>A Portrait of the Artist....
>The Crying of Lot 49

>> No.18338505

what did you think of portrait of the artist?

>> No.18338625

>Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
>The Magic Mountain
>All Tomorrow's Parties
>Napoleon: A Life

>> No.18338695

>The idiot
>Confederacy of Dunces
>No Longer Human

>> No.18338734



















>> No.18338873

The Color Purple, Walker
Battle Mage, Flannery
The Sense of an Ending, Barnes
The Remains of the Day, Ishiguro
Dune Messiah, Herbet

All over the place genre-wise lol

>> No.18338877

seething hylic

>> No.18339160

How to Be an Antiracist
Infinite Jest
An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Dear G-Spot: Straight Talk About Sex and Love
Trump: The Art of the Deal

>> No.18339173

Deluded crybaby.

>> No.18339182

How was infnite jest?

>> No.18339192

>mason and dixon
>the setting sun
>complete short prose of beckett
>dylan thomas collected poems (the one he compiled)
>1001 nights vol 1

>> No.18339200

Fathers and Sons (Turgenev)
Eichmann in Jerusalem (Arendt)
The Odyssey (Homer)
Before that some Dutch classics (Reve & Vestdijk) but no one here is gonna know those

>> No.18339205

>complete short prose of beckett
How was that?

>> No.18339206

Confessions of an english opium eater is fire. Moments of the best prose i've read in a while

>> No.18339213

Is that spottemgottem? I heard rumors that he linked up with Poo Shiesty but there is no way that's true

>> No.18339219

Rocky, but if you like his novels it's great. Texts for nothing is really good, but the occasional "story" in there isn't worth digging deeper into because the reading experience sucks so much balls. 1/3rd of it takes more from you than it gives but if you know beckett you know how he is sometimes.

>> No.18339227

>Before that some Dutch classics (Reve & Vestdijk) but no one here is gonna know those
You'd be surprised.

>> No.18339277

Pleasantly surprised, if that were the case.
I don't want to veer too much off topic but I'm quite frustrated by the fact that it's so hard to find a place to discuss literature written in my home country. Very hard to find (a group of) people that still read, let alone Dutch classics, in my circles. Most people I run into that DO read don't delve much deeper than Murakami, literature-wise.

I'll stop venting.

>> No.18339278

Utopia Deferred - Baudrillard
Symbolic Exchange and Death - Baudrillard
TSZ - Neetchuh
BGE - Neetchuh
Mythologies - Barthes

>> No.18339299

>never read a book in my life.

>> No.18339308

thanks anon

>> No.18339318


>Blood Meridian
>Paradise Lost
>Call of the Crocodile
>Gravity’s Rainbow
>House of Leaves

Blood Meridian had some pacing issues but was pretty good. Same with Paradise Lost. House of Leaves has a good build up but is kind of tame compared to how insane Call of the Crocodile gets. Gravity's Rainbow was meh.

>> No.18339330

All Around Us
1, 2, 3 To The Zoo
The Grounchy Ladybug
The Very Hungry Caterpillar
Have You Seen My Cat?

>> No.18339342

based brain-exercising dementia patient

>> No.18339347

Everything is “tame” compared to fucking Call of the Crocodile. Anyway, yea Blood Meridian definitely has issues with pace. But it’s still a classic.

>> No.18339402

havent even heard of half of these
back to /pol/
weebshit. cringe.
stoic tryhard
all in all, cringe
first three are literal whos
tryhard again
literal whos
arent you a big boy for reading pynchon, faggot
hobbes is based
you will join nambla if you havent already
way too tryhard. i bet you read those in public too.
bet you feel patrician for reading dosto and shakespeare, faggot
pretty much all literal whos
drown yourself in a tub, midwit
pretty pseud
now this is pseudshit. try learning greek and russian, faggot.
okay midwit. did you read it on the train too?
underage faggot trying way too hard to impress others
now this is based. how many women have you fucked?
yup based

>> No.18339423

>actually typing all of this out

>> No.18339458

A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again
Righteous Dopefiend
Gravity's Rainbow
I Hope They Serve Beer in Hell (utterly painful to get through, 0/10 recommend)
The Life and Crimes of the BTK Serial Killer

>> No.18339468

Blood Meridian (reread)
Grettir's Saga
American Psycho (reread)
The Hobbit
Prologmena (Kant)

>> No.18339473

>White Noise
>Great Expectations
>Infinite Jest
>Graeber's 5000 years of debt
>a bunch of shitty lawyer how to guides

>> No.18339476

Oh shit forgot, The Epic of Gilgamesh

>> No.18339479

Should've added Crime and Punishment instead of Prologmena.

>> No.18339489

how was infinite jest?

>> No.18339496


>The Age of Extremes
>Leaves of Grass
>Crime and Punishment
>War & Peace

>> No.18339508


The Beautiful and Damned by F. Scott Fitzgerald
A Draft of XXX Cantos by Ezra Pound
The Garden of Eden by Ernest Hemingway
The King of the World by Rene Guenon
Beasts Men and Gods by Ferdinand Ossendowski

>> No.18339518

>now this is based. how many women have you fucked?

Thanks kek. Why do you ask...?

>> No.18339521

What'd you think of White Noise? That was the first DeLillo novel I've read and I enjoyed it but also for the first half of the book thought the main family were all aliens haha.

>> No.18339530
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Super intelligence Nick Bostrom
Blackbeard Angus Konstam
Conspiracy against the Human race
Cynical theories
Beyond good and evil.

Get off my lawn!

>> No.18339533

Fuck off rando.

>> No.18339545

That spotemgottem...?

>> No.18339553

Finally linked up!

