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[ERROR] No.18333357 [Reply] [Original]

how do i print out my own diary into a book

>> No.18333392

with some ink and a working printer

>> No.18333421

the lazy way is fine i could put it in laminate

>> No.18333433

use adobe In Design, print it out, cut the pages in half then glue it together inside a cardstock binding maybe put some cloth oevr the cardstock and glue it

>> No.18333489

books aren't laminated

>> No.18333495

Anon what the fuck

>> No.18333518

Print is dead, upload a Vocaroo of you reading it in it's entirety

>> No.18333592

Would listen

>> No.18334049

If you just want to print one copy of it for whatever reason, then get a printer, print it out, set it so that it prints two pages on each page, and prints double-sided, (there are settings in most Word-Processors to make that happen), and once it's printed, arrange the pages in order, cut them in half, and then look up a book-binding tutorial on Youtube.

If you're looking to print a book for the purpose of publishing, then you CAN do that on a home printer, but it'll be maddeningly inefficient, and ultimately result in going through more ink, and electricity than the situation warrants, as you'd effectively just be printing one copy at a time. If you want to mass-manufacture the fuckers, then you need some kind of offset-printer, and those can be rather expensive. You'd also need a steady supply of both ink, and paper, and the issue of binding is going to come up again, with every individual book that you make, so you'd need some kind of workshop, and employees to pull it off effectively.

Ultimately your only realistic option in the latter case is to sign up with one of those self-publishing places like lulu, where you just upload a pdf, click some formatting options, and then have them print out a new copy, whenever somebody orders one.