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/lit/ - Literature

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18308929 No.18308929[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18309251


He is very based but he needs to get off twitter if he wants to retain his sanity.

>> No.18309257

His entire library is just a humongous pile of McDonald's receipts. He fat.

>> No.18309261

I do not respect him at all because he is fat.

>> No.18309328
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Seething gymcels

>> No.18309330

There was a mega link that hd all the old TekWars stuff and 8 know he wrote some blog posts under a pseudonym, which I have forgotten. I remember 8t was the name of a literary character. Also he fucks a tranny lol

>> No.18309449

He's in better shape than any of you guys will ever be in your lives

>> No.18309450

>how a 60kg guy fights a 260kg guy
cool now show how a 260kg guy fights heart disease and diabetes

>> No.18309589

That's now how anyone fights you retard, I want to see that fat fucker fight and not just receiving punches with his belly as if he was Kung Fu Panda

>> No.18309598

Edward Waverley. Also used to have an archive of his 'writings' on Autistic Mercury (dno if still).

>> No.18309600


>> No.18309610

Nice cope manlet.

>> No.18309662

>My plan? To save terabytes of homoerotica on my tablet. This I call the Bronze Age Mindset.

>> No.18309955

That's some public library or school library, you can tell from the signs and bookcase arrangements. It's not his personal library. That's hilarious, nobody actually records themselves at a public or school library to give the impression that they read a lot. The only people with permission to do it are librarians or scholars/academics/professors at said schools. What a freaking pseud.

>> No.18310062

Kantbot is smart, and I have been watching his development for some time now. He is currently gunning for the spot of being the new Moldbug (aka most interesting internet intellectual), and for the sake of achieving this end he has distanced himself from much of his earlier influences, including /lit/ (although that fat fuck lurks here definitely).

He has two big problems which are preventing him from becoming someone you should take too seriously: in the first place he is a complete asshole in his personal life, and makes a point of publicly burning bridges with everyone he is associated with. This is good in that it prevents him from being over-influenced by greater minds, but terrible for his development, because he associates exclusively with his intellectual inferiors (like Logo Daedalus lol).

Secondly, Kantbot can't really write a polished essay. For example, his most recent work from this year: https://medium.com/@EdwardWaverley/rebuilding-the-university-49362f01269a

The ideas are good, but notice that the essay itself is confused, without proper ordering and structure.

Still, I won't talk too bad about KB, because I learned about the absolute centrality of Library Science to the history of thought from reading his Twitter. Kantbot's contribution.

>> No.18310084

>He is currently gunning for the spot of being the new Moldbug (aka most interesting internet intellectual)

>> No.18310101

it's from a scene in 'tfwnogf'

>> No.18311270

Why would I ever listen to this dork

>> No.18311462

I don''t really care about dunking on this big boi but I have a strange compulsion to find a Gothic short story that I read on one of KB's webzines around 2016 (could have been autistic mercury) about a man attempting to court a woman on a plantation in the south. he stalks the girl through a forest and finds a negro shitting on her face. If anyone knows what I'm talking about or has info please let me know.

>> No.18311517

I think like anyone he wants to “do something” about the state of our world. In 2016 that for him took the form of “fighting the meme war” via esoteric shitposting but gradually most people realized the trump revolution was just a stunt and nothing was gonna happen. He realized activism and electoralism is useless and that when playing the dissident on social media you’re merely funneling more power to the state through a more byzantine way. It became necessary to understand how this complex system of information control works and how it came to be if we ever hope of stepping out of it. That’s what his present project is, he’s not so much an intellectual or philosopher, but a historian. As for him being rude on Twitter, does it even matter? I think all he cares about is making good work.

>> No.18311550

unironically the best system of human judgement

>> No.18311556


>> No.18311577

Like his book collection? A kindle? A bookshelf in his mothers house? I don't know but I doubt he's particularly well read.

>> No.18311579

do you respect donald trump?

>> No.18311647

This essay doesn't even argue anything except perhaps that we should try to emulate the 19th Century German university system and practice more historicism to understand the contexts in which key thinkers operated. The issue with this is that "thought-space" is expanding over time, such that one can devote all of one's time to the history of ideas without ever really producing new and interesting knowledge. At some point one must kick away the ladder.

To give an example, do we study so-called "old quantum theory" in physics as a lead-up to quantum mechanics? No, not really. Do we start with the study of Regge trajectories in gluon scattering as a prerequisite for string theory? No. Things are different in the humanities, but it's questionable the extent to which "knowledge" has ever been produced in the humanities.

>> No.18311736

this is how you know the essence of twitter is making people insane
twitter is a human useless box
once you get on twitter, you lack retaining sanity
if you desire retaining sanity, get off twitter
it's like you're in a boat and every time you tweet you're picking up a pistol and firing bullets through the wooden floor into the ocean, water is flowing up, the boat is sinking, and you have to bail the water out if you want to keep floating

>> No.18311754

Reminder to ignore all sophists and public intellectuals and devote your life to poetry and imaginative literature.

>> No.18311811
File: 272 KB, 746x613, 1E8A2C06-0BFA-4768-B9DF-8FBB0122DAB8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitch I’m lugubrious
You think that I’m new to this?
They call me logo daedalus
Cuz bitch I was made for this.

Spitting media ecology
Give you half my knowledge
Cuz you couldn’t handle all of me.

Got into Hegel now I’m all about the world soul
You tell me I need to lift,
Bitch you need to get your brain swole

>> No.18313098
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Whatever his faults kb is doing us a service by researching all this bizarre modern history that no-one else is paying attention to and the pseudcast is worth the time. kb's constant public scorn for anyone who claims anything without understanding the full historical and literary depth of it is good too because it plays the stick to the carrot of understanding in his personal battle to force people to read.

