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/lit/ - Literature

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18305025 No.18305025 [Reply] [Original]

anyone live here? wanna start a bookclub?

>> No.18305069

What city?

>> No.18305095

Hamburg. The photo is missing a lot of rain.

>> No.18306077

what about chicago

>> No.18306091
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I'd like to, but it's very difficult to get people involved, and people who want to be involved don't always get involved. I would love to. I'd love to get my first participants and go from there.

>> No.18307439
File: 473 KB, 680x486, 1614557320835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw don't live in an intellectual city
>live in a semi-rural suburb town
>no bookstore even
>news announces someone is opening up a bookstore
>"nice, hope its just a simple old fashion bookstore/cafe"
>See owners
>lgbbqblmhiv+ supporters who are actively anti white and wearing blm shirts in their newspaper photo
Can never have nice things

>> No.18307819
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Better off than me.
>live in a rural southern town
>one bookstore
>it only sells bibles and bible related books

>> No.18307871

What, like an Aussengastronomie bookclub where everyone has to register their contact details? Talk to us online Kumpel

>> No.18307885
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No, Amsterdam anon here.

>> No.18308289
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, hamburg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you from Hamburg or living here for work/uni?

>> No.18308305

How is that worse

>> No.18308509

NW Burbs here. Sup

>> No.18308515
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Bookclub here when?

>> No.18308754

I don't see why not, stuff is opening up and if we meet somewhere outside it's okay, I guess. Online doesn't have the coherenec and contingency I'd like to when reading books, talking about them, and so on. It can be had but most people on lit are not enganged enough for that.
I suppose people who were to meet on lit to read books together and talk about them somewhere outside in real life or just get some other chat going would be engaged enough to at least talk about the book properly, or read it actually. I see where you're coming from but I for my part would be involved enough. I'd rather drop some free time to read a book than not.
From Hamburg. Lived my whole life in (Bezirk) Altona, more or less. I live about twenty minutes from the Schanze. I've seen a lot of people around again ever since Friday, so I thought: why not ask for around?

>> No.18308875

explain why Hamburg has such a high percentage of native germans versus all the other major egrman cities?
Comparing Hamburg to Munich, Frankfurt or Berlin exemplifies this.

>> No.18309127

Cryptodanes are not German though

>> No.18309183

We'll give you one of our book clubs, but only if you take Canberra also.

>> No.18309704

>moved from Hamburg to rural Brandenburg

Das größte Geschenk meines jungen Lebens.

>> No.18309718

What school did you do your Abitur at, anon? Year of birth?

>> No.18310151

I would be down. I don’t live in Hamburg, but i live in the greater region not too far away.
Also, I would not agree with
Moved to Hamburg, Barmbek Nord. The demographic make up was like 50% German 50% Muslim or African. I really fucking hated it. I also studied at the University of Hamburg, That Uni is trash, especially for such an rich and important city like Hamburg.

>> No.18311253

>Da stehen 3 Nazis auf dem Hügel und finden keinen zum verprügeln
Eines Tages wohn auch ich in einem alten Herrenhaus mit Wald in Brandenburg

>> No.18311293

It's better. I went to the bookstore in my town and it was nothing but progressive literature from the past 10 years. The bible alone at least has immense literary value

>> No.18311327

Rec me a good second hand bookshop there, I live in Den Haag and only go up a couple times a year - it's always a strange shift to hear so many people speaking English

>> No.18311929
File: 1.41 MB, 1080x1080, upset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suppose there was an app where you could enter a book title and it will find you people who want to talk about said book (voice only). Suppose I solved the problem of moderation, so you'd be likely to get interested and cooperative users and unlikely to get asshats who want to join and ruin your shit. How does that sound?

>> No.18311951

Das Lied ist so lange lustig, bis einem bewusst wird, dass Rainald Grebe nicht scherzt.
Kauf dich hier ein, bevor dir ausländische Investoren das Land wegschnappen

>> No.18311963

Some school in Hamburg West. I'm pretty close to being the oldest zoomer possible. That's the most you're going to get from me here.
I'm down when and if someone else is down. I'd like to have at least three peeps to get some more diverse opinions in about whatever we're reading. I live somewhat close to this one bar or Schanzenpark so we could meet there to discuss books in person. I hope that would be amiciable for everyone. We could also just organise some other online thingy, but I'm pretty sick of online stuff so I'd prefer meeting up. I'm always good on Fridays or the weekend.

I'm gonna drop this email here for those interested in the "/lit/ Hamburg bookclub."


>> No.18311991

I want to move there after I finish my degree. Is it worth it?

>> No.18312001

sounds awesome, but not feasible

>> No.18312080

Due to what? I want to hear about problems I didn't think of.

>> No.18313866


>> No.18313991

>>tfw don't live in an intellectual city
The people who live in places like that are the most insufferable faggots to walk on this Earth.