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18317035 No.18317035 [Reply] [Original]

If I learn 100 new words of a new language on Anki every day by the end of the year I'll have a vocabulary that is advanced even for a native speaker's standards.

>> No.18317101

Language learning isn't about vocab though. If you learn 36500 words in a year, how many of those are going to be arbitrary words that you'll eventually forget because you don't see them outside of your Anki sessions?

Don't use Anki. You can be fluent with just the top 500 most common words in the language. These words are going to be pronouns, conjunctions, and popular verbs such as make, do, have, etc. found in any grammar book for that language. The rest of the vocab can be figured out from context and will come naturally.

>> No.18317355

waste of time. youll be spending 3 hours in aki a day. just read.

>> No.18317380

No way will you learn 100 new words per day.

>> No.18317386

100 words per day is pretty hard, unless you're spending most of your day studying Anki

>> No.18317424

good med students get a lot more than that done every study session, and if those dyel dorks and polyunsaturated fats peddlers can do it then so can I.

>> No.18317458

Language acquisition is a bit different from the topics med students see though. Incidentally, a lot of med students are retards who try to learn things like organic chemistry by rote and end up not learning anything

>> No.18317465

Med students are autistic. They just learn the terms for 1000 diseases and every part of the body. They don’t critically think about anything.

>> No.18317468

they are to knowledge what prostitutes are to love

>> No.18317473


>> No.18317531

what do you know about love? prostitution gave me a wife

>> No.18317746

Med students forget most of what they learn anyway, and what they remember is mostky shit that is directly related to their specialization. If you really want to learn the language you can operate as the oncologist who eventually forget the name of all the bones in your hand

>> No.18317784

med students dont learn shit anyway
I know quite a few "doctors" that are complete retards and drunk junkies and know absolutely nothing about anything that they learned.
All they do is prescribe lethal shit to everyone and collect their paychecks.
Most, not all but still most.

>> No.18317870

What’s the language?

>> No.18318844

You will fail. Even though this post makes you more invigorated in the moment, i’m telling you with 100 % certainty that you will fail. You won’t even get to 5000.

I can tell from your way of reasoning that you’re young and have no real experience with doing something hard consistently over a longer periods of time.

>> No.18318937

Is this a Nassim Taleb reference

>> No.18319058
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>Language learning isn't about vocab though
It quite literally is about vocabulary, retard. Language is just grammar + vocabulary, but mostly vocabulary. You can master a grammar and still not be able to speak a language. You need to develop an immense ACTIVE vocabulary over a long period of time.
Honorable goal, but 100 words a day is basically impossible. The best way to learn new words is to read and look up every word you don't know. You'll end up looking up a ton of words daily, some of which will become active and passive vocabulary, others which you will forget and have to look up again and again until you learn it truly. On average you'll probably get around 5-10 new active vocabulary words a day, and like 10-20 new passive vocabulary words. You can boost these numbers by being attentive and contextualizing the new words you learn, while also trying to use them as much as possible. Supplement your reading with serious and intensive listening. My French was never very good until I started listening to it 2+ hours a day (podcasts, YouTube videos, movies, etc.). Just do a ton of listening. That's how babies learn, and basically you're not very different from a baby when you learn a language. The more listening, the faster you will learn. The more words you read, look up and contextualize, the faster your vocabulary will grow.

>> No.18319080

All doctors I know personally are pretty great, knowledgable people, though they can be very focused on their specialisation. They're all european pathologists though, and not american daddy's boys who got into med school only to become sub-standard dermatologists or underperforming GPs.

>> No.18319098

Languages aren't bijective. Words are so much more than simple 1-1 translations you can learn with Anki.

>> No.18319101

Imagine being monolingual Merican and thinking language learning works like that.

>> No.18319110

wow what a goddess

>> No.18319113

you're right about doctors being generally great people (greater than the average shit anyways). But i would say american doctors have a much harder time once they hit internship than european doctors, so i wouldn't give them shit about that. No matter what the spergs and pseuds on this board say, if you look at it in any measurable way, doctors will be around 1-2 standard deviations above the norm on most parameters.

Nope, i'm not a doctor myself, just an honest bloke.

>> No.18319132

You won't learn shit, 100 is too much, Remember that when learning a language you aren't supposed to cram as much as you can, that may work when you have an exam but that shit won't be commited to your long term memory. I used Anki for Japanese, was doing 20 new words a day, and I was spedning around an hour a day on it, that's 1/5 of what you're proposing. When I got to around 3k words even those 20 new words we're too much, the reviews just kept pilling up since I was constantly either forgetting or mixing shit up.

>> No.18319158

you're all retarded and gae

>> No.18319201

remember these replies in... a month. That's how long i give you before you give up.

