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18303339 No.18303339 [Reply] [Original]

American literature simply has never and will never be surpassed.

>> No.18303352

I have an Edgar Allan Poe inspired tattoo on my bicep.

>> No.18303363

Most of those people are barely read and only liked by pseuds.

>> No.18303374

Not true and not an argument.

>> No.18303380

Only Melville is good. You really think this cannot surpass the Greeks? Italians? Frenches? Germans? Brazilians? Spanishes? Anglos?

>> No.18303389

>cannot surpass
read: cannot be surpassed by

>> No.18303404

Melville and Pynchon is a better top 2 than any other country by far. I hate yanks btw but they are objectively the goats of lit

>> No.18303417

They’re American. The point isn’t only the people on that list. There’s all the South Americans, Henry James, Hart Crane, Pynchon, and on and on. Anyway, America surpasses most of those literary cultures. Greece is at least a close match but ultimately loses to america. But you have to go all the way back to them to find a worthy opponent.

>> No.18303423

OP here, my contention is only that america is superior in literary matters. In basically all other matters america is a bad culture.

>> No.18303452

In any case, nothing, in America, will ever surpass Dante, Petrarca, Tasso, Sophocles, Aeschylus, Pindar, Shakespeare, Mallarmé, Baudelaire, Ovid, Horace, Goethe, Hölderlin, Cervantes. Should I even keep going?

>> No.18303456

Amputate faggot

>> No.18303460

Categorically not.

>> No.18303471

>American literature has never and will never be surpassed
>Image of ALL American authors of note. Yes, all.

>> No.18303473

All these are good but they aren't the best.

>> No.18303496

Only a couple of those are good. Smelly pooropeeans ewww

>> No.18303510

Pretty much all of these guys were ESLs, or even worse, non english speaking

America has 'em beat pretty easy imo

>> No.18303676

Stfu butters

>> No.18303774

I agree, but your pic is just embarrassing. Herman Melville is the only great writer there.

>> No.18303946

Europeans are fedora faggots to the extreme. This post is so embarrassing lmfao

>> No.18304027

>cites the greatest writers of all time, none of which is american
>hahahah cringe post

>> No.18304030

Americans don't even speak English.

>> No.18304107

Yes, and I guarantee you’ve read almost none of them but still invoke them don’t you? You can lie to me but not yourself Eurocel.

>> No.18304127

That's not the point at all. You can keep dodging my point concerning the OP but you know that it is true. I won't make fun of you if you resign and admit it, but what you are doing is shameful.

>> No.18304149

So you like all these guys and consider them better than anything an American has written but you have read any of them? Lol.... mental illness. Europeans are seriously such huge faggots man hahah

>> No.18304153

I have read most of them.

>> No.18304156

Name one good American author... I'll wait.

>> No.18304160

why would you post about people you haven't read? lol the mutt arguing with you was secretly based

>> No.18304168

Literal whos

>> No.18304170

Lol Baudelaire says Poe was his idol. Goethe even wrote a poem about how much better he thought America was than Europe.

My diary after the entry I wrote about fucking your mom

>> No.18304177

Toni Morrison

>> No.18304199

African, but nice try!

>> No.18304205

Why would I think everyone in literary history is wrong in praising people like Cervantes, Pindar (in any case I forgot Homer so you can change Pindar for him, whom I read), Horace? Have you read them?

So fucking what? You can't even compare both as poets and Poe's short stories are really mediocre.

>> No.18304210

I don't post about authors I havent read.

>> No.18304250

Haha okay man, so despite the guy you listed literally saying his main influence was an American writer doesn’t matter because he’s American and therefore bad. I don’t even really care honestly. I just think Euros intense hate boner for America is really pathetic. Yeah dude you’re right all the celebrated writers in world lit from America are bad because uh America is the centre of a Jewish conspiracy about miscegenation or something. Idk. Okay, haha

>> No.18304264

What are some good American authors? I like Melville and McCarthy, and I think Poe is utter shit.

>> No.18304283

Disgusting pleb

>> No.18304291


>> No.18304297

based poebro. fav story?

>> No.18304342

So the crux of your vexation is alien to the thread. I invite you to create your own.

