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18304598 No.18304598[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I've been seeing a therapist for several weeks now, 7 to be exact and 7 sessions. By the 5th session I basically admitted to her that I'm uncomfortable continuing as I have non-stop sexual thoughts about her during the sessions and they become unproductive. At first she seemed completely professional about it but by the 6th session she started seemingly egging me on, apparently as a way to make the topic comfortable to talk to, but she keeps asking me to describe my sexual thoughts about her in vivid detail and what I would want to do to her exactly.

By the 7th session I got so uncomfortable I became pretty angry and told her off and almost, quite frankly, popped my fucking hard cock out of my jeans just to spite her and dare her for a visible reaction. Lady, why do you want to know that I want to bend you over that desk and fuck the ever living shit out of you while pulling on your perfect hair?

Anyway, obviously my therapist isn't helping this issue for now, though we will see from the 8th session onward, but I'm forced to turn to great minds and I am henceforth looking for recommendations on exactly which philosopher and their particular work would help me in calming my urges and mind and giving me clarity so my sessions can go back to their original purpose?

I'm down to read anything. Seriously.

>> No.18304615

The Bible
But also maybe masturbate just before going to sessions

>> No.18304655

that's hot bro, give into the urge and live

>> No.18304677

>so my sessions can go back to their original purpose
Which was? Your fantasies may be more connected to your problem than you think.

>> No.18304690


>> No.18304702

Read Hegel, and then fuck her anyway.
Remember to smoke something beforehand.

>> No.18304719

It is normal to want to fuck your therapist. It is her job to navigate around that. If she's a good therapist, she'll see through your attempts to impress her. If she falls for it, she's a bad therapist.

It's more than likely she's a bad therapist. Only get a male therapist if you actually want help.

>> No.18304721

get your cock out next time and then do another thread. This was a pretty hot setup for part 2.

>> No.18304724

OP this book is really hard to find, but it's exactly what you need. It's called "How to Switch to a Male Therapist: A Primer for Dumb Coomers" by Chaim Sheckelberg.

>> No.18304732

Fuck her. Once the air is cleared and the sexual tension between the two of you is gone she can better help you explore why you had the urge in the first place.

>> No.18304789

Read Jon Kabat-Zinn, specifically Full Catastrophe Living, to learn about minfulness meditation. It is the only way to learn how to experience calmness of mind without resorting to substances.

>> No.18304796

OP here, I actually own that book already but never got more than a chapter into it. Got it for sleep related anxiety issues a couple years back.

>> No.18304803

OP here, im trans btw if that matters

>> No.18304809

My therapist is 65+ years old, I still want to fuck her, I think it's normal just don't let it get in the way of your healing

>> No.18304818

Perhaps you should try seeing a therapist you don't want to have sex with.

>> No.18304820

OP, here's how to "cure" yourself:

1. Stop watching porn
2. Unironically have sex with someone (a prostitute if need be)

Do those two and you'll stop being a perpetually horny loser.

>> No.18304828

OP, there's a book plot waiting for you if you ever take up writing.

>> No.18304886

In fact, date her for a couple years. After that, she'll despise you and have no trouble seeing through your psychological tricks. The best therapist.

>> No.18304889

>perpetually horny loser

There's nothing wrong with being horny a lot. It certainly doesn't make you a loser. Suppressing it or not having a high sex drive at all certainly does though.

>> No.18304895

Had sex (yes, yes it's overrated). Still a horny loser. What next?

>> No.18304912

keked a lot, good write.

>> No.18304919

A lot of men these days have an abnormally high libido due to porn addiction and not being able to get off with an actual woman. Once I (mostly) quit porn and got a gf, my libido actually went down. There's nothing wrong with being horny, but there is such a thing as "too horny".

>> No.18304933

Think you've got bigger problems than wanting to fuck your therapist dude

>> No.18304948

>t. ugly gf

>> No.18305142

t. has never enjoyed the pleasure of being with a free-use gf before

>> No.18305168

Men aren't supposed to have female therapists, not only because of this, but because they literally can't understand the male mind and cannot help you

>> No.18305172

it won't make much of a difference if you know it or not, but what's happening is you're having an intense erotic transference reaction that suggests A) you're probably quite ill B) you have lots of pent up aggression. sounds like your therapist is doing a good job managing it so far. read Freud's "Dora" case if you like to learn a bit more but really what you have to do is keep going to her, keep talking to her, and keep your fucking dick in your pants.

