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18318091 No.18318091 [Reply] [Original]

Start with the Dinosaurs

>> No.18318127


>> No.18318135
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Ah, yes, such magnificent literature

>> No.18318304

Dinosaurs are a hoax.
Nobody ever said anything about giant lizards until 1841 yet somehow they are found by accident all over the world, sometimes just sticking up out of the ground, other times just barely below the grass in someone’s backyard.
Yeah, you’re not fooling me

>> No.18318315
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It'll just make me sad.

>> No.18318351

You know that fossils were still found all over the world even back then, but attributed to giants, dragons and antediluvian monsters right?

>> No.18318357

a hoax by whomst?

>> No.18318369

I want one

>> No.18318376

More soul than the postmodern fags

>> No.18318383
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What's your favorite Dinosaur /lit/?

>> No.18318409

That would be the question, good sir.

It seems to be very profitable indeed for certain types of people, if the world were just intended to be people living in constant competition with each other though, doesn't it?

>> No.18318419

velociraptor, yes, boring I know
second choice is brachiosaurus

>> No.18318426

Big Dinosaur

>> No.18318499

Yeah this convinced me archaeology is heavily fraudulent, don't know if dinosaurs are completely fake though

>> No.18318517


>> No.18318520


>> No.18318526

Big Rex (for you)

>> No.18318549
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It has to be sinosauropteryx. It's one of the few dinosaurs we know the colors of (because of feather microfibers or some shit) and it had a racoon like tail. They were the size of lapdogs too, I want one.

>> No.18318943

I prefer Killing the Dinosaurs by O'reilly

>> No.18318970

Favourite theropod is Deinonychus, favourite sauropod is Brachiosaurus.

>> No.18318994

What did it mean by this?

>> No.18319024

what are some good dinosaur book? Non fiction of course.
especially how christianity explains them (pls no edgy athiest stuff)
I love dinosaurs!

>> No.18319039

Chickens, they taste the best from the ones I tried

>> No.18319067

It's a deep existentialist expression of ennui, akin to wubba a lub dub

>> No.18319188
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This one was always my favorite as a kid - also "A Living Dinosaur? : In Search of Mokele-Mbembe" by Mackal and Heuvelmans.

>> No.18319468

Stegosaurus easily

>> No.18319505

>especially how Christianity explains them
It's not rocket science. Ancient Jews either weren't capable of understanding, or didn't need to know at the time, the intricate details of science. God making the world in 7 days is not meant to be literal.

God created the universe that we live in, and science only reveals further understanding of that universe.

Humani generis is an encyclical by Pope Pius XII that explains that there isn't a contradiction between evolution and the Catholic faith, and later John Paul II said "we basically know it's true now."

>> No.18319602
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So is there any point in reading The Dinosaur Heresies before The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs or is the information just completely outdated?

>> No.18321241

((((trex)))) hands typed this

>> No.18321248
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>> No.18321251


>> No.18321291

>moves dinosaurs to the fiction section

>> No.18321462
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Or is that just what you want to believe because the idea that the masons that started a field that was 50% known fraud in the 1800s was really just 100% fraud, and that means they could lie about literally anything and you would never know?

>> No.18321473
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Consider how many things about this world that we take for granted are dependent on just a few key organizations.
How many space organizations are there?
How many natural museums are there?
How many "mainstream" publishers are there?
Are they mainstream because they are authoritative or do we believe they are authoritative because they are mainstream?

Now consider what's a stake. How much money is there to be made on maintaining space, dinosaurs, and so on?
How much money would people stand to lose if 1970s images of Saturn were revealed to be paintings?
How hard would it be for "handshake" types to install themselves at the top of these few organizations and keep the key lies going?

>> No.18321575
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>Are they mainstream because they are authoritative or do we believe they are authoritative because they are mainstream?
They are mainstream because they ate/killed their competition after years/decades of being in the business.

>> No.18321583

do you think I’m retarded?