>all writers in world lit from america are bad
did I say this? I simply stated that the american writers do not surpass the ones from diverse european countries. Melville is good, I even said that.

>> No.18304543

Murders in the Rue Morgue

>> No.18304553

Ok. I hope you get on the right combination of medicine. I realise the strain you must put your family under with this behaviour of your’s. take care

>> No.18304686

Contemporary Art

Seethe and cope sneed.

>> No.18305534

This is going to make /lit/ seethe but essentially 100% of scifi and fantasy worth anything, and fiction and nonfiction and philosophyfor that matter, has been written by Americans or occasionally Brits.
Essentially everything written by continentals since Shakespeare (who was a Brit btw) is useless caffeinated pontification trying to hopelessly rejuvenate the thousand year decline of Catholic civilization. There are no exceptions. Every esoteric philosopher posted on /lit/ is essentially writing pilpul that only makes sense sitting in a garden in the ruins of a dead civilization waiting to be invaded and replaced. It is only the Americans in the last two hundred years that have had the vigor of spirit, the forwardness and practicality to write something worth reading because their time is actually valuable, they had a future (not so much these days).
I predict the next writing and philosophy of any merit will emerge from China but unfortunately there is a massive language and culture barrier that will prevent most of us from ever enjoying it.

>> No.18305677

You will probably like Jack London

>> No.18305693

Moby Dick is better than all of them

>> No.18305698

Moby-Dick is not better than the Commedia.

>> No.18305702

Divine Comedy, The Odyssey (which isn’t listed), and Ulysses are the only ones Moby Dick (also not listed) does not surpass.

>> No.18306925


I'm a sick man,I'm a spiteful man,I'm an unattractive man

>> No.18307236

gay as fuck.

>> No.18307303

I actually don't really like american literature all that much.
I like melville, john kennedy toole and hemingway but not much else.

>> No.18307312

I should add that I can understand that as someone who is not American I might not understand the appeal, I'm not saying american literature is bad.

>> No.18307742

brazilians? they are worthless on an international scale, maybe some of their authors are considered "important" on their own little corner of the world, but the Americans pictured in OP (and many others) are way way ahead of them in terms of quality and international influence.
Also, much of American literature is certainly on the level of many of those countries you listed. Poe alone is responsible for much of the more important poetry of 19th century France. Baudelaire and all the symbolists that came after admired him.

>> No.18307758

The fact that you need to pit all the greatest writers from all the greatest countries against Americans doesn't really speak in your favor. There certainly are some individual American authors on the level of those you mentioned, and no one that is actually learned and doesn't have some weird enmity against Americans would dispute that.

>> No.18307759

Fucking what, lmao?
You even can mentioned someone like Czechs maybe
They have bigger and richer literature tradition

>> No.18307760

Influencing other writers doesn't mean he's "responsible" for what they wrote. Might as well say Homer is responsible for everything in Western fiction.

>> No.18307761

youll faulkner and hemingway probably. i dont but still

>> No.18307770

>There certainly are some individual American authors on the level of those you mentioned
Maybe Baudelaire and Mallarmé, but the rest not really and it's arrogant of you to believe that.

>> No.18307772

South Americans are completely different than Americans, by which is meant authors from the United States, which has a specific culture, literary tradition, and language vastly different and apart from South Americans.

>> No.18307782

by that logic (appeal to authority), you do realize Whitman, Melville, Poe, Faulkner and many other American authors are also praised by tons of people in "literary history", right?

>> No.18307784
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USA's dictionaries say American can also be some from either North or South America.

>> No.18307789

t. Monolingual mutt

>> No.18307793

>Indians as definition 1

>> No.18307795

American literature is good and has given us many good works but is not THE greatest. Both Americans who overrate it and Europeans who underrate it are objectively in the wrong here.

>> No.18307815

you should read some more instead of making uninformed statements. Baudealaire, who was deeply influenced by Poe, was the driving force of 19th centuty french poetry, Verlaine and Rimbaud idolized him, and had read his Poe translations, you think they disliked Poe? Mallarme also translated Poe, Villiers de l'isle Adam had short story collections that followed Poe's short story model. Baudelaire's translations of Poe are considered a french classic in it's own right. What's arrogant is of you to think that Poe wasn't important in France outside of Baudelaire and Mallarme.

