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/lit/ - Literature

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18337596 No.18337596 [Reply] [Original]

Only big bois allowed in this thread, 600 pages and up

>> No.18337606

The Oxford English Dictionary, because humongous isn’t a word.

>> No.18337616
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Did some say big books?

>> No.18337625
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Fuck off

>> No.18337627

the only chad booktuber

>> No.18337647
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>> No.18337664
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>> No.18337683
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he's a chad indeed

>> No.18337889

Based retard

>> No.18337953


>> No.18337967

>North American

>> No.18337987
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the whole trilogy is like 700-900 pages. flew through them in an instant, there's some laugh out loud moments, genuinely grim shit, the prose is good - not bland, not dry, not excessive - and the narrative flows like a river. the tv series they made looks great but it's really not book accurate: toned down, shuffled, made less sincere and offensive, at times exagerrated.

the books revealed new facts i never knew about: the state of overpopulation in postwar london, midwifery back then, and workhouses - didnt ever suspect UK had anything like that.
very solid 9/10 non-fiction memoir of a nurse, spanning wide and crisp

>> No.18337993
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i think picrel was recced on lit at some point. it's really comfy, slightly magical and very entertaining while being literary and believable.

>> No.18338200
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700 pages in, got about 400 more to go.

>> No.18338239
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War and Peace (in romanian)

>> No.18338271

It is interesting to see how Slavic languages have exercised influence on Romanian. I'm guessing that "razboi" is a cognate with a word from Slavic languages f.e. Polish "rozbój" meaning "violent crime"

>> No.18338296


I have the same feeling when I'm reading French. There's a lot of similar words, but that's because French heavily influenced our culture around a century ago.

For example, we say "deja vu" for an event that you feel has happened in the past but can't pinpoint it. In French it's exactly the same "deja vu" (already seen), but most romanians use deja vu and pronnounce it like in french, yet don't know that they're saying something in french, it became part of the language.

>> No.18338329

Based. Love his channel. He has great taste

>> No.18338361


I read that this year, v. comfy.

>> No.18338404

>informal words are not words

>> No.18338725

i liked the believability and intimate tragism of that homo character's arch. the romantic retardation of Corelli - only adds to the marquez-tier feel. i'm really surprised an anglo wrote this

>> No.18338754

the bible
summa theologiae
master and margarita
the brothers karamazov

>> No.18338774
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Holy Bible

>> No.18338789

>master and margarita
it's under 300 pages, retard

>> No.18338793

mine's over 500

>> No.18338861


>> No.18338917

Is this the picture book?

>> No.18339799
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>> No.18339955
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Enormous, but comfy as hell.

>> No.18340002

humongous is in the oed

>> No.18341635
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>> No.18341663

nice. i just started reading his five volume collection dialectic against Christendom الجواب الصحيح لمن بدل دين المسيح.

>> No.18341680
File: 942 KB, 999x3158, suicide note condensed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder to read 'Suicide Note' by Mitchell Heisman and share it with as many people as you can. It is the best explanation of the Jewish problem ever written.

Here's the link to the text:
(Read pp. 32 - 625)

TL;DR: https://www.scribd.com/document/198985140/Mitchell-Heisman-s-suicide-note-overview

Alternatively you can listen to it while gaming: https://youtu.be/BiMZi5P7WJA
The only way to usurp the Jews is to breed profoundly intelligent(175+ IQ) Whites:

>> No.18341684
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>humongous isn’t a word

>> No.18341732
File: 303 KB, 1315x1080, clarissa-history-young-lady-samuel_1_dafdfbcb22f2677659fd3633c0c174f0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GOAT coming through. I've been reading it relentlessly for over a month and am still only 2/5 in. It's too long for most people but it's a true classic, never had fictional people been characterised in such detail before, and never would be again until Ulysses showed how to do it with fragments.