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File: 80 KB, 1020x760, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18337822 [Reply] [Original]

describe this room in your finest prose

>> No.18337831
File: 856 KB, 1962x1080, 3FDA6396-1ECF-4545-850A-30BC7DE2E0A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roomy doomy ‘shrommy blumy
light disperse and mold entombies,
life is fickle life is thick,
All I do is suck my dick.

>> No.18337832

>there was a room

>> No.18337836


>> No.18337839

Anon’s room. Garbage strewn across the floor, the only light blue emanating from a small monitor on the floor, bottles of water, piss, and even cum hide in corners. Acrid moldy smell. Behind and under trash lie dormant vestiges of personality; furniture, a David Bowie poster, a digital clock, a nintendo 64 vidya collection, a record player, and an old collection of singles.

>> No.18337844

I'm dying

>> No.18337855

As life did spark, such did life spark life within machines; they would be tools for life, unliving themselves, but living vicariously through the social field and spheres it would link. One day, as the spark of the sun gleaned on the spark of life, the spark life on the spark of its creation, one astronomical improbability looked to use its creation to spread its sphere of influence.

It had hurtled through billions of miles of space, grown from a primordial soup as it were aeons ago, and had managed to, by virtue of what one could almost surmount as 'luck', come to be today. Unfortunately, for all of humanity, such improbability becomes almost malicious by its very nature, one could say entropic, and thus none could predict that the very spark of life, under that very spark of the sun, using the spark of man's creation, would be an inordinately disproportionate flaming faggot.

>> No.18337882

In the far back, a worn out twin mattress lay on the floor. What appeared at first glance to be a tattered blanket was actually a crusty aggregation of Kleenex, surrounding a pair of twin, tear-stained dakimakuras. Tied to the doorknob of the closet, hung a lonely noose; it dangled over an ancient pile of playboy magazines, impatiently awaiting a higher purpose.

>> No.18337954

“I hate you..” Yells Anon as his cock violates his dakimakura with thrusts equivalent to a 10 year old’s punch. His body trembling. He cut a penis shaped hole in the crotch area of this dakimakura. Feathers falling out with each thrust. Oh, she’s wet is she now, heheh. His cock tearing the pillow to pieces, emotionally. “I-I thought I was your waifu, and this is how you treat me? No, I don’t want this.” Anon spits on her face. He slaps her. Calls her dirty names. “Fuck you you aren’t real.. I hate you..” Tears fall upon her expressionless face, her cries don’t reverberate in his empty ears. Now stained with cum and tears she’s ruined. Who will marry her now? Wait a minute. She thought she was married. Of course, Anon betrayed her. As all men do their body pillows. What’s left for her now? Is she to become a lesbian body pillow? But she knows she’ll miss Anon. A girl in love, what is she to do? All she can do, no, all she is allowed to do, is be there when he wakes up, in his arms, in that all so tender embrace. Maybe it’s a one time thing. She knows it’s not. But she hopes it is.

>> No.18338074

The room was ordered to be constructed as follows:

Dimensions 24 by 24
To be capped by a semicircle of windows
A partitioning wall at the base of the semicircle
A modest crystal chandelier at the center (SKU#784647)
Can lights to be placed in the ceiling of the semi circle, and on the North wall
Should be finished with white knockdown ceiling, wall paper selection will be provided by the client, beige carpet (#28390A) in the room proper, and tiled in the area of the semicircle (T235), white colonial baseboards (SKU#823892)

Upon entering there was an immense satisfaction of the symmetricity of the room, the brilliant noon light cast its neutral gradations across the walls, as the garish wash chandelier added its warm hues. The gaudy paper, floral, brought to mind grandmothers of old. Against the partition wall stood a canopy bed, nearly naked in its simple clothes, the comforter another gaudy pick reminiscent of old lady, skirted humbly in an off white. The the furniture set was some awfully contrasting dark stained wood. The whole of the room, the beauty of its symmetric geometry aside, was in horrible order. It was an attack on good taste, on the hard lined simplicity and mute colors of the modern. It reeked of capital excess and left one to wonder how someone with such an impoverished sense of art might have found themselves in the position to afford it.

>> No.18338089

The chandelier is a bit much