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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18334238 [Reply] [Original]

>The instant that the blade tore open his flesh, the bright disk of the sun soared up and exploded behind his eyelids.

>> No.18334276

Eh. Mishima isn't great. Suck my dick.

>> No.18334295

Being penetrated by a sword was clearly a fetish Mishima had. His death was like David Carradine's
autoerotic asphyxiation.

>> No.18334301


>> No.18334309

The lust for mishima annoys me. Do people here bother reading other Japanese writers?

>> No.18334312

What other fascist do you suggest?

>> No.18334314

Only the mainstream ones. Kawabata is kino though. Thousand cranes is an amazing book

>> No.18334344
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At least take me out to dinner first anon, geez!

>> No.18334350
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>why yes i read exclusively fascist authors, how could you tell?

>> No.18334363

You need to go back

>> No.18334368

dilate for me first, /pol/tranny

>> No.18334372

The others are boring. Tanizaki is interesting at times.

>> No.18334404

Sounds like cope

>> No.18334410

Why can’t bunkerfags form their own humor?

>> No.18334421
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>Why can’t bunkerfags form their own humor?

>> No.18334428

He's good, but falls short of greatness in every novel

>> No.18334662

I think he's good but he gets overrated here because of his political beliefs

>> No.18335078

Blame pewdiepie. Fucker killed this board.

>> No.18335979

I hate asian literature so no.

>> No.18336020

When I read that I can only imagine the Buddha sat before a sun and being the depiction of true enlightenment in this moment. What a brilliant description. It's full, evocative, radical.

>> No.18336050

>The outstanding weakness of this, the final novelistic effort of Mishima Yukio-and indeed the major failing of the bulk of his work-is its striking inability to rise above the emotional and intellectual limitations of its author. Despite the efforts of his American publisher to persuade us that Mishima is to be ranked among the world's giants, this tetralogy demonstrates conclusively the absence of the profundity
necessary to substantiate such a claim.

>In its more than 1,400 pages of plots and subplots, births and rebirths, violence and sickness, we have a repetition of virtually every theme Mishima used in his earlier novels. From peepholes to ritual suicide, we have been through it all before, and we remain curiously unmoved. We are not convinced; we are not even shocked. He is a good writer with a well-developed sense of intrigue and suspense, but he is not a great writer. Much though one appreciates the attention Mishima's dramatic life has drawn to modern Japanese literature, one cannot but regret that he did not produce a novel more worthy of the world's lasting respect.

>> No.18336071

Of course.
This website is just a meme factory for rightoids.
This board is one of their most obvious campaigns.

>> No.18336163

Mishima is one of my favorite writers and I hate that, online at least, most of his fans are literal PewDiePie subscribers and larping /pol/tards. I didn’t even know about his life or beliefs when I started reading him, though obviously a lot of it is there in his writing. Now he’s some meme that gets spammed by people who haven’t read him or barely read him for being le based nationalist who worked out and stood up to the cuck government.

>> No.18336180

I read a lot. The problem is not only that pewDiePie mentioned him and that he’s right wing but also that he’s so readable in English and a good author. I’ve seen 6 posts in the last week that are like “I just started reading and all I’ve read is Mishima”.

I hate PewDiePie for what he did to this guy.

>> No.18336186

In reality, he is something of an obscure author. He is not widely read by anyone anywhere.