>> No.18307830

I know all of that. What I tried to say is that outside Mallarmé and Baudelaire, they're not better than the writers mentioned there. I champion Poe, actually. But what I do not support is arrogance for arrogance's sake like saying the Americans are better than Homer, or Dante. You can support a literature without being completly delusional.

>> No.18307831

Nah, not even close. Theyre dick sucked by faggots like op and other low brow moron americunts. Nothing more and arguably a lot less.

>> No.18307833

i'm gonna give you a tip that will help you navigate /lit/, the internet and the world in general. When people say Americans, they don't mean the dictionary definition of it, they mean people from the USA. This is not only true in how Americans refer to themselves, but also how Europeans (and most of the world) refers to people from the USA.

>> No.18307858

I'm not that guy, I'm just saying that USA's own dictionaries have different definitions and they all may be used in context (however rare they might be).

>> No.18307864

Only American pseuds read these guys (most probably because they have to, being forced by their "national" and "patriotic" school system), this is a fraction of a percent of human population. They contributed literally nothing to the world's cultural heritage, will soon be forgotten completely.

>> No.18307865

You are comparing literature from a country that is less than 300 hundred years old to two authors that belong to a milenary literary tradition. All things considered, I would say Americans have done pretty well for themselves, and maybe you should wait a thousand years more so you can judge without the bias of age. A good argument could be made for Moby Dick and Leaves of Grass being on the level of the greatest ever. Also, I guarantee you have not read either Dante or Homer in their original language, and are only basing their worth on ther percieved importance and what you've read from other people, instead of your own opinion.

>> No.18307878

I have read Dante in the original, actually. As well as Cervantes. Homer... life's too short for that. And yes, I do agree they've done well but proclaiming yourself the greatest ever, that's just delusion and arrogance. Nouveau riche tier attitude.

>> No.18307900

not the greatest ever, just that they've produced works worthy of being considered among the greatest ever, which for some reason you can't seem to accept. Oh well, we will have to wait for history to prove you wrong (it already kind of has), since history seems to be the only value a work of literature has.

>> No.18307903

>proclaiming yourself the greatest ever, that's just delusion and arrogance.
Which is 100% what an american is. Delusion and arrogance.

>> No.18307908

>not the greatest ever,
>American literature simply has never and will never be surpassed.
You mistake me, I don't refuse to accept their literary achievements, I simply reject the arrogant notion (which you seem to support) that they are unsurpassed.

>> No.18307914

We dont even know if theyre amongst the greatest ever. Time hasnt finished yet. And no. Your other assettion is just plain wrong, no matter how you approach it history has no bearing on literary value.

>> No.18307922

>the arrogant notion (which you seem to support) that they are unsurpassed.
Wrong, as I already stated in my last post.

>> No.18307933

And I already told you that I champion Poe's influence on Baudelaire and think that Americans have done well yet for you that's ignoring and "refusing" to accept their achievements. As if for you it's either the greatest ever or the worst ever.

>> No.18307948

>no matter how you approach it history has no bearing on literary value.
I meant that that was what the other anon and many on this thread think, elevating works they haven't read or can't even read in their original langauge just because they are pillars of western society that have been praised over the centuries (and rightly so, but that's not the point)
>We dont even know if theyre amongst the greatest ever.
We do know, why wouldn't we know? We can read them and experience their greatness ourselves, and their influence is already palpable in the literature that has come after. Your statement makes no sense, unless you mean great works that might be written in the future which is just retarded.

>> No.18307960

Well, a work like Moby Dick is certainly among the greatest ever, worthy of bieng on the level of Shakespeare, Cervantes, I would even say Dante.

>> No.18307984

My bad anon.
My point is that the future isnt set in stone.
We might lose all available literature, someone might release the next odyssey or illiad. Any number of things can happen.
I wholeheartedly agree that american authors/some american lit is great, but i wouldnt go as far as say ever.

>> No.18308007

i must admit, I did get a little heated but it's mostly due to some anons just blindly hating on American lit (and there is some bad lit pushed as great, so there's more than enough reason) without acknowledging that some great works have come out from America. I get that a lot of people hate America, but they're just letting the seeth blind their judgment.