>> No.18305181

Seek chemical castration. You're clearly deranged and cannot be helped through less extreme measures.

>> No.18305197

t. sex-crazed brainlets

>> No.18305211

Chemical castration is unironically what the people who get religious over NoFap actually want deep down

>> No.18305224

based radfem

>> No.18305247

she is encouraging you in a safe environment to explore the dynamics between male and female sexuality.

it feels very uncomfortable because you do not want to begin to explore these things in the presence of an actual woman.

she is actively encouraging it and this is a means of exploring yourself. give it a SHOT

>> No.18305271

Fuck her anon
Do it pussy

>> No.18305280

I don't see the issue. if your therapist is egging you on and making you describe your fantasies multiple sessions in a row then you obviously have the green light to fuck her

>> No.18305311

Post a pic of her. There has to be one on the internet

>> No.18305418

Dangerous Liaisons
also therapists are trash
just stop going
be careful though
they hang on like leeches

>> No.18305440

Therapists are just prostitutes who you don't get to have sex with.

>> No.18305454

You're supposed to manipulate them into having sex with you.

>> No.18305474
File: 25 KB, 506x316, 6af92bcfb66f88ecfa058fc699c8a3a5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes to "therapy"
How is it possible for you to want to fuck her, when you clearly must be either a homosexual or at least half a retard?

>> No.18305475

lurk before posting newfaggot

>> No.18305537

Cum fuck she cum in it

>> No.18305638

profound stuff anon

>> No.18305716


> it won't make much of a difference if you know it or not, but what's happening is you're having an intense erotic transference reaction that suggests A) you're probably quite ill B) you have lots of pent up aggression. sounds like your therapist is doing a good job managing it so far. read Freud's "Dora" case if you like to learn a bit more but really what you have to do is keep going to her, keep talking to her, and keep your fucking dick in your pants.

Psychobabble horseshit. OP wants to fuck his therapist because that's what every red blooded male wants to do.

>> No.18305727

The transference is fucking nuts, this means you're making progress

>> No.18305735

This. Male patients need male analysts.

>> No.18305830

That makes sense.

>> No.18305909

stay with your therapist. she obviously is taking you to an important place.
who the hell whips out their cock in an office?
your problems are vast and you obviously need her help.
if you stop, nothing will change.

>> No.18305942

Explain transference and counter-transference. My old therapist used the term all the time, but never explained what it meant.
Also, what does it mean if the roles reverse, and your sessions turn into your therapist discussing their own personal issues and pet peeves instead of you?

>> No.18305986

Unironically Freud

>> No.18305998
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I'm gonna go with the 0.00000001% chance that this happened, OP, and just say, why are you so fucking dense? Why the fuck do you think she became a therapist? Have you met any woman in psychology?

>> No.18306042

In that scenario, you have a bad therapist.
The transference is really complicated and I'm hugely oversimplifying when I tell you that it is as you work through your issues, you begin to redirect some of the impulses and feelings onto the therapist.
It's more than that though. You gotta start with freud and go through the ego psychologists and then read Kohut, shit is crazy and entirely craft-knowledge. Wisdom from experience.

>> No.18306062
File: 99 KB, 680x780, 0410267A-A8D4-4A23-80D2-B6184323D42F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Therapist Therapist
>The Rapist Therapist
>The Therapist Rapist
>Therapist The Rapist

>> No.18306079 [DELETED] 
File: 66 KB, 1000x554, Sin título JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, now I'm gonna have to go and find that Stoya movie where she plays a horny therapist.

>> No.18306086


I dunno, I've had both and I actually got more out of therapy with the opposite sex. They can have perspective that a same-sex therapist might not, which helped me with things like emotional literacy and communication.

Though I suppose it depends on why you're going to therapy in the first place

>> No.18306135

>In that scenario, you have a bad therapist.
But why would a therapist do that? We were fine for more than a year, but in the last phase of treatment suddenly I found myself taking on the role of therapist.

>> No.18306159

>that stoya music video with that silly build up dance music
God I love her. She seems so sincerely happy to just go with getting railed compared to all the other whores.

>> No.18306192

That's her greatest asset. Just pure enjoyment of the dick. There are a few girls like that, it's really rare, but God does it sets them apart.

