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18312943 No.18312943 [Reply] [Original]

>A surrogate activity is an activity that is directed toward an artificial goal that the individual pursues for the sake of the “fulfillment” that he gets from pursuing the goal, not because he needs to attain the goal itself. For instance, there is no practical motive for building enormous muscles, hitting a little ball into a hole or acquiring a complete series of postage stamps. Yet many people in our society devote themselves with passion to bodybuilding, golf or stamp-collecting. Some people are more “other-directed” than others, and therefore will more readily attach importance to a surrogate activity simply because the people around them treat it as important or because society tells them it is important. That is why some people get very serious about essentially trivial activities such as sports, or bridge, or chess, or arcane scholarly pursuits, whereas others who are more clear-sighted never see these things as anything but the surrogate activities that they are, and consequently never attach enough importance to them to satisfy their need for the power process in that way.

Is he right, /lit/? Is lifting just pokemon cards for the appearance of strength?

>> No.18312949

> Is lifting just pokemon cards for the appearance of strength?
back 2 the greeks with you

>> No.18312969

all ted fanboys are underage

>> No.18312999
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>you vs the greeks

>> No.18313014

his entire section on surrogate activities reads as a massive cope for his hatred of the schooling he was put through that features a vast oversimplification of his "power process" and activity performing in general to make his argument work

>> No.18313017

No it doesn't.
Cope though.

>> No.18313039

>physical fitness or educational pursuits is the same as stamp collecting
Yes it does.

>> No.18313045

He is right. You can see people engaging in surrogate activities all the time. Playing video games, transforming into weebs, watching tv, watching porn etc.
I think there is some nuance for lifting though. People can life due to reasons of health or self-improvement.

>> No.18313050


>> No.18313052


>> No.18313060


>> No.18313088

Lifting is even worse.

>> No.18313110

Gamers btfo. I think about this daily when I play vidya but I'm too wrecked as a person to stop.

>> No.18313119

Why was he initially figured to be low IQ?

>> No.18313138

The nuance you describe is because physical fitness is an active consumption, while watching anime all day and smoking weed is passive (or at least it's capacity to BE active is much lower)
What this means is that active consumption is done for personal individual gain. This usually features some sort of distinct, individual idea of perfection that cannot be attained, but a person strives to attain. Someone interested in physical fitness seeks to attain perfect physical health. This is not possible, but they attempt anyways. The same person may also read literature in hopes of greater spiritual or material understanding, despite that full knowledge is not attainable. Passive consumption is simply distraction. It's ultimate goal is very attainable, to finish and enjoy the product. This goal is shallow and does not lead to any real self-fulfillment.
It is obviously not so black and white. An anime or novel may have themes in it you examine closely, actively pulling out it's contents and absorbing them. But some literature is YA novel trash that does not provide any substance. Different activities have a different level of potential to be active in. Creative pursuits that involve creation are generally seen as more active, while non-creative ones that do not create are generally seen as lower. It may also vary slightly from person to person, although it's without a doubt in my mind at least that things that greeks attributed as positives in males, such as physical strength and wisdom, are very active pursuits, while things such as bottom-of-the-barrel tv and porn are at the very lowest end.

>> No.18313167

Ted is right about oversocialization and feelings of inferiority among leftist. However, I feel that he takes an overly simplistic view of what it means to have your physical needs met. He reduces human needs to an overly primitive vision of humanity, without taking into account human society has evolved to take into account socio-economics, and the need for people to produce in the world to feel fulfilled. He makes mention of the frontiersman helping build and develop an area, and having felt attached to his community. But Ted does not mention that the goal of that frontiersman in developing that land was to have and hold more property and capital.

>> No.18313201

Ted ignores this critical distinction because it does not matter to him within the confines of activities with freedom from the system and his coined "surrogate-activites" that we perform inside the system to fill that void. But if you look at what he considers to be basic-activities that satisfy us more than the surrogate-activities we have take their place, you will find a very pragmatic, utilitarian, borderline reductionist list of tasks. In his quest for freedom from the system he ended up still trapped inside the godless world.

>> No.18313243
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You know what, you people are pathetic bugmen. I bet you believe in crap like Maslow's hierarchy of needs too. Yes bugman, your happiness is dictated by whether you are achieving material goals, and yes goy your only goal in life should be to be happy, you should never do anything for any reason except because it makes you feel good. And yes, keep telling yourselves you are better than the hedonists because you seek a more long term "happiness," rather than short term pleasure, even though your goals are ultimately the same, to feel good, because you have no purpose. Keep believing that everything about you and your mood are the products of external events, your entire being and existence can be reduced to psychological principles and you are nothing beyond the brain you evolved. Fuck off, your peoples' entire worldview is totally flawed, you shouldn't even fucking care about whether or not happiness IS controlled by the "power process" and whether surrogate activities can make you happy, you shouldn't even be doing them to be happy.

>> No.18313458

How do Tedtards deal with the fact that play and recreational entertainment have existed as far back as the first hunter-gather societies?

>> No.18313484

He is right but in a different level. The problem is not that these activities are surrogate but that they are plannified and non-spontaneus to achieve max efficiency. It is imposed by the system but of course human nature is an obstacle. Keep in mind that he society of technique=/= the technique system.

>> No.18313494

I have no problem with lifting if does not make you engage in consumerism.

>> No.18313514

Is ted posting a surrogate activity?

>> No.18313530

Thats the issue I have with Ted: he shares the same mindset as the leftists he attacks. Materialism? Checked. Utilitarianism? Checked. Scientism/Positivism? Checked. Feelings of inferiority? Checked.

>> No.18313543

You are right and that is why he is partially wrong. Why? Because such activities did not have the regulations and were not of the same nature like they do today.

>> No.18313553

Anglo meme

>> No.18313570

How does Ted reconcile with this? Is it a surrogate activity too?https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cave_painting

>> No.18313572

>i can do math so listen to my retarded opinions

>> No.18313609

what the fuck do you think I'm saying? Or let me guess, you seek "fulfillment," not happiness, as if there's any difference, and it's still not a hedonistic, self serving goal.

>> No.18313611

Read Ecclesiastes

>> No.18313648

Ted is a hypocrite. In anti-tech revolution he criticizes marxist and christian apocalyptic prophecies while the entire first half of his book is about his own apocalyptic prophecy, only it will be due to tech and not capitalism or God. He also criticizes transhumanists ("techies") for a lack of evidence for their claims while admitting his prediction is his personal opinion and not backed by any serious evidence, and then he proceeds to build his whole worldview and suggest that we should engage in a catastrophic revolution to prevent it from happening. I guarantee the reason he goes out of his way to criticize leftists so much in ISAIF is because he needs to give himself reasons not to become one. I'm also pretty sure he's a Jew because all Jews have external locuses of control, they find an external source to blame their failures on like capitalism or technology or freudian psychological determinism. It's all crap for bugmen.

