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File: 73 KB, 628x892, Destiny-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18308510 No.18308510[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He doesn't read as many books as you do, but he will destroy you in debate without a chance. Why would you read books if they don't teach you what this guy can do?

>> No.18308513

Sophistry is not an admirable skill

>> No.18308521
File: 20 KB, 200x308, Postman_Amusing Ourselves to Death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Winning debates isn't about being right, especially when done on a visual medium.

>> No.18308537

>He doesn't read as many books as you do

His opponents don't read either. When they do, he usually shuts up and says he has to research stuff.

>> No.18308552

Destiny is pretty good at asking clarifying questions and spotting where people get into contradictions. But he's not a great source of original information, that's what books are for.

>> No.18308556

Sophistry is a value judgement not a descriptor.

>> No.18308663

Debate isn't even about the information, it's how you present it. In any discussion where you can employ purely human things like status, charisma, processing speed, you will see these things invoked. The ONLY way to have an actual discussion based on the information itself in pursuit of knowledge is with the written word. Nothing else is worth paying ANY attention to. Debate tactics often exploit what are essentially evolutionary backdoors into the human brain. As a social species, we are literally wired to look for and pay attention to things like charisma because they hold a value when getting groups of humans to cooperate in pursuit of a concrete goal, like hunting a mammoth or caring for the tribe's young. I submit that charisma is entirely irrelevant to a genuine debate when you actually care about what's being discussed, and if you are interested in more than finding out who the most eloquent and charismatic hairless chimp is, you would eschew completely the visual and the auditory in favor of the written word, which bypasses almost all of our evolutionary impulses entirely.

What's Destiny written again?

>> No.18308680

People like this value playing word games over finding the truth or even a workable solution, pretty sad

>> No.18308712

Who is that?

>> No.18308729

He's probably anti-hbd like all liberals, so no, he wouldn't "destroy" me in a debate

>> No.18308760

I think most liberal fail at their fundamental epistemology. Attack their epistemology and you have a barely afloat worldview with very brittle presuppositions.

>> No.18308773

Why do you retards always have to make everything about identity politics?
I wish you had the slightest inkling of how fucking tiresome you people are.

>> No.18308786

Literally every time this manlet has 'debated' somebody that wasn't some random teenager he found on discord he got BTFO.

>> No.18308790

Because that's his shtick? (Destiny)
Wtf are you on

>> No.18308804
File: 43 KB, 510x507, 38d823373be574f52dd7c5204d529948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last time I remember he brutally humiliated Richard Wolff. Or is Richard also a discord teenager?

>> No.18308812

>Or is Richard also a discord teenager?
No, but he wishes he was.