>> No.18319204


>> No.18319215

1. You won't learn 100 words a day
2. If you try to learn like this, you will quit after a week
3. Memorizing words on anki gives you absolutely no ability to actually use them in conversation or understand them in use. The only effective way of acquiring vocabulary is listening and especially reading.

>> No.18319244

This. I always thought it's common sense, turns out it's not. I think in this case it stems from the belief that other languages are just like English, just with different words.

>> No.18319256

I give him a week max. You can't just shove 100 words per day into your head without multiple learning sources and osmosis and all that.

>> No.18319265

using anki on a word frequency list (25 words a day is plenty) and watching films in the target language is the real redpill

>> No.18319304

Guys, taking 15 years to learn english by consuming american content and interacting with english speakers on the internet every single day does not make you the authority on language acquisition. And stop telling me that vocabulary is "not enough" as if that's implied anywhere in the OP.

And you two are stupid.

This thread is unironically rustling my jimmies and triggering me SEVERELY because good lord I hate stupid people who think they know the "rules of learning" by regurgitating folk wisdom which is retarded 9 out of 10 times.

>> No.18319322
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you talk the talk but do you walk the walk?

doesn't matter how much your jimmies are rustled or whatever you type on here. Time will tell. Come back in a month and impress us. Prove us wrong.

>> No.18319338

nigger english is my first language, I tried learning Latin by memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules and it doesn't work at all, reading is the only thing that has helped. You are calling people stupid when you obviously have absolutely no experience learning languages, folk wisdom is passed down for a reason fucktard. Go ahead and try memorizing vocabulary on anki and quit after one day, I'll keep doing what works.

>> No.18319346

Learning 100 words a day leaves hardly any time for seing these words in context, which makes it into ridiculously suboptimal use of time. Your projections on my background are of no interest to me.

>> No.18319353

This isn't folk wisdom. Read Krashen, Paul Nation and whomever, you pseud.

>> No.18319375

Moя pyccки гoвopит хopoшo? Я yчитcя тpи yжe в дeнь. ))

>> No.18319386

Oops not yжe but чac

>> No.18319455

твoй pyccкий oчeнь плoхoй cyкa блять

>> No.18319473

пoчeмy aнoн? :'( я дeлaть для вы :(

>> No.18319500

Pretty understandable.

>> No.18319539

Moя pyccкий пoнятeн, или eтo пoнятeн я yчитcя тaк мнoгo?

>> No.18319546

Oops нeмнoгo not мнoгo

>> No.18319548


>> No.18319571

You don't learn languages by memorizing vocabulary words out of context. Language isn't vocabulary words. You learn language by living language. You learn language by desiring to order food from the Turkish street food vendor. You learn language by reading in that language, with a translation you understand by its side.

>> No.18319613

Tвoй pyccкий пoнятeн.

>> No.18319627

Jesus Christ you must be an actual child to post this kind of petulant shit and not even think twice.

>> No.18319630

Are you sure? If you mean "a lot" or "much", then it's "мнoгo". Three hours a day is мнoгo, imo.

>> No.18319688

Idk I don't learn much
Should I throw more time into it or revise my study methods?

>> No.18320767

Unless you're learning japanese, in wich case you still need to remember tha kanji.
Outside of that, yeah just read (I know that if i see a word in context and forget it 3 times, the third time i will remeber it, if i don't (wich is rare) it will be the fourth time. I think it's the same for everyone, so what you want is a wide breath of the language.

>> No.18320780

Using anki only for words you came to know by immersing is pretty sweet though, it let you run text analaysis and you can then read 30 hours things with 90 percent line readibility by learning 100 more words beforehand.

>> No.18320791

I personally did it (more than 100 words btw) but you can't just do anki, you have to read too.

>> No.18320815

You can get way more, when i read in a new language and there is a new word, i try to ascribe the "mind meaning" to the word instead of my native language meaning, a small primitive part of what makes up the word (for exemple blue it's going to be a flash of blue or a blue sea, the first thing that comes to mind as a flash.Normally yhe blue word is tied to a ton of things like emotions, things with this color, expressions with that word but yout it all off.Then next time you see the world,you don't remeber blue but that impression.)
I don't know if it is really a technique but by doing that i can learn vocabulary (in context, not in anky) extremly fast.
What helps even more is going for synonyms in the language instead of bilingual def as soon as you can (use litetally anything that gives you the synonyms before looking the def up) then going full monolingual.
Plus it feels like getting rid of a lot the baggage from your old language and starting a new, it' pretty cool.

>> No.18320828

I'm experiencing the same thing with japanse at arrounf 2000 words, but that got me to more htan half the kanji so i would say that was worth it.Now i'm just going to read and add only easy words (but only until i get to 2000 kanji).

>> No.18320841

Yeah but you get a headstart, once you got that headstart you should just stop, the language itself IS your anki.

>> No.18321076

If I learn 1,000 new words a day then in 1 week I will be more advanced than native speakers.