>> No.18313659


>> No.18313721

How's that watered down Freud working for you in 23 hour solitary, you dumb fucking idiot?

Should have read Pynchon instead of being a midwit terrorist.

>> No.18313812

People should read Jacques Ellul instead. At least his views are more consistent.

>> No.18313834
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Is Ted's book/essay worth buying? Am I going to be put on a list? It has two day shipping.

>> No.18313928

If you lift for the sake of bodybuilding, its a surrogante activity, you don't need that mass or distribution of muscle, it doesn't make the person live longer either (if you want to consider "surviving" as a non-surrogate activity)
But if you lift because you are building protection for your community, this isn't a surrogate activity, you are pursuing a short-term goal that may or may not fulfill you, but you need to complete, to be in accordance with your human nature. Lifting a dumbell in sets it's a contingent part of human nature but lifting for building refuge, to procure nourishment, to repel danger is part of all human nature since birth

>> No.18314017

>whereas others who are more clear-sighted never see these things as anything but the surrogate activities that they are

Many people recognize that lifting is a surrogate activity while still continuing to lift. Because there are obvious benefits aside from the 'fulfillment' of reaching a goal. Some of which help in power acquisition.

>> No.18314062

He was a Harvard mathematics major. That is almost an entirely trivial pursuit, he's essentially saying the beginning of his life is useless.

>> No.18314128

Just pirate it and read it on an e-reader. It's not like he gets money from sales, plus it makes the experience much more ironic and postmodern.

>> No.18314279

Yeah that's probably the moment we became degenerate unironically

>> No.18314477


>> No.18314493

Sports, then, may be defined as a reaction the conditions under which man lives in the large cities. This reaction is dependent upon the increasing mechanization of motion. "Savages" do not practice sports. They exercise their physical faculties; they play, dance, and sing, but there is nothing sportslike in these activities, even if they are performed with virtuosity. Our best sportsmen significantly hail from the industrial districts where mechanization is at its highest, particularly from the cities. Farmers, foresters, professional hunters, and fishermen, those whose movements are free of mechanical compulsion, rarely practice sports. The headway that sports are making in the rural districts is in fact a yardstick of advancing mechanization, particularly the mechanization of farming. For the operation of that machinery changes the muscular development and with it the operator's movements. In older generations, lifelong hard manual labor had produced that heaviness and hardness of body, that clumsiness typical of the peasant. Now these features are disappearing. He becomes nimble and more agile since the machine relieves him from direct contact with the soil. The driver of a tractor or a combine has a body different from that of the ploughman or the mower.
It is not easy to draw a sharp line between play and sports, because there is hardly a game that cannot be practiced as a sport. The Olympic Games of the Greeks, obviously, were not sports but festivals of a religious character, combined with contests. They cannot be called sports simply because of the absence of the industrial scene, which is the background of what we moderns term sports. What we call Olympic games in memory of antiquity are highly technical sports to which flock the specialists from all countries. There is a difference between the man for whom hunting or swimming, fishing or rowing are natural pursuits, parts of his life, and the man who practices hunting, swimming, fishing, or rowing as a sport. The latter obviously is a technician who has developed to perfection the mechanical side of his activity. The equipment of the modern sportsman alone indicates this. To get an impression of the growing mechanization, we need only look at the tools used in sports, all those elaborate fishing rods and reels, all those scientific golf balls and clubs, the stop watches, time clocks, measuring devices, starting machines, and so on. In the exact timings of motions and split-second recordings of modern sports we find again that organization and control of the consumption of time that characterize technology.
And is not the sportsman's lingo a language of typically mechanical hardness?

>> No.18314499

A man who starts to jump and run for the sheer joy of jumping and running and who stops when the mood has left him is entirely different from the man who enters an athletic event in which, under guidance of technical rules and with the use of time clocks and measuring apparatus, he jumps and runs in an attempt to break a record. The high pleasure that swimming and diving give us is due to the touch of water, its crystal freshness, its coolness, purity, transparency, and gentle yielding. This delight, obviously, is of no significance in contests where professional swimmers perform. For the purpose of such contests is to find out which swimmer has the most perfect technique and consequently reaches the goal faster than the rest. Training for record-breaking is essentially an intensification of will power aimed at complete mastery over the body which has to obey mechanically. Such an effort may be quite useful and effective. But the more the training for, and the breaking of, records become ends in themselves, the more sterile they grow.
The physique of the modern athlete betrays the one-sided training to which it is subjected. His body is trained, but it is anything but beautiful. The body-building, as effected by specialized sports, does not achieve beauty, because it lacks proportion, something a body devoted to special training no more can have than a mind narrowed down to highly specialized interests. When the sports-trained body is considered beautiful, it is due not merely to the absence of a trained eye, to insufficient study of the nude. No, an appraisal of this sort also expresses the fact that the human body is judged by mechanical criteria such as muscular dimensions and, in particular, by the specialized training it shows. These criteria, however, lack appreciation for the quiet, effortless fullness of beauty; they do not consider relaxed easiness or charm and grace. These viewpoints are deficient in spirituality as well as in sensuality. Unbalance and exaggeration of physique as bred by modern sports are most striking with women. Both their bodies and their faces acquire hardened, sterile traits. Modern sports are incompatible with any kind of artistic life and activity; they are essentially unartistic and unspiritual by nature.
A comparison suggests itself between the sportsman and the ascetic, who is also a professional, though in quite a different sense. The training of the sportsman has an ascetic trait, and through all sports we find a certain puritanism, a strict hygiene of physical habits, which controls sleep, nutrition, and sex life from the viewpoint of efficiency. Sportsmen are not a group of people who exuberantly express their abundance of vital energy, but a tribe of strict professionals who rigidly economize their every ounce of strength, lest they waste a single motion of their money-making, fame-making physique.

>> No.18314688

its literally free online, just look it up, dont even have to pirate it

>> No.18314711
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It's over for non-BAPists
If you don't have terabytes of gay porn on your computer the west dies.

>> No.18314724

They're happy doing working towards their artificial goals, he's bombing people in a cabin; I'm pretty sure he's wrong on this one.

>> No.18314749

Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war...

>> No.18314813

Nice post.

>> No.18314838



>> No.18314886

>not because he needs to attain the goal itself.
What constitutes necessity? You don't have to eat.

>> No.18314906

If, happiness, short term or long term or in the form of fulfillment, is not what matters, nor the evidence of misery and suffering, nor the continuation of simple existence, whether for yourself or for others, then can you kindly explain what it that matters and is worth perusing for its own sake?

>> No.18314913

>acquiring a complete series of postage stamps
this fuckin guy

>> No.18315022

/fit/s take on this is hilarious

>> No.18315069

Is it to call him a closeted tranny who needed to dilate?

