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File: 124 KB, 850x530, st louis nutters - other 186.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1831245 No.1831245 [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ think of slutwalk?

>> No.1831250

sluts gonna slut

>> No.1831252
File: 19 KB, 350x350, big-bad-wolf-retro-cartoon-vinyl-sticker-by-alan-forbes-right--783-p..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are asking for it.

>> No.1831253

It's a sad example of how people don't treat other people like people. Come on, are you really being "persecuted" by a half-serious comment made by a police chief? People want to feel like they're fighting for their rights even if they aren't.

>> No.1831255

holding my own lil saging and reporting walk right now

>> No.1831259

We have had this thread no less than thrice now and it's been terrible every time

>> No.1831264


>> No.1831271

The worst thing is I'd only rape one of them. The others aren't worth the trouble. It's a sad day for humanity

>> No.1831273
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>> No.1831276
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>> No.1831281
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>> No.1831283

Goddamnit, I can't fap to this. What will I do with all my pent-up sexual frustration now?

>> No.1831285


>> No.1831286
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>> No.1831290
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>> No.1831292

It's a bunch of ugly chicks who're actually expressing frustration about not getting hit on. And they also feel empowered and socially active. It's a pretty stupid thing too. "Slut" has a specific meaning and is not applied to some social group universally. It's not like taking back "nigger".

>> No.1831293

Why are most feminists physically repulsive? Does the ugliness lead to feminism or the feminism to ugliness?

>> No.1831301

>In This Protest: Gays and Art Majors acting kewl &fighting 4 whats right

>> No.1831303


>mfw guys in there

Pussy whipped white knights

>> No.1831305

The former. Most chicks are feminists (most guys are too), it's just that most don't care enough to parade around town, or they're with their boyfriends who convince them to not do that because sex is a better use of time.

>> No.1831306
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"I only fap to the best"

>> No.1831308

Ha, most of them were actually just flamers who wanted an excuse to call themselves sluts. At least the one in Boston was like that. It was pretty funny, really, and probably made a few people realize how silly the whole thing was from the outset.

>> No.1831314

>Most chicks are feminists

I disagree.

I took a feminist studies class (it was required to graduate) and much to my surprise, none of the girls in that class considered themselves feminists.

Oddly enough, none of them realized that they were being oppressed until they were outright told so by the teacher. Fucking women, man.

>> No.1831321

>In This Thread: Neckbeards getting mad at women leaving the house

>> No.1831323

It really depends on the definition you're using. If the basic one of simply wanting equal rights for all sexes is applied, most people are "feminists". Things get sticky when you differentiate between different eras of feminism, different feminist thinkers, etc. Also, legal rights are pretty close to identical now (in reality, women are benefited in favor of men in certain circumstances) so the annoying contemporary ones seek to change societal values and actual power structures (e.g. "Did you know that only five percent of the world's CEO's are women?!" &c.).

>> No.1831326

i think you guys are missing the nuanced point of the protest.

i am not surprised

>> No.1831329

It's not even a nuanced or difficult point to grasp, people just see pictures of Le Tigre fans with bullhorns and poop their knee-jerk rage onto the internet

>> No.1831330

the point of the protest is: we REALLY want to dress like sluts, even if it may provoke men into raping us

>> No.1831331

what'd I miss? I love me some nuance

>> No.1831335


actually the point is: women should be able to dress how they want, without having to worry about men raping them.

>even if it may provoke men into raping us
you little cocksucker.

>> No.1831337

Yeah, well more like, we want to dress like sluts but don't want to be raped. I didn't really miss that point and think it's a reasonable request. The in-your-face one was actually we want to dress like sluts but don't want to be treated like and called sluts. This is silly to me. Nobody calls you a slut on the beach, that's what beaches are for. Wear clothes on the street

>> No.1831342

>the in-your-face one was actually we want to dress like sluts but don't want to be treated like and called sluts.

the "sluttiness" is only in your head. just because a woman is wearing an outfit is not an invitation to be treated like a sex object. you're the one with the problem, not them

>> No.1831345


>dress like that
>don't expect consequences

hurr durr!

Rapists don't single out women for what they're wearing, but it most certainly does not help in some cases.

Don't hide under trees in a thunderstorm is all I'm saying.

>> No.1831347

I don't really have a problem with it. Women that dress slutty tend to be sluttier, in my limited life experience. It doesn't really affect me much either way, but it's not great advertising to a certain sect of the male population.

I also explicitly stated that it's perfectly reasonable to not want to be raped regardless of attire, maybe you selectively misread that.

