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/lit/ - Literature

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18310110 No.18310110[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> ___ broke me
> I read ___ and it ate my heart
> Just finished reading ___ and I am at a loss for words

Have people always described books in this manner, or is this some new dark zoomer academia trend? Is it a good thing that people are reading Tolstoy and similar authors "for the aesthetic" or will it be detrimental to the literature world in the long run?

>> No.18310169

I would bust on her face

>> No.18310182

That's a great question. You'll get reeeee though from the virgins. They love and praise the pic girl even though she's stupid and hasn't read shit.

>> No.18310197


I too would bust into poetry at the sight of her beautiful face.

>> No.18310201

I also dislike the casual use of "broke me."

>> No.18310210

People don't describe books like that. Women describe books like that. Women aren't human.

>> No.18310229

>I would bust on her face
Stupid incel you're a disgrace for manhood. You abhorrent maggot. Man the fuck up and do what you have to do.

>> No.18310234

Is there anything more soi than being a misogynist? I could literally hear your giant pink man-tits jiggling as you typed this out.

>> No.18310256

>People don't describe books like that. Women describe books like that. Women aren't human.
How old are you?

>> No.18310276


>> No.18310278
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It keeps happening!

>> No.18310282

Maybe I'm retarded but I find it so hard to talk to people about art
Like talking about music "oh, yeah I liked that song, too" ... silence
Or talking about painting "yeah I also liked that painting" you get the idea
It's probably because I'm autistic and retarded but still
Idk if I can even think about books on my own
>Women aren't human.
Based and this
But yeah idk how to talk about books and all the off topic threads on lit make me feel like no one can
Also when Anthony fantano does his "music reviews" he sounds like a fag
Maybe you just can't talk about art at all idk

>> No.18310351

>It keeps happening!

>> No.18310352

Hey where’s the other guy?

>> No.18310365

I think you could find some precedent for this sort of nattering in Longinus's 1st century treatise Peri Hypsous (On the Sublime). In it he writes of poetry and rhetoric that, in overpowering the will and agency of the reader/audience, enacts a sort of violence. I'm not saying that a housewife's sentimental response to a touching novel is at all the thing, but the language that is used to describe the experience is similar.

So yes, in a sense, people have described books in this manner for quite a long time.

>Is it a good thing that people are reading Tolstoy and similar authors "for the aesthetic" or will it be detrimental to the literature world in the long run?

This seems very much like an un-self-conscious description of /lit.

I imagine people have been reading "for the aesthetic" for as long as books/reading and fashion have overlapped, which is at least 18th century. Books + consumer capitalism = people aspiring for an appearance when they read and having opportunity to do so.

But who cares? If someone stumbles into a fucking good book because of shallow reasons, but reads it and gets some pleasure from the read, who could possibly object?

>> No.18310376

Sure, plenty of people read as a form of immediate emotional disclosure or fetish - "I want things which break me" signifies both.
They enjoy it in the wrong way & for the wrong reasons

>> No.18310427

>I find it so hard to talk to people about art
Maybe if you read more you'd have a larger vocabulary.

>> No.18310443

>They enjoy it in the wrong way & for the wrong reasons
I'll bet you're a hit at parties.
>wojack in the corner meme "they don't know"

>> No.18310453

>Maybe if you read more you'd have a larger vocabulary.
It's not about vocabulary you stupid shit. You stupid fucking cunt. It's about learning to understand and express what you feel.

>> No.18310455

>But yeah idk
It's just you who can't talk. BUT LIYK UMM YEAH HAHA IKD LOL

>> No.18310462


>> No.18310488

FUCK YOU!!!!!!11

>> No.18310542

My vocabulary is almost 29,000 words I think. Like 28500 or so
Idk if there is anything to express. Idk anon sorry.
Well can you talk to me about a book so I may learn how to do it?

>> No.18310548

>Idk if there is anything to express. Idk anon sorry.
What do you mean?

>> No.18310554

I'll bet you're allergic to pollen too

>> No.18310561

i wanna send her money while she calls me a good loser

>> No.18310571

That's right

>> No.18310586

“X broke me” is pre zoomer slang. I first heard that my first year in college in 2012

>> No.18310595

Misogyny is literally the most high IQ belief. I have a 140 IQ and identify politically is a Misogyno-Fascist

>> No.18310671

>“X broke me” is pre zoomer slang. I first heard that my first year in college in 2012
What is zoomer?

>> No.18310704
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>> No.18310724

people born after 1998

>> No.18310732

I love Emmie!