>> No.18307587

I've had a female therapist at the hospital and I really liked her, because I don't really talk with women and my mother is a flawed figure. And then I left the hospital and got a male therapist and it sucked and then I stopped going and I don't want a therapist anymore. I don't believe I need help, I'm rarely suicidal nowadays, I found more meaning through philosophy

>> No.18307597

You’re saying most pornstars don’t like dick

>> No.18307598


Fucking THIS

Holy shit OP how retarded are you? She is helping your autistic ass in the best way possible. But you go and blow it all up by sperging out.

>> No.18307612

This would be hotter if your therapist was same sex and you were a bottom, like Freud/jung. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6wuWnzjPvU

>> No.18307658


>> No.18307682

When I stopped watching porn my libido actually went up, and now I dunno want to do

>> No.18307707

i love her shoes
now i want to fuck a therapist too

>> No.18307728

just swap therapists you fucko

>> No.18307744

>Read Hegel, and then fuck her anyway.
Hegel identified as male.

>> No.18307746


Is this your idea of erotic literature? Could use a little more structure and character build up IMO.

>> No.18307791
File: 82 KB, 640x659, 1619741028096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of my therapist. Weird times.
>be me, 23, lonely and depressed virgin
>therapist is a gorgeous blonde early 30s lady, dressed well
>Heels and stockings and long blonde hair
>talk for hours about it
>she's mentioning it and back and forth
>I don't know what to say but looking out the window
>she's in the window as well with her smile. I can't keep looking out the window.
>Go to her and speak to her
>"I think you're beautiful"
>She doesn't hear me. I speak again into the window
>She's not there anymore, I pay and leave
>See her in the outside window in the parking lot
>Go home and masturbate
Waste of time to be honest.

>> No.18308255

they don't

>> No.18308297

I have limited experience, but my first therapist was a female and she wasn't good, she didn't say anything, I just kept speaking and gave her money.
My second and current therapist is a male, and he actually gives me hints and insights, he's pretty clever.
The first one was boring and didn't help me at all.

>> No.18308309
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The cringe was so hard she actually fucking left during the session?
She stood up, grabbed her purse and just fucking walked out of the door.
it can't be real

>> No.18308354

what's your first langauge? are you stroking out right now? retard

>> No.18308575
File: 816 KB, 1000x1000, Melfi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I just left my 8th session with her and it was surreal. I have things to do but i will be back today to talk about it if anyone is interested.

The gist of it is that I was basically invited to have sex with her.

Clearly there was an ulterior motive in mind there to teach me something, but it was still incredibly surreal. I'll talk more later.

>> No.18308584

Probably larp but just do i

>> No.18308588

the absolute shit you can get away with just by asking for "books for this feel"

>> No.18308633
File: 95 KB, 1400x1400, cc72c1a580eb32fa750d1bc3186c3308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, just left my 9th session with my therapist and I plunged my penis into her begina. I cum coomed came inside the cumhole and slapped her fat bags of milk around then spat on her asshole.

Crazy stuff boys, really wild. I think I will commit suicide later today. Peace out.

>> No.18308635

Paragraph of gibberish, typical of the type of nigga to go to therapy (retarded)

>> No.18308667
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>> No.18308671

>then spat on her asshole
dominating women is the peak of masculinity

>> No.18308676
File: 653 KB, 900x1327, download (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, just left my 10th session with my wife, I brought up having children and she thought it would be a good idea to try for one. For therapeutic reasons, of course.

>> No.18308687

This must be the only board where the off-topic threads can be actually entertaining

>> No.18308697

You’re just so starved of female attention that any women looking at you and appearing to care about your nature or character overstimulated you. It’s pathetic really and you should reject it as an unaesthetic emotion

>> No.18308699

It's the only board where people try and use some creativity, even if they fail

>> No.18308737

There was a study done about romantic attraction. They followed a certain amount of college students for a period of time and tracked romantic involvements. This may sound obvious to the point of non sequitur, but they found that proximity was the most significant predictive factor. That is, students who sat next to each other were far more likely to become romantically involved to the exclusion of all other metrics of compatibility. You spend a lot of time with your therapist, and you discuss really personal things. It is literally only natural that there may be some feelings which arise. That said, have I jerked off to the thought of fucking my own therapist before? Absolutely, I have, and I don't have a complex about it because I realize I have nothing to gain from trying to act on it. She almost 100% wouldn't allow it anyway because she could lose her job. When it comes down to it, my relationship—the therapeutic relationship—with my therapist is probably the only legitimately healthy one I have in my life. I would have to be a literal retard to squander that on account of a boner. The boner just goes away when I spend enough time rubbing it anyway; I can't rub my dick out of the issues for which I am in therapy. My relationship with my very competent therapist is worth a lot more than getting my dick wet.