>> No.18308018

Perhaps (personally I disagree on anyone being on the level of Dante but Shakespeare, why not) but that's not what I'm saying. I'm referring to the notion of American literature being THE greatest ever, which is what the OP says, not that is not *among* the greatest ever, which is a different thing. I'm not sure how someone can like such nuanced and complex works of fiction like Moby-Dick and then make blatantly ignorant generalizations like "American literature simply has never and will never be surpassed."

>> No.18308041

I am not OP, I actually agree with that. The intial post that had me replying was an anon (not sure if you) who just listed random names of great authors and claimed that no American could ever be on that level or surpass it, something I really disagree with. Obviously there are some authors that it's just stupid to compare anyone to, but many on his list are certainly not unsurpassable.

>> No.18308047

>"American literature simply has never and will never be surpassed."
so I never claimed this, that's what the other anon claimed but in the opposite direction, and what I was disputing against.

>> No.18308051

No, I'm not the original guy who named those writers. I shouldn't have replied, it seems. Agree that some of them are surpassable.

>> No.18308076

no worries, just what happens when everyone is an anon, shit gets mixed up

>> No.18308117

Pick one.

>> No.18308122

They have produced great literary works, why not both?

>> No.18309084

The orangutan that tries to shave always makes chuckle.

>> No.18309101

Why do Europeans want so badly to dismiss American literature? It comes off so petty and bitter.

>> No.18309121

I am American and I don’t love American literature. There are particulars here or there which I like but overall, there’s just a certain vibe which gets elevated in American literature, which I’m not a fan of. So if you’re not a fan of that AND you’re not American and thus wouldn’t know how to find the particulars you do like, you would obviously not love American literature. I don’t think it’s strange. It’s only strange to not admit that there are, in fact, many great American authors, whether they’re to your specific tastes or not.

>> No.18309124

>ITT seething insecure yuropoors and insecure self-hating Americans who are acting deliberately obtuse and obstinate in the face of the fact that Hart Crane alone is better than 98% of European “poets”
Keep seething, dweebs

>> No.18309147

Joao please go.

>> No.18309190

I dismiss American literature just like I dismiss American film, television, music etc. American = bad. It's that simple. I am American so I know from experience that nothing good ever comes from here.

>> No.18309220

In no order, just a small segment of American writers that highlight our obvious superiority:
Hart Crane
James Agee
Charles Olson
TS Eliot
Robert Creeley
Frank O’Hara
Herman Melville
Henry James
E. A. Poe
Robert Frost
W. Faulkner
Carson McCullers
James Baldwin
John Ashbery
William Carlos Williams
Wallace Stevens
Robert Bly
Tennessee Williams
Marianne Hauser
Philip Roth
Don DeLillo
Robert Duncan
Alfred Starr Hamilton
William Gass
Marianne Moore
Ezra Pound
Robert Lowell
Louis Zukofsky

>> No.18309223

>I am American so I know from experience that nothing good ever comes from here.
You’re just a faggot. KYS. You’ll never be European.

>> No.18309227

I don't aspire to be. I just don't care about any "art" from the US.

>> No.18309236

That’s because you’re an insecure faggot with dogshit taste in literature, so it should be obvious why you don’t care about any “art from the US.” Moron.

>> No.18309253


>> No.18309272

Name one Czech writer better than Rosa, Assis, Lispector, Drummond de Andrade.

>> No.18309280

Even south americans use americans to refer to people from USA

>> No.18309309

American films are the best in the world. Only german cinema from 10s-30s and japanese cinema from 50s-70s compare.

>> No.18309312

Wow you have tattoo omg you're so cool dude omg.

>> No.18309324

English, Italian (let's include Roman literature here even though that isn't really fair), and French literature has surpassed American literature. Russian literature is about at it's level.

>> No.18309452

No burger
>even mentioning Pynchon
Why not just delete your own thread at this point

>> No.18309473

Lol fucking burgers, try again

>> No.18309477

You can’t include people like Pound, Eliot, James because the Euros try to point out how they moved to Europe. God forbid you include Nabokov.

>> No.18309483

I think this is pretty fair except for that last line actually.

>> No.18309488

You ever notice how there’s no actual counterpoint? Instead, it’s just insistence to the contrary. Funny how that works.