>> No.18339589

Snow Country
Red Sorghum
Exquisite Corpse
To the Lighthouse
Man and His Symbols

Currently reading: Demons ("The Devils/Possessed")

>> No.18339597

>hitler and me
>Der einzige und sein eigentum
The Shadow over Innsmouth

>> No.18339606

The Art Of War
The Song Of Kali
I Am A Cat

>> No.18339626

>My current age

Selected Emerson Essays
Foundation Trilogy
Brothers Karamazov

>> No.18339641

First Corum trilogy
First Hawkmoon trilogy
The bull and the spear
Based, but midwit
Ultra based and big brain pilled
High functioning midwit
Stop taking adderall
Gay jew
Tryhard midwit
Cringe yet kinda based

>> No.18339650


>Children of Húrin
>Confederacy of Dunces
>Blood Meridian
>Zero History

>> No.18339651

>One Hundred Years of Solitude
>An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
>Magic Mountain
>The Death of Ivan Ilyich
>Principles of Human Knowledge/Three Dialogues

>> No.18339656


>De Tranquillate Animi
>Invisible cities
>French Suite

>> No.18339669

Hanif Kureishi: Intimacy
Madeline Miller: Circe
Joyce Carol Oates: Black Water
Michael Houellebeq: Platform
Georges Bataille: Story of the Eye

>> No.18339712

Is Huahujing worth a read? I've found Taoist works interesting, but I've been told that Huahujing isn't very similar to the other main texts.

To the Lighthouse - Woolf
Moving Parts - Tulli
The Counterfeiter and other stories - Inoue
Pale Fire - Nabakov
Kaddish for an Unborn Child - Kertesz

>> No.18339720
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whats with all the datamining threads lately? glowies got tired of stalking /pol/tards so you came to harass /lit/izens?

>> No.18339804

>The Old Man and the Sea
>The Catcher in the Rye
>Crime and Punishment
>Origins of Totalitarianism

>> No.18339825

And what would they, these 'glowies' as you call them, posdibly do with all the data in this thread?

>> No.18339868

Confirm IDs using age.

>> No.18339882

Eh, as far as I'm concerned the first half or so is good.More along the lines of the Daodejing, it quickly devolves into the typical esoteric religious bullshit of "self cultivation" and psuedoscience longevity practices.

It was a bit of a let down really. I'm very much into the philosophical aspects of Daoism but I could do without all the esoteric religious shit.

>> No.18339906

No government ever likes lazy intellectuals, you are being listed for the gulag or the killing field.

>> No.18339921

I might give it a miss, then. Whenever I've looked into the esoteric religious aspects of Taoism they just seem to go against the philosophical aspects, which has always confused me.

>> No.18339930

Samuel Richardson, Clarissa
Arthur Machen, The White People and Other Weird Stories
Valeria Luiselli, The Story of My Teeth
Dashiell Hammett, The Maltese Falcon
Malcolm Lowry, Under the Volcano
Alice Walker, The Color Purple

>> No.18339931


Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
Nicolaus Copernicus - On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres
Aristotle - Physics
Roger Bacon - Opus Majus
Jacob Marschak - Economic Information Decision and Prediction Vol. II

>> No.18339938

Damn, listed six. That's middle age for ya.

>> No.18340037

>Ten Plays by Euripides
>History of the Peloponnesian War

>> No.18340078

You are so young. Get out of 4chan, read books, study, make smart money and have sex. Literally best advice you will be given in your life.

>> No.18340412

Don't have sex, ever.

>> No.18340495

Based. Been reading montaigne and kierkegaard too lately. 21

>> No.18340576
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>Lingva Latina: Pars I, Famili Romana
>The Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol I-VI
>A History of Western Philosophy
>The Problems of Philisophy
>Book of Five Rings

>> No.18340636

>I'm Thinking of Ending Things
>Norwegian Wood
>The Catcher in the Rye
>Capitalist Realism
>Ham on Rye

Gonna read House of Leaves next. Hopefully it's as good as everyone on the internet says it is

Been meaning to get into Hemingway, any recs to start off with?

>> No.18340709

I'm Thinking of Ending Things was pretty bad, eh? I read it when I found out Kaufman was adapting it. One of those occasions where the movie is actually better than the book.

>> No.18340757


I only right 4 books lately but here they are.

The Iliad. I somehow never read it before. It was good.

Infinite Jest. It went on way too fucking long. But I knew that going in so that's my fault. It's unique but I think the only reason people talk about it so much is because of it's absurdly long length. It has some interesting ideas. I am glad I am done.

Call of the Crocodile. Really good. One of the best executions of a twist I've seen. Has similar elements explored in Charlie Kaufman works.

The Grapes of Wrath. Boring! I'm angry just thinking about this book. How the fuck is this considered to be a classic? I'm genuinely upset that I've wasted time reading this. Drags on at a snails pace.

>> No.18340772

Titus Groan
The Anarchy
Canticle for Leibowitz

>> No.18340810

Read Pale Fire instead, it's the same gimmick as House of Leaves but actually done well.

>> No.18340821

The Elementary Particles

I don't remember the last books I've read fully, just those I never finished recently.

>> No.18340930

Will Self (memoir)
Introduction to Metaphysics
Sewn In The Sweatshops of Marx
Depends What You Mean By Extremist

>> No.18340975

Yeah I wasn't the biggest fan. The foreshadowing was a bit heavy-handed and the conversational mini-chapters about Jake's death were pretty gimmicky. Not too bad though for a quick popcorn read.
Thanks, I'll check that out

>> No.18341170

Yeah, at least it was a quick read (I read it in one sitting). The movie is much better if you have yet to check it out (the twist isn't gimmicky or even obvious...the mini-chapters are totally omitted).

How was Ham on Rye? I read Factotum and thought it was meh.

For Hemingway, start with his short stories (that's what I did). If you liked Murakami, I like his short stories a lot more than his novels (After the Quake was good). I'm not a fan of his magical realism stuff. (Or you can skip him, you've already read his best novel, and read Mishima instead).

>> No.18341360

The Crucible
Winesburg Ohio
The Catcher in The Rye
As I Lay Dying

>> No.18341385
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>blood meridian
>catcher in the rye
>notes from the underground
>catch 22
>don quixote
New to literature so no ijiwaru

>> No.18341460
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>Illuminatus Trilogy
>A New Kind of Science
>Prometheus Rising
>Principia Discordia

>> No.18341469

I enjoyed Ham on Rye. The prose was barebones, but it made sense given the tone and the narrative. It was a solid coming of age and between the brawling and alcoholic degeneracy, Bukowski relays some pretty memorable insights about growing up as an outsider from a poverty-stricken, abusive home- drenched in his signature cynicism of course.