>> No.18315094

For all we know that psychiatrist could have been lying

>> No.18315128

what exactly does a life without "surrogate activities" look like?

>> No.18315139

Tom Bombadil's

>> No.18315152
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>> No.18315170
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>> No.18315180

Is this Jacques Ellul? Unbelievably based

>> No.18315328

We have a word for what's described there. It's called hobbies. Fucking pseud.

>> No.18315334

Physical strength is just a component of higher living.

>> No.18315356
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>He died and thought he’d go straight into darkness and death, but no—there was the future life before him.’ So for that he was sentenced... to walk in darkness a quadrillion kilometers, and once he finished that quadrillion, the doors of paradise would be opened to him and he would be forgiven everything.”

>“The moment the doors of paradise were opened and he went in, before he had even been there two seconds—and that by the watch... before he had been there two seconds, he exclaimed that for those two seconds it would be worth walking not just a quadrillion kilometers, but a quadrillion quadrillion, even raised to the quadrillionth power!"

sounds pretty comfy ngl

>> No.18315380

did you really post this on /fit/ as well nigga

>> No.18315384

Everything is bullshit except the eternal struggle against the jew.

>> No.18315402

might as well not do anything if thats how you view life.

>> No.18315570

didn't we have this thread yesterday?

>> No.18315589

Going from advanced math to writing about human condition is the highest iq there is

>> No.18315617

>Most /lit/tards completely miss the point
Why is it that so many on /lit/ don't have reading comprehension?

>> No.18315633

Like most very high IQ people he was probably retarded in one facet of intelligence. The higher intelligence goes the more it becomes asymmetric (most of the time).

>> No.18315674

>Is lifting just pokemon cards for the appearance of strength?
No because weightlifting/bodybuilding is performed (at least initially) for the purpose of improving sexual attractiveness; it serves an evolutionary purpose. Your upper body strength is directly correlate with your attractiveness to women.

>> No.18315729


>> No.18315831

Ted is a retard to anyone who has already engaged with luddite thought. Only zoomers like him.

>> No.18315833

what a retarded video. we can clearly see he falls over intentionally and intentionally bounces/pushes off him. in reality the 260kg guy could just collapse on him but if the 60kg is careful and doesn't throw himself around retardedly, he could do serious damage without getting caught out.

>> No.18315840
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Ted is a cope for people too stupid to get into pynchon

>> No.18315843

>People can life due to reasons of health or self-improvement.
'self-improvement' is a meme marketing term and therefore surrogate. if phrased differently it's less likely to be. most people doing lifting clearly take as it a surrogate activity and cope by bringing in other topics that are irrelevant to it and their motivations regarding it. such as health and getting girls.

>> No.18316151

this man knows

>> No.18316192

Holy based

>> No.18316195

Manlet cope.

>> No.18316213

Giga cope, Ted was asked to help do Math courses and solve Math problems while in supermax because he is an actually genius, meanwhile you are shilling some litearl who, who looks like a turd for no other reason than that he is obscure.

>> No.18316218

His worldview is the logical consequence to a materialistic worldview that accepts evolution

>> No.18316225

is that true
didn't he say math is fucking useless so why would he aid in teaching math

>> No.18316227

I mean he is right that those are all surrogate activity, we evolved to be hunter gatherer and use the same instincts to this day, it's a bit reductive to lump them all together to imply they have the same value tho

>> No.18316232

I think when you are locked in a cement cage you will take the opportunity to keep your mind occupied.

>> No.18316244

because they were but play and endertainement, you didn't need to obsess over it to give meaning to your life

>> No.18316249

more like
>I can do bombs so lisen to my retarded opinions

>> No.18316257

>what are rising depression rates

>> No.18316259

hunter gathering, like himans have done for 90% of their existance

>> No.18316505

Whatever benefits the individual in their own mind is what they should value spending time and effort on. Why is it so hard for autists that other people enjoy activities that arent strictly related to some master essential acitivity? Guy was a paranoid wreck who had some obsolete ideas. As long as you dont solely spend your life in surrogacy (which increasingly is looking more attractive than spending time in the "base reality"), whats the problem?

>> No.18316756

rec entertainment isnt a surrogate activity. read the op.

>> No.18317090

Great quote.

>> No.18317135

/fit/ thread seems less seethe than this

>> No.18317183
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What's this?

>> No.18317264

The main message is in the first fucking paragraph. This is real cherrypicking.
He was RIGHT.

>> No.18317346

tl;dr watching TV all day is bad for you.

Everyone already knows this. It doesn't mean watching TV is inherently bad, but that only doing that, or doing it for the wrong reasons (e.g., because your parents are never home and you don't know how else to occupy yourself), is what's bad.

>> No.18317561

What was the point?

>> No.18318064

FG Jünger. Which is great because he was more than a Chad.

>> No.18318150

painting is not a necessarily a surrogate activity.

>> No.18318243

I perfectly understood this part because I had a "dream" that I failed at. The "dream" is not significant per se, like, I won't die if i don't achieve it, but I artificially gave it meaning and so failing to achieve it makes me want to die. I perfectly understand him. He's completely right. He's actually not as simplistic as people think he is, he perfectly understands the modern man's situation.

>> No.18318249

He never said that surrogate activities did not exist in the past. He says that surrogate activities have now substituted primary activities and explains why it is bad. Read the fucking thing at least, retards.

>> No.18318268

holy shit what an insight, perfect

>> No.18318496

this is what knives where originally invented for. so we can overcome our obese overlords

>> No.18318539

>surrogate activities have now substituted primary activities
What's so bad about that?

>> No.18318563

“We see first of all that leisure, instead of being a vacuum representing a break with society, is literally stuffed with technical mechanisms of compensation and integration. It is not a vacuous interval. It is not a human kind of emptiness in which decisions might be matured. Leisure time is a mechanized time and is exploited by techniques which, although different from those of man's ordinary work, are as invasive, exacting, and leave man no more free than labor itself.”
“Then there is the modern passion for nature. When it is not stockbrokers out after a moose, it is a crowd of brainless conformists camping out on order and as they are told. Nowhere is there any initiative or eccentricity.”
“The first private clocks appeared in the sixteenth century. Thenceforward, time was an abstract measure separated from the traditional rhythms of life and nature.”
“The melancholy fact is that the human personality has been almost wholly disassociated and and dissolved through mechanization.” And so on.

>> No.18319118

only based post itt

>> No.18319241

yeah that's my point, you have no purpose. I can't give one to you, you either have one or don't, but until you get one, a real purpose, you are just a bugman.

>> No.18319307

>no practical motive for building muscle
Imagine believing that there is no practical motive in making yourself more healthy and attractive to females, therefore having more sex which is NOT a surrogate activity. Imagine being this low iQ

>> No.18319447


>> No.18319489

Lifting and bodybuilding are the same thing faggot. It’s called biology, natural male competition, some men want to look better, have lower body fat, and women love it. Kys

>> No.18319799

Bodybuilders are the most insecure faggots imaginable. I actualy quite enjoy lifting, but Bodybuilders can not be taken serious by anyone with half a brain

>> No.18319821

Where do you draw the line between the two?