>> No.18310761

I have to bust on her face

>> No.18310798

emmie is cute shut up stop making fun of her

>> No.18310803


>> No.18311032


>> No.18311052

No better or worse than 'CRINGE' or 'BASED' or 'Red/Blue/Blackpilled' desu senpai.

>> No.18311102

You forgot to add the part where it says you're a stupid fucking insecure retarded pseud who thinks a number justifies your miserable pathetic little existence

>> No.18311132
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Holy seething cope!

>> No.18311179


>> No.18311232


>> No.18311366

stunning and brave

>> No.18311389

It's about having an entertainment channel on social media. Same reason horror game streamers overreact, they get more views.

>> No.18311395

Just finished reading this sentence and I'm at a loss for words

>> No.18311596


Shut up shut the fuck up you fucking idiot

>> No.18311633

Shut up or I will bust on your face

>> No.18311644

How would it be detrimental? Majority of people do stuff for appearances, and it rarely harms the thing in itself. Unless you care about how the thing appears to someone else.

>> No.18312340

desu i think out of all the popular book youtubers she's probably the most well read. reads quite a wide range of books

>> No.18312346


>> No.18312406

Well read and widely read are different
She's widely read

>> No.18312479

get in line

>> No.18312635


>> No.18313154

>do what you have to do
Bust on her face?

>> No.18313230

I've seen old women say that before in reviews.

>> No.18313401

>Maybe I'm retarded but I find it so hard to talk to people about art
>Like talking about music "oh, yeah I liked that song, too" ... silence
I can empathize. Some people just either don't want to, or can't, explain why they like something beyond that it made their tummy feel a little fuzzy. Which is fine, if you're cognizant of that fact. Ive only one friend who can offer any level of depth to the art pieces they like.

How about this anon, you tell me your favorite painting and why, and ill tell you mine.

>> No.18313447

You're allowed to have an emotional reaction to what you read. It's another thing to express that reaction in a cliched way.

>> No.18313478

Yeah everyone doesn't have to have some analysis of the themes or the prose just be glad they're actually reading.

>> No.18313520

What the fuck is "Dark Academia"?

>> No.18313559

Have you Seen her goodreads or any of her videos? She spends most of her time reading, often classics. She has surely read more than you, both in quantity and quality.

>> No.18314012

I think my favorite painting is combing the hair by degas
I'm not sure why. Maybe it's the color that I like
I forget if I've had an emotional reaction to a painting though
I think I was afraid when I first saw Peter Paul rubens' two saytrs, but I don't remember seeing a painting and feeling strong positive emotions

>> No.18314016

Bust her face up?

>> No.18314059

What's her OnlyFans?

>> No.18314072

let's tag team her

>> No.18314084
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>dark academia

>> No.18314115

Damn. She's ready 40+ books already this year, including some Gogol, Voltaire, and Shakespeare.

>> No.18314177

an aesthetic that is roughly autumnal prep.

>> No.18314183

No, it's worse because you can use 'cringe' and 'based' normally in a sentence while 'x broke me' is a stock phrase used in a vacuum and solely for internet points

>> No.18314187

>after a lengthy discussion of Dark Academia she pulls you into a bathroom stall and pulls your pants down
Wat do?

>> No.18314186

The car crash broke me arm!

>> No.18314192

Harold Bloom and others like him say that exposure to shitty book permanently cripples someone's taste but I wouldn't know. The first books I can remember reading are fucking Captain Underpants and Harry Potter back in 3rd grade. Harry Potter was certainly a bad influence on me (the lame main character serves to champion timidity- horrible thing for young boys to admire) but it also sucked me in and I never really stopped after. Percy Jackson was a bit better. I'd read all these old adventure stories like Tom Sawyer, Jules Verne, Alexandre Dumas etc. and was always interested in the source material. That was always what worked for me: If I enjoy something, I try to read whatever it is the author liked. And I think most people either don't do this at all or they get filtered because they don't have the imagination or powers of extrapolation to relate at all to a text that took place decades or centuries ago. I think most people can never be much interested in literature no matter what. Even during the late 1800s when so much fantastic literature was produced, great thinkers thought the world was coming to an end and 99% of the things people consumed were garbage. The other bad influences on me were Calvin and Hobbes (pretentiousness) and Catch-22, which I read in 6th grade and enjoyed so much I read it 5 times that year. Problem is I don't think kids should be exposed to most recent or even 20th century literature because the theme that 'everything is just bullshit lol' is so common but it's not something a kid should believe. Plato said the reason kids aren't taught philosophy is because they end up believing nothing and for a while I was the same way. If I had a kid I'd make them read the Double Helix and other sciency books, as well as history stuff. The only thing that can motivate >90% of boys to enjoy reading is a sense of reverence for history and some inspiring deeds of heroism from them. I was fortunate in this regard- mom told me stories of the Austrians fought off the Turks, or how their flag came from a man drenched in blood after a battle taking his belt off. Uncle told me old civil war and revolutionary war stories. But the thing about going to the source is the most important thing and I think having a lot of history rattling around my head taught me instinctively you could always mine the past for inspiration, and most were too unaware to realize the idea wasn't yours. Best example is in middle school I'd read Mark Prindle's hilarious autistic music blog -> find out he ripped Lester Bangs -> find out he ripped Hunter Thompson -> find out he ripped Henry Miller (but also liked Donleavy which was a boring dead end, it happens) -> find out he ripped Celine. Which was like discovering a massive jigsaw puzzle piece to all 20th century writing and was like Catch-22 with far more literary value and inspiration. And nobody on earth knows about people like him anymore. Don't remember how I discovered Dosto but read it at 16 etc