>> No.18308796

The Rapist
This is no coincidence friend, they are legal prostitutes, that will provide social benefits to people who do not socialize enough, whether the social benefits are disability diagnosis or straight up sex.

>> No.18308802

In all reality man, the reason people get sudden roaring sexual urges that are out of place is often because they were molested. For guys, if it was young, it could be a memory that sticks in your head when you were younger and something happened where you couldn't get out of the situation. Please be careful, trans won't fix how you feel towards your body.

>> No.18308818

>wake up
>mommy pulls the breakfast tendies out of the microwave and changes my poopy poopy diaper (tee hee ^_^)
>roll over and toggle airplane mode on my phone to clear the previous day's bans
Time to shitpost!

>> No.18308824
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>> No.18308859
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, The-Sopranos-Employee-of-the-Month-Melfi-1280x720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, just left the 11th session. did no go well... It was weird; I think I raped the rapist

>> No.18308868

Why effort post to be mean

>> No.18308885
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>> No.18308950
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I can see why you like her, smart enough to be a qualified therapist and athletic enough to jump in and out of a window multiple times each session

>> No.18308977

Butterfly, you'll never be as pretty as her. Even in your prime, you were less than her right shoulder, and now, everyday, you age more and more ugly.

>> No.18309354

this fucking thread.


>> No.18309397

Off topic threads on /v/ are extremely good, be it about tobacco, alcohols, movies, etc. In fact, I bet of you went on to /v/ and posted a picture of Hegel or something and said "games for this feel?" You'd get a literature thread better than most threads here on /lit/.

>> No.18309407

I thought therapist having sex with patients is Illegal?

>> No.18309437
File: 6 KB, 235x215, 1619377404677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must follow your will to p[l]ow[_h]er

>> No.18309453

>popped my fucking hard cock out of my jeans just to spite her and dare her for a visible reaction
>anon doesn't know he has castration anxiety

>> No.18309632
File: 17 KB, 490x283, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actual OP here, just started my 11th session and I should probably get off my phone. But ,man, I dont think I can last. The thought of her poop factory is overpowering my brain and I want to get inside of her and pee.

>> No.18309743
File: 94 KB, 796x1082, 1530996044315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

an hero

>> No.18309798

Transference is when a patient re-experiences the feelings they had towards another important person in their life with the therapist. This happens because of how much you're sharing with them and how distant they are, but everyone transfers a little bit in their daily life. Counter-transference is when the therapist does the same with the patient, especially based on the patient's transference. Say a patient had an overbearing mother; they feel like their therapist is overbearing, and the patient doesn't quite realize it or know why because the therapist is nothing like their mother and isn't overbearing. And say the therapist had a very distant mother who always kept her at arm's length; that therapist might see the patient's accusations of being overbearing as a rejection much like the therapist experienced with their mother.

Transference is the most challenging but most essential part of therapy.

If a therapist is genuinely making the treatment all about them, then they are simply failing at their job. They might be doing it because the patient is too challenging for them, because the therapist wasn't sufficiently trained, or because the therapist doesn't even believe there's such a thing as transference and doesn't care. But do remember, your experience of the therapist is very warped by your own transference. If you felt yourself taking on the role of therapist, that might have just as much to do with what was going on in your own head as in the therapist's and the therapist's mistakes.

>> No.18310193

Most pornstars do not look joyful when they get absolutely railed. They fery often seem to enjoy it, but just enjoying sex doesn't mean you look good on camera.
There are a few pornstars (Mia Malkova for example) who have this set of facial expressions that just convey how genuinely happy they are to be covered in jizz from their third bukkake today.
Makes it so that even if they aren't the sexiest girl objectively, they still look a thousand time hotter than others.

>> No.18310401

> I'll talk more later.
Come on, OP, post your update already.

>> No.18310425

Isn't this a copypasta?

>> No.18310598

Its called transference and if your therapist can't recognize and direct it then they aren't very good.

>> No.18311753

new faggot

>> No.18312045