I'll def check out Hemingway's shorter stuff, and Confessions of a Mask has been on my shortlist for a while

>> No.18341488

Sound of the Mountain
The Box Man
The Golden Bowl
The Gate
Thousand Cranes or The Flowers of Evil. Dont remember which I finished first.

>> No.18341493

The Gay Science
Philosophical Investigations
The Blue Book
Beyond Good and Evil
The Differend: Phrases in Dispute

>> No.18341494


>> No.18341546

Bleak House
Great Expectations
Crime and Punishment
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
One Hundred Years of Solitude

>> No.18341585
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>Please be honest, do you like the Rilke? Could you comment a bit on your experience with it?
Yes I think Rilke is amazing, I have read Duino Elegies before but I didn't know german too well then, and I am better now. I'm reading it side by side in English and German and it's just making me want to read more of his stuff since the only other I have read is Letters to a Poet.
>havent even heard of half of these
I'm going to assume you are talking about Ondaatje (In the Skin of a Lion). It's a great book, like Terrence Malick on paper, you should give it a try. The Nabokov is not my favorite of his, nor is it even a standout compared to his other lesser read stuff, like Pale Fire and the Gift. And if you don't know Rilke or Yourcenar, I feel bad for you son.

>> No.18341634

Starting from most recent
>L'avalée des avalés

>> No.18341748


In order of most recently finished, some I started a while ago. I'll read 3-6 normally.

Meditations on the Tarot a Journey into Christian Hermeticism
Phenomenology of Spirit (re-read)
On the Kabbalah and it's Symbolism
Pagels' translation of Zostrionos and the Thunder, re-read in one sitting
Lectures on the Philosophy of History

>> No.18341774

>haven't read/finished a single book yet

>> No.18341800
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>Survival in the Killing Fields by Haing S. Ngor
>The Pentateuch
>Surprise, Kill, Vanish by Annie Jacobsen
>My War Gone By, I Miss It So; and Another Bloody Love Letter by Anthony Loyd
>Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman
>The Little Prince by Exupery or whatever his name is
...amongst many other half-finished books & books I've generally perused. These are all the books I've read since 2019. Depression fucking sucks anons, but at least I have learned and assimilated the information the unfinished and perused books belie.

>> No.18341806
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Oh, and

>> No.18341818


Writings From Ancient Egypt
The Book of The Dead
Egyptian Mythology
Serpent In The Sky
The Pharaohs And There People

>> No.18341911

People read books? I thought it was something to pick up fat chicks.

>> No.18341948

>to pick up fat chicks.

>> No.18341993

Platos Republic (5th reread)
A Thousand Plateaus
Infinite Jest (2nd reread)
Heidegger on technology
Birth of Tragedy

>> No.18342008

>Principles of Mathematical Philosophy
>Count Zero
>Towards Non-Bing
>Animal Farm
>The Federative Principle

not in order, and i've been flying through books without giving them a thorough read.

>> No.18342044

You're 20, stop rereading and start expanding your mind by reading different books.
You'd better not reread Republic again or I'll call you mean names.

>> No.18342060

>Championship Fighting by Jack Dempsey
>Dempsey by Jack Dempsey
>Intentional Interviewing & Counseling by Ivey, Ivey, & Zalaquett
>Arsene Lupin, Gentleman Burglar by Maurice Leblanc
>Ethics in Psychology and the Mental Health Professions: Standards and Cases by Koocher & Keith-Spiegel

>> No.18342120

>Making Movies by Sidney Lumet
>Catcher in the Rye by J.D Sallinger
>Myth of Sisyphus by Albert Camus
>A Canticle for Liebowitz by Walter M. Miller Jr.
>Based On a True Story by Norm Macdonald

>> No.18342121


The last book I finished was Call of the Arcade. Most jaw droppingly strange story I've read in a long time. That said it I highly recommend it. I can't really think of anything to compare it to. Unique and absolute madness. Before that I read through Confessions of a Mask. I liked it a lot. First Mishima book I've read. But it's been on my backlog for a while. I think that's almost all I've read this year unless you could magazines and manga. I was on a manga binge before that.

>> No.18342136

bro but I just love it too much.

>> No.18342146

The Unity of Philosophical Experience
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
The Andromeda Strain
The Lost World
Jurassic Park
Methodical Realism: A Handbook For Beginning Realists

>> No.18342150

Do i need to read the call of the crocodile to understand that book?

>> No.18342158

I don't think so. Arcade is the only one I read, because I heard it was supposed to be the best. I think I understood everything just fine.

>> No.18342177

Mostly loved it though I agree with the notion that it drags a bit towards the end. Best part was the middle where he sleeps with prostitutes and gets traumatized by the lecture on hell

>> No.18342205

nah they’re separate stories

>> No.18342490

>Reading books.
People don’t actually do that, right?

>> No.18342508

7/10, not my kind of books but you clearly know what you like.

Blake's Milton
Eric Perl's Thinking Being
Emerson's Selected Essays
Lawrence's Sons and Lovers

Currently reading Jude the Obscure.

>> No.18342513

Besides Eric Perl, these are all rereads of old favourites.

>> No.18342519

>Florence in the Forgotten Centuries: 1527-1800
>The Second Ottoman Empire: Political and Social Transformation in the Early Modern World
>The City in History
>Principles of Systems Science
>Corporatism and Consensus in Florentine Electoral Politics, 1280-1400

>> No.18342555

I loved it. It was awful. It took forever. I wanted to kill myself out of embarrassment for being called out repeatedly by a long winded tirade of a dead man. 10/10, would not recommend to anyone.
It was my first dillillo too. It was... okay. There were some very salient bits (the barn, eating in the car, the evacuation) but over all the critiques the novel provides are a little too straight forward and dated for me to care. Hitler studies would have been a riot before the internet took off. Atheist nuns? Ha! But it feels so dated now that all the bits that hold the rest of the book together are just going through the motions of a joke that stopped being funny on page two. I didn’t like any of the characters enough to care, even though it seems they were purposely stupid and un likable. Which would be fine but the fact that the only thing close to a plot is cuck revenge I care even less. Again, I bet it was awesome back then. Wow, death. So edgy. Idk. Maybe I shouldn’t have read infinite jest first.

