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/lit/ - Literature

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18303525 No.18303525 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say I want to publish a book by an author in the public domain, now what? What are the legal proceedings for that? Or can I just publish it without any legal process? What happens if I want to publish another work by another guy but it's a recent translation made by a friend (who's part of my company)?

>> No.18305572

c'mon fuckers

>> No.18305605

What book and how old is it?

>> No.18305623

Anthony Trollope's Chronicles of Barsetshire. It's from the mid 1800s.

>> No.18305646

Public domain is public domain. The only issues would be copying a recent translation, and amazon may not allow it if there are editions available already.

>> No.18305678

Let's say I'm the owner of a translation of a work in the public domain. Now what? Do I need to register it or something? I see all this legal shit in the colophon of books but I have no idea how it works.

>> No.18305684

>I want to publish a book by an author in the public domain, now what?
if the book is in public domain in your country/within the relevant laws that apply to your company then you can do anything you want with it
>I want to publish another work by another guy but it's a recent translation made by a friend
is the original work in public domain? if not, you can't translate and sell it without securing the translation rights. if it is in public domain, then you can do whatever you want with it
the fact that you write like dogshit and you can't figure this stuff out yourself does not bode well for your company

>> No.18305710
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The translation itself is considered intellectual property distinct from the work it's derived from. Your publisher's lawyers will be able to sort that out for you. If you're posting it online or self-publishing just put... I dunno, a TM or some shit on it and hope that's enough to keep some evil jew-run corporation from stealing your eloquent translation and make a billion on sales.

>> No.18305835