>> No.18319879

Bodybuilding is vanity, to a bodybuilder lifting is only an obstacle they have to overcome to satisfy their vanity. They wouldn't actually enjoy lifting if they didn't know it makes them look good. To someone who trains for strength or because he enjoys lifting, a bodybuilder is an alien.

>> No.18319924

Building bombs is a surrogate activity.

>> No.18319965

Lifting: doing strength based excercises for a variety of reasons, mainly for the health benefits but obviously also to look better
Bodybuilding: lifting for the sole reason of looking "good", spending most of your time obsesing over it and trying to make it your job, using a shit ton of steroids to help you achieve this goal and fucking up your health by doing so

Bodybuilding is a perversion of lifting and basicly the best example for a surogate activity, while lifting is something that you do suplementaly to counteract the ills of industrial life. A farmer in pre modern times would not have needed to lift to keep healthy and strong, but the modern office monkey does need to.

>> No.18319979

but not sending them heh heh

>> No.18320181

Then what is an example of a meaningful purpose to you and why would it matter to have one, according to you? Why would it be significant at all except for the above mentioned reasons?

>> No.18320210

Based miserable Russian

>> No.18320213

Yes, it's worth buying, and yes you'll probably be on a watch list.

>> No.18320222

Absolutely based paragraph bottom meme slot

>> No.18320232

It's not the same thing. Compare Alec Enkiri to Kino Body. Alec Enkiri built massive quads for massive power and function. Kino Body built a lean upper body beyond the aesthetic requirement of the ...ahem...*clears throat*


>> No.18320246
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What if there was a Pagan's Progress instead of Pilgrims Progress and it was smuggled cryptically through meme erudite underground Anons?

>> No.18320253

/strong/ posts

>> No.18320279

It looks Faustian
It looks wild
Like lions free in their own habitat not the zoo where they are castrated and corraled

>> No.18320320
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>Yes bugman, your happiness is dictated by whether you are achieving material goals, and yes goy your only goal in life should be to be happy, you should never do anything for any reason except because it makes you feel good
That is precisely hedonism though. What are you talking about you nigger?

>> No.18320338

Too much sarcasm and confused muttspeak to coherently read. Type better, Americano. You're almost there.

>> No.18320479

That we no longer experience things directly. We only observe interpretations of them.

>> No.18320503

Cope you fucking modern slave

>> No.18320520

What if I lift for Guts and Kentaro Miura?

>> No.18320548

Was he the first person to come up with the concept of "surrogate activities"? I don't mean the exact phrase itself, but trying to describe activities people partake in simply to fill some void in their lives. It seems like a really basic concept to describe a lot of what we do and yet I haven't seen it given another name. "Coping mechanism" is probably the closest concept I know.

>> No.18320603

If you read ISAIF, a lot of it is just common sense stuff, really.

Ted, the show-off that he is, had to use some fancy words to get his ideas across.

>> No.18320665

Simulacra and simulation?

>> No.18320729

That's not a counter to the point though. I've never seen such a clear exposition of something that you claim is supposed to be 'common sense'. It's like, yes, the idea that people do things to feel fulfilled is a basic idea, but the way Ted outlines the whole history and process of this is not something I'm aware of someone else doing. It's to his credit what what he's saying seems obvious, but nobody else seems to have been as systematic about it.

>> No.18320919

Coping mechanism sounds so positive and fulfilling like it actually achieves a mitigating task amidst grueling conditions. Hardly ever hear all the frantic "coping mechanisms" actually mechanically function or manage well
Then you lift for cartoon Nietzsche who himself is fanfiction Hitler who himself was striving for German Idealism to evolve into the final panel of sophisticated KNAWLEDGE

>> No.18320948

Based Ellulposter.

>> No.18320959

You sound like you were 'mirin my physical laborer garage gym PHYSIQUE

>> No.18320971

>No justification for technological apocalypse in Anti-Tech Revolution
He literally lays out his deductions and how he reached that conclusion. There hasn't been enough time for evolution of human organizations that can suppress rogue suborganizations that threaten the survival of all life on Earth. Combined with competition of suborganizations selecting for the suborganizations that are more "efficient" by being dependent on the superorganization but are very fragile because of it.

>> No.18320974

I hunger for spontaneity so much I harassed a hornets nest yesterday and screamed when not a single hornet stung me but they all angrily yet orderly evacuated the nest. I have gotten to such an unnatural void of being involved in natural aggression and feeling real adrenaline of purpose that my forcing the cause felt off. It's that emotion that needs that lack of cause and control that is the most purposeful. I wouldn't do that again but I was that frustrated with my boring luck.

>> No.18320978

>lightly jog away from the fat retard
>throw a rock at him
>repeat until you have stoned him to death

>> No.18320999

Holy based

>> No.18321036
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> piety to the vedic indo-european tradition as per all great aryan men

>> No.18322017

Lifting is worse because it gives the appearance of activity while remaining completely passive.

>> No.18322062

The idea of 'lists' has become redundant. The reality of big data is that we are all on a list now and all that is necessary is for you to show up on the radar enough for the power structure to bother looking through your internet history.
Buying a book, especially a meme book, isn't likely to do that. Maybe some books will get you flagged by lower level agencies but you can't buy those on amazon anyways.

>> No.18322691

In this day and age you have no other choice than to engage in surrogate activities

>> No.18322717

>appearance of strength
If a person is muscular, he is probably stronger than most others.

>> No.18322751

maybe if he had hit the gym he would have had sex

>> No.18322814

Considering some Britbong gets his heiling pug kicking doors down I'll take my chances reading der verboten. Just wish these booksellers would accept XMR

>> No.18322823

To B.E. active?

>> No.18322898

gymcels cope

>> No.18322941

>A surrogate activity
So are all activities surrogate activities?
What constitutes a 'real' activity? Things that is strictly necessarily for continued life only? Hunter/gather, etc. ?

Fucking retarded baby-nihilism

>> No.18322957

>some books
such as?

>> No.18323079

Holistic integrated skills that exist in an ecosystem of higher knowledge are hard to define. Basically the fruitful persuits in life that have indefinite if not indefinable ends are goals that keep you always evolving instead of empty stagnating resetting.

