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/lit/ - Literature

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18321588 No.18321588 [Reply] [Original]

lets say someone gave you 100 dollars to spend on books. What would you buy?

As a shut-in, im looking to educate myself generally. Any suggestions?

>> No.18321646

I would buy me some books man

>> No.18321649

I would buy however many copies of call of the crocodile that i can afford with 100 dollars

>> No.18321654

Welcome to the NHK
Talking to Strangers
Language study books
Some impulse-buy history book

>> No.18321665
File: 82 KB, 1878x368, tranime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to tranime threads. This is the same tranny who uses variations of the same anime girl to shit up good boards.


>> No.18321666
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He was doing the same thing on /sffg/. Imagine having a middle school level of reading comprehension and being on /lit/


>> No.18321674

Thanks anon. Good to know. I wonder how has he not been banned for avatarfagging yet
Also remember to write "sage" in the options field to reply to a thread without bumping it

>> No.18321707

Maybe she's just lonely and wants to talk to people

>> No.18321711

Very cheap books on abebooks.
your question is too broad, but I would recommend some philosophy that interests you. you have a computer so you can sift through the branches and topics. Generally you should start with Plato, but philosophy gets pricy even when buying used. I think if you're constrained like you are its better to pick an author or branch that interests you and does not take too much from predecessors (like kant). Peruse thinkers at your leisure to find one you like.
Some quality poetry. Chaucer if you have the time to go through the middle English (its not hard, its just a heavy accent with a few words you may not know) Shakespeare if you don't want to sift through. You can pick up an oxford copy of the complete works of his for $5. Maybe some other poets, Whitman, Pope, etc. There's pound too, but his poetry is dense and difficult, I would recommend learning more about poetry before tackling him. I wouldn't recommend getting an anthology, just go straight to the big leaguers, an anthology is boring to sift through unless you're struggling to find something new and don't know what to look for.
Get a bible. You don't have to be religious. There is an incredible amount of depth not only in the bible itself, there's also a large impact on practically everything after it. Even the non-religious poets and philosophers cant ignore it.
Get some math books, whatever your level. used textbooks are dirt cheap. It helps when you read heavy logic.
Get some other books that interest you, language, cuisine, mysticism, even just plain ole novels. just get them dirt cheap.
You could also buy a e-reader, but I found for philosophy and textbooks, you're flipping through pages and footnotes, and the e-reader just becomes tiresome to use. You also cant make notes.
I wrote everything before this post >>18321665 came up. I'm going to post it anyway, sage this faggot thread, and hope its helpful to another anon.

>> No.18321716
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"Do mentally ill people watch anime because they are mentally ill, or do people become mentally ill from watching anime?"

>> No.18321743

Thank you for the really good response. I’ve been really interested in philosophy of aesthetics and art, and I have books by Gaston Bachelard and such. I never thought of poetry as a thing to look into, but I’ll try. A big book on Shakespeare might be really good. Walt Whitman, I’m familiar with some of his children’s books so I might check him out too.

With math, do you have to sit down and do calculations to get a lot out of it? I’m not sure if I have time to build that skill. Other than that, I try to read a lot of pop science like James Gleick.

And I’m not the avatarfag, I just used this picture for the op because she was reading.

>> No.18321761
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>And I'm not the avatarfag
Really? Is that why the /sci/ thread was deleted in shame within 1 minute of it being exposed? Don't tell me the mod just happened to be reading and decided to do his job after leaving that thread up for the entire day.
And is that why the avatarfag used a /lit/ meme in picrel?

This is the level of discussion we can hope to have if we open our gates up to people who rub their legs together while pretending to be their 'ideal' women. They just want an excuse to larp.

>> No.18321770

take your meds. I’m not him. That anime girl is literally posted everywhere by everybody

>> No.18321771

I would buy any books that I can't pirate as e-books. There's a couple of them

>> No.18321784
File: 70 KB, 1290x380, tranime2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You literally deleted your own thread >>>/sci/13186938 within a minute of getting called out and you're pretending you're not the same person?

