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/lit/ - Literature

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18315776 No.18315776 [Reply] [Original]

I want to write, but I don't know what to write about. Anyone ever had this problem before?

>> No.18315784

how about you write about deez

>> No.18315802

Take a couple random words from a dictionary or thesaurus and make a sentence that combines them. Then do it again with the next sentence relating to the first.

>> No.18315808

write about your day and things you feel

>> No.18315816

As lame as it might feel, try writing prompts, go on reddit and choose the one in 10 that doesn't make you cringe.

It doesn’t have to be writing you keep but that exercise will help you hone your craft and can serve as study work when you do have a decent idea.

>> No.18315920

All writing is essentially about yourself.

>> No.18315953
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>> No.18315968

no. Candies, on the other hand...

>> No.18315969

read essays and then write them. you'll find out what you like to write about and then you can fictionalize accounts about that stuff and your work will get wings. write poetry on the side too. nearly every great writer was a poet.

>> No.18315979

What are you passionate about? What are your struggles? What things strike the most emotion in you? If you're looking for ideas, you should be unironically consuming more media to find what you are interested in writing about

>> No.18315987

>your work will get wings
lmao I want my work to get wings

>> No.18316077

No, you are the first person ever to experience writers block

>> No.18316085

>that filename
>muh reddit boogeyman
newfag: spotted

>> No.18316252
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If you have nothing to say, you can't be a writer. When I was younger I was sort of in your position where I had an interest in writing but whatever story I thought up usually went like
>bob went to the store one day and when he went home he was involved in a car crash
and that would be it. It was the most boring shit ever because I never really had anything to say, nothing I wanted to bring into the world that I cared deeply about.
As you get a little older and wiser though you begin to think about your place in the world and two things end up happening.
1. You begin to see things that others don't seem to recognise.
2. Eventually (hopefully) you end up wanting to make some part of the world better.
Writing is that part of you wanting to express something you've recognised or wanting to influence the world in some way. When you have one of these two things, they'll take on a life of their own. Ideas will come to you that you can't help but write down. Stories and situations will come out of nowhere and spring to life with interesting characters. It'll be all you can think about and eventually it'll bother you immensely if you don't put these ideas to the page.
When you have something to say, you'll never stop writing.

>> No.18316395

Write about the one thing which makes you seethe and ruins your day when you encounter it

>> No.18316423

Yes and no. Even if you have no message or "nothing to say," if you are creative, you can still come up with interesting stuff. If you are not creative or a thinker with your own ideas, then you should stick to roleplaying.

>> No.18316671

what is ligma?

>> No.18316773

Go back

>> No.18316779

Focus on fundamentals, just write boring tropey shit to learn how to write, focus, and prose and such. Then one day when you finally have an idea you will already know how to write it down.

>> No.18316805

Hey do you support ligma?

>> No.18316902

>one in 10 that doesn't make you cringe
haha this is so true. I go there and sort by new and read the titles until I have a short story flash in my head. then I give myself 1 hour to write. I usually don't even post them. Thats how I thought of the idea for my novel.

It's not all bad anon. Just like here. 99.9% is complete absolute bullshit. But there are some nice 00.1% nuggies.

>> No.18317082

Wright about a disgraced knight kidnapping a princess for ransom and they eventually fall in love
Selling point: the princess is 11

>> No.18318154

Isn't this the central problem of writing?

>> No.18318235

For some sure. I feel at times i have poverty of thoughts but then others I have so many god damn ideas that I start one and another pops up.

>> No.18318246

You have nothing to say
Go out and get raped or smoke crack or something

>> No.18318265

do us a favor and dont

>> No.18318294
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>I want to write, but I don't know what to write about.
Then don't write, no ill-will intended. Writing for the sake of writing results in shit that nobody will care about, including you. Don't write because you admire the supposedly romantic aesthetic of being an author. Writing is supposed to be for that period of time when you're bursting and with feelings and thoughts and you absolutely can't contain them within you any longer. It's for when you've/are went/going through some significant experience in your life, an event that stirs you and makes you think about a great many things. When that happens, NOT writing becomes an actual problem. The venerated writers of history couldn't help but write continuously, and having to stop was a blessing rather than a curse, because it meant that they weren't so wracked with contemplation and troubled feelings at that moment in time.

>> No.18318320

> dude writing is literally a mystical experience and you can only write if you’re overflowing with existential angst and magical presence to say something profound
Hate this totally immature idea

>> No.18318344

Oh you definitely can write without all that, it's just that it's going to be shit that is at best inoffensively mediocre, that's all.

>> No.18318368

same i want to be famous, brilliant, enigmatic writer that is remembered for centuries, but i'm not sure how to get going

>> No.18318872

Well first doing it for the fame is not a good step. Second is writing a lot. There's the first two.

>> No.18318876

Write a letter to yourself
Then destroy your self