>> No.18342587
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>Bronze Age Mindset
>Sun & Steel
>12 Rules for Life
>The Symposium

>> No.18342622

This has to be bait. You can’t be that much of a /lit/ meme.

>> No.18342641


>Call of the Crocodile
>The Ballad of Tom Black
>The Art of the Deal
>The Quintessential Quintuplets
>The 7 Deadly Sins

>> No.18342669

The Demon of Democracy
The Fascism this Time
Fascism: Career of a Concept
Twilight of Democracy
Will He Go?

>> No.18342688

The majority of people have their entire reality defined by memes and associations to memes. On sites and boards like this the only thing that changes is what those memes are

>> No.18342803

>Selected Poetry and Prose of Shelley
>Envy - Yury Olesha
>Eugeniusz Oniegin
>Inny Świat
>Hume's Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding

>> No.18342847

>niekisch - third imperial figure
>avanessian - acceleration #2
>fisher - ghosts of my life
>scheil - logic of the powers
>werner - princes of the yen
the acceleration book is an translated excerpt of the accelerationist reader

>> No.18342850

Post ratings you fucking narcissists.

>> No.18342865

chad complex systems thinker

>> No.18342908

>fleurs du mal
edgy, but the mishima book is actually good
only read notes between these so i dunno
>that selection
i wish i had that taste at your age
based hopscotch enjoyer
after the banquet was kino, dont know the rest
incredibly based
read lolita
literature student or fell for the meme charts
how did you like the idiot, it's the only major dosto i didnt read yet and i didnt feel compelled to so. does it hold up with the others?
6/6 cant rate the dutch classics
>call of the crocodile
king of /lit/
>voluntarily reading kant
seen graeber mentioned a lot here lately, is he worth the read? thought about reading killing the host
nice selection
would you say ezra pound can be read without knowing four languages+?
>that post
>that pic
how did you like snow country? comfy?
read kokoro
know too little about these

>> No.18342923

Any ratings for me :)

>> No.18342931

How did you like Kepler? I liked Doctor Copernicus and Newton Letter both better than it.

>> No.18342946

Leadership in War
The Old Man and the Sea
The Rage Against God

>> No.18342971
File: 6 KB, 250x373, 1580166586109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Becker - The Denial of Death
>Batchelor - Alone with Others
>Bateson - Mind and Nature
>Laing - The Divided Self
>Lynch - The Lies of Locke Lamoras

>> No.18342976

6/10. 'Ate Dumbass Homo Lawrence

>> No.18343092

>logic of powers by Stefan Scheil
Why would you translate the german title into english?

>> No.18343098

weils lustig ist wenn die leute nach einer übersetzung suchen dies nicht gibt und so dran erinnert werden dass man fremdsprachen lernen sollte

>> No.18343620
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>pic related

Pretty based books
Massively based
Extremely based

>> No.18343646

did you enjoy platform?

>> No.18343675

War and Peace-Tolkien
Bronze Age Mindset-BAP
Thus Spoke Zarathustra-Nietzsche

>> No.18343687

Yes, it was good. I think it is my favorite Houellebecq so far out of the three I have read (Submission and Whatever).
The best word I can use to describe Platform is prescient. He recognized the sexuality crisis in the West 20 years ago

>> No.18343732

>yet another data collection thread
>everyone complies

>> No.18343744

Oh no, the MAN knows what I read.

>> No.18343747

Imagine being such a faggot you're scared to post what you read on the internet.

>> No.18343951

I'm going to list my five last genre fiction books since people are more likely to read them.

Creation - Gore Vidal 2.5/5. I really like the premise. It's the life story of a Persian who went from China to Greece during the reigns of Darius and Xerxes. Describes ancient Greek, Persian, Hindu, and Chinese thought and culture. But it's really long and quite slow in some places. It gets bogged down in trying to include every last little event from the ancient Greek histories in and feels like call backs. Good but flawed.

Dark Age - Books 5 of Red Rising. 5/5. This is a series that started out being edited for the YA market and then switched in book 2 for adults. It's an implausible, somewhat silly premise of a solar system ruled by Greece/Rome worshipping super humans who live in a dystopian color system. However, the narrative has constant twists, real surprises and cool settings. For what it is, a fast paced action book, the series is great, although Book I starts a bit slow and Book 4 was slower.

The Girl With All the Gifts - Zombie story retelling of Pandora's box. Premise is the main character is a sentient zombie girl in a zombie school. Well delivered and well written, 4.5/5.

Neuropath - R. Scott Bakker s first novel, his attempt to turn his Blind Brain Theory into a horror book. Excellent ideas, you can see the philosophy PhD coming through. Bare bones story and writing compared to The Darkness That Comes Before. 4/5, but really unique as a horror thriller with depth, just not written great.

Prince of Thorns - fantasy book about a raping murdering teenager who wants to be king. It's engaging enough once you get into it if you don't mind grim dark and extreme violence. 2.5/5 since most people will be turned off by the violence and it is nothing special.

>> No.18343960

Take your meds

>> No.18344385

>A Confession by Leo Tolstoy
>The Lady With the Little Dog and Other Stories, 1896-1904 by Anton Chekhov
>Essays & Aphorisms by Schopenhauer
>The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell

>> No.18344435

Don Delillo - Great Jones Street
Donald Barthelme - Sixty Stories
David Sedaris - Me Talk Pretty One Day
Renata Adler - Speedboat
Edward Wallant - Tenants of Moonbloom

This summer gonna try to read a bunch of big pomo epics:
Gravity's Rainbow, Mason and Dixon, infinite jest, and Underworld are what I own already. Any suggestions to pick up?

