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/lit/ - Literature

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18325844 No.18325844 [Reply] [Original]

This is far and away the best thing I’ve ever read.
Where to from here?

>> No.18325850
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KSR is Bugman drivel. Read good sci fi

>> No.18325856 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18326675

Thanks I’ll check this out.
I see he’s got heaps of stuff on open library.com.

>> No.18327059

Anyone else got anything good?
I’ve got nothing to do and I’m sick of YouTube and movies!
Anything appreciated.
I’ve also been enjoying Brandon Sanderson and Sam Sisivath’s Babylon series lately, but finished all their books.

>> No.18327118

Best thing to ever be made by this board. Such a classic.

>> No.18327129
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The kino that filtered /lit/

>> No.18327135

Okay, I'll bite. Sell me on it, cuck.

>> No.18327162


>> No.18327208

>Sell me on it
Fair enough.
It’s REALLY long and keeps up the interest through the vast majority of all 3 books.
Characters built really well.
Covers chemistry, biology, maths, physics, politics, relationships, religion, morality - everything basically, in depth but in understandable terms.
There’s no pew pew aliens shit.
Everything is based on reality, current and anticipated tech. (He describes ipads in a book written in the late 70s)
It’s all pretty believable.
Um... it’s just really good. I wouldn’t have thought it would be my thing, but a colleague hounded me until I gave in, and I’m so glad I did.

>> No.18327233

I’m marathoning these right now. Half out of curiosity. Half for the memes.

>> No.18327261
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>”Duh I love da space thrustahs and duh Dyson’s spheres and duh parts when duh space cruisers fyte each odder in duh big space baddle Hurrr”
>*shits pants*
>*stars directly at the sun for 5 unbroken minutes*
>*blinks asynchronously*
>*writes an award winning sci fi novel*

>> No.18327266

I was looking for this pic. Thanks, anon.

>> No.18327274

Sounds boring AF tbqhwyfam

>> No.18327334
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Destiny lore, bitch

>> No.18327390


>> No.18328277

filtered genrehateshitter

>> No.18328372

Stick to fantasy, kiddo

>> No.18328386

You forgot the part about communist propaganda

>> No.18328747

>This is far and away the best thing I’ve ever read.
I have read Red Mars - when I remember this book at least two fifths of it seem to consist of descriptions of gelological features.

>> No.18329655

The problem with Red Mars is that the author is not really interested in the early phase of colonization, which is arguably the most interesting part, and moves onto when Mars is quite settled by Swiss, Arabs, Japanese and so forth as the original 100 have scattered to the winds. The book would be much better if it actually focused on the early phase, with the geology and so on, and did not skip so much ahead in time when many of the early questions are already settled. The book could’ve answered the question of terraforming and exploration just as well, even better actually, with just the original 100.

>> No.18329676


>> No.18330441

It's some of the best scifi. That you got through it is a sign you can and should read similarly "difficult" books. Then it won't be far and away the best anymore, but that's fine.

>> No.18330470

>any of the well known Asimov, Clarke and Dick books/stories

Dune, le guin, Vance, the list goes on. Just read Hyperion I guess

>> No.18331291

The Culture Series.

>> No.18332590

Try Inverted World by Christopher Priest

>> No.18332630

>you can and should read similarly "difficult" books
Any suggestions?

>> No.18333251
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>> No.18333343

>anything by Asimov (you can really start from anywhere with his series and I like some of his short stories even better than foundation)
>Hyperion cantos
>Shadow of the torturer
>Dune (I have to put it on the list)
oh and not really epic but I love hg wells

>> No.18333793
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KSR is pure s o i

his uptopian worlds are perfect relfections of his own life as a wealthy spoiled """intellectual""" elitist living in the eternal summer of Southern California surronded in an echo chamber of fellow like minded empty shells of men who debate wine vintages and believe they are partaking in radical social activism on twitter/blog/tumblr/whatever they use. he is the Jonathan Franzen of science fiction

if you live in a million dollar house with a "Black Lives Matter/In This House We Believe in Science" sign stuck in the front lawn you are probably a fan of KSR. but make sure to remind Pedro not to remove the sign when he is mowing the lawn.

>> No.18333830
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is there anything more cringe or s o i than space based science fiction?