>> No.18314193

Let her give me a blowie, obviously.

>> No.18314198

This book will break you

>> No.18314239

let her eat me out (im female)

>> No.18314286
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>(im female)
YWNBAW. You will never pass, stop trying.

>> No.18314299
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>couple of years ago
>following a small time booktuber
>demure, soft spoken, bookish college girl with glasses
>pretty much my dream girl
>establish rapport with her on her channel and recommend her books
>one day while drunk and horny I donate $1200 to her paypal
>tell her I'm rich and there's more if she sends me a vid of her fingering herself
>she sends me a 4 min video
>says she's shy and never done something like this before because she never had a bf
>she's not shaved so I believe her
>i feel instant regret and disgust with myself after masturbating to it
>unsubscribe from her, delete all my comments on her channel, and ghost her
>push video on a flash drive and hide it away in my closet but don't have the will power to delete it

I now know what raskolnikov felt like /tv/
Am I damned?

>> No.18314311

>Am I damned?
You're still breathing so you can repent. You'll never be free of it if you don't delete the vid tho. It's the only way.

>> No.18314315
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>girl with glasses
Shit taste.

>> No.18314317

That's the problem. I just can't do that. I still take it out on a rainy day to make use of.

>> No.18314322
File: 890 KB, 647x656, pbuh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished reading introduction to the study of hindu doctrines and I am at a loss for words

>> No.18314326

>a 4 min video
Post it, faggot.

>> No.18314330

I don't know what to tell ya bud, there's good odds you're damned if you can't kick the coom. Go destroy the video right now, while you've still got enough sense to feel shame. Once that's gone, you'll just be a husk of a man. Do it while you still have the integrity.

>> No.18314345

yikes who hurt you

>> No.18314347
File: 440 KB, 746x1812, ka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is sick. Why do you guys corrupt and desecrate everything you touch? Your incel coomer lust is polluting the psychosphere

>> No.18314371

>That pic
No fucking way.

>> No.18314376

I think it became a trend after that one "This album BROKE ME" video was made about Everywhere at the End of Time

>> No.18314379

That bitch was always a whore. She couldn't cut it as a youtuber so she defaulted to the only thing women are actually good for: using her body to get attention from men. Typical whore behavior. Why act like she got "corrupted"?

>> No.18314389

>college girl

Huh? Are you face blind? This chick looks like she's in her mid 30's

>> No.18314397

I don't think they are referring to the same girl, Anon.

>> No.18314398
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Ok, explain paperbackdream's onlyfans then.

>inb4 she's a whore too
Every female looks like a whore when you're an incel virgin.

>> No.18314405
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>you can use 'cringe' and 'based' normally in a sentence

>> No.18314483


>> No.18314484

Imagine paying for this shit kek

>> No.18314488

False & Undeniably Homosexual

>> No.18314551

I don't know why you specifically struggle to talk about art, but I love talking about art whether it be music, books, etc. but I still sometimes have to force myself to push past some self-conscious anxiety when I do, because you are actually being emotionally vulnerable when you really discuss your reaction to art in depth, and plus it can be difficult to not sound like a self-important pretentious faggot when discussing or creating art. As my good friend Francis Ford Coppola discusses here starting at 0:59 seconds in:


>> No.18314570

Literally what the fuck is this dark academia meme? Is it literally just reading fucking normal classic books? Nuke the fucking world if that's what it's referring to

>> No.18314585

I just came to this bitch's video. What have I become?

>> No.18314629

You sound really gay