>> No.18323122

>recreational entertainment
>the same as paying thousands for mass produced "memorabilia", paying millions for a guy to kick a ball
even to a complete layman it's hilariously obvious how deliberately obtuse you're being
recreational activities by definition would not have so much culture built around them for the sole reason of driving its own commercial interest yet that's what most of them do today
they're just a body of symbols we pay to attach ourselves to but which in reality offer the most inconsequential instant gratification
you can see this in vidya, footy, /tg/, online gambling, youtube etc etc etc

>> No.18323400

Wouldn’t his foray in the woods also be a surrogate activity then? What about his very writing of his books? His philosophy? It seems to me that everything which isn’t hunting, gathering, farming, fishing or otherwise physically building survival infrastructure and importantly, with a degree of necessity, is a surrogate activity.

>> No.18323420

Why can you only think in extremes?
The point is that people are disconnected from the power process and lose cobtrol over their own surroundings, which leads either to suicide or cope by surrogate activity.

>> No.18323509

This has exactly the ring of infinite progress that is currently worsening the dystrophy of developed society. The ideal is defeated. In any case, there is a strong biological inclination to blindly move - in any direction, an internal perturbation found at the basest collections of life. Sometimes it is simply best to rest, and that's all there is to say of it, to do so as a collective.

Actualized risk, meaningful product. We've extracted as much risk as we're capable of from nearly every activity. Both work and leisure activities are trivial. Traveling used to be a serious hazard, it's now trivial, you can be across the globe in 14 hours with a statistical incidence of failure (1 in 11m) that may as well not even fall into consideration. Upon arrival, you traipse through some commercial venture (risk remover), most probably to the end of virtue signalling.

This brings us to net product. Virtue signalling may as well be marketing - so to that end you're doing something. You're also consuming all the while, which means you're allocating capital both domestic and abroad, thus directing capital and demand. That's hardly a net gain for society, and will likely only leave you with the passing satisfaction of acting as a braggadocio for your suppliers for a few months. If you actually assume risk in such endeavors, if your virtues and capacities are legitimately tested through a means that could produce injury up to death - it's certain you'd leave satisfied of your competence, you'd have learned, and the experience would've been escalated beyond a trivial photo-op in a foreign country.

>> No.18323570

if you lift women will be more inclined to have sex with you, and having sex is not a surrogate activity

>> No.18323579

I'm under the impression that a man and his philosophy don't necessarily need to meet an exact translation to be valid, for one. To the latter point, I don't know what point you're intent on making. This sort of thing would be time consuming and risky, but more to the point it's to a large extent what the human biology has been evolved to handle. The brain and body weren't evolved to be shoveled full of shit constantly (you could find empirical evidence of this with fasting research and stress research). They weren't evolved to deal with hundreds of considerations at a glance, with dozens of tiny social transactions that are meaningless, nor generating the high level of discipline required to eschew gorging on all of these things the instant the noise winds down.

It's a return to biological imperative and the natural satisfaction that comes alongside it. He's not saying "you had not ought to paint" he's saying you had ought to endure the world so you can paint something meaningful - or to earn the ability to paint.

>> No.18323608

Haha good one.

You don't have sex though manlet.

>> No.18323941

Was that before or after the acid torture and/or therapy sessions? "Therapy" tends to exacerbate or excuse the behavior through victimization and more slave morality bullshit.

>> No.18324031

His entire manifesto is literally one giant exercise in projection, glorifying the “noble savage” cliche, and making a bunch of spurious claims that even he himself admits may be complete bullshit, while offering no practical solution.

>> No.18324048


>> No.18324057

just kick his knee lmao

>> No.18324071

>while offering no practical solution.

This nigga serious?

>> No.18324105

If I understand correctly, you are being sarcastic and accusing me of having ridiculous opinions. I must admit these are my opinions precisely, save for one: I know perfectly that all my so called "nobel" pursuits are nothing but well-planned hedonism.

>> No.18324124


>> No.18324472

Coping mechanism is a generally negative term I thought? When I think "coping mechanisms" I often think of things like drugs, drinking, food. Hobbies can also fit into this if you do the hobby to cope with your sadness or to distract yourself from it

>> No.18324495

Drugs drinking and eating disorders worsen any chance of truly coping with the provoking stress thus is mechanically failing. Yet so we coin the term as a euphemism and sloppy mutt speak.

>> No.18324510
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Consequently, such difficulties enter into such symptoms, symptoms can present themselves from depressive affective ailments (i.e. low moods) to anger outbursts that eventually go beyond childhood control and starts to erode his or her life as a problem. For many the changes are irreversible and hence it warrants long term treatment with the qualified specialists and experts.

>> No.18324516

>my brain didn't evolve to not submit to hedonism wah just take me back to throwing rocks at mammoths, its never my fault im miserable
external locus spotted

>> No.18324520


>> No.18324526

Nope, cope

>> No.18324529

>not punching him in the balls
lardass can't even bend over ffs

>> No.18324569

He’s write and all the seething /fitlit/ faggots should come kick my ass and shut me up if they think they’re muscles are good for anything other than attracting twinks and leather daddies

>> No.18324588

>He’s write

>> No.18324605

Sceeth and koap

>> No.18324619

>s-see? I did it on purpose because I'm an original thinker, not because I'm retarded!
k retard

>> No.18324633

Sure rustled your jimmies, must’ve taken it really personally I guess, sorry about how useless you think you are :(

>> No.18324652

>rustled your jimmies
epic meme faggot

>> No.18324661

Who cares what this angry manlet thinks?

>> No.18324663

never forget it, bitch boy ;)

>> No.18324668

What is the “power process” that he refers to?

>> No.18324673

Just walk around it lmao

>> No.18324683

>pursuing a goal because the pursuit is what's meaningful is bad
What is this trash lol

>> No.18324701

>cognitive dissonance
not complicated reallly: if you can recognize activities which, by doing, you can achieve power, then working hard on anything else is a distraction
You don’t have to agree but don’t act like it’s some egregious dreck, I’m sure you’ve had coaches who thought this way only they considered football to actually mean something beyond the NFL, which is the quintessential boomer cope

>> No.18324725


>> No.18324733

I mean, that is kind of what Teddy is saying— see, I told you it wasn’t that hard, why were you playing dumb?

>> No.18324737

What do you expect from a bunch of out of shape autistic adult virgins?

>> No.18324749

Hey, I may be out of shape and autistic but I had sex once

>> No.18324754

>projecting this hard
bro we get that you feel like you’re /fitlit/ journey has been insulted by an actual imprisoned schizo but could you try and affect a bit of sensible removal from the topic? this is an anonymous image board, you don’t even know who you’re talking to and suddenly they’re all “out of shape virgins”
seek help my man

>> No.18324770

>playing dumb
yeah man 4chan is just brimming with successful well-adjusted people

>> No.18324781

Nice diversion; doesn’t matter who’s here, we’re trying to have a conversation, dilate on your own time.

>> No.18324797

>dilate on your own time
talk about projection lmao

>> No.18324853

Humans started banging rocks and blowing into hollowed out bones to make music, dancing around campfires and painting cave walls since we came into existence.