99% of it is pure garbage. the childish fantasies of empty men. the distances of the stars are too great for any of these utopian quasi-religious dreams to have any realistic chance. go look up NASA/sagan/cosmic coon videos on youtube and read the comments, it is full of soulless bugmen writing as if they are witnessing religious revelation. some video of science fiction movie clips with Sagan speaking will bring them to tears as if they are having some profound experience. these are people with a giant hole in their heart that should be filled with the Glory of Grace but they have managed to somehow shove "space ships", "orbital colonies" and "dyson spheres" into it. They speak of our future in space like a devout Christian may speak of His coming return and yet these are the same people who will "dunk on christians" for being close minded on red/dit and the other websites they obessive over. they worship the Masters of the Bugmen like Elon, they fantasize about escaping to Mars to build a clean utopian techno-rational system they know will never exist on Earth due to blacks, climate, resource deleption etc.

in conclusion, fuck science fiction and the faggots who worship it

>> No.18333856
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Didn't read. Kill yourself tradlarper.

>> No.18333859
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>> No.18333871
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>ifunny watermark

>> No.18334047

>Book of the New Sun
>Canticle for Leibowitz
>Brave New World

>> No.18334783


>> No.18335857

But anon... I love science fiction!

>> No.18335871

The Reality Dysfunction by Peter F Hamilton.

>> No.18337213


The book isn't really about terraforming Mars, that's just the setting. The trilogy is really about how to build a new world after the end of the Cold War. It was written in the 90s in the "end of history" zeitgeist when globalism was still hyped with optimism.

>> No.18337223


>> No.18337803

Anon how did you do it. I'm not at the end of Red Mars and even though I have to agree it's great. I'm on the verge of being filtered from going to green and blue.

>> No.18338088

I never thought about it that way. still I think hyperion is pretty good. even if the author has a hard on for Buddhism. and enders game is by a mormon

>> No.18338106

I love that series, what was your favourite pov/story line?

>> No.18338383
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Kino alert

>> No.18338484

Just go read gene wolfe and enjoy actual literature

>> No.18338506


>> No.18338784

holy shit based

>> No.18338791

based. fuck KSR

>> No.18338796

elon musk read it as a kid and ended up building a space company to land humans on mars when he grew up

>> No.18338797
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>> No.18338907
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Try this

>> No.18338926

Revelation space is excellent

>> No.18338991

I was a big of Capone and his organization. Loved the Bkackhawks. Dexter Quinn pissed me off quite a bit. Don't know why but the whole Lalond part before the Dysfunction drew me in. The scavenging in the ruin ring was another cool touch. Thought it was great all round. How about you?

>> No.18339135

Lalond def pull me in too, also all the lewd shit, and the mercs landing, also just all the world building. Capone was great. I liked the stuff with Ralph Hitch on Ombery in the second book and the Earth B7 shit in the 3rd. Did you read any other Hamilton stuff?

>> No.18339171

we are legion (we are bob) series by taylor is pretty good.

>> No.18339176

Not yet, just that series so far. I found a couple at Goodwill but haven't started on any of them yet. The Ralph Hitch are was the fighting on the peninsula? It's been a few years now since I finished them.

>> No.18339195

yeah in the 2nd book it was the containment shit, when I did a re-read during covid it was pretty lolz. Then the 3rd book was the assault, which was pretty kino.

I read Fallen Dragon, which was okay as a stand alone, and the Void trilogy what was decent, but not as tight or interesting as Night's Dawn which is saying something cause ND is hellah fucking bloated.

>> No.18339612

Fallen Dragon is one of those I found. The Blackhawks and Voidhawks made that last two books for me. So good. And the crazy habitat (Dariat?) was another highlight I just remembered.

>> No.18339754

you will never be a real christian

>> No.18339806

Silence, commie

>> No.18339814

Zelazny and Wolfe

>> No.18340237

Dune and Hyperion tend to stand out in topping GOAT lists for sci-fi.

I really like Red Rising, but it's pulp action sci-fi. Alistair Reynolds has truly great hard sci-fi.

>> No.18340282

How do you end up going with such a horrific cover. At that point you may as well make some hyper-minimal abstract art.

>> No.18340304

I'm not big into sci-fi but "I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream" was probably the best sci-fi I've read. Very short too.

>> No.18340682

They turn me off from reading them.

>> No.18340695

straight to /sffg/ and don't let me see you around here again.

>> No.18341859

We aren't allowed to talk about them here.

>> No.18342294

Seconding this post. Very original plot and genuinely creepy. I don’t know what the AVGN has to do with it.

>> No.18342366

Aurora by the same author is great too

yeah Silverberg is keyed. I would recommend 'The world inside'. It's the ultimate cuck novel

>> No.18342371

Fore those who are interested, the reason scifi gives the impression of being religious and occultic so much is because it is. If you compare Swedenborgs travel through the afterlife where he meets aliens and travels too different planets too scifo you already see comparisons. You are reading the seculiar version of christian theosophy.