>> No.1831349

How much skin is a woman allowed to show before they should just expect to be "treated like a slut"

Can you give the number in square inches

>> No.1831360


treating one like a sex object does not always mean rape. it also includes groping, making comments, staring, cracking jokes or disrespecting them because of it. a woman's attire shouldn't be invitation to any of this. if you think it is, then perhaps you should re-evaluate your opinion of women.

>> No.1831366

The whole thing is so self-centered I can't even handle it. I consider myself a feminist, but I find the whole slutwalk thing embarrassing and 100% "white girl problems". These tumblr feminists accomplished absolutely nothing with these "protests". I don't know a single person who went to these things who actually was a rape victim. If you want to protest rape, try working with an organization like Take Back the Night that actually does something.

And yes, I do think that women should be able to dress how they want to and be respected anyway, but y'all are totally missing the point on what causes rape. Majority of the time, it's not about lust and it's actually about power. Especially in a bad neighborhood (gang initiations usually involve rape). It would be wiser to address race and class structure in America, things that lead to this feeling of inferiority among lower class minority males and thus rape to feel powerful.

>> No.1831367


seriously guys, give us an equation or a pie chart. we need to control these women!

>> No.1831368
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>. just because a woman is wearing an outfit is not an invitation to be treated like a sex object.

I disagree. These women are objectifying themselves and then getting angry when people treat them like objects.

Can't have your cake and eat it too, morons.

>> No.1831370

You're just being silly now. I never advocated rape or any sort of personal invasion of space. Good luck on convincing most males that girls wearing slutty clothing in public aren't more likely to be sluts. To some guys, this is a bonus. To other guys, it's a warning. It's not that confusing.

>> No.1831373


YOU. ARE. THE. ONE. FUCKING. OBJECTIFYING. THEM. you hypocritical assbackwards moron.


>> No.1831374
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women dress for each other and themselves not just for men.
You don't get steal food, to use a terrible analogy, just because you are hungry and the food 'looks good' right.
I realize there is a lot of trolling on this thread and this post is not likely to change anyone's mind who is biased against a new way of thinking, but maybe someone will think about it.

>> No.1831375


what is a slut? tell us. and then tell us what's wrong with that.

>> No.1831379

If I walk around with a thousand dollars sticking out of my pockets, I'm a whole lot more likely to get mugged than any other person.

Should women be able to wear whatever they want? Sure. Is common fucking sense to show some restraint? You betcha.

>> No.1831380


hey look, this rapist just can't control himself. are you a wild animal or something?

>> No.1831384


do you also piss all over yourself when you can't find a bathroom?

>> No.1831385

>Majority of the time, it's not about lust and it's actually about power.

No. Stop believing random bullshit just because it suits your ideology, fuckwit.

>> No.1831387

the women are objectifying themselves with the clothes they chose.

>> No.1831390

A girl who sleeps around. This is unambiguous. Nothing is intrinsically wrong with that. I personally don't find women like that attractive because I don't sleep around. Some guys sleep around and find this to be okay. You may have heard of the term "man-whore", which is applied to a male with the characteristics of a slut (although this of course is a much less accurate and truly more offensive term - as whores are paid for sex).

>> No.1831391

Slut Walks are the feminist equivalent of the antiinterventionist left.

Confused, self-defeating, nebulous and with no doctinre but that of implicit contrarianism.

>> No.1831393

this prevalent attitude that women who are raped deserve it because they were wearing fucking clothing needs to stop. men need to grow the fuck up.

maybe when you're no longer a teenager you'll understand that.

>> No.1831394

I personally would not rape any of those women, but only because they're all ugly as sin.

>> No.1831402

nobody in this thread ever said that. The guy whose quote started this whole slutwalk thing didn't say that either. Most people really don't believe this, it's just a phrase used to incite weird activism.

>> No.1831403


and this is what is always boils down to: a man can sleep around but a woman can't. if we get the sense that she is a sexual being, then she deserves to be brutalized.

but if a man is a sexual being, he should be praised.

>> No.1831408


but what you're saying may as well be the same thing:

if a woman is dressed "like a slut" then she deserves to be disrespected. it doesn't matter if it's rape, a grope, a shitty comment, etc, she deserves negative attention of regard.

it's nonsense.

>> No.1831409

So rapists are going to stop raping women that walk alone at night without hardly any clothes on, because there are sluts in the street complaining about it?

What does this accomplish, other than cementing my thankfulness for homosexuality

>> No.1831410


>> No.1831411

But he didn't say that at all. He actually said basically the opposite of that.

>> No.1831414
File: 45 KB, 235x252, cock sucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boo fucking hoo.