>> No.18324866

Isn't building bombs from your shelter, which contains all lifes necessities, for a political goal not a surrogate activity?

>> No.18324874

Guy Debord?

>> No.18324876

Hello, parrot. Pretty bird want a cracker? Pretty bird want a cracker?

>> No.18324882

Math is gay and for nerds.

>> No.18324927

>Reality is gay and for nerds.

>> No.18324955
File: 106 KB, 794x766, Schlomo Freud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh utopia
Tedfags don't realize that the superfluous are essential.

>> No.18324966

Math doesn't exist.

>> No.18324996

Math is a social construct

>> No.18325048

this is your brain on humanities

>> No.18325100

No really, math doesn't exist. Can you demonstrate an infinite group? An irrational number? Of course you can't, it's nonsense.

>> No.18325123

>I ain’t never seen no numbers out in the wild, I mean, what’s a square root even look like? huh? can’t explain dat.
please, PLEASE, shut up

>> No.18325130

he isn't proposing a utopic future, simply a return to what we were evolved to be

>> No.18325139

>this tool can be used to describe reality, it must be a fundamental part of creation!

>> No.18325154

>fundamental part of creation
are you talking to me or the voices in your head?

>> No.18325159

>he isn't proposing a utopic future, simply a return to what we were evolved to be
You really don't notice the contradiction here?

>> No.18325172

Not that anon but if you see an inherent contradiction it’s because you’re projecting

As a hypothetical, what if we evolved to be farm workers who sow crops everyday— hardly a utopia, but it would be better suited for us by teds logic

>> No.18325187

>if you see an inherent contradiction it’s because you’re projecting
Or maybe I'm just too logical. "What we were evolved to be" is a utopic sentiment. Evolution has no goal, and "we" are not a uniform body.

>> No.18325200

>Or maybe I'm just too logical.
Oh wow, that’s definitely not the issue lol, especially because you proceed to make assumptions based literally on ‘sentiment’
Slow down, first pay attention to the words, not what you think of them

>> No.18325216

Still a utopic ideal. Again, evolution has no goal and there is no "we" as you put it.

>> No.18325221

evolution has no goals, but it has results, humans on average are born with certain requirement for fulfillment which are better fufilled in certain scenarios than others

>> No.18325236

> evolution has no goal
Debatable, obviously no articulated or designed goal, but the results are so consistent (the fittest surviving) it’s worthwhile to think of it as having an objective
Same thing for “we”: we are humans, we may not always conform behavior, but we are we.
Sorry anon, but I really think you’re pushing this beyond it’s reasonable limit.

>> No.18325248

>evolution has no goals, but it has results
You just changed words around. Evolution simply doesn't give a shit what you want from life, and that's that. Things evolve as they may, life overlaps life and some life goes extinct. That's how it goes.

You would be scientifically illiterate if you insisted that it had a goal.

>> No.18325256

>You would be scientifically illiterate if you insisted that it had a goal.
Good thing this isn’t a science class, this is a board for literature and humanities, almost the exact opposite of science, but go ahead and dig the hole a little deeper

>> No.18325262

>Good thing this isn’t a science class
You're using a scientific term, retard. Don't do that if you don't want to get scrutinized for it.

>> No.18325274

would you agree that raising people in small box all their life would be worst for them because it doesn't satisfy their instinct and desire which appeared as a result of evolution?
if yes, than you should understand that Ted point is that modern society is a less extreme version of that

>> No.18325280

Does that make this a science class? I’ll use whatever words I am capable of, eacpeciallg since I’d love to see you try and delineate what makes one term scientific and one term not. You’re a fucking fool anon. I’ve tried to be polite but you pck serious critical thinking skills and it shows

>> No.18325287

Also, calling you posts “scrutiny” is going about as far as saying you are “too logical”
You’re the only one showing an inability to think outside predetermined boxes, maybe there’s somewhere else you would be more comfortable, like Reddit?

>> No.18325304

Yes, I would agree with that. However, when you have a civilization as complex as ours and with the population rising likes ours, talking about reversing the entire order of it is nothing short of utopian fancy. People have to fight for better living conditions and some will get the short end of the stick.

>I’ll use whatever words I am capable of
Okay, well you're clearly not capable of using the word evolving or evolution properly, so don't use those.

>> No.18325312

I’m doing just fine actually, but I’m still waiting on you to try and define scientific terms since that’s such a crux of your argument and using synonyms is some sort of blasphemy
care to try that again or are you just gonna offer some more impotent coping?

>> No.18325356

>nothing but utopian fancy
It could be a means to save said civilization. Not that I agree with that, but reducing it like this is just digging down deeper. Not too particular about your own word usage I see...

>> No.18325365

>I’m still waiting on you to try and define scientific terms
All you need to know is that evolution does not have a goal and CERTAINLY not a human goal. There is also no "return" to anything in evolution. The past is done with and trying to undo the changes set in motion is a pipe dream.

>> No.18325378

>all you need to know is...
>reduction, reduction, reduction

desu I don’t even disgaree with the faint points I think you’re trying to make, (specifically said it didn’t have an articulated or designed, see ‘human’ goal, but alright...) but you’ve still said ultimately nothing and got us back where we started

>> No.18325390

>Nature forces evolutionary pressure on humans
>humans band together and build modern civilization
>Modern civilization has absorved nature and now forces its own "evolutionary pressures"
>Humans adapt using transhumanism
>Brave New World is becomes a reality

>> No.18325465

Isn't Eugenics just evolution + human goal?
In fact, if you have a naturalistic view of humanity, you can say humanity is an evolved mechanism for the process of evolution to inject human goals into itself through eugenics

>> No.18325584

Shoo shoo ESLs, this is an english speaking board

>> No.18325618

>the superfluous are essential
Can you explain what this means and what it's got to do with Freud?

>> No.18325699

it means I need to keep my computers and internet connection because a smart man said so

>> No.18325703
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It's up to us to become the Savage against the modern world.

>> No.18325786

Rome 2.0 will fall

>> No.18325939
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>> No.18326293
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Okay just finished reading Industrial Society and It's Future. The issue seems to stem from the need to have a large technical system. This technical system has be kept alive by making people miserable or unhuman. Wouldn't the ability to create your own energy and components to build technology return us to a more rural life style? Smaller communities and such? He also cites population explosion as a problem. This is only a problem in the way we help 3rd world countries, and is only in the interim. Assuming they could become 1st world countries their population would decline eventually. But I guess that also supposes the same industrial affects that result in lower population pattern may not continue to exist? Maybe its the /pol in me but aren't there also advantages to having a more homogenous ethnic state, or at least some sort of national identity. He cites Nationalism as a problem that would further more technological development. He seems to paint himself into a corner with the extreme conclusions. That he cant try to reform or gain political power because it would just serve to destroy the movement having the opposite desired effect. If every individual has the ability to be independent technologically then autonomy would be restored. People could still grown and hunt food as a means to survive. I don't think people would be inclined to have more children either, because the technology we would still retain makes having kids not necessarily required. You don't need to have more kids so they can help out on the farm and do chores. The problem then would be more of an issue of depopulation by lack of motivation to have children. His concern for the environment is also a bit retarded. I wish he outlined more of his real intent, to preserve the environment so that it is best suited for our survival and contentment. He talks fondly of the environment existing before man as it had never had to deal with such wide spread changes and destruction. Which is just factually not true. There have been over 16 cataclysmic events in just our 200k existence. An ice sheet covering entire North America, solar minimums and maximums. Fucking asteroids. One could argue without technological advancement there won't be a planet left for any type of environment suitable for life. There is a risk technology would also destroy it all, but that was going to happen with or without technology.