>> No.18309529

>Pound, Eliot, James
Euroes who say this are absolutely retarded and shows they haven’t read these writers.

>> No.18309886

Not really.

>> No.18309902

You can't include Eliot and Nabokov at the same time.

>> No.18310974

Seeking underrated American lit recommendations

>> No.18310995

Why? Both of them wrote in English, American English actually, and for an American audience. Your insistence makes no sense.

>> No.18311031

Hard because we don’t actually know what you guys read. Nathaniel Hawthorne? Jack London? Joseph Heller? Gene Wolfe? Not a clue.

>> No.18311053

Because Eliot became a British citizen (renouncing his American citizenship) even though he was born in the US. Nabokov became an American even though he was Russian-born. You can't accept Nabokov as American but reject Eliot as a Brit. Either you add Eliot and remove Nabokov or remove Eliot and add Nabokov.

>> No.18311068

I’m the anon who made the list — not that retard. I’m not removing Eliot nor am I adding Nabokov. Eliot is 100% American. Fuck off.

>> No.18311071

lmao all these names either are literal who's to me or they are boring

the only american that I have ever enjoyed is lovecraft in a single story: the mountains of madness

sorry fag, xijiping-thoughts are unironically more interesting (and that says a lot)

>> No.18311079 [DELETED] 

Kys, nigger.

>> No.18311091

>Eliot is 100% American.
Well, he gave up his American citizenship in favor of a British one but alright, if you're going by the place of birth, that's fine. That makes Nabokov a Russian, by the way.

>> No.18311097

No shit, retard. Stop wasting everyone’s time with your retardation.

>> No.18311116

Eliot didn't just "move." He became a Brit and renounced his US citizenship.

>> No.18311125

The only retard here is: >>18310995. Not sure who that faggot is.

>> No.18311151

>We want double standards
classic amerijew

>> No.18312616


>> No.18312935

Learn what a double standard is you nimrod

>> No.18312956

>You can't accept Nabokov as American but reject Eliot as a Brit.
Yes, you can. Eliot writing in English and becoming British is not at all the same as Nabokov writing in English and becoming American. What’s not clear about that?

>> No.18312959
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>> No.18312970

I told you the Europeans would get triggered over Eliot, Pound, James or, God forbid, Nabokov.

Never fails.

>> No.18313011

Both were born in a place, grew up there, then moved to another place and became nationals of that new place, renouncing their old nationalities (not sure about Nabokov but Eliot did renounce his American citizenship). What language they spoke is irrelevant, but if you really want to go there, Nabokov doesn't even sound American in interviews but Eliot does sound British.
It's when you apply two different rules to the same kind of thing in a way that's most convenient for you.

>> No.18313026
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Back in the day, Americans were the ones who got triggered when Eliot became a Brit and threw his US citizenship in the garbage.

>> No.18313068

>What language they spoke is irrelevant, but if you really want to go there, Nabokov doesn't even sound American in interviews
Retarded. Seriously.

>> No.18313087

Nabokov grew up speaking British English via his tutor, so this isn't surprising.

>> No.18313097

That doesn’t make the comment any less retarded.

>> No.18313142

No one cares that he was a Britishboo, still has American blood and died an American, regardless of the “legal classification” of his death. If Eliot was alive today, he’d be obsessed with Sherlock and still pretend to be British

>> No.18313144

Who's the European David Foster Wallace? Genuine question.

>> No.18313178

>American blood
He had English blood, actually. His family was pure WASP. That's how he naturally became a Brit. He already had the blood. He wasn't a Jew or whatever the hell Americans are these days.
>died an American
He died in London, England like a true Brit with his British citizenship.
>regardless of the “legal classification” of his death.
Then Nabokov was Russian, regardless of legal classification. That's the thing, you can't have both.

>> No.18313278

Still not that anon who you think I am. I made the list based off of country of birth.

>> No.18313321

You’re sincerely retarded.

>> No.18313324

Alright. Like I said, I'm okay with either criteria as long as it's consistently applied.

>> No.18313331

Nobody cares about your dumb little list or who you are.

Please be sure to forfeit Conrad.

>> No.18313334

Not an argument. Eliot died a Brit btw.

>> No.18313336

Why do you think I didn’t include Nabokov or Mina Loy? I realized it would have been inconsistent.