This is the one double standard that favors men over women, and you feminazis wont be happy until you strip it away from us.

>> No.1831415


read his other posts, it's implicit in that. he's backtracking in the post you quoted.

>> No.1831419

haha ok guys

let's get out of this thread and go for ice cream sundaes

>> No.1831420

Okay, a. I said nothing of the sort
and b. There is a serious difference between whispering to your buddy cause some girl's thong is in your face and raping her.

>> No.1831421


it's not just rapists, but everybody.

>> No.1831426


the act is different, but the motivating thought is the same.

>> No.1831427

/lit/ - Literature

>> No.1831428

How does that even make sense? If I go out dressed like a skinhead wearing swastikas and a SS banner in my hand, and then get upset when people call me a neo nazi piece of shit, then I'm the fucking stupid one not them. It's like that Dave Chappelle skit, you may not be a slut, but bitch you damn sure wearing their uniform.

>> No.1831430

No, it really isn't. You're just finding something to be angry about.

>> No.1831432


>Thinking about sex = rape

O hai Jesus

>> No.1831435


how many times does this need to be spelled out


just because she's wearing an outfit doesn't mean she wants to be sexualized. what don't you understand about that?

>> No.1831437

No, the point is that a cop or anyone should not be saying "Well, if you don't want to get raped, don't dress like a slut!" "Slutwalk" is for saying that it doesn't matter what you're wearing when you're raped - dressing in a nun's habit or booty shorts and a tank top does not mean that you are less/more a target for a rapist.

Nothing will stop a shitbag from raping someone, but a person does not need to be told afterward that they should have worn something else and then they wouldn't have gotten raped.

>> No.1831438

Seriously? You're fucking dumb. What impels a man to rape a woman is not what she's wearing, it's anger and hostility towards women. Which is part of a power complex. Rape is about victimizing the woman, not sexualizing her. So it doesn't matter what she's wearing.

That being said, the slutwalks are idiotic because they do nothing to end rape. A rapist isn't going to look at these protests and say "oh look, now I won't rape that girl because she has control over her own sexuality". He's going to think "this bitch needs to be taught a lesson".

>> No.1831440


it's objectification and disrespectful. are you just slow or willfully ignorant?

>> No.1831442

>if we get the sense that she is a sexual being, then she deserves to be brutalized.

what fucking planet do you live on where every man wants to hurt women?

>> No.1831447


>just because she's wearing an outfit doesn't mean she wants to be sexualized. what don't you understand about that?

I don't understand because you're defeating your own fucking argument.
A far more pressing association that must be broken is that between "Dressing/looking good" and "dressing/looking sexy". They dress in such a way to attract fucking attention and to feel good.

Often it does get unwarranted attention, such as what we are discussing, but therein lies the rub.

>> No.1831448

choosing to dress like a slut is unto itself an act of objectification.

learn to responsibility.

>> No.1831452


i'm a dude and i even i know that objectification and crypto-misogyny is the order of the day. you're either incredibly stupid or lying to yourself.

>> No.1831457

shitty lock.

>> No.1831459

So if someone does something that justifies judging them as such, you shouldn't? Cause they're women? If I dress in women's clothing and then whine when I am called a transvestite, I am a fucking retard. Same thing applies to wearing slutty outfits then whining about it.

Why? If you're a woman wearing a slutty outfit and walking alone at night, you're increasing your chances of sexual assault by a huge amount. People should know that. Same thing as telling someone who was playing with matches while covered in gasoline that they would be safer while in a flame retardant suit.

>> No.1831461


>every man

Whoa, cool your jets Greer

>> No.1831463

No I just actually have friends of the opposite sex. They enjoy being complimented when they look attractive and actually enjoy sex too. What they wear going clubbing is usually a little bit different than what they wear to work or wear at the beach.

This isn't even some radical male-centric viewpoint. Girls are a hell of a lot more vicious on each other than guys are anyways.

>> No.1831465


you're projecting the objectification and getting confused as to its source.

>> No.1831469

> If I dress in women's clothing and then whine when I am called a transvestite, I am a fucking retard.

lol made my day

>> No.1831471

Im going to take this thread to /adv/ where it belongs. But then again it's nothing but white knight faggots and slut/femnazis there. Maybe /soc/ would be a better choice.

>> No.1831473
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women: I want to be respected!
men: then act/dress responsibly.
women: but I don't want to act/dress responsibly!
men: too bad.

>> No.1831474
File: 86 KB, 750x600, extreme-rape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>willfully ignorant

>says the guy who thinks sexy thoughts are tantamount to brutal physical assault

Stay classy, you flagellant retard.