>> No.18321607

Don’t skip the prologue
(Just something I found)

>> No.18321615

dinosaurs really are the most important thing i can think about.

>> No.18321653

If you believe their dinosaur lies, you’re gonna believe their alien lies

>> No.18321672

I bet you really think giant lizards with big teeth and tiny arms walked around the earth a long time ago. I bet you really think a giant shark called the megolodon swam around in the ocean. OMG! SO BIG AND SUCH BIG TEETH! I bet you also believe a bunch of guys from thousands of light years away are flying around the world really QUICK in spaceships with blinking lights and REALLY BIG BRAINS!

You’re so fucking stupid it’s actually unbelievable. Actual imbecile

>> No.18321713

Any other Iguanadon chads in here?

>> No.18321807

Ankylosaurus followed closely by stegosaurus, but of course I have a soft spot for the t-rex.

>> No.18321818


>> No.18321868
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>> No.18322029

>And it is also well known among the old Lithuanians—but this knowledge they probably derived from the rabbins—that the huge, long Dragon of the zodiac, which winds its starry coils over the sky, and which astronomers erroneously christen serpent, is not a serpent, but a fish, and is named Leviathan. Long ago it dwelt in the seas, but after the deluge it died for lack of water; hence on the vault of heaven, both as a curiosity and as a reminder, the angels hung up its dead remains. In the same way the priest of Mir has hung up in his church the ribs and shanks of giants that have been dug from the earth.[143]
>143 It was the custom to hang up in churches any fossil bones that might be discovered; the people regard them as the bones of giants.

Master Thaddeus, or the Last Foray in Lithuania: A Nobility's Tale of the Years 1811–1812, in Twelve Books of Verse, by Adam Mickiewicz, first published in 1834

>> No.18322052

I am spiritually linked to Big Al from Walking with Dinosaurs

>> No.18322999
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Start with the modern descendants of dinosaurs.

>> No.18323012
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>> No.18323069

>NTY bestseller
never will i ever

>> No.18323127

You are an atheist.

>> No.18323136

If you have to ask for it, it means you havent bothered looking for it.

>> No.18323520

Amazing. Just a heads up, dinosaur biology makes zero sense. They wouldn’t be able to balance, and they wouldn’t be able to run.

>> No.18323551

Sounds like dinosaur propaganda. Are there any older texts which nention finding dragon bones without someone to post hoc interpret it as dinosaurs

>> No.18323557

birds are not descended from dinosaurs btw. read Alan Feduccia

>> No.18323615

Amazing. Show me a credit zoologist saying this

>> No.18323622

Sounds like cope

>> No.18323623

birds are dinosaurs, no need for "descendants"

>> No.18323913

I'm looking for primary sources. It appears there aren't any.

>> No.18324482

You posted the most intelligent herbivore known to biology.

>> No.18325966

There is a serious lack of available serious books on paleontology, fossils, dinosaurs etc. Outside of scholarly textbooks and it pisses me off.

It's always relegated to kiddie shit.

>> No.18325973

Probably more poingant than anything you've ever said in your entire life lmao.

>> No.18325982

Go swill some more of that Miracle Mineral Solution Bobby.

It'll make the voices go away, I promise.

>> No.18326002
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Dinosaurs are so cliche. Ambulocetus however, is bae.

>> No.18326040
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This is what they took from you

>> No.18326041


>> No.18326106

I've seen this book on the shelf a few times at the store, but the reviews make it seem mediocre.

>> No.18326132
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Brachiosaurus, king of bulking

>> No.18326226

Ummm excuse me sweaty, but I believe it is BWACK BIGUK, BIGUK, BWAAAAK

>> No.18326233

>ywnk what dinosaurs actually sounded like

>> No.18326609

isolated cultures didn't simultaneously develop the concept of a "dragon" by accident

>> No.18326704

How do you know dinosaur fossils are the reason?