Don't delete your other thread this time. Let other people see what your hobbies are, that way we can better recommend books.

>> No.18321811

what are you interested in?

>> No.18321814

my dear euthyphro we will never know because you are a busta

>> No.18321875

lonely schizo

I want to be a sci fi writer so i feel a bit overwhelmed at how much I have to learn. Philosophy, economics, technology, science, sociology, psychology, I think I might be too stupid to learn it all

>> No.18321927


>> No.18321950

Just use libgen

>> No.18321955

>The Bible, KJV
>Shakespeare, Complete Works
>Dante, Complete Works
>Plato, Complete Works
>Aristotle, Complete Works

>> No.18321956

I spend that on books monthly. It's unfortunate you haven't mentioned any kind of interest as a launching point, because now I'm just tempted to shitpost meme book responses.

>> No.18321957


>> No.18322053
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Harvard Classics, nigga

>> No.18322055

>Philosophy, economics, technology, science, sociology, psychology, I think I might be too stupid to learn it all
You don't need to learn them all to an expert degree to write a sci-fi novel. I would say look for a broad introductory text for each of the subjects and then pick the one you like most to go deeper into.

>> No.18322106

desu i just feel very stupid in everything. i want to be a more "complete" human being, if you know what I mean

I get that, but I almost never read pdfs, even though I have a ton of them. Physical books are just way easier to access

these are good reccs, but I guess I was more interested in things that would help me be functional in the world, like making friends or something. I don't even know how to set up a dentist appointment

that's true. It reminds me of this Hobbes quote:
>If I read as many books as most men do, I would be as dull-witted as they are

I just need to get the best books and study those, I think.

>> No.18322222

my budget recommend
0.50$ on random pulp magazine
99.50$ on amphetamine

>> No.18322225

I would buy the cheapest e-reader I could find with a backlight and then download all my books fo' free

>> No.18322240

>I want to be a sci fi writer so i feel a bit overwhelmed at how much I have to learn. Philosophy, economics, technology, science, sociology, psychology, I think I might be too stupid to learn it all
are you writing currently or just daydreaming about writing? i would strongly advise you to sit down, write, and research topics as they come up in your writing instead of preparing some sort of interminable curriculum for yourself.

>> No.18322462
File: 496 KB, 512x512, Menhera-chan_is_Catholic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ignatius Study Bible
>Brant Pitre - The Case for Jesus
>Boethius - Tractates and Consolation of Philosophy [loeb print]
>St. Bonavneture [Classics of Western Spirituality collection]
>Aquinas - Summa Theologiae (concise transl.)
>Dante Aligheri - Divine Comedy

Goto abebooks and you can get all of them really cheap I'm sure - if not, they are listed in order of importance. While you wait for shipping, read a free pdf of Eric D. Perl's Thinking Being online (zlibrary) then: goto Classical Theists' channel and binge his videos and read this twitter thread: [twitter.com/ByzCat/status/1329532907996598272]

Ignore all the Menhera-chan haters, God bless anon ~

>> No.18322471
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Addendum: For your personal help, the Bible, Boethius' Consolation will be good ones for you, same with Bonaventure, but you won't understand them get it until ya understand what the writers presuppose. Which is I recommend Perl, Classical Theist and the content in that thread.

>> No.18322478

you don't learn stuff like that through books, but through trial and error. if you're lucky you can google or ask someone for simple practical stuff but often you just need to make a fool of yourself then learn for the next time. reading is good because it trains concentration and self discipline, but i'd advise actually reading stuff you're interested in (academic or not) rather than meme self help books that contain the same information as a 5 minute google search.

t. also semi-shutin autismo

>> No.18322491

Don't listen to this retard. You need to be a well-rounded in all sciences to create a convincing and realistic world without retardation from your own presuppositions and worldview.

>> No.18323371

If you just have 100 I would suggest you buy a kindle instead. There are plenty of great editions available online for free

>> No.18323514


Since I’m from the UK, I’ll do it up to roughly £70 so that it isn’t too far off your budget. Using abebooks prices.