>> No.18313337

It is consistent. Going from Russia, where they speak Russian, to America while you write in English is not equivalent to going from America to Britain. I don’t know what you don’t understand about this. It’s simple. You’re an idiot for implying it’s the same.

>> No.18313341
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Mark Twain too


>> No.18313342

>Nobody cares about your dumb little list or who you are
I have better taste in literature than you, faggot. Cry more.

>> No.18313348

Nabokov spoke British English growing up, as did his family. It's not his third language. I'm not sure why's it so hard to understand that people can move to a country and change their nationality. It's what Eliot and Nabokov did.

>> No.18313561

I don’t care if Nabokov or Eliot is British, or American, or Russian, or Zimbabwean. I simply care about how stupid the logic being tossed around is. I said the Euros would take issue with Eliot, Pound, James, or God forbid Nabokov. Lo and behold I was right and even though I obviously implied Nabokov was the fringe example someone decided to take up issue with Nabokov specifically. Then they tried to say “if Eliot is American than so is Nabokov” as if it was ever the same logic but with inverse conclusions. Eliot wrote in English and moved between two English speaking countries. Nabokov wrote in English and moved from a Russian speaking country to an English speaking country. It’s not at all the same. Then, they insisted that I was the one being inconsistent while they changed the criteria completely for makes one belong to another country mid-way through the argument and now you’re saying it’s a consequence of nationality. Lastly, no one cares about that guy or his list or his criteria and reasoning for it. So all in all, I was completely right and the mental gymnastics along the way to try to argue with me just argue reached retardation and while you all called the kettle black, the pots that you are.

>> No.18313571

You are retarded and have shit taste.

>> No.18313590

You are seething

>> No.18313593


>> No.18313595

Dial8 listranny

>> No.18313608

Cope seethe dilate you genuine retard. You’ll never have good taste, you raging faggot

>> No.18313610

American literature isn't even the greatest English language literature

>> No.18313653

You said all of that already. You are boring and unoriginal and I hate you.

>> No.18313694

>he fell for the alchemist meme

>> No.18313695

Keep crying about your mediocrity, pleb.

>> No.18313698


>> No.18313718
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>American literature
Good joke, OP.

>> No.18313808

Here is the definite list, there is no debating.

Tier 1:
> United Kingdom
> Spain
> France
> Italy

Tier 2:
> Germany (including Austria)
> Russia

Tier 3:
> Japan
> Brazil

Tier 4
> China
> Czech Republic
> Norway
> Portugal
> Poland

Tier 5:
> Others

>> No.18313816


>> No.18313818

Shit list in all seriousness

>> No.18313864

The United States can't compete with the tier 1 countries because of it's recency, and Germany and Russia, even though they are much older, for the greater part of their respective history, they were the least advanced of European states, Germany for exemple would only develop a truly great literary tradition during the enlightenment, especially because they were devastated by war when the other european countries were reaching the peak of literary culture.

>> No.18313872

what's wrong with it?

>> No.18313918

Well the thread topic is USA and you put USA down with Brazil and Japan, which is beyond stupid. You also overrated Germany while including Austria. Why not just include anywhere that speaks German while you’re at it? And I think to cap it all off the dumbest thing you did was try to arrange this into tiers in the first place.

>> No.18313994

Just because the topic of the thread is USA literature, then i should lie and put the USA above the others? Even though american literature begins at the 19th century and has at best 5 great writers (and these cant come close to Dante, Shakespeare, Cervantes, etc). And i included Austria with Germany because of historical connections, not only because they speak german, that's why Switzerland and Belgium are not included with it. Defining the literary importance of a country by tier is of course not ideal.

>> No.18314071

Let's consider some factors.
Americans can't even draw upon the history epic palaces and mighty kingdoms and the many many pre-gunpowder melee wars. Yet they have so many classics. Why is this?

Shitposting aside though maybe it's just economic influence? Is Moby Dick really the king of books? I'm looking at a nice paperback copy my sister gave me for Christmas and I haven't started it yet. I'm sure it will still be amazing even after all the media osmosis exposure I've had to it. Treasure Island proved to be the same. I thought I'd "basically read it" but now it's one of my favorites and I've read it more than a few times.