>> No.18313108

ah yes, fighting, also known as running into someone at full speed

>> No.18313155


>> No.18313179

based dr ugly mane

>> No.18313182

Does anyone know where I can listen to his podcast for free? I’m poor as fuck.

>> No.18313183

probably Book Culture on 112th street. that's where he's standing in that pic and if you ever go there and browse the philosophy section you can tell he just grabs random shit from there and posts it on Twitter like he's some kind of neo-Kantian genius.

>> No.18313302

Agree with both points. As someone who subscribed to his Patreon, I can tell you his lack of structure extends to the podcasts. He never asserts a thesis. Instead he continuously piles references and findings, typically along a loose linear narrative. This made the episodes exhaustive, exhausting, yet somehow incomplete. His JFK ep, for example, spent hours discussing tangential associations and connections - without setting them into the context needed to advance earlier claims. Everything about KB is flabby. I unsubscribed.

(Another reason for abandoning his pod was KB's voice and style. Couldn't take the intermittent gay baby talk whenever he talked to or about his toy poodle. He also intersperses each episode with overacted surprise. "Wait. WAIT. Oh my God. I mean.... It's just crazy! How is this even REAL? Hahahahaha." Talks like a Marvel funko pop fanboy.)

>> No.18313455

>most interesting internet intellectual
Lol, he's a glorified aesthetics account, like Archillect but for le spooky 20th century military contractors. His writing is bad because he doesn't read anything he posts about

>> No.18313479

He's based and better read than anyone on /lit/. Stop being faggots and support our fellow autistic fren.

>> No.18313480

Based bloatmaxxer.

>> No.18313516
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absolute fire, lad

>> No.18313536

>pseudcast is worth the time
ah yes 15 hours of kb & friends congratulating each other on how much novel research they've done without ever presenting a coherent thesis each episode

>> No.18313617


>> No.18313640

>I learned about the absolute centrality of Library Science to the history of thought from reading his Twitter

quick rundown? I thought of applying for library science but I hear it's a very competitive job market

>> No.18313641

Who is he? I saw him in a random MDE video and thought he was just some fan Sam Hyde met on the street and hung out with.

>> No.18313650

I want that shirt

>> No.18313666

This post is shockingly accurate. Good post.

>> No.18313681

Imagine writing this post (which I didn't read) about an ugly fat dude who got notoriety for screaming hysterical nonsense in a crowd in Times Square. I mean, isn't that enough cringe and enough stupidity to ignore him forever? The world is full of literally whos, and guess what: most of them write blogs and some of them even scream bullshit when their female excitability gets triggered. None of them deserves your attention though, and factually you are ignoring a thousand katbots to meme about this particular one. It's not an intelligent behavior.

>> No.18313687

it’s only 5 dollars

>> No.18313693

Twitter man who is fat and reads lots because he doesn't have any friends IRL (although I'm sure /lit/ can sympathize). Had some good takes on twitter until last year when he started attacking his mutuals for no reason and being a petty child on the TL. Now runs some kind of blog/podcast about the RAND corporation or Oil Tankers or something.

>> No.18313732

If his ideas are good, then who cares if he's fat? Are you a homosexual?

>> No.18313737

he would be more respected if he weren't a fat slob. what's so hard to understand about that?

>> No.18313741

>discussing seriously about this boy, as if he was someone
It must be a big joke

>> No.18313752

>If his ideas are good
His ideas are non-existent.

>> No.18313756

Have to agree with >>18313737, as someone who used to be really quite fat before losing weight, you realise being fat is revelatory of how someone values their self and their body. It's a sign of laziness and poor living and I was indelibly more selfish, greedy, and inconsiderate as a fat person. Such shaping of your experience defines your personal philosophy and viewpoints across topics and issues. So yeah IMO it does actually matter, though I get just telling 'FAT' isn't that helpful.

>> No.18313858

I do.

>> No.18313869


>> No.18313876

>he'll never be a good writer because he's bad at writing

there I condensed your retarded comment

>> No.18313877
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King Eglon Chad

>> No.18313880

He broke down mentally when a couple of bodybuilders called him fat
Fuck twitterposting by the way

>> No.18313889

*straussian bodybuilders

>> No.18313893

god damn he is so fucking fat.

>> No.18313906

That's a lot of money to me

>> No.18314212


>> No.18314231


>> No.18314314
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Mr. Heart is that you?

>> No.18314352
File: 333 KB, 601x419, Siegfried-and-Mime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no better metaphor for BAP and KB than the characters of Siegfried and Mime in Wagner's Ring Cycle. Through his research and databases, KB is creating the brittle swords that BAP will continue to destroy - until BAP finally uses the skill he learned from KB to forge a perfect sword of his own.

Also Mime is a fat ugly hateful bitter POS, just like KB, who never made a friend that he wouldnt eventually betray lol


>> No.18314373

Kantbot didn't live a tough life.

>> No.18314381

>None of them deserves your attention though, and factually you are ignoring a thousand katbots to meme about this particular one.
well said.

>> No.18314385

>Reminder to ignore all sophists and public intellectuals
>and devote your life to poetry and imaginative literature.

>> No.18314459

It would matter if he was giving fitness advice or general life advice. He’s not tho. It seems his main goal is mapping the historical development of globalism. If people have qualms about him it should be about this project’s validity or execution.

>> No.18314470


>> No.18314524

>Lugu Daedalus

>> No.18314535

>hateful bitter

This is his downfall more than anything. It isn't like fatness hasn't also been associated with jolly joyful exuberance, but he is so utterly bitter that he invites negativity in on himself.

>> No.18314600

The seethe from manlet pillpoppers.

>> No.18314606
