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[ERROR] No.18332517 [Reply] [Original]

REMINDER: Nietzsche had a hot sister

>> No.18332520

She was a whore who ruined his work

>> No.18332531

She was an angel that brough light to more of hia works

>> No.18332535

Imagine how much of an incel you'd have to be for a sister like that not to hook you up.

>> No.18332538

She was the antichrist who acted as a snake oil salesman of his works

>> No.18332543

Literal COPE. Nietzsche was not and never was a leftist. No amount of this gaslighting that she's somehow what made him appealing to Hitler changes this.

>> No.18332561
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"Hurr durr nietzche is acshually leftist his sister made it fascist"
>Genealogy of Morals Essay 1 Ch.5
With regard to our problem, which can justifiably be called a quiet
problem and fastidiously addresses itself to only a few ears, it is of no little interest to discover that, in these words and roots which denote ‘good’,
we can often detect the main nuance which made the noble feel they were
men of higher rank. True, in most cases they might give themselves
names which simply show superiority of power (such as ‘the mighty’, ‘the
masters’, ‘the commanders’) or the most visible sign of this superiority,
such as ‘the rich’, ‘the propertied’ (that is the meaning of arya; and the
equivalent in Iranian and Slavic). But the names also show a typical character trait: and this is what concerns us here. For example, they call themselves ‘the truthful’: led by the Greek aristocracy, whose mouthpiece is
the Megarian poet Theognis.10 The word used specifically for this
purpose, e0sqlov,
11 means, according to its root, one who is, who has
reality, who really exists and is true; then, with a subjective transformation, it becomes the slogan and catch-phrase of the aristocracy and is
completely assimilated with the sense of ‘aristocratic’, in contrast to the
deceitful common man, as taken and shown by Theognis, – until, finally,
with the decline of the aristocracy, the word remains as a term for spiritual noblesse, and, as it were, ripens and sweetens. Cowardice is underlined
in the word xaxo/v,
12 as in deilo/v13 (the plebeian in contrast to the
a0gaqo/v): perhaps this gives a clue as to where we should look for the etymological derivation of the ambiguous term a0gaqo/v.
14 In the Latin word
malus15 (to which I juxtapose me/lav)
16 the common man could be characterized as the dark-skinned and especially the dark-haired man (‘hic
niger est –’),17 as the pre-Aryan occupant of Italian soil who could most
easily be distinguished from the blond race which had become dominant,
namely the Aryan conquering race, by its colour; at any rate, I have found
exactly the same with Gaelic peoples, – fin (for example in Fin-gal), the
word designating the aristocracy and finally the good, noble, pure, was
originally a blond person in contrast to the dark-skinned, dark-haired
native inhabitants. By the way, the Celts were a completely blond race; it
is wrong to connect those traces of an essentially dark-haired population,
which can be seen on carefully prepared ethnological maps in Germany with any Celtic descent and mixing of blood in such a connection, as
Virchow does: it is more a case of the pre-Aryan population of Germany
emerging at these points.


>> No.18332563

whore physiognomy.

>> No.18332567
File: 30 KB, 399x300, freyr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(The same holds good for virtually the whole of
Europe: to all intents and purposes the subject race has ended up by
regaining the upper hand in skin colour, shortness of forehead and
perhaps even in intellectual and social instincts: who can give any guarantee that modern democracy, the even more modern anarchism, and
indeed that predilection for the ‘commune’, the most primitive form of
social structure which is common to all Europe’s socialists, are not in
essence a huge throw-back – and that the conquering master race, that of
the Aryans, is not physiologically being defeated as well? . . .) I think I can
interpret the Latin bonus18 as ‘the “warrior” ’: providing I am correct in
tracing bonus back to an older duonus (compare bellum19 = duellum = duenlum, which seems to me to contain that duonus). Therefore bonus as a man
of war, of division (duo), as warrior: one can see what made up a man’s
‘goodness’ in ancient Rome. Take our German ‘gut’: does it not mean ‘the
godlike man’, the man ‘of godlike race’? And is it not identical with the
popular (originally noble), name of the Goths? The grounds for this supposition will not be gone into here.


>> No.18332569

>Nietzsche was not and never was a leftist.
He wasn't a tradlarper, nationalist, or anti-semite either.

>> No.18332593

Kek what a retard.

>> No.18332602

>n-n-n-no Nietzche loved this clearly entirely priestly geriatric religion, he actually hates the blonde beast
You've either completely misread him or not read him at all.

>> No.18332615

Nice straw man, but he hated his sister and many other Germans for their political views.

>> No.18332625

>He wasn't a tradlarper, nationalist, or anti-semite either.
No but fascists aren't necessarily any of those either. As for the topic of jews his views were a bit complicated. He hated the religion of judaism but somewhat respected the intelligence of jewish people. At the same time though he thought jewish identity should be wiped out with jews merged into a euro-mutt race.

As well arguably he was a sort of trad-larper, not the christcuck variety but definitely a sort of hellenic larper.

>> No.18332636

Hates a strong word, certainly didn't agree with genociding jews, but he's by no means the judeophile modern liberal revisionists make him out to be.

>> No.18332652

What's it like having a hot sister? I imagine it's dealing with all the worst qualities of a woman with none of the benefits or incentives.

>> No.18332676


>> No.18332684

Bear in mind that N's whole knowledge of women is based on his experience with his mommy and sister. What a pathetic loser.

>> No.18332700

He knew and corresponded with several other women for most of his life, anon.

>> No.18332713


You can't learn zit while being in the friend zone.

>> No.18332720
File: 149 KB, 900x1209, ice lollie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I imagine its easier if your hot sister is younger then you, then they automatically respect you more and you're always bigger than them, might be harder to see them turn into a whore though at least you're not the father. I imagine having somewhat paternal feelings towards them might also temper some of your incestual fantasies from become any sexual focus of yours.

This is based on what my friend told me what its like having an older sister. Even though she's half his size now when they were growing up she was larger then him for most of it. She'd frequently beat him up torture him psychologically and his parents would usually still be more protective towards her because she's the girl. Her girlfriends would frequently tease him and bully him too. That might sound like a sexual fantasy for some of you but I remind you he was prepubescent plus in reality getting bullied by girls sucks just as much if its happening all the time. He's straight up told me he thinks she mentally scarred him. Also had to deal with her being scantily clad all the time while he was in middle school just developing his sexuality and she's in highschool being a hoe. Her friends would also dress like sluts which was the only good part about it.

He's never said it bluntly to me but I highly suspect he has incestual feelings for his though I might just be projecting because she's hot as fuck.

He's a very quiet and autistic guy. Actually not bad looking so if he had social skills he'd probably be a chad. He has a gf but she's really not attractive at all.

>> No.18332721

He wasn't in the friend zone with all of them.