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18303968 No.18303968 [Reply] [Original]

Books about Boredom and it’s evolution?

>> No.18304723

The pale king

>> No.18305759

Boredom isn’t real we live in a hyper stimulated world where we pursue entertainment at all costs, existing and doing nothing while having your basic needs met should be enough for you to be joyous.

>> No.18305767

Evolutionary thing and probably the emotion that most separates us from other animals

>A zoologist who observed gorillas in their native habitat was amazed by the uniformity of their life and their vast idleness. Hours and hours without doing anything. Was boredom unknown to them? This is indeed a question raised by a human, a busy ape. Far from fleeing monotony, animals crave it, and what they most dread is to see it end. For it ends, only to be replaced by fear, the cause of all activity. Inaction is divine; yet it is against inaction that man has rebelled. Man alone, in nature, is incapable of enduring monotony, man alone wants something to happen at all costs — something, anything.... Thereby he shows himself unworthy of his ancestor: the need for novelty is the characteristic of an alienated gorilla.

>> No.18305778

>busy ape
which cringy christcuck wrote this

>> No.18305910

boredom and suffering are the only things that exist.

>> No.18306106
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what about scrambled eggs

>> No.18306126

>existing and doing nothing while having your basic needs met should be enough for you to be joyous
Done, I took the Diogenes pill years ago and I literally logic'ed my way out of depression.

>> No.18306131

>Boredom isn’t real because were overstimulated
Dumb argument, boredom exists but it's not a bad thing and OP didn't imply it's a bad thing. Boredom is the catalyst for contemplation and action.

>> No.18306132
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suffering, once you get them, you start desiring something else.

>> No.18306676

I think it was actually Cioran who wrote that.

>> No.18306678


>> No.18306685

Boredom exists because we're over stimulated. Nothing is novel or exciting anymore

>> No.18306693

I think Kirkegaard talksabout it somewhere

>> No.18306707

fpbp. read this immediately op

>> No.18306738

Diogenes was bored, not joyous.

>> No.18307188

I can't even remember the last time I was properly bored. I remember being a kid and being bored out of my mind, but now I like doing nothing and just watching birds or enjoying quiet. I also really enjoy Idle games.

>> No.18308464

>Books about Boredom and it’s evolution?
me and my diary

>> No.18308465

The novel I'm writing.

>> No.18308553

Sounds boring

>> No.18308564

It probably is. I'm more worried that it's pretentious and nauseating to read.

>> No.18308618

any chance of a little excerpt? just to tease the tastebuds?

>> No.18308621

Boredom is the well of creativity

>> No.18308626

sure. let me find a bit I like.

>> No.18308630

Came here to post that.

>> No.18308632
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>> No.18308656

Here. I posted this a long time ago, and got critique on it, so I guess it's only fair that I post it again with its changes.


>> No.18308704

>hypen lumped with a word, without a space, then with a space on the other side
>broken English
>confusingly misses hyphens where they are needed
>conjunctions next to semi-colons
>cringe self-evaluation that reeks of teenage angst
How old are you?

>> No.18308739


>> No.18308749

I mean, the narrator is an immature tweaker without purpose.

>> No.18308769

Then show that without annoying me with shit writing. Go back to the drawing board. Read something like Trainspotting which does that properly.

>> No.18308912

you're right, but I gotta do my own thing. Rewriting is for later.

>> No.18308985

>Boredom is the catalyst for contemplation and action.
Exactly, which is why it’s such a travesty that entertainment technology has progressed to such a point where it’s practically impossible to be well and truly bored. I was on a long train journey last month and there was a 40-50 year old working class kinda bloke, typical norfman except not from the north. The whole train journey, I mean I’m not joking, for 4 hours straight; he did nothing but perpetually scroll through Tik Tok on his iPhone.

>> No.18309016

Is it bad that I want that hat now?

>> No.18309023

The world is not only hyper stimulated, it is also one of forced fragmentation and isolation
The reason animals and primitive humans are contended in the absence of hyperstimulation, is that they are part of their natural community and environment, and so they are at home in their world
When you shut off your computer, you are alone in a room, in a world where everything is owned by someone else, and it's only a matter of time before they drop the bomb
Boredom is the frantic necessity to get away from the world as it is today

>> No.18309150

Hey baby, I hear the blues a-callin'
Tossed salads and scrambled eggs

>> No.18310341

i found it interesting, and would like to read more.
however i also have an iq of 90, so take that as you will.

>> No.18310366


>> No.18310388
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>> No.18310409

That's okay, that's an average IQ, and I'm not much smarter. I'm glad you enjoyed it. I'll finish it eventually.

>> No.18311568


>> No.18312371

what does this image mean

>> No.18312381

nevermind i just realised its a reference im retarded

>> No.18312388

One of Moravia’s worst book. If you haven’t read it, then I’d read his other texts before starting this one

>> No.18312509

Which ones would you suggest?