>> No.1831476


a woman is not a slut when she wears an outfit. period.

in fact the very idea of "the slut" is a male-centric misogynistic conception to begin with.

>> No.1831482

I don't think that's ever going to happen. People think about sex a lot. Revealing clothes make people think of sex. You might have to advocate nudism.

>> No.1831486


whose definition of "responsible" mans?


>> No.1831490

>Why? If you're a woman wearing a slutty outfit and walking alone at night, you're increasing your chances of sexual assault by a huge amount.

What you wear does not increase your chances for sexual assault. It's a common myth. Honestly, all it does is increase the chances that afterward, idiots are going to place blame on the girl's outfit for her rape --"Well, why were you wearing such a low-cut outfit? Weren't you kind of asking for it, showing cleavage like that?" etc. And if a girl was walking alone at night wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the blame is then on her for walking alone. And if she was walking with someone else, the blame is then on her for being out at all. And if she was in her home, the blame is on her for inviting the guy in, etc etc etc.

And this is ignoring that statistically, most rapes are acquaintance, date, people-you-know rape, not walking down the street and being grabbed.

>> No.1831491
File: 41 KB, 500x365, kanye-west-i-told-you-so..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>1831259 here

>> No.1831493

the problem with this entire argument is that it's already couched within the vocabulary of a male-centric world, which makes creating any useful dialogue impossible.

>> No.1831499


or, as in this recent case in nyc


the blame is on her for being drunk.

yep, pretty much anytime a woman is raped, it means she did something wrong. it's never the rapists fault, nope. he was just doing what came natural to him.

>> No.1831501

The point of the slutwalks is not "omg rapists won't rape now!!" it's to bring to light that this attitude of a girl's outfit meaning she's asking for it, is bullshit.

Man, I guess all these nuns getting raped are showing off their elbows or something.

>> No.1831502

Bull fucking shit. You need to understand that women can and do objectify themselves.

Don't try to tell me that women run around in cut-off jeans, with low-cut shirts, and no bra, with their midriff showing, thong exposed, caking layers of makeup on their face, look at themselves in the mirror and say "oh yeah, I look like a respectable member of society with moral values and intellectual ambitions."

>> No.1831503

i hate this thread and i hate that it has so many replies and i hate that it's so soon after that equally terrible feminism thread and i hope you get the bubonic fucking plague op, never make a post on here again i hate you i hate you i hate y ou

>> No.1831507

Chicks have the advantage of pure numbers as well as academic degrees. Step your game up, sorry we just play nasty D.

>> No.1831508

>in fact the very idea of "the slut" is a male-centric misogynistic conception to begin with.

Dear fucking lord you are so fucking dense it makes me want to vomit my innards then set them on fire. A slut is someone who is promiscuous. Men can be sluts. Lots are. They are generally just called man-whores.

It is not misogynistic to call a women who wears slutty clothes slutty-looking. It is especially not offensive to call women parading in the streets with slutty clothes and gigantic signs referring to themselves as sluts, sluts.

If you are female, which you are, please rip out your ovaries and attempt to 'regain' some common fucking sense.

>> No.1831513

>slut walk
>no female pigs

>> No.1831514


>Using "male-centric" in a serious discussion

Oh cool, opinions disregarded.

>> No.1831517


>Men can be sluts. Lots are. They are generally just called man-whores.

the bold-faced liar who thinks the "man-whore" has the same demeaning power when applied to a man that "slut" does for a woman. you are a clown.

and btw i'm a dude.

>> No.1831518

One of the are-you-fucking-kidding-me cases in my local town involved a 19 year old getting drunk at a party, walking home -- and getting raped by a police officer who pulled over, got out, and made her get into the back seat of the car.

Did the police officer get brought to justice?

No, she got jail time for drinking underage and was shamed in the newspapers for her partying ways.

>> No.1831523

>idiots are going to place blame on the girl's outfit for her rape --"Well, why were you wearing such a low-cut outfit? Weren't you kind of asking for it, showing cleavage like that?" etc. And if a girl was walking alone at night wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the blame is then on her for walking alone. And if she was walking with someone else, the blame is then on her for being out at all. And if she was in her home, the blame is on her for inviting the guy in, etc etc etc.

From who? I have never heard this from anybody except trolls on 4chan.

I didn't say it was their fault, I'm saying reducing your chances of any sort of harm is never a bad thing. In most cities its not safe for a guy to be out walking alone at 3am either, its common fucking sense.

>> No.1831525

I'm sorry, I don't understand your sentence fragments and ad hominems.

Come back when you have the debate skills of a man, sweet-heart.