>> No.18344470

>the road
>elementary particles
>wind up bird chronicle
>a very very very dark matter

>> No.18344493

>Heinrich Böll - the train was on time
>Vladimir Nabokov - lolita
>Edgar Mittelholzer - the jilkington drama
>JK Huysmans - La bas
>CG Jung - four archetypes

>> No.18344632

I read Pound’s cantos by looking up essays online for help with the untranslated Greek, Latin, Italian, Mandarin, French and Provençal.
I originally intended to read the whole thing this year but after two weeks of two cantos per day, I decided to do it in more manageable pieces.
They’re pretty dense. Not just the untranslated languages also the cultural and historical allusions. And the autobiographical references. Fortunately there is a lot of free help on the internet
(Though I am tempted to check out one of the Companion to the Cantos books)

>> No.18344647

Hemingway’s probably best chronologically.
In Our Time
The Sun Also Rises
Men Without Women
A Farewell to Arms
Winner Take Nothing
For Whom the Bell Tolls
The Snows of Kilimanjaro

>> No.18344657

The Sickness unto Death
The Three Theban Plays

>> No.18344679


>Industrial Society and its Future
>Player of Games
>When HARLIE was One
>Dune Messiah
>Children of Dune

>> No.18344707

>a general introduction to psychoanalysis (the version that I got had the errors, dream analysis, neurosis study and the freud renewed edition in which he completed his previous work)
>norwegian wood
>the sailor who felt from the grace with the sea
>the red and the black
>100 years of solitude

>> No.18344715

The Temple of the Golden Pavilion
Afghanistan, A Cultural History
Dylan Thomas Omnibus
Considerations on France
Augustine's Confessions

>> No.18344718
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>Heart of Darkness - Conrad
>The Body Artist - DeLillo
>Red Dragon - Harris
>The Vinland Sagas
> We Have Always Lived In The Castle - Jackson
I'm a spaz and don't read anything consistently. At present I'm reading about 12 other books at my leisure and I just finish them whenever I finish them.

>> No.18344748

>bleeding edge
>grapes of wrath
>portrait of the artist
>the idiot

>> No.18344752
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>> No.18344772
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Chest Hair/10

>> No.18344793
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Alternatively, 14/88

>> No.18344801
File: 194 KB, 944x1024, F89F4D88-7E76-4BF4-AF01-74D5E96BFD8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no cute boys/10

>> No.18344811
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We have the technology/10

>> No.18344827
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>> No.18344844
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>> No.18344871

Did you read Ulysses before Portrait?

>> No.18345008

Principles of Neuroscience

>> No.18345046

Did you like melancholy of resistance? What did you think about the last 10 pages?

>> No.18345098

The Cook - Harry Kressing
Warlock - Oakley Hall
Grapes of Wrath - Steinbeck
The Leopard - Lampedusa
This Side of Paradise - Fitzgerald
Not sure
Some cringe some based
Pretty good

Man this board makes me feel old

>> No.18345105

>Wormwood trilogy - Tade Thompson
>Himmlerin salaseura (Himmler's Secret Society) - Yrjö Grönhagen
>Revenger Series - Alastair Reynolds

>> No.18345204

>god emperor of dune
>american psycho
>childhood's end
>children of dune

>> No.18345498

>Dance dance dance
>The wind up bird chronicles
>Jean Cocteau's Opium
>The Island
>The Elephant Vanishes

>> No.18345567

>Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare
>The Unabomber Manifesto: Industrial Society and Its Future - Ted Kaczynski
>The Plague - Albert Camus
>Thus Spoke Zathustra - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
>Notes from Underground - Fyodor Dostoyevsky

>> No.18345658

Snow Country was solid. I really liked the depth of characterization Kawabata was able to get across while keeping everything sparse.

No one asked, but Exquisite Corpse was actually good. It was much better written than I expected (and extremely graphic without coming off as overly indulgent). I'm not a fan of pulpy horror, I was trying to go outside my interests, but it was head-and-shoulders above shit like Clive Barker.

>> No.18345694
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>The Humboldt: Highroad of the West
Plutarch's Lives (Just Alcibiades, for a pet project)
>De Anima
>The Rise of Athens: Story of the World's Greatest Civilization
>The Silver State: Nevada's Heritage Reinterpreted
Not much of a fiction guy, though I've tried getting into sci-fi and fantasy recs from my dad. 80s and 90s fantasy is top-tier comfy.

>> No.18345745

How you liking Plato so far? Personally I got a little less enthusiastic about him after reading Aristotle, but some of his more famous dialogues like Apology and Symposium are still entertaining to read again.
>Man this board makes me feel old
I'm only 23 and I still feel older than most, though I guess for /lit/ I'm average. Also bonus points for voluntarily reading a Fitzgerald work that isn't Gatsby.
I see people are getting ready for the new movie.
>Nietzsche, Kaczynski, and Camus back to back
Don't shoot up your workplace, please.

>> No.18345783

>To The Lighthouse
>A Clockwork Orange
>Blood Meridian
>The Secret Agent
>The Man In The High Castle

>> No.18345866

>>voluntarily reading kant
That's the thing. It wasn't voluntary. Though I might read it again because I did want to understand it better

>> No.18345931
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... D-does fan fiction count?

>> No.18346236

Dune 2
War and Peace
Anna Karenina
Karamazov brothers

didnt read for months btw

>> No.18346263

>How you liking Plato so far?

His philosophy is really interesting, although I'm sure most of it goes over my head. My primary interest lies in metaphysics and ethics and Platos dialogues have posed some excellent food for thought in that regard.

Just finished the Symposium and it has quickly become one of my favourite dialogues. Especially after reading Allen Bloom and Seth Bernadette's excellent commentaries on it, which I highly recommend.

Im gonna read Philebus and Timaeus soon and after that I was planning on tackling Aristotle. Im really curious what about reading Aristotle made you less enthusiastic about Plato.
If you have a recommendation for a newbie to start with reading Aristotle,I would greatly appreciate that. Cheers anon!

