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File: 774 KB, 997x1681, Zentralbibliothek_Zürich_Das_Kapital_Marx_1867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18315736 No.18315736 [Reply] [Original]

How this shit was so influential?

>> No.18315764

People were living poor and working hard whole days in factories and then they got a fancy book which described them as victims of bad bourgeois regime and that there will be utopian regime where you don't need to work hard and you will have power and they liked it. So basically that's because of poority and will to power of the lower class.

>> No.18315765

This. It was copium for the poors

>> No.18315773
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Politics is interests masquerading as principles.

>> No.18315908

It wasn’t, socialism was already happening without Marx. Marx was only influential because socialism was influential, not the other way around

>> No.18316508

Only one sane and not coping in this thread

>> No.18316580

The continued relevance of Capital vol. 1 over similar 19th century works (say 'progress and poverty' or Mill's 'principles...') is that while they operate mainly as collections of claims or hypothesises about political economy in the 19th century which are specific and can be evaluated empirically, Marx's work functions more as criticism of the presuppositions of political economy itself. And many followers of marx find his method of criticism useful applied to other things as well. Obviously simplifying but you get the idea: it's the mode of presentation/inquiry which is enduring, not the substance (nobody does 'political economy' anymore least of all the ricardian version marx was critiquing)

>> No.18316584

It was promoted by the Rothschilds much like most Leftism is today

>> No.18316599

It took the enlightenment paradigm of overthrowing the clerics and aristocracy in favour of bourgeoisie to its logical consclusion which is the dictatorship of the proletariat.

>> No.18316607

Its ideas are primarily championed by people who have never read it

>> No.18316617
File: 153 KB, 640x632, 1620722017588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read it and find out, maybe if you finally get employed youll figure it out.

>> No.18316639

Slave morality and hedonism are the default states of humans

>> No.18316728

Both of your assumptions are wrong.

>> No.18317948

Because it's the shit

>> No.18318910

>Slave morality and hedonism are the default states of humans
In the primitive tribe?

>> No.18318931

Marx and utopian do not belong in the same sentence dumbfuck

>> No.18319522

I'm pretty sure that Kropotkin should be the standard bearer for socialist thought, not Marx. Marx has way to much baggage and bases much of his economic theory on a false claim of the Labor Theory of Value, which has easily been disproven both practically and theoretically.

>> No.18319556

Marxism is for the unemployed and academia cucks (ie have never worked a real job)

>> No.18319564

>Marxism is for the unemployed and academia cucks (ie have never worked a real job)
Spoken like a true Proud Boy.

>> No.18319906

This is a great quote

>> No.18319933

its good shit

>> No.18319936

Das it mane...

>> No.18319958
File: 67 KB, 629x170, takesarealman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18320653

Whats your definition of a real job?

>> No.18320669

Das it mane

Das kapital

>> No.18320687

do you /pol/tards even read? Marx was an open antisemite and wanted an ethnostate.

>> No.18320692

class warfare undermines nations.

>> No.18320921

Hence why it was propagated by the Rothschilds.

>> No.18320931
File: 454 KB, 414x499, A233F873-E7C5-4ADE-B247-F769CCE11D12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18320956

>bases much of his economic theory on a false claim of the Labor Theory of Value

Please at least tell me you're not yet another idiot who hasn't even read the first chapter of Capital and only has the 'mud pie' argument.

>> No.18320967

Awe, that was my post Butterfly :3

I'm not a communist though, sorry

>> No.18321010

Why do I feel like you have your mouth open at waist level?

Okay here goes *unzips* :3

>> No.18321494

What a souless picture.

>> No.18321514
File: 1.12 MB, 936x664, kapitalism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
