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18321667 No.18321667 [Reply] [Original]

Anything Hemingway.

Stories, anecdotes, opinions, collections, photos, it doesn't matter as long as it's about Hemingway.

>> No.18321673

His great granddaughter is hot.

>> No.18321688

The PBS documentary made me like him a lot less. I didn't really know much about him prior other than reading his books but I guess he was pretty insecure and would constantly try to prove his masculinity by getting drunk and trying to fight people?

>> No.18321693

Also I thought it was interesting how he was portrayed in Midnight in Paris (as a wise, genius, artist, masculine ideal). Fun movie for those who haven't seen it.

>> No.18321694

Yes that was the whole point of his writing. Did you not read is books? Insecure masculinity is a central theme in pretty much all of them.

>> No.18321695

I have a book of his short stories, what are best ones? I already read The Killers and liked it.

>> No.18321700

I thought that he would have been able to work himself out by his middle age. Dude was getting into drinking contests and fighting people into his 60s

>> No.18321701

I like his character in the movie as well, especially when he said why he wouldn't read Owen Wilson's manuscript.

>> No.18321706


You should read "The Snows of Kilimanjaro" and "A Clean, Well-Lighted Place."

>> No.18321841

the sun also rises is the GOAT breakup novel

>> No.18321915

The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

>> No.18321918

Anybody know what type of tobacco he smoked? I know it's a pipe but what brand?

>> No.18321933

Is For Whom the Bell Tolls any good? Someone said it was like an action movie in book form

>> No.18321935

He also was a spy for the Soviet Union and communist sympathiser

>> No.18322235

papa hemingway vs daddy nabby?

the weight hemingway gives to stuff comes off as forced to me

i thought he was portrayed as pretentious and up his own ass a little. nice movie
i like the killers too. but it could be subtler towards the end

>> No.18323016

It's fantastic. They said that because they didn't read it.

>> No.18323143


>> No.18323675

That documentary is trash. It tries hard to paint Hemingway as a secretly sensitive shmuck.

>> No.18323692

was literally gonna post this

>> No.18323846

I read the old man and the sea and really didn't like it much. Nevertheless, I quite enjoyed a farewell to arms. Should I go back to the old man and try to understand it better?

>> No.18323890


>> No.18323995

I remember something in his memoir A Moveable Feast about him wanting to fuck Gertrude Stein.

>> No.18324024

At a certain point you do something enough it just becomes a thing you do. Hemingway got into bar fights, it was his thing. It’s not like he killed anyone. And you’re crazy if you think those guys weren’t telling their grandkids “So I’m down at Mickey’s right, and this geezer knocks over my pint so I go to straighten him out right, but guess who it was? Fuckin Ernest Hemingway. Knocked out me fuckin tooth. Top lad.”

>> No.18324036

I read based schizo's Mathis's take on him a few days ago, it was a fun read: http://mileswmathis.com/papa.pdf

>> No.18324059

Is his house in the keys worth visiting? Or is it to touristy?

>> No.18324069

Do I start with abshalom abshalom or for whom the bells toll

>> No.18324085
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I couldn't find the bit about him wanting to fuck Stein, but I found a section where Hemingway reassures Fitzgerald about his penis size.

>> No.18324273

dudes rock

>> No.18324294

bros being bros

>> No.18324325

Every famous artist, thinker, and celebrity of the last century or so has been totally curated. There is nothing organic in any of those industries. The only way to make it to star levels of fame was to get through the gatekeepers.

Actually, this is nothing new. Traditionally throughout history if you wanted to become famous you couldn't openly insult the regime.

Being as the West's academic tradition has been leftist for a long time, all of its famous intellectuals have been chosen for their compliance to leftism. Which is why every single famous person you can find, almost to a person, is communist/ leftist/ "subversive" (in a lefty manner) etc.

Of course there was a right wing tradition too, but they have almost all been blotted out.

So really. Fuck Hemingway, fuck the Paris fags, fuck it all. Evil fucks one and all. The whole medium and tradition. It's all garbage that has been carefully picked to sway public opinion. Anyone who can't intuitively sense its innate subversive leftyness is blind.

>> No.18324339

>when you browse /pol/ every day

>> No.18324359

Just picked up a giant book of his short stories today. What are his best ones? I've never read anything by Hemmingway but my friend told me A Clean Well Lighted Place is a good one. Any others?

>> No.18324361

Is it? I got the impression none of the relationship in the novel were at all meaningful, coming out of an actual committed relationship is alien compared to Brett messing around with a bunch of men and running off

>> No.18324410

read the thread

>> No.18324458

ah you got me. I'm a lazy piece of shit.
Anyways. If there are any others you could recommend I would appreciate it.

>> No.18324503

Real bro moment

>> No.18324561

meds, mutt

>> No.18324565

the capital of the world. first sentence makes me both laugh and cry

>> No.18324601

The one where Adams reminisces about fucking and Indian girl is pretty based. Forgot the title though. Guess you’ll just have to read them all :)

>> No.18324627

my one takeaway from that documentary was that he was legitimately unironically an actual tranny

>> No.18324682
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>> No.18324762

I really liked Big Two Hearted River and Soldier’s Home

Also liked a lot of the vignettes in In Our Time

>> No.18325234

Based Papa patrolling the thots

>> No.18325508

Brett was a typical feminist archetype. Really nothing special about her. Most of the novel is men chasing her and Jake dealing with the aftermath.

>> No.18325514

god id suck that cock

>> No.18325516


Start with his short stories. His novels are great, but his short stories are better.

>> No.18325517

Communist bastard guilty of treason

>> No.18325744

Not him and I still dont really know what he's on about but I thought about it for a bit and maybe me means in more of a redpill way that women are manipulative I can see if your going through a breakup it might make you hate women a little more idk

>> No.18325760

One of my fave Hemmy passages:

"I had gone to no such place but to the smoke of cafes and nights when the room whirled and you needed to look at the wall to make it stop, nights in bed, drunk, when you knew that that was all there was, and the strange excitement of waking and not knowing who it was with you, and the world all unreal in the dark and so exciting that you must resume again unknowing and not caring in the night, sure that this was all and all and all and not caring."

Also A Movable Feast is one of the most excellent memoirs.

>> No.18326310

She’s a pitiable figure to me. She embodies all the glamour of the modern woman at the time sure, but she’s also suffering the consequences of living in that environment. She doesn’t really know how to be happy beyond chasing the next thrill (cock). The one person she thinks she can be happy with lacks that one thing to make them complete as man and woman. Or so she tells herself. “We could have been so happy together.” “Isn’t it pretty to think so?”
Because maybe that’s just who she is now. She’s doesn’t have any idea what would really make her happy, it’s likely she’s treat Barnes this way injury or not. In the end she’s just a silly girl who wants to be happy but has no idea how to do it anymore.

>> No.18326317

Anyone have the Sun Valley pasta?

>> No.18326331

I don't recall that part... Although I do recall the choice bit where he walks in on her having relations with another woman and basically nopes out of existence.

>> No.18326343
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found it

>> No.18326354

Currently reading To Have and Have Not. Pretty good so far, but it's funny how he only uses racial slurs to refer to side characters.

>> No.18327161

Hilarious if true.

>> No.18327185
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So it’s not like an action movie?

If that’s the case I’m canceling it on Amazon. Don’t want to read something that doesn’t have action or adventure in it.