>> No.18346271

>Bodas de Sangre (García Lorca)
>A Little History of Philosophy (Nigel Warburton)
>'Art' (Yasmina Reza)
>Introducción al análisis estructural de relatos (Roland Barthes)
>The Mysterious Mother: A Tragedy (Horace Walpole)

>> No.18346310
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The Rape of Nanking - Iris Ching
Kabloona - Gontran de Poncins
The Holocaust Industry - Finkelstein
Pimp - Iceberg Slim
A Dying Colonialism - Fanon

>> No.18346322

Either incredibly smart or incredibly dumb, and nothing in between

>> No.18346331

on longing
the Tyga syndrome
from the mouth of the whale
picnic at hanging rock

>> No.18346354


In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
Great Short Works of Joseph Conrad
To Live and Die in L.A.
Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

>> No.18346403


>Have a Bleedin Guess - the story of Hex Enduction Hour
>Closer You Are: The Story of Robert Pollard and Guided By Voices
>Post Office
>The Pearl

>> No.18346475
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>> No.18346505

>What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
>The Old Man and the Sea
>Seiobo There Below
>Within a Budding Grove (In Search of Lost Time #2)

>> No.18346521

It's based as hell anon.

>> No.18346553

Harassment Architecture
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
The Devils Hand

>> No.18346564

I hope a better writer, above the level of an undergrad writing about history, writes on Nanking.

Pimp was solid. If you want something like The Holocaust Industy but about Indians, check out "First Nations Second Thoughts."

>> No.18346572

House of Leaves
Gravity's Rainbow
The Intuitionist
Pale Fire

>> No.18346593

Thanks anon :)

>> No.18346677

>Post-Continental Philosophy: An Outline
>Lord of Misrule
>You Too Can Have A Body Like Mine
>Process and Reality
>The Faith: A History of Christianity

>> No.18346690

Interesting line-up. How did you like Harassment Architecture?

>> No.18346691

The Story of Your Life and Others
The Complete Cosmicomics
The Three Musketeers
The Planet of The Apes

>> No.18346693 [DELETED] 

>The Master and Margarita
>The Antichrist
>Chronics of an impossible state
>Brussels agreement: chronology and consequences
>Kain's scar
Currently reading The Sorrows of Young Werther.

>> No.18346741

It was entertaining enough to be worth the read. Certainly the most ive laughed at a book before.

>> No.18346752


>> No.18346757


I read it back in highscool. Was fun to re-read. Still one of my favorites

> Harassment Architecture
It was just okay. A bit over rated. It had it's moments but is kind of a slog to get through. Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood.

>Call of the Crocodile
One of the craziest things I have ever read and has a really original plot twist that needs to be read to be believed. I finally understand the why this board talks about it so much.

>The Martian
Ugh. Why do norimies eat this book up? I don't understand the appeal. I've read worse but some chapters in this were painful to read.

>American Psycho
Not quite as weird as Crocodile but a really good book. I've seen the movie before so I already knew the general premise. Had some parts in it that I would have liked to see in the movie. Overall a good read. Bret Easton Ellis is a talented writer and I can see why this story was adapted into a movie.

>> No.18346877

Someone in college / 10

>> No.18346883

Sounds like you're either new to lit or you don't have a lot of time to read

>> No.18346889

Is reading Russian lit based now? I hadn't read much Russian language stuff at your age, but seems like a healthy list for a well-socialized 18 year old

>> No.18346901

Russian lit has always been based

>> No.18346903

Something about this list screams outwardly successful but internally desperate for meaning.

>> No.18346984

i assume it wasn't when the russians were still considered POC by the rest of Europe

>> No.18347001

Was that the time when every author in Europe was reading garnetts translations of Dostoevsky and Tolstoy and lauding it as some of the most import works of all time?

>> No.18347415

BEE- White
DFW- String Theory
Notes from Underground
Grass- The Tin Drum
Obama’s recent autobiography

>> No.18347580


>> No.18348015
File: 18 KB, 331x499, 31P8+fCe6xL._SX329_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aristotle just seemed more materialistic and focused with observable phenomena, whereas Plato does a lot of interpolations and extrapolation leading to big, unverifiable conclusions. Aristotle has his share of misconceptions and wild conclusions too, but he at least works out his explanation with a logical process versus Plato's dialectical route. Anyways, I didn't read any commentaries so I'm sure a lot of it went over my head too, I just dived straight in and read the complete works of Aristotle collected by Barnes.

>> No.18348054
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The Art Of War
Song Of Kali
My War Gone By, How I Miss It So

>> No.18348514

- beyond this place
- the hellenistic far east
- pharsalia
- and quiet flows the don
- Goosebumps #54: Don't Go to Sleep!

>> No.18348554

I can’t think of five books I’ve read altogether

>> No.18348566

Whatd you think of piercing? Probably my favorite murakami novel.

>> No.18349784

>Memoirs of Hadrian
holy FUCKING based

>> No.18349796

>The Castle
>Murder in the Cathedral
>Inside the Score
>Cannery Row
>Watership Down

>> No.18349918

>we live in a society
>>18337939 3/5 weeaboo
>>18338338 Tryhard
>Confederacy of Dunces
Mega Based
>Jewish Magic
>>18338496 Tryhard
>>18338695 4 of my favorites... Based
>>18339318 Mega Based
>>18339330 Preposterously, superhumanly based
>reading a book twice
>>18339530 Schizo boomer
>>18339606 Chinkaboo
>>18339626 3/5, cringe
>>18339804 Basic and schizo, cringe
>>18339931 Big brain tryhard, kinda based
>>18340037 Based classicist
>>18340757 Cringe
>>18340821 1/5, cringe
>>18340930 Based
>>18341360 Based
>>18341385 Based
>>18341460 Based
>>18341488 Based
>>18341493 Based
>>18341546 Based
>>18341634 Based frog
>>18341748 Based
>>18341800 Based
>>18341818 Based egyptologist
>>18341993 Based
>>18342008 Based
>>18342060 Based
>>18342120 Based
>>18342146 Based
>>18342508 Based bible reader
>>18342587 Half cringe half based
>>18342641 Cringe
>>18342669 Cringe
>>18342803 Based
>>18342847 Based
>>18342946 Based
>>18342971 Based
>>18343675 Based
>>18343951 Based
>>18344385 Based
>>18344435 Based
>>18344470 Based
>>18344493 Based
>>18344647 Based
>>18344657 Based
>>18344679 TED TED TED
>>18344707 Based
>>18344715 Based
>>18344718 Based
>>18344748 Based
>>18345008 Mudslime cringe
>>18345098 Based
>>18345105 Based
>>18345204 Based
>>18345498 Based
>>18345567 Based
>>18345694 Based
>>18345783 Based
>>18346236 Based
>>18346271 Based
>>18346310 Based
>>18346354 Based
>>18346331 Based
>>18346403 Based
>>18346505 Based
>>18346553 Based
>>18346572 Based
>>18346677 Based
>>18346691 Based
>>18346757 Based
>>18347415 No age? Cringe
>>18348054 Based
>>18348514 Based
>>18349796 Me :^)