>> No.18326304

If you're still thinking about the nation state as something positive in the year of our lord of 2021 you're hopelessly stupid and it shows how much of a /pol/ retard you really are. Sorry, buddy, you've got to go back.

>> No.18326329


too long didn't read: moneyball is the faggiest movie ever made. Nerds ruin everything, even their primordial enemy- physical exercise.

>> No.18326405
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I guess one point I missed is the sourcing of materials. Not everyone has access to copper, or rare earth materials to make electronics. Even if you had the power and manufacturing ability on your own. Then again, that's what we thought about Germany after ww1 and they couldn't produce weapons because their iron resources was taken away by Treaty Versailles . They just invented another way of casting metal to work around this. I cant remember the process but it used to create large metal works for shit like tanks and such. It's a process we still use today.

Basically say we invent away to transmit energy efficiently wirelessly. So now you don't need that much copper at your own home. If we are transmitting energy better wirelessly, why not also our inter connected network for information. I guess I believe there are technical solutions to our technical problems. I don't have any solid evidence for this to be true I don't think anymore than Ted's faith that it will all end in disaster. He extrapolated a trend accurately but that's not intellectually the difficult part. If anything it was pretty obvious.

>> No.18326408

>physical exercise


>> No.18326427
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So just get rid of all the borders then? Having a common language and values is a bad thing? Do you also eat lunch with vegans all the time? Watch horror movies with people whom don't like them? This shit is obvious common sense level sociology.

>> No.18326435

Whats the point you are trying to make?

>> No.18326452

“What seems to be one of the disasters of our time is that we all appear to agree that the nation-state is the norm... Whether the state be Marxist or capitalist, it makes no difference. The dominant ideology is that of sovereignty.”

>> No.18326498

Kek found the retard

>> No.18326615

i came to 4chan to escape the ackshually

>> No.18326642

Well I mean some kind of state, city state, there's always some type of community. A state made up of 100-500 families that have common values and such. I mean our entire way of life has been completely unchanged since the Sumerians. How do you find a place for your children and legacy to exist if there are not other people you have things in common with. I've read Bronze age Mindset, so I get the meme about civilization = bad. I just think there is a possibility to have a decentralized technological existence that still allows the fulfilment of the power process. One extreme over another is not ideal. Extreme civilization versus relatively none are not the only options.

>> No.18326657

>Industrial Society

>> No.18326694

I think there are not other options than accepting the current state of afairs and move on, anon. Reading Ted, getting out of the cities, returning to tradition, etc wont change shit.

>> No.18326701
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It will only feed the feeling inside.

I am at an age where traditionalism is looking more attractive than ever, but every western nation is not going to tear down borders for the sake of some colors and allegiances.

There is an alternative, if you really want it, I know it is hard, but I do not think it is so much of a concern at this moment.

I am still thinking over the matter, anon.

>> No.18326757

That there might be a solution to this issue other than destroying all of technological civilization and living in the mud. I don't think going backward has ever been the answer.

>> No.18326777
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>>physical exercise

>> No.18327087
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>>>physical exercise

>> No.18327539
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>Chad might let me have sloppy seconds if I suck his dick

>> No.18327545

>I don't think going backward has ever been the answer.
Of course not. That's why destroying modern civilization is the answer, because it is going forward instead of regressing backward into a swamp of human decay through technology. "Forward" and "backward" are mere subjective notions. In my view, reverting to simple agricultural lifestyles with simple governing structures would be the first major step forward.

>> No.18327575

You sound like a cringy egoist

>> No.18327583


If you don't treat Kaczkynski as word-for-word doctrine it's likely the best critique of modernity you'll ever read.

He's significantly smarter than I am though so maybe it''

Most true brilliant thinkers are adding layers of depth and new perspective to already widespead and established truths. the kind of information that we often take for granted (e.g. junk activities are a waste of time and won't help you grow.)

Kaczynski's manifesto could be written by a Ph.D candidate today with how more technology has eroded the human spirit, but to have written it 30 year ago (and 15 years before social media began to sink its teeth into our relationships) shows his genius

>> No.18327592

>I'm picturing you having gay sex, whaddya think about that huh?
you sure showed me nancy boy

>> No.18327594

Despite his use of the meme word “bugman” you are the cringier. He said nothing wrong.

>> No.18327606

fuck im in agreement with the buttertranny its time to kill myself this is it folks

>> No.18327644

B. E. Entirely Active

>> No.18327708

name the hidden tomes sir

>> No.18327775

Ted was a gangsta ass nigga. And gangsta ass niggas think deep.

>> No.18327937

Repost (from me) from sci:

The parts about Hirohito and surrogate activities stood out as really dumb to me. He basically says you do all this science shit because your real life is not stimulating enough, if you had to hunt and do whatever to feed yourself to live AND this life satisfied you enough intellectually, you wouldn't be devoting yourself to surrogate activities like science.

I suppose that's true, but it's impossible to be intellectually challenged doing menial tasks just to survive, so what kind of point is that? Yes, if you assume this alternate life could satisfy me completely I wouldn't look for satisfaction elsewhere. Idk, this seems hollow and like an intellectual slight of hand to me. So if I agree with your circular logic here am I supposed to not like science now?

>> No.18327956

How does it feel to be a failure as a woman, and as a person in general? Are you committed to being alone or are you just an abysmal mistake?

>> No.18328013

Does anyone have an audio book of Ted's Technological slavery? I re read the manifesto for the second time the other day and I just want more of a look into the mans mind.

>> No.18328039

doesn't show genius just ability to speak truth, which do have some crossovers. I mean its like calling star trek genius because of the tiny communicators they had. He was deep in academia, deep in the 60s, and everyone knows the 60s is when shit started to get real gay. I mean he is still technically a genius, he does crazy math shit, but his conculsions have been around for awhile. Pretty sure luddites and the Amish existed before Ted. His particular spin on it is nothing amazing. He has some interesting insights about a few things, but he is a defeatist martyr that in his infinite wisdom decided he was a rat in a corner and had to bite back. His first fucking bomb was made out of fucking match sticks. I mean I am into Ted and all but at this point it feels like some teenage hero fantasy because he some kind of intellectual bad boy. Like a Jordan Peterson but hes in jail and a murderer.