>> No.18326879


>> No.18327078

I can't remember which it was Aztecs or the Mayans but they had depictions of dinosaurs. This was on some weird ancient aliens shit , their conclusion was they must have rode or seen them some how. Also could be they found some fossils. Side note their god was a white dude with a beard, they were all brown and incapable of growing beards. When Spanish showed up they thought they were similar to their god.

>> No.18327082

I’m reading this now btw

>> No.18327100

>Ancient Aliens

And into the trash it goes

>> No.18327146

Lol u can gleam information from it, the information wasn't false, the conclusions are. That's like saying because /pol said the earth is round and that's why black people are gay, you throw out the idea the world is round.

>> No.18327154
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What did dinosaurs smell like /lit/?

>> No.18327176

How much shit can you say?
>There were huge lizards and we've found some fossils.

>> No.18327194


>> No.18327203


>> No.18327232

>ywn know what dinosaur meat tastes like

>> No.18328332

Better than the Greeks.

>> No.18328370

probably like gamey bird meat. try duck

>> No.18328391

or alligator

>> No.18328633

Because dragons aren't real and that's the most plausible explanation, you mouth-breathing retard.

>> No.18329652

Yeah this makes more sense

>> No.18329703

Nobody is stupid enough to believe their alien lies. Everyone knows that "alien sittings" were just a Soviet propaganda technique to distract schizos from investigating their classified military tech

>> No.18329801
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This goofy fuck

>> No.18329966

Oh so it's just baseless speculation. I thought so

>> No.18330175


>> No.18330418

How can you say so much retarded shit with such confidence

>> No.18330524

Are there any texts written by dinosaurs?

>> No.18330528

Amazing. Retard actually thinks this makes sense >>18329801

>> No.18330576

Quick question, do you see anything like >>18329801 walking around nowadays? Anything at all? Do you ever see giraffes with two ton heads flying in the sky? Nah? Hmm. I mean, you’d think if a giraffe could evolve to fly, they would. You think they’d be just about an apex predator if they looked like one of these fuckers. Weird how nothing evolved post-(bullshit)-meteor to look anything like dinosaurs. Weird how everything WAS a giant killing machine, and now WE the actual killing machines are relatively smalls apes. Hmm. That’s just weird. OH MY BAD, I FORGOT THE SCIENCE — see — because it happened a long time ago it makes sense they were all DUMB and MEAN right? Nevermind “dinosaurs” were around for millions of years longer than any current animal or evolution of said current animal. Yet, they never evolved into anything intelligent. Nope, just BIG OL DUMB GIANT FLYING GIRAFFES and ANGRY BIG T REXESES! And that’s cause it was along time ago!

ITS PROGRESS! Conveniently, all spiritual philosophies are located in the PAST and all TECHNO-FASCIST-BULLSHIT is located in the FUTURE. Hmm


>> No.18330604


>> No.18330693

I know you're joking but it's not a bad idea, start with formation of the earth/geology stuff, then prehistory of life, then prehistory of humanity (early migrations to other continent...)then, while following historically (trying to fill any gap you can but making sure you read some historiography),learn the language, collect the canon, organize them by year/century written then read in order the canon (wich mean every surviving text you can find basically) of those language in order
sumarian-egyptian-akkadian-sankrit-hitta-chinese-hebrew-avestan-pali-estsican-tassil-latin-armaic-pahlavi-syriac-ge'eez-celtic-japanese-old gregorian-old enlgish-germanic-turksih-old slevenish
Then for medieval: welsh-spansih-scottish-serbian-portuguese-persian-old norse-occitan-italian-irish-icelandic-german-sicilian-french-dutch-croetian-catalan-bulgarian-breton-armanian-anglo norman.
If anyone on this board ever do that, he would have my absolute respect.

>> No.18330710

Like anyone wants your respect

>> No.18330930

Don't be mean anon; – I – want his respect.

Notice me senpai uwu

>> No.18330947

I believe in aliens