>> No.18350090

Autumn in the Heavenly Kingdom
Hundred Days
The Ottoman Endgame
The Guns of August

I dunno senpai, dey say dat boi be beatin his own boxx... i cant fuccs wit a nigga lik dat tbqh

>> No.18350160

Boethius - Consolation of Philosophy
John Scotus Eriugena - De Divisione Naturae
Dante Aligheri - Divine Comedy
Mark Twain - St. Joan of Arc
Yukio Mishima - Temple of the Golden Pavilion

>> No.18350198

The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt
GI Limey
The Colour of Magic
Shakespeare’s History Plays
Plutarchs’s Lives

>> No.18351266
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>> No.18351878

Mega Based

>> No.18351902

Scoop - Evelyn Waugh
Pride & Prejudice - Austen
Return of the Native - Thomas Hardy
All the Pretty Horses - McCarthy
This Side of Paradise - Fitzgerald

>> No.18352794


Last book I read was Journey to the End of the Night and it broke me, spiritually. Had an existential crisis and haven't been able to read in several months.

>> No.18352880

Cannery Row was comfy

>> No.18352923

you did the pastbin to throw-off the data-mining bots?

>> No.18353000

why do this to yourself? have you no self-respect?

>> No.18353081

> 25
> kojeve’s intro to the phenomenology of spirit
> The world as will and representation
> Schopenhauer’s essays and aphorisms
> how to read Nietzsche
> Robert pippin’s intro Nietzsche
> The Birth of tragedy

>> No.18353088

What was your favorite

>> No.18353121

good question, in a way they are tackling the same question from a different angle.
Crisis of the Modern World was the first one so that probably impacted me the most

>> No.18353167

>rn I'm reading Steppenwolf and on the heights of despair from Cioran
>i don't have finish one book in the last 5 years
>last book that I "read" was unbearable lightness of being in 2019 and I've not finished

>> No.18353395

No just to throw of jannies but that works too.

>> No.18353422
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>Based egyptologist
The topic is a lot of fun, Egypt is, if not more interesting than the Greeks in certain fashions. They were much better architects and there gods seem to be "purer" and less human. This list helped alot, but it is kind of redundant and some of the books are literally the same content with slight variations in selections and I thought the choice in history text (Oxford) was poor. Egyptian Mythology is pretty kino though, learned a lot from that book. Writings was good but I think there is a larger anthology called Ancient Egyptian Literature on libgen which seems to be the best (bout 800 pages). Though if you what to learn more about the secrets of Egypt you'll have to learn elsewhere but it was a good introduction.

>> No.18353433

Redpill me on Kek

>> No.18353445

I have been reading a lot of fiction lately, it's been pretty comfy, I usually don't.
The Divine Comedy
Parallel Lives
The Haunting of Hill House
Catechism of the Catholic Church
In the Name of the Rose

>> No.18353473

Ovid's Metamorphoses
Sophocles: Antigone, Oedipus and Electra
Works and Days
Last Days of Socrates
The Pentateuch

>> No.18353506

>Daumal - A night of serious drinking
>Peguy - The Portal of the Mystery of Hope
>Jünger - The glass bees
>Bataille - Eroticism
>Leopardi - Canti

>> No.18353517

Based greek starter

>> No.18353540

Autumn of the Patriarch
The Metamorphosis
Notes from Underground
Peasants & The Black Monk
Midnight's Children

>> No.18353667
File: 75 KB, 341x400, L'Ogdoade_d'Hermopolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay I'm gonna go off the top of my head:
Member of the Ogdoad, 8 primordial deities worshipped in Hermopolis, primordial darkness, primordial waters, etc.. Well there were 4, but each had a counterpart of the opposite gender. The males were portrayed as frogs, Amun was also a member of this grouping. By the time the Pyramid Text were created, some of the oldest religious text in the world at the start of Egyptian history they were already becoming unknown and obscure, thus they are quite ancient. Kek is the god of primordial darkness, and is known as the "light bringer" because light came out of the darkness. Might also have to do with how frogs were associated with Ra, as when the Sun rose in Egypt frogs would croak in the morning. It may be coincidence (though I am sure it is not), divine intervention or most likely a globalist psyop created through chaos magick to redirect energy from right wing movements. Not that Kek is an evil god, just that our enemies might be using the energy people put into him against the.


Article on the "coincidences" surrounding Kek

Article on the subversive nature of Chaos Magick (I don't fully endorse RT but they seem well versed in the occult) and it's relation to right wing issues and conspiracies

>> No.18353707


>Mrs. Dalloway
>Philosophy of Mind: Classical and Contemporary Readings
>The Symposium
>Tao Te Ching

>> No.18353741


>> No.18354199

King of the thread

>> No.18354220


>> No.18354231

Is that Spotemgottem?
That nigga has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Boca Raton Air BnB. That shit had to be the tightest, blackest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Spotemgottem screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That nigga Spotemgottem and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Spotemgottem, I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.

That nigga Spotemgottem stole my heart and drank my seed.