>> No.1831528


yeah i live in new york and this was big news. fucking incredible. she even got the cop on tape admitting that he raped her while she was passed out on her bed and that he used a condom.

the jury acquitted them because they didn't think they could believe her story because she was drunk at the time. even after medical evidence showed bruising on her cervix consistent with being aggressively fucked from behind while laying on your stomach.

>> No.1831530

>From who? I have never heard this from anybody except trolls on 4chan.

you are really sheltered

>> No.1831533

This kind of thing, like the ''injustice'' of not being allowed to dance at the lincoln memorial in D.C., only illuminates the potency of a phrase taken from the Situationist International "Don't get caught up in the spectacle of opposition, oppose the spectacle!''
Seriously, activism in late capitalist culture has reached a point where self-consciousness has begun to devour itself, where absurdity is only embraced with credulity, rather than the ironic nihilism that was happening during the 20th century. Of course, it is ridiculous to believe that women "ask for it" by dressing provocatively, or even to think that certain forms of dress actually ''provoke'' sexual responses (seriously if you think that a certain way of dressing can somehow activate your sexual desire, you are a brainwashed idiot) BUT, this kind of ''demonstration'' is so far from radical, so counter productive, so superfluous, it brings a surge of pain to my weary heart. These people believe so strongly in the prevailing narratives that they can only manage to provide a degenerated commentary on them.

>> No.1831535

>the same demeaning power when applied to a man that "slut" does for a woman. you are a clown.

What are you even trying to say? Men are less ashamed of being sluts than women are? Okay, doesn't help your point any.

If you are really a man please castrate yourself so your nauseating intelligence has no chance of even residually influencing another person's.

>> No.1831539


You've got to be fucking kidding me. So you give us 1 case of the law (wrongly) siding with men in a case of rape, against the dozens and dozens of cases I've read on newspapers about women calling "RAPE" after they had consensual sex with some shmuck, and for w/e reason they wanted to fuck him over? And the guys who go to jail and ONLY if the cunt has a moment of guilt and retracts her false accusations, then they get released? And how many guys are in jail right now, wrongly convicted of rape after some lunatic cunt decided to fuck with the system?

>> No.1831541
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>>idiots are going to place blame on the girl's outfit for her rape --"Well, why were you wearing such a low-cut outfit? Weren't you kind of asking for it, showing cleavage like that?" etc. And if a girl was walking alone at night wearing jeans and a t-shirt, the blame is then on her for walking alone. And if she was walking with someone else, the blame is then on her for being out at all. And if she was in her home, the blame is on her for inviting the guy in, etc etc etc.

This is what women who barricaded themselves in feminist forums actually believe. Just keep projecting all your problems onto men.

>> No.1831542


>> No.1831543


What this guy said. Women get away with this shit all the time. It's like you guys have never seen an episode of Law & Order: SVU or something.

>> No.1831546

>Men are less ashamed of being sluts than women are?

yes. it's called hypocracy. my argument is that sleeping around shouldn't even be considered a negative. sex is sex and everyone should be allowed to have as much of it as they want. consensually, of course.

however for some reason men in general seem to think that woman who do this are bad people. and it follows that if a woman is dressed a certain way then that means she's promiscuous (which is nonsense) and, therefore, is "a slut" aka a bad person.

do you understand what's happening here?

>> No.1831550

This thread is why hijab is like, the one thing that muslims got absolutely spot-on right.

>> No.1831554



>> No.1831558


gather around and marvel at the woman-hate dripping from this post.

why don't you just go out and kill all women?

>> No.1831559

Get the fuck out, mudslime sympathizer

>> No.1831561


Why the fuck do you think this is a counterpoint, or even relevant? Both these situations are shitty, but it's not a choice between one or the other.

>> No.1831565


and what does this have to do with women deserving to be raped?

>> No.1831569

this is an actual /r9k/ thread

an /r9k/ thread on our beautiful board

fuck this gay earth

>> No.1831570


<3 this post

>> No.1831571

Next they will protest against police advising them to wear seatbelts when they drive. I guess they need something to do in the day once they wake up from all the partying they done at night.

Let's not fucking kid ourselves. This movement will not accomplish anything. And nor should it. These people a protesting a non issue. They're also reaffirming the negativity of the word.

>> No.1831572

"please respect the bitch" - lil b

>> No.1831575

>These people a protesting a non issue.

it's hard to see the forest from the trees, isn't it

>> No.1831576

>people expecting anything other than I TROLL U XDDDD misogynistic bullshit from 4chan


>> No.1831580



>> No.1831585


I am a bisexual man.