If you only want physical books then: -

1. History of philosophy without any gaps: Classical Philosophy -£9.00

2. The complete works of William Shakespeare - £3.00 (Hardcover)

3. The brothers Karamazov - £3.00

4. Great dialogues of Plato - £6.71

5. The ethics of Aristotle - £2.29

6. How to win friends and influence people - £4.79

7. The essays of Warren Buffett - £5.69

8. King James Bible - £2.92

9. Six easy pieces by Richard Feynman - £3.29

10. Six not so easy pieces by Richard Feynman - £3.60

11. Tao te ching - £3.47

12. The encyclopaedia of modern bodybuilding by Arnold Schwarzenegger- £15.00

That tallies up to roughly £60 - the remaining £10 is made up by postage and packaging

With these books you’d have knowledge on philosophy, religion, physics, Social skill, sports science, and investing

Hope this helps anon.

>> No.18323518

An ereader. You can get all the classics for free, which is more than enough to get started

>> No.18323527

I would go to a Goodwill bookstore and buy every Michael Crichton and Dan Brown book available

>> No.18323531

That which all tranies like is what causes mental illness

>> No.18324297

a used bike and a library card

>> No.18324447

Can't really recommend any self-help or personal improvement books because I don't read them. Plato-Shakespeare-Homer-Bible if you want the basics of cultivating yourself as an interesting person, which is good in any case. However: if you absolutely must have physical copies of other anons' recommendations, try to buy them on AbeBooks from Book Depository. This seller in particular does not add tracking numbers, so you can just refund items claiming non-arrival once their deliver-by date has passed. Both of these companies are Amazon-owned so it oughtn't weigh on your conscience either - your needs are more important.

>> No.18324459
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Anime website

>> No.18324471
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So where does that leave you? On a Tory Island holiday. But you wouldn't know that by going to the holiday shop on the island itself, as both locations are full of duty-free selling. Alternatively, you could head to the non-stop roads, where you might do as one woman did and find a local to buy you a 20-pack of Tayto and a lighter for your fag from an impromptu roadside stand. We wonder if she thought she was being sneaky or quite noble?

>> No.18324527

I'd buy a used kindle and download any books I want for free

>> No.18325096
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>You need to be able to plot an Engle curve, solve the problem of the many, and have a deep understanding of symbolic interactionism to write a sci-fi novel
Get off it dude

>> No.18325097

U Autogynephile

>> No.18326350

That's a good list, I'll be buying these.

>> No.18326395

My diary.

>> No.18326715
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Menhera-chan reaction images are pretty common. I wouldn't be so quick to draw parallels.

>> No.18327205

I had a long list of shit I deleted because maybe I'm not one to give advice.
However, here's two things: One, Social skills are mostly practice. It's good to know something about it, and yourself really, before you start if you're really bad at it. But really, be interested in the other person. Excessive shyness is just self absorption.
Two, there's a lot you can read to feel more complete and such. However, one thing you can do to feel less stupid is simply learn some handiwork. It's useful, and people like that kind of thing. It will stop you feeling as stupid and give you a good amount of confidence. Plus it feeds back into the social thing.

Hope this helps.

>> No.18327213 [DELETED] 

Call of the Crocodile, of course! The only book written by someone from /lit/! It’s my favorite book!

>> No.18327260



>> No.18327268

An expensive book at half price is like 7 bucks. Cheap ones are 3. That means they could buy like 9-20 books easy.

>> No.18327279

I'd buy weed and hit up wikisource to dl mobis by the greatest writers before the jew copyright for my kindle

>> No.18327296
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>> No.18327299

I'd be pleased for you to show me who is selling Homilies on Genesis and Exodus by Origen for $3.

>> No.18327522

No one reads that shit

>> No.18327573

I do

>> No.18328243

On this site, it's primarily used by trannies

>> No.18328842

Glad to hear it! Have a good day anon

>> No.18328848

The prose and poetic eddas and the dictionary of Norse mythology