>> No.18328066

The point is that being existentially challenged > mentally challenged

>> No.18328103

yeah I think we can guess why evolution disagreed with that

>> No.18328104


>> No.18328143
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people devote time to frivolities because time has to be spent doing something.
chances are you are either spending that time on a hobby you already partake in, a hobby that is related to a hobby you already partake in, a hobby you have previously partook in, or a hobby that fulfills a similar niche to ones previously mentioned.
'surrogate activities' are simply activities that ted k. himself was not fond of. very similar argument to people that imply some hobbies are inherently superior to others.
ted k. would earnestly use terms like 'nu-fun'.
the neet that jerks off for a living and plays video games is no less fulfilled than the articulate reader. there is nuance to anything if you have the autism for it.

>> No.18328244

Was he retarded?

>> No.18328264

This distinction is absolutely bogus and anyone who thinks otherwise needs to spend more time reading psychology and less time larping online.

>> No.18328268

Evolution does not agree or disagree with anything. At best, we could say it "agrees" with whatever an organism has evolved to thrive in. In the human's case, that is substantially different from what we now find ourselves in.

>> No.18328278

Secondly, life without danger and overcoming is not really life in its full sense. This is the reason behind so much risk taking and why those risk takers tend to be significantly more mentally healthy than the depressed people who spend all of their time in menial jobs or activities. Mountain climbers and sky divers are probably some of the happiest people on Earth right now.

>> No.18328318

why are you here instead of climbing a mountain then?

>> No.18328781

i dont really care to be honest

>> No.18328878

You haven't read the manifesto
It sounds hollow because you haven't read about the power process and how the humiliation breeds leftism and quasi leftist useful idiots. Now Ted was a master of systems but a fool in understanding the malicious intent and agency of WHO is creating cruel systems. Yuri Bezmenov takes it just almost there. But none of these guys had /pol/ to cut to the chase.

>> No.18328914
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tl;dr - "stop liking what I don't like"

>> No.18328921

>glorifying the “noble savage” cliche
You have never read Kaczynski, please shut up

>> No.18328925

Surrogate activity as a concept is useful, most of my day is exactly that.
Video games, books, movies, etc.
I remember being happy in the military training fir a purpose, but as that purpose never actualized and probably never will, even that training has reduced down to a surrogate activity. If you take action towards something, which has no goal beyond reaching the goal itself, what use is that action? Flip a coin and bet heads or tails, win or lose. There is nothing to the win or lose condition, there is no actual result.
I can recognize the usefulness in Ted's concepts and internalize/self-reflect through them, to build some sort of a purpose in the spiritual then actualize it in the physical.
But whatever.
Words are just noise.
And nobody cares, nobody ever fucking cares.

>> No.18328938

Ethnicity has existed long befire nation states ever have. Look around today and you will se that these "nation states" are a lot less homogenous then the medieval kingdoms.

>> No.18328944

Ted is the midwit messiah.

>> No.18328948

No, that's Marx

>> No.18329111

Not the same anon but you basically admitted defeat with this post

>> No.18329749

>not the same anon
Yes you are, and no I didn’t, glad to see you’re still butthurt in the extreme thoigh

>> No.18329928

schizo moment

>> No.18330220

Based ted making braincels seethe.

>> No.18330785

reddit to go back

>> No.18331374

Fuck the slide thread

>> No.18331616

Tell me Ted friends, why did the sumerians come together to found civilization?

>> No.18331643

No reason in particular

>> No.18331816

it was just a prank, and humanity has been falling for it ever since

>> No.18331952

because it was a good way to multiply to number of humans, think about it this way, you have two tribes, one are hunter gatherers, the other farmers. The former live more fufilling lives, but the latter will quickly outbreed them. Same is true for civilisation

>> No.18332018

overly simplistic. Agriculture / early states were incredibly fragile compared to nomadic lifestyle, prone to disease outbreaks, failing climate etc. Not a foregone conclusion at all that farmers would "outbreed" hunter gatherers

>> No.18332030


>> No.18332051

If I remember correctly because of a flood or some other disaster, this removed status from the leadership because the technicians and workers were able to fix the problem over time and establish their own authoritative structures.

>> No.18332052

>But none of these guys had /pol/ to cut to the chase.
Yeah, the problem with Ted is that he didn't have some eastern european teenager on an anime board explain the world to him.

>> No.18332061

why did the farmers win?

>> No.18332334

just read it on 1lib

>> No.18332392
File: 23 KB, 1000x600, World_population_growth_(lin-log_scale).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not all of them, but the ones that do will gradually overtake hunter gatherer

>> No.18332658

Does Ted hate all farming, or do followers of Ted want to dismantle agriculture? Personally I don't see agriculture as being evil, on the contrary when it is done in organic and self sustaining ways. It makes me feel good when I'm outside under the sun planting something in the soil. I recall Ted mentioning in ISAIF that a portion of society will go back to being "peasants" after a anti tech revolution.

>> No.18332663

Ted is against the Industrial Revolution, that’s it

>> No.18332737

Just checking. I'm down with living in a post industrial world, but I'm not in agreement with some of the anprim types that want to be hunter gatherers again, if that's even possible given that nature is damaged and may take time to recover. Autonomous agricultural communities consisting of small groups or individual farmers on their own would be a realistic outlook IMO

>> No.18333001

based no-hope slav

>> No.18333008

I did that myself, and yes, It was pretty funny to read it on my phone.
But yeah, Just pirate it as an EPUB or PDF.

>> No.18333384

didn’t he say that agriculture directly lead to the Industrial revolution?

>> No.18333408

Teenage angst in a reply

>> No.18333423

>on that day humanity received a grim reminder

>> No.18333428

I don’t recall that though I haven’t read ISAIF in a while. He did say that the Industrial Revolution was an anomaly and that it probably wouldn’t happen again without the exact set of circumstances that caused it in Europe. Agriculture certainly isn’t an anomaly so I don’t see how he could believe that the Industrial Revolution was an anomaly while also believing it was caused by agriculture which wasn’t an anomaly.

>> No.18334721

I don't need to read it, it rambles on about political shit I don't care about. The attempt at "haha science is pointless" is very weakly argued that's all I'm saying

>> No.18334748

this is autism

>> No.18334933

>science is pointless
where does he say that? of course you already said you didn't read him, probably because the earliest sections on leftism make you think it's political but it's really not. he takes down conservatives with two sentences alone, try to read with an open mind but critical eye

>> No.18336302


>> No.18336319

You’re an idiot and you don’t understand what constitutes a surrogate activity.

>> No.18337322

so has playing with your peepee

>> No.18337324

Excuse my ignorance, what's this from?