On the contrary. I hate Islam, muslim men, female circumcision, and all Abrahamic religion. However, I am in the process of articulating a worldview that takes what I see as the good bits from various areas, and trying to reinterpret it in a useful way.

Men are cheating, raping, murdering scum, and I'm not even trying to score points with feminists by saying that. It's fucking true. I think secular hijab is an exciting way of "queering" islam-infecting islam, with secular folks.

or am I simply a muslim, lying, as I am commanded to, to get you into my club?

>> No.1831587


Not if you climb them.

>> No.1831597

A walk against something people say in conversation (in threads like this for example)?

Well there's nothing wrong with it, but I don't know how it will change anybody's minds. Still, this is the sort of thing (being against stereotypes and cliches that put undue blame on women or promote a certain set role for them) that Feminism should be about these days, given that the political and economic stuff is mostly sorted out. Culture is the last battlefield (its also the one that seems the most trivial) in the West.

>> No.1831598


Wow, so calling a bullshit, in this case the fact that women aren't as discriminated as men when it comes to rape cases, make me a RAPIST? What the fuck is wrong with you? I agree that women should wear whatever the fuck they want without being singled out as a "slut" (hint: it will happen anyway) but if you think that there isn't discrimination against men every time some whore yells RAPE the day after she realizes she slept with Todd (who has halitosis) from accounting, then you are just ignorant or just naive as fuck.

>> No.1831604

I agree with you wholly, except for
>seriously if you think that a certain way of dressing can somehow activate your sexual desire, you are a brainwashed idiot
I mean, the way you dress CAN be arousing. I'm not saying it'll lead to rape (because that's ridiculous), but certain styles of dress can certainly be arousing.

But otherwise I completely agree with you. It's something like how every Internet hooligan claims to be a member of Anonymous. Words like "Feminism" and "Socialism" and other movements have become so misused that they've lost all meaning.

>> No.1831611
File: 159 KB, 356x298, 1248397072303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women are free to wear whatever they want

Women are not free of ridicule. Nobody is.


>> No.1831615




>Charles P. McDowell, a researcher in the United States Air Force Special Studies Division, studied the 1,218 reports of rape that were made between 1980 and 1984 on Air Force bases throughout the world (McDowell, 1985). Of those, 460 were found to be "proven" allegations either because the "overwhelming preponderance of the evidence" strongly supported the allegation or because there was a conviction in the case. Another 212 of the total reports were found to be "disproved" as the alleged victim convincingly admitted the complaint was a "hoax" at some point during the initial investigation. The researchers then investigated the 546 remaining or "unresolved" rape allegations including having the accusers submit to a polygraph. Twenty-seven percent (27%) of these complainants admitted they had fabricated their accusation just before taking the polygraph or right after they failed the test


>> No.1831616


yeah but this goes beyond ridicule. telling a woman who was raped that she was asking for it is punishing the victim.

>> No.1831622

As a heterosexual male, I fully support slut walks.

>> No.1831625

I think certain styles of dress can be interpreted as arousing, but that is a very shallow interpretation. The subjective content of a sexual desire far outweighs the objective stimulus, to the degree that you could say sexual stimulation is secondary to the psychological determination of desire--this is just my opinion of course. ''Arousing" dress can take on a variety of forms, so this idea that there is a ''slutty'' kind of dress I think is really misleading. I mean, a full body bear suit is highly arousing to some, and so a sports mascot could be ''asking for it''..also, we have control over our sexual desires, a lot more control than some people will admit.

>> No.1831628

Women should be able to wear what they want, no question. And the rapist is responsible for the rape, no question. But if it's even remotely true that provocative clothing can increase the risk of you being sexually assaulted even by the smallest of margins than that data should be announced to the public. Does this mean people should stop wearing what they want to wear? Fuck no. Does this make it the victims fault? Fuck no. I still don't understand what this march is about though? Who are blaming the victims? Who is asserting that provocative clothing makes it their fault? As far as I know the policeman was merely advising them. Merely putting the data out there. I don't think that warrants this protest.

Oh and if I want to call a dumb cunt a slut, I will call her a slut. And they will not like the tone I say it in. Deal with it.

>> No.1831629

>One study found 28 cases in which the defendant had been convicted and served an average of 7 years in prison before being exonerated by DNA evidence (Connors et al., 1996). Of note, all 28 cases involved sexual assault with the trials taking place in the mid- to late- 1980s when DNA was not routinely tested. According to the Innocence Project, since 2000 there have been 156 cases of post-conviction exonerations based on DNA testing, an untold number of which involved sex crimes (Innocence Project, 2008). The average time the wrongfully convicted person served prior to release was 12 years. Regardless of the exact number, processing those who have been falsely accused of rape is a clear waste of legal, judicial, and penal resources.