>> No.18354278


>> No.18354317

SUre... just remember your playing with fire

>> No.18354379

Meant for>>18354220

>> No.18354574

first law trilogy
gentleman bastards 2&3

>> No.18354634
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Do magazines count

1. "Under the roof tops of Paris"
2. Hustler March 2021
3. "50 Shades of Grey"
4. "Corn Husking for Candy Bears"
5. "Guide to cleaning shit stains"

>> No.18354645

I don't know why the fuck I laughed as hard as I did at this.

>Corn Husking for Candy Bears

>> No.18354648

>last 5 books
The Fall of Gondolin
The Children of Húrin
The Silmarillion
The Hobbit
The Book of Lost Tales (part one)

>> No.18354947


>journey to the west
>the invisible man
>tales of the elders of ireland
>house of leaves

>> No.18355075

>24 y/o
>The Great Divorce, CS Lewis
>Derrida: A Very Short Introduction, Simon Glendinning
>London Orbital, Iain Sinclair
>King Coal, Upton Sinclair (no relation)
>The Moor's Last Sigh, Salman Rushdie

>> No.18355140

>>The Great Divorce, CS Lewis
Is it any good? I have his signature classics collection. Wondering if its worth prioritizing

>> No.18355167

The British in India by David Gilmour
The Gospel acc. to Matthew
The Castle

>> No.18355180

>Moby Dick - Melville
>Eumeswil - Ernst Junger
>The Forest Passage - Ernst Junger
>The Illiad - Homer, Fitzgerald
>One Life at a Time, Please - Edward Abbey

>> No.18355306

Divine Comedy, Dante
El criticón, Baltasar Gracián
Persuasion and Rethoric, Carlo Michelstaedter
Bréviaire du chaos, Albert Caraco
Runaway Horses, Yukio Mishima

>> No.18357129


>> No.18357646

>>18353707 Feels weak desu, but phil. of mind is good
>>18354634 Incredibly based
>>18354648 Cringe for not posting age
>>18354947 Quasi-normie
>>18355075 Sounds like you only read lit from people with Anglo-Celtic names
>>18355167 Difficult to ascertain what's going on here
>>18355180 Sounds like you're new to /lit/
>>18355306 Based

>> No.18357686


>> No.18357693

> Canti Orfici: Dino Campana
> Autumn Sonanta: Georg Trakl
>Hyperion: Friedrich Hölderlin
>Woyzeck: Georg Büchner
>Notes and letters on the natural history of Norfolk: Thomas Browne

>> No.18357742

>orthodoxy and the religion of the future
>the crisis of the modern world
>anna karenina
>great expectations
>bleak house
Top is most recent

>> No.18357746

Memories of Ice, Erikson
Ressurection, Tolstoy,
Dune, Herbert,
The brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky
Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance, Pirsig

>> No.18357886

>> Canti Orfici: Dino Campana
Insanely based

>> No.18357949

Most based post in this thread

>> No.18358516

>The Road - Cormac McCarthy
>The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett
>Stories of your life and others - Ted Chiang
>Johnathan Strange and Mr. Norrell - Susanna Clarke
>State of Fear - Michael Crichton

>> No.18358894
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>Prior analytics
>Process and reality (current)
>CoPr reread
>Tensor analysis textbook
>Red Dragon
Any anons that would profit from genuine conversations about the great works, feel free to contact me at @9901041o on Instagram.

>> No.18359606
File: 438 KB, 1200x1200, 916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a 33 year old man and I spend my free time talking to zoomer retards and most of them are better read than me

>> No.18359621

>Can't Hurt me - David Goggins
>Twilight of the Idols - Friedrich Nietzsche
>The Basis of Morality - Schopenhauer
>Bronze Age Mindset
>The Courage to be Disliked - idk

>> No.18359844

>Notes From Underground
>Benito Cerneno
>The Foundation Pit
>The Bible
Last books I've read, not necessarily completed.

>> No.18359850

What do you mean? If you can finish even just 1 or 2 books a month, you'll be better read than the average person within a year.

>> No.18359921

For Whom the Bell Tolls
Beyond Good and Evil
Infinite Jest
The Steppenwolf
Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.18359940

Little French fairy

>> No.18359982

Less than Zero - Elis
Young Torless - Musli
story of the eye - Bateille
catching the big fish - david lynch
how to murder your life - cat marnell

>> No.18360003
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Crime and Punishment, Martin Luther: A Spiritual Biography, Washingtons Revolution: the Making of Americas First Leader, The Monk: a Romance, Storm of Steel

>> No.18360025
File: 53 KB, 760x760, 408bca42490612e697c8c4e2dc3671f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Promised Land by Wladyslaw Reymont
>The Iliad by Homer
>Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
>War and Peace by Tolstoy
>Hyperion by Dan Simmons

>> No.18360027

>Maelstrom, Peter Watts
>Shirley Jackson omnibus
>Ambergris series, Jeff VanderMeer
>Blindsight, Peter Watts
>There is no Antimeme Division,

>> No.18360109

I couldn’t even get a third through the Anna Karenina audiobook without being so bored I wanted to rip my hair out.

>> No.18360127

Goosebumps is the shit.

>> No.18360129

The Sundial by Shirley Jackson
Failed States by Noam Chomsky
The Screwtape Letters by C.S Lewis
Eileen by Ottessa Moshfegh
The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson

>> No.18360163

1. 82189: Confessions of a Prison Bitch by Henry Bellows
2. Whatever by Michel Houellebecq
3. Underworld by Don DeLillo
4. Index by Peter Sotos
5. Justine by Marquis De Sade

>> No.18360340

>Gravity's Rainbow
>Journey to the end of night
>short stories of Hanns Heinz Ewers
>been down so long it looks like up to me - Richard Farina

>> No.18360685

People having all these classics in their last 5 shows me how little people here actually read

>> No.18361011

>reading classics must mean you're not well-read
Midwit take. I see you've never taken a class in statistics.

>> No.18361035

>Atomic Habits
>Count of Monte Cristo
>Technological Slavery
>Infinite Jest

>> No.18361382

>Science & The Modern World - Whitehead
>The Silver Dove - Andrei Bely
>Gargantua & Pantagruel - Francois Rabelais
>Blakes Milton (and other propheticworks but this was the main one)
>The Golden Bowl - Henry James