>> No.1831643

okay, i'm not even a feminist here but DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD IT IS TO DRESS IN A WAY THAT'S CUTE BUT NOT SLUTTY? seriously. the average shirt is designed for a b cup. if my tits are spilling out of my clothes, by accident, i'm not asking to be raped, i'm asking for a fucking clothing store that caters to the needs of someone with tits who isn't fat.

>> No.1831645

based on the posts in this thread this "slut walk" isn't about ending this crazy idea that "certain women deserve to be raped."

It's about women being total sluts and being proud about it and telling men not to treat them like sluts.

>> No.1831664


umm, you know there are much, much more stores, designers, malls, websites and thrift stores that are women-oriented than men right?

You must be fucking stupid. It takes me days to shop for a pair of shoes in my city. Yet there are 1-2 women's clothing stores per block. And when I go thrifting, 75% of the fucking store space is all women's clothing

>> No.1831676

bitch are you fucking stupid? Buy a bigger fucking shirt, and stop shopping at the baby gap. I don't wear dick hugging pants with my zipper down and expect people to respect me. Maybe you should learn to have some class and wear clothes that fit you you dumb bitch.

>> No.1831677

can't wait for the Rich White Traveller Man walk. I mean, fuck, its not my fault if I want to go to a 3rd world country and flash my gold and diamonds rings and chains without getting my arm hacked off by a machete-welding negro. ITS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT. I SHOULD DRESS ANY WAY I WANT.

>> No.1831678

Get a tailor. Guys do exactly the same thing because most shirts are built to cater a rectangle and not a delicious V.

>> No.1831679


What if I wanna be treated like a slut?

>> No.1831680

Appears to be a bunch of women no one in their right mind would fuck marching about and claiming to be sluts.

>> No.1831681

Not taking a real part in this shitstorm, just jumping in to say how unbelievably stupid this is:
>According to the Innocence Project, since 2000 there have been 156 cases of post-conviction exonerations based on DNA testing, an untold number of which involved sex crimes (Innocence Project, 2008)
'untold number' usually means 'a very large but unknown number'. But the total here is only 156. Even if a large proportion were sex crimes, that's maybe... 10 a year? It may be just badly written, and mean 'an unknown number'. But... that could be even less, and further implies that whoever this is are horrible, horrible researchers.
>Regardless of the exact number, processing those who have been falsely accused of rape is a clear waste of legal, judicial, and penal resources
So... the horrible research leads to this magnificent conclusion. Turns out sometimes people are innocent of crimes, and finding that out takes time and resources! I guess the judicial system should only put the guilty on trial?

>> No.1831683

everything is sexual, even the way a civil clerk handles his papers

>> No.1831689


men usually have pretty similar body types, the only difference being whether they are fat or have muscle. whereas women are all shaped incredibly differently. and personally, i can almost never find clothes that fit me correctly at any of the stores i can afford to shop at.

>> No.1831692

I agree. Doesn't mean people can't control their thoughts, actions, etc.

>> No.1831705

We have the hottest fucking civil clerk. Pencil skirts, white ruffly blouses with the top button popped, and those rectangular frames: the Holy Trinity.

>> No.1831709

you mean i've been shopping at the baby gap all this time! whoah, now i'm going stop that. thanks. it's not that clothes don't fit the rest of my body, they do. it's just my tits. if i try to buy a bigger size, i look like i'm pregnant and wearing a mumuu because they hang off my boobs.

lol nigga you think i can afford a tailor?

>> No.1831720

ITT > people who think it is normal for a man to feel the need to violently rape a women because she dressed slutty

Seriously, I don't care if a girl walks down the street naked with a sign saying "Im easy!". WHOEVER RAPES A GIRL IS FUCKED IN THE HEAD AND SHOULD BE PUT AWAY.

I understand that rape cases are not black and white, and bitches do lie, but taking advantage of a drunk slut, and being violent or over aggressive are the acts of an immoral/cowardly/pathetic/just straight up bad man.

sluts are gonna slut, pathetic excuses for human beings are gonna rape.

>> No.1831728

you are either a troll, stupid or just a habitual liar. As the other anon said, there are thousands of stores for women and the majority of the fashion market if for women, you can't find a fucking shirt that fits? Are you retarded? fucking that chick with triple K tits from brazil can find a shirt that fits but you and your mega milks can't? bullshit whore, try again muthasucka.

>> No.1831729


>> No.1831743

>implying drunk sex is rape. Nobody gets drunk to the point where you can't consent for fun. Drinking isn't actually that fucking fun, and booze doesn't taste that fucking good. People get drunk in order to get courage to act and do things they usually wouldn't sober. So if a bitch goes to a party dressed like a fucking slut, and gets fucking wasted and fucks some guy, she got what she wanted. Fuck regret is not rape.

>> No.1831773

and, like a typical man, you think you know more about my body than i do. i actually spent five fucking hours today trying to shop and found nothing that didn't have my cleavage popping out. there's no way that woman from brazil finds her clothes on the shelf at H&M, dipshit.

>> No.1831785

Brazilian chicks are hot.

That's my contribution to this thread.

>> No.1831791


Dude, you just raped all of the Brazilian women!

>> No.1831797

go to fucking bebe where every shirt is made for big boobs. or shop in the plus size section. there are places for you stop bitching to draw attention to yourself. so you have big boobs cool you think that makes you special? bitch please. if they aren't giving you back problems, you have no reason to complain.

>> No.1831807

>i actually spent five fucking hours today trying to shop

Imagine that.

>> No.1831811


PICS or it didn't happen!

>> No.1831822

I have mixed feelings about this, but the net sum is disapproval.

The "I am allowed to walk around with a thousand dollars sticking out of my pockets but it is common sense that if I do so I will attract muggers" analogy is good to me. A rape is never justifiable, but walking around in dark alleys with a miniskirt and heels is not something that I am going to support. I think that the only thing worse than a woman dumb enough to act like that is a man vile enough to rape someone.

Now, if a woman is dressed in a way that's NOT overtly going to give every man in a five-mile radius a boner and she's using actual common sense to protect herself, as the theory goes, she won't have a problem. But things are never quite so simple in reality, and unfortunately it's very often not at all possible to defend oneself from a rape. It can happen for a lot of reasons, and if you show yourself off it might be just one more reason, but I think rather than freaking out about the implications of this "asking for it mentality" (which I have never once heard IRL) we should be actively working towards ways to improve the way we treat rape legally. Getting angry about a completely sensible thing that some police chief said is counter-productive, and in the end the problem isn't "society is enabling rape by saying girls in alluring clothing deserve it", it's "rapists are enabling rape by raping girls for a lot of reasons, sexually provocative clothing being a very real factor".

This entire march seems to me like a bunch of people who would rather make cutsey signs and walk around the city for a while acting angry towards the big bad old white man authority figure 'oppressing' them (so that they can show pictures of themselves at the protest on Facebook later on) than actually doing anything meaningful to combat rape.

>> No.1831826

>Brazilian chicks are hot.



>> No.1831856

plus sized shirts hang off of my boobs and make me look pregnant. and women there glare at me. bebe? never even heard of it. i actually do have severe back problems and i've been saving for a breast reduction for years. 32F and still growing.

whatever, my tits aren't the point. the point is that sometimes people dress slutty unintentionally, they forgot to check in the mirror or they slept over at a friend's, got their shirt dirty and had to borrow from someone with significantly different body proportions.

>> No.1831881



>> No.1831887

Apparently /lit/ consists of rapists-waiting-to-happen, revolutionary Marxist undergrads and nothing in between.

>> No.1831902

All this talk of sexual objectification is wearing me out, if anyone needs me I'll be on /s/ jerking off to pictures of women who objectify themselves for cash.

>> No.1831905

I never went to college and I haven't been a Marxist since high school. I am mostly into syncretic mythologies and political views.

>> No.1831913


You forgot the sluts.

>> No.1831925

Lol, I'm to cool to even care about what a bunch of sluts do in a slutty country like America. Enjoy your STD.

>> No.1831975
File: 36 KB, 269x256, 20091015-40-year-old-virgin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>afraid of girls
>virgin forever
>"all sex causes STD"s"

>> No.1831976
File: 24 KB, 396x360, 1285385666280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck makes these threads and who the fuck posts in them? Why are you on /lit/?

>> No.1832013

I'm sorry i'm I the only one who finds those things kinda arousing

>> No.1832028
File: 94 KB, 704x528, threadCursed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ditto ditto ditto

>> No.1832123

My girlfriend told me a story like this. She's works as an x-ray tech for the army and she told me that the wife of one of her students got raped by an officer. After the rape, she went to the hospital, got the rape kit and everything. However, even though they had DNA evidence against the officer, all he got was a dishonorable discharge. In spite of the fact that he raped a woman, he did not spend any time in jail or have his name added to the sex-offender registry.

>> No.1832164

they're from outside the board

remember, anyone can post anywhere on 4chan